i VJ reps TO SEE We hare a Fresh stock of Red Clo ver and Timothy Seed and Prices are Right Vegetable and Seeds 2 for Leather Label r Overalls and Smocks The kind with the Big Guarantee SHOES Have you seen the New Patented Seamless Working Shoe There are no seams to rip out Dry Goods We have just received a fresh stock Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money two prices x V MANAGER SERVICE The usual Church of England ser vice will be held in the Friendly So cieties- Hall on Sunday morning at am All are welcome SPECIAL If there are any more farmers in need of Land Rollers I have a few left If you want one hurry up as tins is your last chance at the great Reduced Price If you want time you can have it H Pegg MOUNT ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH Sunday May Morning Quarterly Meeting Fel lowship meeting at Preaching service at followed by the Lords Supper Evening Ladies Service Special music by a Young Ladies Choir Collection for the persistent encores which greeted them every time The are grand Mrs wife of the Presbyte rian minister at Sutton is the lead er as well as leading soloist Rev Cameron presided and opened the program with prayer Tne- even ing closed with the National An- them and the benediction pronounced by Rev Well wood SUTTON Personal Mr and Mrs Stourbridge have re turned from visit to Washington Mr Goodyear is keeping much the same Miss Grace of Toronto has been spending a few days here with her sister Mrs Boadwav Coal Oil Best American Water White 20c 15c gal- Liquid Paint at a quart should interest you Every can guaranteed W SMITH PERSONAL It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Blis3 agent at once and get a box of the reliable Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to PERSONAL Mr Oswald Smith of the Bible Training School Toronto is home on vacation before entering upon his summers work of organizing the Pocket Testament League in the large cities of Ontario Mr and Mrs Ira Morton and fam ily spent Sunday at fas Hamiltons Mount Pleasant Mr A Miller of was in town on Wednesday i Miss Jessie Thompson is spending the week at Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Fred Silver and the congregations and there HOLLAND LANDING The adjourned vestry meeting of Christ Church was held on Mondav evening 0 last week and was well attended Mr A V Russell- was unanimously elected Peoples warden and the rector has nominated Mr James as his warden for the ensuing year The following church officers were elected Sidesmen Messrs J Dalter and J Goodwin the retiring wardens J Evans W Lane C Kitching Cooper and J Perry En velope Committee Mrs Chapman Mrs Russell Messrs Fuller Cooper C West J Kitching Selby J Salter and Good win A Russell was unanimous ly elected Lay Representative to the Synod A general discussion took place in which it was pointed out that there- had been a gradual BREEZES CSV QUALITY NOW ITS QUALITY IN SCHOOL REPORT Following is the list of those in Room I who took honors in the Easter examinations Names are order of merit Forrest Ross Erie Hay ward Well wood Douglas Ken nedy Dorothy Thirst Grace Wright Jr II Vera Dike Arthur King Donald Ross Gordon and Cook equal Stevens I Alice May Kennedy Charlie Manners Wilmot King Jr I Herbert Mildred Dike Arthur Maines Ben Manners Evelyn Cook PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The anniversary services last bath were largely attended both morning and evening At the morn ing service Rev D Cameron gave a brief historical sketch the church A few items from which we note as ihev may he of interest to those of our readers who were not present to hear them First of all Mr Cameron stated that fortyseven years ago On the ily left on Tuesday for the West A bus load of Oddfellows journey ed to Cannington last Sunday to at tend the Church parade Rev was in the city on Tuesday Local Items There was a large congregation at the anniversary services last Salbath at Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church A bus load of young people from Sutton drove over notwith standing the unsettled weather a number of whom were members of Knox Church choir and as the choir did not put in an appearance they were to see the What about that photograph A and Grant would like to know An octette from the Knox Presby terian Church choir went to Mount Albert last Monday to assist in giv ing at the concert given by the Guild of Church that place Although the weather was cold and stormy there was a large audience the building being well filled The octette was compos ed of the following ladies and gentle men Mrs Miss L born Miss J Thompson Miss Mr Leigh Mr I Mc Donald Mr S McDonald and Mr Grant Re the water works question the Reeve is getting expert opinion The Sutton Library and Reading Room is open Monday 230 to pm Wednesday to pm Sat urday to pm The LI- A mercury period usually kicks up spells of