Newmarket Era, 12 May 1911, p. 2

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Good Genera Servant Wanted Apply to Miss Sykes Newmarket Wanted f A good General Sen ant to go to Orchard Beach for the summer Ap ply to Mrs A Newmar ket Lost In the Town Hall on Friday even ing last a Small Ebony Mirror al so Puree containing money Please return to Era Office Notice Canadas Growing On Monday last Hon George P Graham Minister or Railways gave notice in Parliament of resolution providing for a bond guarantee for the Canadian Northern that will ensure the speedy construction of that transcontinental line of a thousand miles in length from Port Arthur to Montreal Vie also learn from the cattle will be scarce to market till the grassfed stock come sometime in August- At pres ent hindquarters are quoted whole sale at lie means 20 to for the best cuts The salaries of civic officials have boosted by the Council this year At a meeting of the Fruit Growers Association on Saturday Hon Ministers reported observations matter of market conditions the Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my son 1 MRS Help Wanted Steady work for several bright ac tive Boys also for a quickturn han dy Man Apply at the office of CANE ic SONS Co House to Rent No street Seven rooms domestic water bathroom furnace and garden Apply to Mrs Prospect Ave or at ridges store that from Montreal the Company will have access to the seaboard for its through freight by means of an in terchange of traffic with the Interco lonial Railway As our readers ready know from Port Arthur to the Rockies the line of the Canadian Northern is now completed and heading for a western terminal on the Pacific coast somewhere near Vancou verthus giving to this great grow- j Dominion another was fully discussed and a mo tion was adopted to the effect that so long as present close conditions ex ist fruit from Oakville Clarkson and Bronte will not be shipped here A committee was appointed to ar range for shipping to Winnipeg and other points The Fruit Dealers Combine here will now get a The wholesale fruit say there will be just as many ber ries in Toronto this year as ever So it goes Subscriptions to the George fund is and tal line from the Atlantic to the Pa- lot City Treasurer Cody amounts to According to the notice of motion attendance at the opening ball given and from remarks of the Hon between Toronto and Minister of Railways we learn the W P Government will ask Parliament toj 22 guarantee hoods of the Company- to the extent of pec mile for Ambassador at Wash- whole distance from- Port Arthur to discussed the subject of the Valley Interest on the teed securities is placed at per thls asl cent per annumpayable half yearly j M ftiUIII I lilt IU via Sudbury and the Valley Interest on the Empire For Sale Motor Boat near ly new Beaver Engine speed miles per hour capacity to passeng ers Price J Wesley Newmarket Card of Thanks the principal to become payable fifty years after the first issue It is however the aid to he given by the Government will be lim ited to the proposed guarantee of bonds as it is believed the company will be able to meet all the interest indebtedness out of earnings from the There is trouble between the Cloak Co anil their employees Between eighty and ninety operators j went out on strike last Tuesday Dr Daniel A Sinclair a medical practitioner well known in this city and Western Ontario died on Tues- last He was fraternally a on the bond issue the country will have a first mortgage on the road itself as well as on the line meet its bond indebtedness the Gov ernment would find itself in- practical possession or nearly miles of completed railway at the cost of on ly per mile and this railway should be a natural and completed Mrs Proctor desires to thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the and funeral of her mother Mis Jos Stokes and also to the Choir of the Christian Church for their valuable assistance Driving Outfit for Sale Consisting of earold Mare New Harness Top Buggy Cutter Robe jtario hinterland at distances varying and everything complete Mare is a from twenty to fifty miles from good roadster Apply at this office National Transcontinental Railway which skirts the northern part of the clay belt connection with this start while as security for the guar- in religion Presbyterian and in politics a Liberal Excitement was causedjn on Tuesday by the running away of from through Ottawa h attached to a delivery and Toronto to the