peeks Heats is wi tow ffm is putting up a fine foundation St- Bond is putting a stone under his home on Queen Womens Institute regular meeting of the New- Womens Institute will be on the of May at the of Mrs Yonge at oclock A demonstra te be sent the Quaker Company and will demonstrate the meeting Brief lets will make no mistake If you esd the of May in M dont you will regret it Mr Pax ton lost a work torse last week from inflammation following distemper fishing yet Our trout sports have been out this reek- You will be alter you see the production in one act entitled Under the auspices of the Chancel Guild of the St Paul Church to be held in the Town Hall Newmarket T -ON- t miss the Old Maids ra A very pretty wedding took place the residence of the brides moth er 107 Montrose Ave Toronto on Monday April 17th when the daughter of Mr Jiiracban was united in marriage to William Hoy Arm it age eldest son of Sate ft Armitage and Mrs A en it age The bride was given away by her toother and wore a travelling suit cream serge and large black hat with plumes Only the very Immediate friends were present The happy couple left for their future home in Brunswick amid showers confetti and good wishes Nearly Wrecked About a quarter after six oclock last Friday morning the passengers or the train for Toronto had a narrow escape from serious accj- A man named Robert Ray was walking on the track going Newmarket to Holland Landing for the purpose of getting a job on tJr canal About opposite the first lock on the canal north of Newma r- he discovered that a piece of rail about feet long was missing Just he heard a train coming along he rushed up the track waving bis hands in a frantic manner The tram was going about miles an hour but Engineer thought something mustbe the matter and the train to a standstill within Us own length the nose of the pilot resting over the broken rail Had the train struck spot at the speed it was travel ling it would likely have left the rails and rolled down the embank meat probably with loss of life St Pauls Mens Association A meeting of the abovewill beheld in the School Room on Wednesday May at pm All are wel come The Free Methodists Hold Quarterly Meeting in the Temperance Hall next Sunday Love Feast at am preaching at a and- pm Special meetings on Friday and Saturday evenings Figures J Mr A Yule Customs officer for Newmarket and Aurora informs us that for the yean ending March he collected no less than in duties on foreign goods The duties on coal alone is a big item New Telephones Following is a list of telephones connected to The Hell Telephone esc- change the past few days and Abbott Clothing Factory Prospect Ave R Merchant Hol land Landing las Sharpe Hotel Holland landing 167 Royal Hospital Mrs A Matron A farter Charles Town Water engine Town Water Wks residence Hereon filhle Class A very large attendance of the members and invited guests were at the semiannual election of officers on Friday evening last in the Methodist School Room First it order on the program was the officers resulted as election of follows Hon President Mr Aubrey Davis Patron Mr R Schmidt President J Norman Wright VicePresident ft vcretary Frank Both well TreasurerCar or Devotion Sher wood Con of Membership Hilts Con of So cial Con Clarence Con of Sports Wright Auditors Mr ft Schmidt and H Wilkinson Following the election of officers Mi ft Schmidt the chairman of evening for a few minutes l the boys fo the position lie bad been offered He regretted not taken a greater interest in the past but promised lb help more In the future especial when the new gymnasium is completed Gymnastics he oh- in his younger lays he was in belonging a in Rochester in which be was evening Instructor for some He offered all the help power to aid this- very sen si port along He also offered to fst the plan of the and to lay the Friday Eveng May A more laughable and unique sketch would be hard to find as the play introduces many fanciful characters which go to J an evening of fun and enjoyment A short program followed a dance are also included in the evenings entertainment Reserved Seats 35c Tickets 25c DOORS OPEN AT COMMENCE AT 8 Plan of hall and seats reserved at Drug Store As Monday May 1st at pm j Strikers Blamed Vancouver April That an at tempt to blow up with dynamite ear ly this morning a hundred thousand dollar fourstorey brick apartment house under construction corner of Seymour and streets was the work of striking union carpenters is the allegation made by contractor 1 Ryan vho offers a reward of for information that will lead to the arrest and Con victim of the dynamiters Tom Willet was lunching next door when the dyna miting occurred Rushing back he saw nobody Ryan says the dynamite was placed on the first floor of the building at the base of the central supporting column The building would have Collapsed if the full force of the ex plosion had been directed at the column The damage done was slight In order to deaden noise the dyna miters had placed several sacks of plaster over the explosive This caus ed the force to spread on a horizon tal plane instead of straight down to the time of the carpenters strike said Mr Ryan had been running a Closed shop Since a week ago however when the strike was declared 1 have been working on tin openshop plan Some of my carpen ters have been union men and some nonunion Yesterday five carpenters who had been working on a Job fr at the corner of Hastings and Main streets were called of the Job at noon I went to see them as soon as I heard they had quit work and found them sitting on the grass on the boulevard near the job I im mediately sent seven men to the Hastings and Main street job from the apartment house at Seymour and streets think the person