Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1911, p. 7

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mm mm Keeks WHAT ft ABOUT Church Pyramid Lodge No I567meits at Oddfellows Hall at next Sun- day evening and will attend service invited J Mothers Meeting In the Temperance Hall on Fridayv afternoon at All- Vr Spring Special Seeds Seeds Errors Corrected Two errors occurred in the list promotions at the Public School The name of Howard Hugo should have appeared seventeenth among those promoted to Junior Triv- passed to Junior III It was fault of the printer Thrown Oat On Wednesday evening- a horse took fright down town at an auto and turning the Bank of Toronto corner it fell down A young lady in the buggy beside the driver was thrown over the dashboard to the ground but fortunately escaped serious injury in the Methodist Church in a body Visiting brethren welcome 1 C T U The regular monthly meeting of the will be held on Tuesday the 2nd day of May at pm in the home of Mrs Cane on Huron Street A larger attendance is requested I- I See the Engraving Demonstration At Bennett Bros Your- name en- 1 graved while you wait Dont fail to- see this every afternoon and ev ening t We are giving Seeds attention this Spring our special Brought to Newmarket The remains of Mrs Walter Wil son who died in California last were brought on Monday afternoon accompanied by CLOVER TIMOTHY two brothers from Toronto and were ALFALFA LUCERNE FIELD CORN ETC market Cemetery AH Kinds of GARDEN In Bulk or Package and as far as can see or know the quality is No in every case We buy only from Reliable Seed Firms so as to secure the Best and Most Productive Seeds When Wanting Seeds Come and In spect Our Stock Signs of Spring Rain Movings A new suit Cricket talk New headgear- Housecleaning Athletic meetings That tired feeling Cleaning up the yard Lacrosse on the street Reappearance of the bicycle Greater rush at the post office Small girl with rope Small boys with their marbles The Band A meeting of the members of the Newmarket Band and MmmUJje will please return promptly Public Library It is requested that all persons having books out past the allotted time return them at once The reader who borrowed the book Songs of a by Robert appointed by the Town Council will be held Friday night April 28th at eight oclock in the Fire Hall for League the purpose of reorganizing the and other business All citizens in the Band are invited to attend Bible Class All members of the above Class are requested to be present at the semi annual election of officers and social evening to take place in the base ment of the Methodist Church to- night Friday at oclock sharp Member are also requested to he at the Methodist Church at pm Any Man can dress well at a High Price but here we our Pa trons at the Lowest Possible Figure and do it right in order that a photograph may taken of the entire Class be Presbyterian Church As the Spring Sacrament will The semiannual election of officers was held on Monday evening April and the following officers elected President Mr 1st ViceMr 2nd Vice Dr Wilkinson 3rd Vic Mrs Vice Miss Secretary Miss A Stephens Treasurer Mr Sec Mr Brooks Rep Miss V After the election refreshements ere served by the social committee and a general good time reported by all present be IMPORTER OK STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA FOR Easter Delicacies Co to Public School When the Public Schools reopened on Monday morning the attendance reached nearly boys and distributed as follows I K A Cornell Miss III Miss Truman Miss 38 V Miss McCallum VI Miss Hardy 59 Miss Ironside I Miss McKay 5C Fortyseven of the above were new beginners in the two Primary A new Public School on the west side of the town will have to be built next year and an effort should be made to have the Model School located in the new building Farm Produce Good market last Saturday Lots of butter and eggs which were the principal commodities The ruling prices were as follows Eggs to per dot Butter to 2Cc per lb Dressed Chickens to per lb Apples to per basket Potatoes CO to per bag Choice Maple Syrup per gal Live Chickens to per It Old Hens per lb Live Ducks to lie per lb Live per lb Live Turkeys to per lb Rabbit- 25 to 40c per pair Pigeons per pair Suckers per dozen Live Calves per Live Sheep J to per Cream per quart Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb to 1200 each Sheepskins each dispensed in St Andrews here on Sabbath May 7th the lec ture preparatory to Communion will he given by Rev Dr McTavish of Central Presbyterian Church Toron to on Thursday evening May at 8 oclock Please note the change from Friday to Thursday evening All cordially invited to be present Some one who has up says there are counted Man Nearly Killed On Wednesday afternoon there was a narrow escape of a fatal accident at the new Specialty Factory A carpenter from Stratford named Har ry was carrying a plank backwards when he tripped over some thing on the floor and fell headfirst through an opening left for building purposes to the next floor a distance of feet lighting on his shoulders and the hack of his neck Dr Scott was at once summoned and fifteen minutes after his arrival the man got up and walked It was a miracle that he was not killed but fortunat ely no bones were broken and he will likely be at work in a day two Dr Firth