Newmarket Era , May 5, 1911, p. 2

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s i Girls Wanted Apply at Clothing- Factory Market- 16 Help Wanted Steady work for several bright ac tive Boys also for a quickturn han dy Man Apply at the office of CAKE SONS Co Pasture TreePlanting The announcement is madethat the Ontario Government has purchased about acres of waste lands ra the County of Norfolk and that Prof J of the Ontario Agricultural College is now engaged in planting said lands with white red Scotch and jackpine black locust and other varieties of trees suited to the district We are also told that tests are being made The Globes Ottawa correspondent truthfully observes The attitude of the Government and the Liberal ma jority in Parliament is very plain and the issue at stake cannot be sutv disguised from the electors despite the obvious attempts lay on the Government the onus either for the nonattendance of Sir Wilfrid at the Conference or for the holding up of the business of Parliament If the Opposition is with oak walnut butternut and j sure that the country will sus- chestnut The Globe states this tain their factious opposition to reci- of planting is not primarily to procity why donfv they enter forestry interests cattle wellwatered near to Newmarket Apply to Bos New market J although some lumber and pulp companies are already doing that but to occupy the soils not fit for agriculture From observations made last gen eral election at the Conservative meeting held in this town we were House for On Eagle St Newmarket at pres ent occupied by Mr Apply on the premises or to Dr Green wood Sutton West House to Let protest and then kick when the elec tions come off This would be more manly An Associated cable despatch from London dated May says The News remarks that the I Mr was In town again last Saturday Miss Morton left on Tuesday to spend six months in Chicago Miss Maud of Sharon has resumed her duties as school teacher at Mr Jas Sbarpe and family have moved back to Town from No place like home Mrs Lloyd Dunn and dauhr of Montreal are the guests of Mrs Dr Scott for a few days Mrs Campbell of Belmont has been visiting her daughter Mrs F Fisher for a fortnights Mr Walker Caldwell last week from Montrose he spent the winter Mr Stratford Dawson and family I Sole Agents I for QUEEN- QUALITY SHOES SPEND AT n SAVE Special Orders for BLINDS Delivered in hours fc of Canada the premier I of treat are staying with Mr ted to believe the light lands of the colony the Imperial Conference Ridges of Whitchurch and King in this Hiding would be selected for would not deserve the epithet Im perial It adds If Sir Wilfrid House on Gotham St containing stronger interests parlor diningroom kitchen and four bedrooms now occupied by Mr Mar tin Possession May Apply to Mrs E Foster Murray St this experiment on the part of the is absent the conitrence will Ontario Government but it appears necessarily be largely barren The prevailed in precedent of a conference without and Canada may very gravely favor of the Norfolk along with the location of the whole future significance of the Con- location tang Prison the project will continue to linger in the realm of future ex pectation For Sale Good Farm Wagon and gravel box About 200 Cedar Fence Posts Anchor Posts feet long The above can be seen at the Farm Pine Orchard For particu lars apply to Mr Hope on the or to John All Wrongdoing Denied For Sale Lots and in the Eighth Con cession of North acres arable land under cultivation acres of first class pasture good water log house and log barn For terms apply to Joseph A Gibson Newmarket PO or Choppin Solicitor Driving Outfit for Consisting of 7yearold Mare New Harness Top Buggy Cutter Kobe and everything complete Mare is a good roadster Apply at this office For 8ale Three TwoWheel Road Scrapers Enquire of V DENNE CO 2wH Newmarket Town of Newmarket INSPECTORS NOTICE During the past week a section- of the Opposition press has Iken busy stances to play insinuating a scandal and making j sensational charges against a member of the Dominion Cabinet as being guilty of wrongdoing in con nection with the transfer to the Canadian Northern Railway of lands of the Manitoba South eastern Railway In this connection it was further alleged that in was deposited from the Manhattan Bank of New York to the Imperial Bank at Edmonton in the name of Mr Oliver while a year later before the general election of 1008 the sum of was also deposit ed in the same way from the same source It is known the article alleged that he Oliver checked idea- Canadian Conservatives ought surely to reflect on the conse