foul weather This cold changeis due to it The masons and carpenters have the work about completed for the raising of Tommy barn I have observed that there is no shod dy work about it There is no booze about to put the workmens heads and work out of plumb Tommy thinks a good farm worthy of a fine barn Messrs Bros are sending their usual large contingent of cattle to pasture on their ranch in North Victoria little pet His clever Neer waited to say goodbye But skipped by the light the moon Our hoys are determined to have their annual feast- of suckers and We emphasize the word Quality Anyone wanting the best Root Seeds should insist on getting STEELE Royal Giant Sugar Beet STEELE BRIGGS Giant Intermediate Yellow Mangel STEELE BRIGGS Giant White Sugar Mangel STEELE Prize Mammoth Red Yellow Mangel- They are the best producers the most easily harvested We have- them all in stock FRESH THIS SEASON V D CORN is every prospect of a successful year have spent a sportive in the historv of the Church night at our pond Some good suck- APancake Supper arranged by the The Owl says the Church Guild will be held in the sweet but its too much live Public School Hall on Wednesday to pick over so May followed b a social small an amount evening with games music etc The meat Lunge and trout fill the supper will be served from to Particular clock I Quarterly services were conducted Mrs Chapman Mrs W Fuller Methodist Mrs Rev Taylor Miss Sharpe and Saturday and Sunday Rev Hey- 1 Miss Perry are in Toronto attending Presided His popularity seems the annual meetings of the stan the test of time There are commencing on Wednesday at 10 am wree other former pastors who have and continuing all the week general respect andlove of this Mr Taylor has re- community They are Revs Ore- turned from Trinity College for the- and Slingerland summer vacation- His friends will Acres a good reason for it be glad to hear that he has won a Prlngle has established a reading prize during the term bread trade here by his Rather Cool again this week enterprise in securing the fine pro- Mr George McCarnsn has returned Mount Albert bakery from the after two weeks vis- lncess is an indisputable fact it lna little Yankee Mr John of arriv- thern Iomemade in town last Monday and is get- Subjects taught at the village night school cigarolog- and Some All Canadian just shelled from the cob Beware of elevator com which can be purchased for a much less price Our aim is to the very best at the least possible cost consistant with quality Early Twelve rowed Yellow Longfellow Eight rowed Yellow Yellow King Phillip White Cap Yellow Dent Giant Sweet Ensilage and others We still have a limited quantity of those extra values in Brighten up with SherwinWilliams founts A few of the many Grocery Specials Peas Corn and To matoes uer tin Prunes per lb Dry Apples inc per lb J QUEENSVILLE ting the steam shovel in shape to start work again Miss Madge Marsh returned i thirtieth day of April the frame of brary is free to all residents and the present edifice was erected On the name day of the month in the induction of Mr Cameron into the pastorate of this congrega tion took place Mount Albert is the smallest charge in Toronto Presbytery but fewer if any have made relatively greater nonresidents the fee is per an num The Era has more local news and is the oldest county paper in North York Why not send your friends the Era Changing the Day At a meeting progress As witness the fact that J the business men of Sutton it was I fits contribution to Missions last year to change the Market Day were eight times that of Wednesday As previously announced Rev 1 clock am Arrangements are bong Professor of Church to secure more buyers and the Chas Sedore AGENT Professor of Church secure more buyers and the History Knox College Toronto are assured- Market at both services I discourses while being eloquent tt and scholarly were at the same time Osborne and W Millard plain practical expositions of the old A meeting of the Municipal Coun- Gospel doctrine that man Is of the Village of Sutton was held lost and ruined by sin but Jesus Monday May 1st with all the Better Than Kver Everybody delighted with the work done in Millinery at COLES And the Mt have thus exceeded ail expectations Still will try to satisfy the rest of yon when you come Cedar Dale after spending two weeks vacation at home Miss Marsh spent Monday last in the city The melodious voices the War blers were heard on Sunday afternoon last Mr J spent a few lavs in the this week Mr J C rheumatism of the pupils have shown remarkable proficiency In every rural hamlet in merry old England they have a village green or playground for the benefit of the youngsters I should like to see a similar state of affairs here The children would appreciate it Our hoys are now at their field sports pasture DOMINION CAPITAL PAID UP 100000000 RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 