Principal of Pickering College has joined the auto proces sion them biles in town now The Office Specialty foremen In number had dinner at the King George last night The town roadscraper did good ser vice on the streets the fore part of the week Next Monday is Arbor Day Set out some shade trees and clean up The Clothing Factory a Mr carter were added to the Telephone Exchange this week The Martin Co es tate is being wound up at the dollar The Degree Team of Oddfellows is going to visit a city Lodge this ev ening and exemplify the work Take for Instance FitReform Clothes Theyre for the Particular Man the Man who wants to look as though his Clothes were TailorMade We show Suits as Low as and Nothing Cheap about the Suit or the Service it offers you Am Cheaper Clothes Are here too for all Sorts and Conditions of ilen and Boys Hi or lb Tallow per lb The Leading Reliable Prompt Phone of Main Timothy Streets Standard to he Raised In View the fact that the in the are too large for effective work and that the pressure in flu pass A Moon and Cor- course of the first year is becoming Randolph of ie I very heavy the senate of the Guard have vrlty now considering the guesUt at the of the the few day getting their entrance to the university to that pi in shape for the corning senior Instead of junior also fitting out someol the IM question was laidbefore and men with clothing for the senate by the Falconer Ike coming horse which the the university The Fun of a Lifetime That wonderful machine The which will by the famous Professor Make over will he put into practical use in he Town Mali next Friday even ing May and several Old Maids will be transformed into beautiful blushing young maidens You should not miss this miracle of modern in vention and to See the phenomenon you should not fail to witness trie Comedy in one act The Spinsters Convention which will he produced by entirely local talent Secure your tickets from Drug Store or from any of the members of the Chancel under whose auspices the production is being giv en Christian Church Rev Ilainer of Toronto deliv ered two splendid sermons last Sun day to large and appreciative audi ences Next Sunday the pastor will occu py the pulpit morning and evening and speak on the following subjects am Spring and its Lessons pm Housecleaning In the morning there will be a re ception of members On Tuesday evening May 2nd the Christian Endeavor Society- will give a Literary Program in the church parlors followed by The feast of the seven tables It promises to be a most unique social and all the folks are cordially Incited to spend the evening with them There is a feeling among those who heard Miss recital of Sowing Seeds that she should return and give The Second Chance The matter will he dis cussed later and full announcements made through the local papers WE BUY QR WE SELL Thats why our Prices are so tow IN and take a look at the Stock FOR GOOD CLOTHES The Men Main St Wee Travelling Public Tickets this week were Bold at At kinsons agency to the following Mr and Mrs for Milestone Mrs Geo Smith for Swift Cur rent Mr Smith and Mr Harder for Moose law Mr A T Kerr for Mrs and Mrs for Montreal Mrs Johnson who fell through a window at Hall last week died at the hospital on Saturday Threw Out In Her Stockings Angeles April While trav elling to this city Mrs Francis Held ol Conn inadver tently threw a pair of stockings out of the window of a fast Santa train a few miles west of Albuquer que Soon afterwards she ill severed that she had left a roll of in bills in the toe of one of the stockings and she appealed to Conductor Thompson for help to recover It At the next station Thompson wjr- back to the agent at Albuquerque to a search which was done and the stockings and money were found This information was wired to Ariz and when Mrs fields train arrived there the com panys representative handed her the cash The stockings it Is stated now on the way by mail because they could not he forwarded by wire An egg beater shodld never be oft to soak in water ps the oil washed out the gears making It hard to turn are part In taking a prominent a are busy ceding while the ladles arc taking advantage- the ftfee to do their bouse- cleanlt Williams returned from her on Monday and duties SCora of Toronto a few days with bet re Mr a had the to lose a valuable last MUs ffolifdye ha gone to trance landlord for the Mabel lark and the fuesi4 of T Brooks ity to Miss a relapse last week affects Is much lhan Mote bear Mr MoCorrnack our burg very soon for the an Wouldnt he hood be useful there and v ill brought up for discussion at the autumn meeting of the senate and if the principle Is approved It v Ill then he sent to the various 1 par men of the university for con sideration Another Important move has hem made In connection with the universities of Queens tr and to alio of the matriculation and a plan to aid the student who Is unable to attend the regular sessions of a sec- school In requesting the university send to consider the advisability standard of university en to that of matrlcuta Ion fir falconer slated that his Hire was that the senate should to consider the matter because hi his judgment steps should taken Board of Trade About of the men- of the Town attended an important meeting of the Hoard of Trade in the fall last Monday ev ening Hon 1 Davis occupied the chair The