quences of the heavy blow to the one institution which coordinates and centralizes the statesmanship of the Empire It certainly is no credit to the Conservative minority in Parliament under the circuni- part of ohstruc- TAILORED GAUtNTS FOR MEN money for campaign pur- is hereby given that all stables outhouses cellars etc in the Town of Newmarket must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on or before Monday the of May 1911 on which date I will commence the duties of inspection Every place that will not pass In spection will be reported to the Board of Health By order P J ANDERSON Inspector There is a fine variety of interest I in the May Canadian Magazine George Its Awakening by Russell Walker is a delightful de scription of the the new tow Trunk Pacific Independence by John is the kind of article that causes discussion Fleets of Peace by A Bowman is a good and timely appreciation of the tuousness of passenger vessels in the Canadian inland waters Loyalist by Daniel is an old Nova town Town in the West is a breezy article by Arthur new towns in their names There arc tides of interest besides a number of firstclass short stories KETTLE BY Mrs of is visiting out this poses On -Tuesday- last at the request of Hon Mr Oliver Sir Wilfrid moved the appointment of a special committee to fully investigate the circumstances of the above alleged charge This unexpected turn of events made members on the daughter Mrs Frank Davis tion side of the House sit up and Mrs Geo who has bees look but later on when Hon OH- visiting Mrs Butcher has returned arose in his place- and denied the city base insinuations charged and asked Mrs and that a coimnitteebe forthwith arc visiting at pointed to make- a thorough investi- Wire Fencing Five AMERICAN FIELD AND LAWN FENCES A Tkc Steel Co LW Come td Quality get prices For By J Hen High School Newmarket Ontario Attend the Best IT PAYS J7 ELLIOTT a national tat Ion for superior work Open all year Enter now Catalogue free Bach Week Coming to Canada I gationj the Liberals greeted his ob servations and unqualified denial with loud and prolonged cheers There was no mistaking Mr OJivers posi tion He was clear and pronounced In his statement lie said So that there may be no mis understanding I desire to state without or qualifica tion that there is no foundation for such an Insinuation In re gard to the land transaction the action of the Government was taken upon my recommendation made the recommendation In pursuance- of v bat I believed to be sound public policy and with due regard to the public interest So money consideration was re ceived as- a result of that recom mendation and decision nor con sideration in any other way No specific charge lias made but desire that the full est opportunity shall be given to any who may desire to lay such a charge The insinualors can now make good their anonymous statements or stand convicted of stabbing in- the dark at the beck of some person or persons who had not the courage- to come out in the open Fold the tone and temper of Hon- Mr Oliver be Is evidently prepared to nay Come on MeDttff or McOilliCUd- Toronto News or World or other insinuates The whole thing looks like pari of a COnCCived game to keep the House from- pronouncing upon the reciproci ty a dead killtime opera tion to deceive the country hut it will not avail Farmers know the situation as well as the city mergers time sound Fred Dawson Street Owing to illness Miss Sutton one of the teachers at Pickering Col lege has resigned and left for home at Bloom field The Misses Robertson entertained a number of their friends at the spa cious residence of ExMayor Robert son last Friday evening Mr and family left for Jacksons Point for the summer last Saturday Miss Edna of Petcrboro was home a day- or two last weekv Mrs A who has visited with Mrs Janes Eves St for a year returned to her home in Chicago on Wednesday lase accom panied by Mrs The two ladies and two gentle men from Toronto and who were guests at Mr Ed beginning of one of ns along the Grand Railway- Canadian Toronto Saturday Night Mr and Mrs Harry Heap spent a few days in town this- week at the Prince George en route from New York where they were married on the instant to their home in Winnipeg Mrs Heap is a niece of the late Joseph of House and Mr Heap was stationed here some years ago on the staff of the West Set I banks so both have many re other Toronto Toronto Saturday Night The arrival of a son and heir on Satur day at the new homo of Rev and Mrs Crawford Brown was the happy event which followed the taking possession of handsome residence of its owners The best wishes of