Niagara River colliding with a street car re- this point the Globe report says the death of the horse and In the event of the extremely out of the fire brigade to probable failure of the Company to languish a blaze in the trolley The General Sessions are not lo be very lengthy as number of eases on the docket much less than usiial A fouryearold child left Imperial Hotel while his lather extension of the Intercolonial to the eating his breakfast and was head of the great lakes The new line when completed till twelve hours after will The Parfe Commissioner is are the was not now Lake Front Lots FOR SALE Handy to Trolley ONLY A PLAN AT WATSONS STORK Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Township of will be held in the Hall at Vandorf ON SATURDAY MAY Commencing at oclock am of which all persons interested will take notice and be governed accordingly Order J Clerk Timber for BY run through the clay belt of On- fighting the tussock moth again with much vigor in order to save the shade trees Most Reverend Fergus Patrick Archbishop of Toronto passed away on Tuesday night just after enterprise too the company pro- midnight It is less than three poses to construct line from years since his Grace came to gian Hay north the main line being raised from the dignity thus tapping a country not row Bishop of London to that of Arch ed by any railway I bishop His Grace is but fifty nine In this new railway proposition ye years of age having been born in have an indication of what it means to have a Government at- the head of affairs that things shaping the future greatness and destiny of this growing Dominion NOTES The Chicago Tribune hits the I nail squarely on the head when it says Alls not fair in love or poli tics Trying to kill Canadian reci procity by raising the annexation bugaboo is meaner than soaping the horn at a campmeeting the Wilson Star rises to re mark The coffee boycott is on Lindsay in got away from the prem ises of 1 McGuire Co street west with in cash three cheques some mining shares postage stamps etc and two overcoats The man found dead in a lane I street has been identified as Martin Malone a bricklayers helper years old Another poorbox thief was captur ed this week No less than nine of this class has been arrested for rob bery at St Helens Church St Michaels Cathedral where the remains of the late Archbishop were lying in state yesterday and where the funeral mass will be celebrated at JO am on Friday has been most elaborately draped for the occasion There has been some comment in More tea and is being Import- relation to a prisoner before Police led this year than ever and coffee is Magistrate from the Perhaps that Coffee trust will discover that lots of people have found hot water just as good and a ty named but the least said the better is said to be a man with previous whole lot Cheaper Its all In getting convictions against him He was used to it In pursuance of an order made this week by Chairman of the De is Tenders will be received up to the day of June to the undersigned for the of the timber on those parts of lots 61 and in the Mi concession of the Township of Whitchurch formerly owned by T and now owned by J Hope there being about acres more or less The timber consists of Hemlock Maple Black year as an experiment Kim and some Cedar ibis timber Is situate about mile from the from Newmarket The highest or any tender not necessarily accept let ofi on suspended sentence The old home of R of Farmers Rank notoriety was sold this week for HO The sale Is minion Railway Hoard of Com mi I satisfactory to the liquidators the Hell Telephone Co must Judge Winchester has found the give Independent Telephone Compa- charge against Chairman Levee of longdistance connectldns the Public School Board proven MrsAvR Watsoft is spending a fortnight Mrs P Ji oMalley of was the guest -of- Sirs on Tuesday Mr Elmer Davis of Kingston w in town last on a trip Mrs- Stringer had a- stroke last Monday night and is in a critical Messrs Kent Howard Wiley and Douglas Scott of Toronto ed in town for the weekend Mr Harrison Vernon of Toronto attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs Jos Stokes on Sunday Mr p Hess who is now do ing duty as a commercial traveller is laid up here with a sprained an kle Mr and G A family motored to their summer cot tage at Orchard on Sunday af ternoon Mrs Geo Wood returned from the city on Friday last accompanied by her sister Mrs Fry formerly Mrs Nelson The OddFellows had a fine time in