530000000 DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS 62600011000 Branches and Agencies Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER field comes McDonell is laid up with handy Several people are News excepting bad and you dont complaining of the same complaint want to hear thai is scarce Mr Bert Forsyth returned from MtirrelPs suit against is the North West on Tuesday last He exciting much interest here as both intends taking another car load horses out West in June IN Saviour members present Minutes of the Before announcing his text I previous meeting were read and con fessor congratulated the Armed Moved by Councillor McKay upon its past record and and seconded by Councillor Percy expressed the wish that the future I that the Reeve grant his order on might he one of ever increasing pros- j the Treasurer for the following In the course of these re- counts and that the seal be attach- Be sure and bee our and get our prices before buying The Reliable Store KESWICK marks the Professor said that be was not at all surprised at the pro gress shown for the church has lit I Cameron a pastor v ho holds a high plate among these min- who are the most highly I teemed and exercise the greatest in fluence In the Presbyter Toronto Which is the largest Presbytery in province and has in its ranks men whose fame or culture and eru dition has echoed across tin- tic CHILD The Convenor of the Literary Com mittee hah long been famous for se curing splendid programs for the lit- I meetings the but all past records vire broken the con cert On night The general concensus of was that this was the best concert glVeti In Mount Albert for a de cade at least The program fasted half and every on It more than To attempt thing like a detailed description is entirely out of the question For one has commenced on Mr David thing it would take more than one Skinner new residence it will be column in the paper or another a out should incd he graphic pen a visit In Toronto cd Marian Keith we are far from bridge Mrs returned possessing I he church was packwl standing room and the audience Mr Cordon had from even overflowed into the- annex Beaver ton over the meets MUs Mr haw had a metal was entertainer put on his of the evening and she treated her very Indeed Mis den appeared four times Cd to this resolution James Earl work on sidewalks Cuttle assessor Movid by Councillor Rail ton and seconded by Councillor Percy that JftOOfj be al lowed to Library Board same to the amount to be paid them at I he end of the year carried Mr ap peared to request the Council pass a bylaw to license livery sta- in the village and after some it was agreed to leave this matter over until meeting in June so as to allow those opposed to present their views The clerk asked write the Farmers Tel ephone Company requesting them to remove all old posts wire etc Dr Cringle addressed the Council Concerning a roadway at the rear bin residence but no action was tak en On motion Council adjourned Miss Milne spent the week end with Miss Myrtle Hamilton of Miss Eva of Toronto was the guest of Miss fatty last week Mrs Devi re II of Toronto has been visiting Mrii John the past week Mr Claude of Toronto spent the weekend with relatives in town Mr of Victoria College visited Mr Oscar Johnston over Sun day and sang both morning and even ing the Methodist Church his solos being greatly appreciated by the con gregation The Methodist Ladies Aid Social last Wednesday evening was a pleasant alitor The program con sisted of musical selections and an amusing dialogue A Ladles Aid Meeting by ten young ladles Refreshments were served afterwards Miss Milne gave an interesting talk on Temperance at Monday evening after the of I lie meeting a short time I vai spent in preparation for the coming League Social on May Next Sunday being the first Sun day in May the Quarterly Service will he IdId In the Methodist Church The Fellowship Meet ing and Love will commence at ten oclock followed by the regular morning service and of the Lords Supper conducted by A McNeil at eleven am I The Conservatives getting busy I A public meeting is announced for here tomorrow night Thursday at of parties are well known Some very I complimentary remarks are passed which it is not well to report A dead hog I have heard is in the ditch by the roadside here It must he removed ere it becomes a nuisance On Thursday May there will be a public meeting for the discussion of reciprocity at Speakers I desire express my sincere gratitude to the many friends and neighbors who so stood by and J A M Armstrong A Pratt assisted me and Lennox Card of Thanks and Man About Town KESWICK Arrangements are being made to accommodate the travelling public this place although Local Option docs close the bar I Mr- It has added a new meat shop to his premises has moved his old kitchen hack and is putting a riewone In Its place Mr