or persons attempted last nights knew of construction work I dont think however mat any of my men were concerned in it The circumstance of the blast being placid under the central supporting column of lie building would indi cate that whoever placed it knew what he was doing On tin other hand the placing of the sacks ol plaster over the dynamite shows lack of knowledge the handling of ex plosives The blast spread and did but little damage to the building More damage I believe was done to the windows of nearby houses thru the detonation than the building suf fered Farm Produce Good market last Saturday But ter and eggs in abundance Ruling prices as follows 1 per dozen Butter per lb Dressed chickens per Apples per basket Apples per Potatoes hoc per hag Sucker per dozen Live Chickens 1 per Old Hens lb Live per lb Live per lb Live Turkeys 10l5c per Pigeons Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb to each Sheepskins each Tallow per lb Council met on Monday May- 1st Member Pearscn Reeve Keith Messrs Hunter Vale Barker Eves and- Cane Mr Manning appeared before the Council asking for water service on Huron St Mr Evans and Mr appeared before the asking for a franchise for producing natural gas should they be successful in eating gas The matter was referred to the bylaw Com to report at the next meeting Following bills passed Cranton Co dog tags450 Can Ex Co on tags Can Oil Co red en oilH80 Y Co on oil 85 las Robertson Co WAV sup 3572 Can Gen EI Co graphite 300 Can Ex Co chgs on packing tick for charity Job Murphy cartage 383 p Duncan bills and pat Applications for water service from Frank Smith Mrs Laker Eagle St Miss Haight Niagara St and J Roche Ni agara St All granted The Public School Board asked for the sum of on account ol the levy for Referred to Fin Com A communication was received from the Office Specialty Co asking for promised on completion of their new building to Fin Com A communication was read from Wesley re condition of Eagle St Referred to the R Com A communication was read from P 1 Anderson which was referred to the Property Com Mr Vale on behalf of the Finance Com presented a report on matter referred to them in connection with an Athletic meet to be held here on the of May 1011 Report adopted By permission of the Council Mr Keith introduced a bylaw to author ize the conveyance of certain lands to the Office Specialty MTg Co By law passed Mr Vale introduced a bylaw to grant aid to the establishment and equipment of an hospital in the Town of by Mrs Margar et Evans ByLaw passed Council adjourned Revolutionists Are Sweeping China With Fire unci Sword SPRING PRINTS WINDOW SHADES CARPETS OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS POLES AND FITTINGS LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES I SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Every man women and child should buy their Shoes from us Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair- BRUNTON thrust its tusks into it Attaches of the show ran to the rescue with pitchforks and drove the elephant from its victim Later it was shot Ask to See our II 1 STANDARD NEW SPRING PATTERNS A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket I lb to be pro iiing Instruct uj be found ft possible this speech a musical followed iding Cremation of Ham I Rev i When the Purple Christian Church Pastor informs us that Mr Andrew Carnegie has promised to assist in the purchase of their organ to the extent of which in is welcome news to the congregation The- organ is being installed thin week Work being this week at the Christian Church getting in readiness for the new Pipe Organ Last Sunlay the services were well attended In the morning the pas- tor received five adult members on profession of faith with more to fol low Service next Sunday as usual but the he held In the basement Plenty of room for the usual on the following topics am A Advocate Daniel a Man of Princi ple a sermon to men apparatus which it needed will speak he said he ft Hair Health VOL HAVE OR HAIR TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OFFER ft I Tint the Golden Stephens Modern Pharisees Annie Meek It Pirated Mr Barker 9ongyThe of Mr At red LtrcnnUI duet preset Rita Eileen Hewitt the hearty vote passed thanking Mr Sehmldt able In warn then served fxrlaj evening closed at the National of llw closing hi the idiif oralUratiofls the meeilngs will be over Montreal Cordial all young men At to to eloquent of the lesson for the Rev her of Your eyes will need help from time to time and urge you to come here Let 1ft your optician We make to for known Oefeot of Sight We ttft Beat of Material Maintain High of Work but our Prices Moderate Satisfaction here always and opticians P Ticket Issuer of Marriage iMtVUM We could not afford to so strong endorse Hair and continue to sell it as we do if it did not do all we claim it will Should our enthusiasm carry us away and Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the Users they would lose faith In us and our state ments ann in consequence our busi ness prestige would Hurler We assure you that if your hair beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble Rex all Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair growth and prevent premature bald ness Our faith Rexall Hair Tonic is BO strong that ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will he cheerfully re funded if It does not do as vc claim Two size and Sold only at our store The Store Drug Store The contract for the erection of a Sanitarium building on Little Mahi- tou Lake near Bask has been let to Drown Construction of Winnipeg When the building Will COS I in the neigh- of Hugh in the architect Ihc building being erected by Sanitarium company the