Toronto last Friday night They were most cordially received and treated handsomely The item in the Era last week about Miss Wilson not having her certificate is not correct She is a fullfledged teacher Dr K of Buffalo NY specialist in surgery was visit ing his mother at Colonel Allans owing to her serious illness Mr Chas street after being laid up for three months with a broken arm has resumed duty with the Office Specialty Co Mr 1 Smith and grandson of were visiting Mr Norman Rogers and his mother for a couple of days the beginning of this Mrs Harding was in Newmarket on Tuesday look ing for a suitable to make her future home back in the old town Dr and Mrs Wesley Mr and Mrs Manning motored to To ronto last Sunday afternoon to hear Rev T preach in the even- v Mr John of New- was calling on friends in town on Wednesday He reports business good in New Ontario and prospects bright Mrs Cyrus accompanied by her daughter Mrs Kilgour returned to her home here last week er an extended visit of some months at lington Mrs G Jackson leaves for Montreal today to visit her son for a few days She will be accompan ied from Toronto by Mrs Jos To- of Rev T Neil of Kingston was the guest of Mr Manning last Friday night and called on many friends on Saturday He little Miss Dorothy Neil to spend a few days with Miss Leila Manning The following from North York serving on the Grand Jury in Toronto at the assizes which opened on Tuesday of last week Jas of Sutton foreman of Whitchurch John ol and Root Nor man of Mrs of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Ross or the weekend and spent over Sunday with thefamily and also Miss Grace Cane at their summer cottage at Or chard Reach Mrs Smith of writes There is something that I cannot really seem to do without and that is the Newmarket Era It almost seems like a friend as I was raised in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Warner cele brated their Golden Wedding on Sole Agency Queen Quality Shoes cm l once in This store has established a- reputation Footwear We would rather lose a sale one than put out anything unreliable Its not What you pay as what you get We prefer paying a little more to a maker whom we know uses no- thing but solid leather in his footwear factory We Boots and Shoes for every every occasion When you want that kind oi man next pair of Shoes have a look anyway It wont cost you anvthmg Sole Agents It MB BOSTON FAVOR IT The only Show made with the- wonder worker sole making every shoe as flexible as a turn sole made in all widths to tit any foot Gun metal Calf Calf Kid and Patent Leather Tans or Blacks that wear No corns on the feet Hunters Shoes they fit the latter This order is to the cents per message stand good for one that Is to say That while mem ber of the Hoard Mr solicited the school employees and contrac tors to buy stock the Co and that he was well aware that It purchaser will be allowed until the first day April to move the will state terms of by him For particulars and Conditions sale apply to Join Hope on mlss or to for Vendor predictions of prophets are Canadian sta- true there it no use of the Co did the and about four and in Parliament about j turn to take Imperial Conference building Transcontinental Railways or a loopline of the Metropolitan to or Across the border Uncle Sam has men I dieting the end of the world in and another sets- the of the period in One thing they cant both be right VALLKY T HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO MAY J JUKE Wtf Hi Wff- If i- few LOW ROUDTRIP RATES few mm GARB fl fit 3 Is J ASK fOU As jm Luc cm A cable despatch announces that Glasgow Will honor the Rfmiers of dominions The freedom of the city will presented to Oat purler of Canada Mr Andrew Premier of Australia Sir J o Ward Premier New Zealand Premier of Af rica Sir Morris Premier of Newfoundland who will In for the Imperial Conference and Coronation of is last becoming submissive to petticoat rule Mr Wil son Ias been chosen Mayor of of that State and her ad ministration the of the of- will be a practical teat of wo men capacity for municipal office Mr- Wilson has the power to ap point persona of own sex to po sitions within her official gift and has already done SO In the selection made for City and of Police say Mrs Wilson has declared war on the li quor traffic and offender will be sent to jail are to pay a heavy license and pitting be se verely punished will be come a town Are sure he married her lor her morey Absolutely Ive