Secretary reported that the Charter has been obtained Mr A presented the report of the committee on which was adopted and the Secretary instructed to have copies printed for the use of mem bers All the provisional officers were elected for the balance of the year and the Council of the Hoard was requested to select the Standing Committees and report The Committee on Industries re ported progress At the request of the officers the Chairfan delivered an excellent the advantages of a Hoard of Trade to a lie instanced the fact that the Town Council which gives much valuable time In Cash Prizes Farmers extern j lUlouily islstajee personality of the citizens can im f place deprived of natural aid Mrs spent Bun- day at Mr to see Miss ft out after lr Illness has sold farm and expect to move a short time yoii Valley Frosty Iat you ma tort Dont forget the Willing Workers at Mrs Sam floods Friday ev- April program Tea froa and bow earnest and practical men and women ready to te sacrifice some lime and money for the general can accompli ex- lent results lie referred to the educational facilities Newmarket and the great advancement made In the past seven years lie spoke how well I I as manufacturersCan town Especially can of Trade In creating public frHmich In or were dwelt and many valuable suggestion A discussion and the question of electrical develop ment steamheating telephone service With rural lines Office facilities towards that end Such a In requirements ufmands the I hut the he examined carefully by department of the university ft hoped by the authorities To ronto that the other uni versities of the province will agree to introduce the same standard and general The the pan course oj the becoming very heavy The classes are too large for effective work ft would an advantage for moat of those students to remain a longer school where they would have the attention of the It would be cheaper for them to spend Montreal on a ofl year at schorl to to the named and Is quite lively that that the schools the province will crossings will be is for he ha committees and for that of the indents In telephone facilities with the surrounding com- was explained by the phone manager Mr The users rural telephones entering Au- pay a fee of per month to the Telephone Co and that tc- cures free connection whereas people on itt Mount Albert line choose to you one of the thousand of Canadian farmery who have used or iriv iii Canada Cement I for the conBtructlon of farm Utility If you contemplate building anything of concrete make up your now to build It with a view to winning one of the prizes we are of fering Head the rest of this announce ment and you wlU learn how you may try for a In the arc away to the of cement upon the farm Throughout Canada the farmers have taken auch a keen Interest In our campaign that It Inspired to go further along these educational lines We have decided therefore to offer a of four prizes to each of the nine Provinces to be award ed as follows PRIZE A169G0 to be to farmer In each Province who will during 111 the ore ate it number of of CANADA Cement for actual work done on hie farm PRIZE D to be Qlven to the farmer In each Province CANADA Cement on hie farm In 1911 for the number of pur- PRIZE to be to the farmer In each who furnlthei with a photograph beat of kind of wcrk done en farm during With CAfADA Cement- PRIZE to be given to the In each Province who furnlehee the and complete of hoy any particular piece of by photograph tent In done this contest no farmer should from because of any feeling that he may have little chance against his neighbor who he thinks might use more cement than he does For It will be noted that Prizes and have no bearing whatever on quantity of cement used The man who sends us the belt photoKraph of bo email a thing as a Watering trough or a hitch ing post has much chance for Prize as a man who sends a photograph of a house built of and the same with Prize- as to beat description Canada Cement is handled by dealers In almost every town in Canada there not happen to be a dealer In your locality let us know and wo will try to appoint one Contest will on November 1311 and all photos and descriptions must be In our by that date- Awards will be made as soon as possible thereafter The Jury of award will con sist of Prof Peter Lecturer in Theory of Construction University of Toronto Day Professor of Phy sics Ontario College and Ivan Editor of Construction Now you cannot hope to do concrete work to the best advantage unless you have a copy book entitled What the Farmer Can Do With Con This book tells how to construct wellnigh anything on the farm from hitching post to alio Whether you enter the contest or not youll find this book most helpful A asking for the book will bring It to you promptly Send for your copy to night From your cement dealer or from us you can obtain a folder containing full particu lars of contest It you eend to us for It use the coup on provided In this announcement was Jail tot a his mate to rela tives the Vat mm visible Canada pay a toll of per rather than have the flat rale hut New market people want to pay a toll of tor meMJ5ftrUWi extra ic to the Mount Albert Com pany 1J mm r mm 1 is ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO s M t j Canada Cement Co LIMITED MONTREAL QUE

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