of which ace almost all Winnipeg men The pari owns a site of tencre9 Sanitarium will be located on a san dy beach within feet flip Little Manltou Lake is reached by the Grand itunk railway and its waters art- of curative powers HongKong May German and warships are steaming up the Canton River at full speed today in the endeavor to rescue foreign mis sionaries several of whom are said to have been killed in the uprising in Province All the mis sionaries and other foreigners are in imminent peril Two French mis sionaries have been killed at Shin- Ting Commanders of the warships have been ordered to do everything in their power to persuade all for eigners to take refuge on the ships The British authorities here today have cabled Ixmdon an urgent appeal to have all available British war ships rushed here to protect British lives and interests- International complications are threatened from the attacks on for eigners and foreign interests and the apparent Inability of the Imperial troops to curb- the revolutionaries Reports show that the present up rising is probably the most serious that has ever been known in South eastern China which for years has been violenceridden from the secret Chinese societies and organ izations Willi lire and tfffiord the rebels are sweeping I he country leaving a trail dl death arid outrage In their wake The rebels have burned four Gov ernment buildings Two Chinese gunboats are shelling Sam which is by the re bels and scores are reported to leen killed by the lire The French missionaries are report ed to have been killed when the mis sion at Shin Ting sacked Half of the Imperial army garri soned at FatShan has mutinied and the rebels taking their anus and ammunition with them The man darins palace was attacked Europeans employed upon new rail road construction north Canton and their families are In danger of death The fate ol many of them interior districts Is unknown Pressure exerted by the British Government to compel the Lending of soldiers to protect these engineers ft Is possible that Brit ish marines and sailors from other foreign warships will be landed With the Stock Register ROYAL ablebred Clydesdale Stallion and reliable stock horse will visit Holt Mount Albert Pine Or chard Aurora returning to his own stable in Newmarket Walter Thompson manager CAPTAIN The celebrated standardbred roadster the proper ty off Pipher at King George Hotel Stables Newmarket will visit Snaron Albert Zephyr Baldwin Sutton Bel- haven Jersey Hol land Landing and Aurora See large and small cards BRUTUS Pure Bred Stal lion the property of W Toole will make the season of through Scott East Willi and Whitchurch Mount Al bert Thursday nights PRINCE ALEXANDER The Clydes dale Stallion bred and owned by W J Oldham will make the sea son of at his own stable lot 1 Con Bast PEARL OF Clydesdale Stallion the property of Henry Thompson lot If Con Scott will make the season of at Tuesdays Mount Al bert Thursdays Sandford Satur days Balance of week at home j Ladies Corset Covers fine nainsook Lace and Embroidery Inser tion Sizes 32 to 12 25 aird 50c Ladies Nigh Robes fine Mercerised Cotton Nainsook natly made with embroidery yoke and Beading SI and each Ladies Underskirts fine Nainsook wide lace Insertion al so embroidery flounce and Ladies White Drawers fine neatly finished with em- and heading special price and SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF PRETTY BLOUSES J MILLINERY AND LADIES TAILORING I Live Stock Market The cattle market was rather quick in Toronto this week Slight ad vance in exports the highest price paid being per Choice butcher cattle sold for for heavy and for light Com mon to Butcher cows to Shortkeeps weighing from to lls sold at Steers from to 1000 US sold from to 550 Export Spot Cash Specials for ten days only Canned Tomatoes Peas and Corn ewes export lambs Hogs off cars in Toronto Dinner Sets pieces a direct importation hours to engage rebels in a battle There are few American interests In hi- area of bill there are number of American and English men and women missionaries A foreign mission near said to have been burned and the mates either captive or killed EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba Saskatchewan Sx- Trlo APRIL 11 MAY II JUNE I SEPT II If OlUM ftl LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES CARS all CwafofUfcle MIpd at a- Earl mull I TrVXLC Tocoto DIRECT LIU CHAXGE OF CURS ATKINSON Agent Newmarkets Store open till eight every night Phone Toronto Markets Saturdays II i W HOWARD I Newmarket Markets a i May I toil Kail Wheat per bush Wheat per bus Oats per bush per hush Barley per hush Hay per ton Mutter per per do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 90 1 JO 7G 10 21- I I DO- 18 May 1 Kail Wheat per hush Oats per bush Barley per bush per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton j per do Butter per It Potatoes Chickens per lb 70 SO 0 30 CO 21 25 11 0 18 1 fr ffiffl Killed by an Elephant Trainers Dixon Mo April 0 WrcoiiM on saw an infuriate elephant hurl Its trainer info the air and Ifien after crushing him with Its weight repeatedly pierced the body with it tusks The tragedy crime while lamCS the m was endeavoring to put the ani mal which belonged to a Wild Went Into a car Hddebrandt was adjusting the chains which bound the elephant to mate Without warn ing the elephant became and wrapping Its trunk around the trainers lifted him high the then dashed him to the ground It is believed he- was killed instantly With it rage still unsatisfied the Furnishings Hats and 1 k Shoes MENS WEAR DEPARTMENT fcneAdlng I he My with forefeet Then It dragged 50 the railroad- track in anil to i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO In the Old Stand 5 Ji i