seen Most people art done seeding Miss Gertie Johnson leaves burg on Friday for the West Horry to our clerk Say kid It is too bad to drive from the second of and- then not tee her Mr K coney- is bedfast with a growth In his stomach but ve hope IMP will soon be around Miss Allen Is badly used up with a cold Is also going lo the West Mi Wm Allen is spending a few Sound at his son-in- laws Mr Richardson of Vandorf was visiting his lady friend on Bun- day Kay boys the next time you come to church dont stay In the porch or In some persons buggy Theres lots of room Inside Miss Osborne of Newmarket was visiting at Mr Hoppers Some of the young boys of Cedar Valley are going to Won der whats going on there The windstorm a week Tues day must have done a great deal of damage between the fifth and the sixth when It takes peoples chim neys down and the brick across the and break other peoples windows Mr Grave had a valuable Cow killed on the by the I wonder bow the fellow Is that got his lip hit day Their son Mr Warner J from Birmingham Mich near De troit accompanied his wife wrought a great surprise upon them hy coming- home that day after an absence from his town of years Fred is business for him self and looking well lie does not find many familiar faces in town but is delighted Willi the of pro gress on every hand Dr Webb Messrs Norman Rog ers A J Dan- ford Roche and Wylie attended funeral of the late Mrs Dudley Wilcox at Aurora on Sunday after noon Mrs Wilcox though In the prime of life filed very suddenly and the relatives have the sympathy many Newmarket friends will be better remembered here as Miss York a most energetic obliging and popular assistant in post- to the late I A Rev Alex pastor the Christian Church left on day for Casport to attend a meeting of the executive arrange the program for the Western New York Christian Conference there he will attend the annual com mencement exercises ol the Rochester Theological Seminary lie goes on from there to New York city to at tend a meeting of the Directors of the Palmer Me expects to re turn home In time for service next Sunday THEY SELL Mr Wm Stokes of Dixon Illi nois and his brother Mr Clinton Stokes and wife of at tended the funeral their mother in Newmarket on Sunday THE CRADLE GIBSON In East on May fi to Mr and Mrs Aug Gibson a daughter- At on April 20 to Mr and Mrs Peter a daughter THE ALTAR In Toronto on May by Cra- Mr Lome Cole to Storks both of Toronto and formerly of Newmarket RKADMAN At Presbyterian Aurora on May 10th Mil by Rev Amos Mr Albert Read- man of Newmarket to Miss Olive Collins of Bradford THE TOMB At the residence of Temperancevllle on Tues day May 2 ion relict of lames Stewart In her year WILCOX Suddenly at Aurora midday May Lizzie beloved wife of Dudley Wilcox i St Newmarket after a lengthy and painful illness Agnes wife ol In her year this is not a good yenr for Maple Syrup we nave a quantity of Ontario Pure Maple Syrup And wo have also to gallons of Quebec Syrup which has a Govern ment Guarantee of Purity Leave us your order of Different Kinds Lettucej Parsnips Turnips Toma- foes Onions Cabbage Carrots and Potatoes T Canned Raw Fruits of different lands a s THE Undertaking House You ctn Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at John Millard and B WILKINSON At her home in Sunday May Mrs John Wilkinson In her year Deceased was mother of Mr A Wilkinson of this town on May Mb Mary lane relict of and the surviving member the of Xathanlal Vernon of Whitchurch In her year WRIGHT In Whitchurch on May Kill Peter Wright aged years months and 26 days In Toronto on May aOll Ellen wife of Ioh aged rears Interred at St Johns Cemetery on morning In Toronto on May J3U John Heir formerly of New market aged yearn from station Newmarket Cemetery Oils afternoon S J main NORTH AH Orders will receive Careful ltd AttenUcm mm NEXT DOOR TO OFFICE All and Family Receipts personally attended to and nothing but the REST AND DRUGS USED Agent for Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers Phone Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to c t I r lis fVMVA BOOKS THAT REALLY TEAOH you you want lo iKM Our citnlctue which will be led open H tho Practical or Home As itit of drawing and electrical and wiretttt and and te ccDtiruoiIon ud etc etc No mailer what jouc or for that will tho and Infcrftfation that you want and and wri price lilt It It free FREDERICK J DRAKE ftOa 1 Michigan Art j r I I 1

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