hosts of friends are with the little man and his parents Mrs Crawford Brown is the only child of Hon Senator ami Mrs MelvinJones of and the grandparents are naturally delighted at the arrival of Master Crawford Brown Mr O of Oxbow writes as follows The read ing of the Era each week brings names to my mind of many who ap parently had been lost from memory We always welcome it to our home We are enjoying fine seeding weather The last of April will see practically all the wheat sown in this district We had a heavy fall of snow during the winter but the moderate weath er of the spring opening in the ground leaving very We have received the exclusive Agency for this celebrated Brand of HighClass Clothing for Gentlemen This line does not need any introduction to the good dressers of this vicinity it being successfully handled by the Martin Company We have made special arrangements to have our orders filled promptly so that in placing your order youre perfectly sure of getting prompt service and courteous treatmen Q J Youll want to look slick that day why not try a Century Measure Suit If ordered at once we can get delivery before that date Over 500 new samples to choose from made in all the Newest Styles old style garments to show you everything Kindly note we hove no NEW- and her son of The following officers were elected for the year at the League President Mr Wells VicePres Miss Jarvis 2nd Miss J 3rd VicePres Miss VicePres Miss Secretary Mr Treasurer Mr Pratt Organist Miss M Mrs Waldock is visiting her broth er at The Quarterly Meeting services will be in the Methodist Church ion Sunday May at am Mrs Eli and family have returned to home in Cold water after spending several months at Mr Joel Mrs It and Miss Delia spent a day in Toronto Mrs Malum visited relatives in Toronto for a few days The Christian Church being and papered Mr Topper an old and respected resident of this neighborhood passed away at bis home on Thursday af ter a lingering illness His remains were interred in the Methodist little in sloughs at present time So far this spring we have had no rain The ground is an ideal shape for a crop and as crop was light in this dibtrict last year we are look ing for a bumper one this year Kind regards to old friends BUYERSgANDi SELLERS TUB ALTAR here on v Saturday afternoon The pastor I A Jordan conduct ed the service family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement Mr Law spent a few days- in Mrs and son of visiting at her fathers Mr j and voice lots when the no uncertain arrives will by their May now the the emigration scavm to Canada and although more are plying Atlantic at this time than ever before all the stramshlp companies arc hooked up for some weeks and some for months to come specially noticeable among the of emigrant are tl- families of those who have already gone out i izse are now taking of the month of the year for settling their new homes It J rows Hair BUT NOT THE IB DEM Patterson will tell you that he sells great many bottles of Pari sian because It gives satisfac tion J Patterson guarantees It to eradicate dandruff stop falling and splitting hair and itching scalp or money back were Mr and Mrs Paisley were visitors for a few days There no service in Meth odist Church on Sunday on account of he funeral of the late Mr Harn- Whose remains were hi at Mr I Karnes spent a couple of days at iU Canadian will make hair grow sending out on steamer about life and lustre Into dull and faded The is Mm fog about dressing in the world Only 50 cents for who proceed by the Parisian Bags Is the best hair grower and dandruff cure and cleaner known Try It or Canada Who prfrd by the I fines- he Canadian Northern announced It practically booked up un til Once a fortnight one of I its takes out gran a J Others formed into are carried by other In all en average of five ressels having a to tal carrying capacity of about persons re leaving this coun try each week for Canada lOUr money back plan A COW ligitg to a Mantilla Co Mayo Ireland farmer died and a postmortem examination was made determine cause of death When was opened their was found Inside a leather clasp purse In a lucent sack of smoking to containing sovereigns one half- a trusty in county Jail at an diamond ring It thought the ring the of a girl packer was A sacks sovereign a threepence in coppers and a railway ticket to Mul ls there was also found a brass fifij door knob three brdechloadiiig cart ing ridge and a quantity of black glass to bottles A rally of beeaecpers In to take place on the farm of J Evan Islington On May at one o clock for practical demonstration Emigration from Scotland