D Is remodeling his village residence and he is making an Uptodate dwelling Mm Cunningham Is moving to and will occupy Mrs Inbys house The League will he conducted by the new officers next Sunday night service In the morning owing to the Quarterly services at Notice the gay hats that Miss Terry is turning out at Coles Mr Jos Pollock has had sid ing removed from his house ready for cement veneering f The regular meeting of the win be held In Ihe Hall pm CORNERS The rain we had on Sunday Monday will do a lot of good Mr J fty and family ha ve moved back on the Ridge again Mr p spent Sunday around ions Corners He says he likes his new borne fine We were glad see him out driving as it has been quite a few ycdrs since he has had the privilege of driving a horse himself My hut it has turned cold alter the thunder storm we- had We are glad hear that Mr Oliver King Is some better Mr and Mrs George King spent last Friday In the city We are very to hear of the death of Miss Mabel Sanderson She had been sick- for quite a while but alas Cod called her home where all Is peace and joy Most of the farmers on the Ridge are finished seeding Some of the farmers around here have turned their cattle out to pasture The grass is not very good yet Rosebud during my recent afflic tion and also to those who assisted financially ELIZABETH H For Immediate Sale New Cement House together with two lots Good water Fenc ing and outbuildings Situated be- York R Station Keswick and Cooks Bay Lake Simcoe on main road to Lake Convenient to stores and post office As owner is going west will consider any reason able offer if taken at once Apply to H J LEPRA Keswick Eggs From Choice FOR HATCHING Plymouth Rocks Dud and White Leghorns Ducks SI per Setting Also for sale large English ages Jersey Bull This stock is purebred and registered Alio Seed Potatoes Early Rose J SO VS and euro Indigestion of the stomach dyspepsia They reinforce stomach by supplying the active principle needed for the digestion of all kinds of food Try after each meal a box If your druggist not stocked them yet send ua and wo will mall you a box Drug next May Huh at KlHYK The of the cleared at the quarterly Friday 5 of ifr Geo Farmers are sporting new Lav having got a load At and responded at each appearance to tt encore which Her clever on every idy with laughter her were not all I Arid a great fell upon tie during her thrilling rendition of Th while the patriotic car- recitation a table of evoked storm of applause Grant of Button certainly well wai In town las and took aIearing And then there wan Mr number of Mw of the Clarence violin jnWoh were Josepfi returned from cored too the States where it ha bit by no mean leatKKox beep for of were He in i gtoerous gave us solo lady here with broken be- quartettes male quartettes on- ore taking a trip to octette replied to most of Mr barn raising On Saturday attended III SOU in recovering from an attack John jis under the nurses care The north women spent an last week in watching the Vow what will they think of this weather for house cleaning The- Tern Act Came into force On Saturday at Hurrah for Local Option We sympathize with Wm in the loss of her brother Mr Sole Conducted the vjee In the Hall on Sunday last Mahler hit by a pig pigs by the ears which addresses are to he given a the editor of the- Toronto Telegram Alex Ferguson MLA for and II Lemov got Ms fin- week atch the Mr James dog his son Manuel on the leg to hear Miss Mek Card of Thanks Mr Cunningham to to the friends who rendered a able assistance and heartfelt sym pathy pa the death of her husband and In connection with be Simple Remedy AND The and most effect I remedy for kidneys illls there weakness congestion or sore- Kidney Pills quickly relieve They stimulate tone and strengthen hick kidneys drive away backache rheu matic pain and dizziness clear up and regulate the urine and restore a perfect filtering of the blood of all this relief per manent AH druggists sell ma guarantee Kidney box Mon- hack fall to Write to The T Booth Co Port for a free trial Sold and guaranteed by J Drug Store School Reports- of the standing of the pu pils of Vivian School for month of April Oliver VcCormack HI am ill Jr Howard McKeown Willie McKewon George Mitchell Stanley Jaynes Smart St HI II Chan Sr I Mitchell Smart A Jr Hrval Smart son Infant Jack It Williamson Ho Report for April Vornbtt Jr A Vernon III I Jr HlH Tate Jr hil Deavftt Burrows Andrews Tablet Williams Andrews Andrews Hinder Average attendance number who attended every day Teacher FOR CHOICE FOOTWEAR Low Shoes in Oxfords and dents Patent Leathers and Tans Slippers for Ladies and Ladies- Lisle and Lace Hose In Fancy Colors GALL AND SEE r Our new silks Muslins and Flannelettes Cotton and Lawns Limns Our Prices are Right NO OLD STOCK I Everything new and uptodate J and Flower Seeds Good Prices Paid for Farm Produce P MILNE Phone I i d ARCHIVES OF