to Can ada Is exceptionally heavy this Up to the middle Of last month about MOO people left the Clyde for Dominion Montreal April JO It was official ly announced at the Trunk of fices yesterday that the company proposes nine and million dollars Its great scheme for the Improvement of Its terminal In Montreal Buffalo April 2fc Ten persons were Injured two of them seriously a headon collision between two trolley cars under the shadow a viaduct on street early today Arthur Moon yearn old a conductor has a fractured skull and Mrs Hay years old has a broken back Both may Hand Point April Ah the result of an explosion the drying- house of the Dominion Explosive Company one and half miles west of this placet a calamity which In cause and some of results almost ex actly duplicated that of a year ago In the same powder mills four men were Instantly killed A number of people have been here from Toronto and Newmarket making gardens and fixing up Mr new house com pleted all but the painting Darker Bros of Newmarket bad the con tract Dr Is putting large wing on the south side of his cot tage and extending verandah Rev I Addison has been here for weeks He has his garden all In and some vegetables are up lit looks as If he intended doing some cement work Mr I ft v is getting ready to build of Mrs David Lloyds cottage lie has sold three lots north Mr I lamer to Mr A Thompson of Toronto who Is also getting ready build The additions to both hoarding houses look fine Mrs Lloyd has rented her cottage to Mr of Toronto for the sea son Mr Porters cottage Is greatly Im proved by a new coal paint Mr Madman has rented his cottage for the season to a Toronto man Mrs Is going to Edin burgh for the summer owing to the death of her mother Dr has sold his cottage and Is going to California to reside TUB Newmarket on May 2nd mi to Mr and Mrs a son HOSE In Newmarket on 1st lull to Mr and Mrs Win of the York a daughter WRIGHT In East on May 3rd Mr and Mrs Walter Wright a son St Panics Church Sharon on April lb by Taylor Martha Josephine youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Amos to Mr Daniel Buchanan of Gait HEAPSIMPSON On Wednesday April at Church of the Transfiguration New York City by the rector Iter Dr Houghton Constance Simpson Newmarket to Harry Heap Winnipeg TUB TOMB In Holland Landing on April lull Beth Beaton aged years months Interred at Christ Church Cemetery on Sunday afternoon THIKSKIn Scott on Sunday April Nancy Jane Hunter widow of the late Ceo aged years I months and 22 days Funeral Tuesday to man Cemetery Newmarket on April 1011 Audrey daughter Al fred Bishop aged 2 weeks St on April son of Nell Dyke aged year month and days Although this is not a good year for Maple Syrup we have a quantity of Ontario Pure Maple Syrup And wo have also to arrive gallons of Quebec Syrup which has a Govern ment Guarantee of Purity Leave us your order I of Different Kinds Lettuce Parsnips Turnips Toma toes Onions Cabbage Carrots Potatoes T April 27th Of hl8 on Ill I at the home Mrs William White aged years Interred at Sutton on Monday Canned and Raw Fruits of different kinds J ROHDHOUSH WAIN ftT NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will Careful Prompt Attention KOPEKS At Woodford April 21 Joseph Moore Rogers aged son of the late Rogers of Street IN MEM OKI AM JONES In loving memory of my dear husband Anson Jones who departed thin life May the husband It is two years since you passed away beyond the Realm Of Time How I missed JoU during the long and lonely winter days whin ever I east my eyes toward your va cant chair How I missed your pleasant evening talk hut soon shall these troubles and sorrows be past then shall we meet in mansions of love Sadly missed by a loving wife NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE All Pcrscrlptlons and Family Receipts personally attended to and nothing but the BEST AND PUREST DRUGS USED Agent for Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers House Phone All Calls cheerfully Phone Number Attended to THE LEADING FurnitoreA Undertaking flonse Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY tails to at residence John Millard BOOKS THAT flEAEXY you you want to know and a practical thai you eta tied will be tent jou free open tell allftbout Practical Home iiud Ibit are i on the iriOf 2nd and element ln electric 1 automobiles and Louie And and etc Ho matter v a or detlre for mar be we la if- llatt that will jive the and Infeffiiation that you want and need Write today for ihli popular price It It free FREDERICK J DRAKE CO Sill Educational Chicago v

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