Newmarket Era , May 12, 1911, p. 3

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peeks 13 Presbyterian Church preparatory service on Remarkably Welt Done Did you notice those panting- and- Roches windows They are the work an artist at Aurora Mr Shaw and are worthy of close inspection Mr Shaw was a pupil of Mr J C- Forbes Canadas wellknown and farfamed week was an exceptional- Portrait painter and Mr Shaw has The address by Rev of good one It- of Toronto was great ly Ph3 pastor took charge of ser vices on Sunday and the number that partook of the sacrament was the attest in the history of the church individual communion cups were appreciated us the will be Write her letter flower jn her IF YOU HAVE SCALP OR HAIR TROUBLE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER We are hungry for news Tell you know May Day and a white Are you ready for the Inspector to around next Monday People are enquiring when the wa ter is to he turned on at the fountain Miss Toole of brought leaf of a leopard plant last Sat urday that measurer A inches Can heat that There are something like twenty houses going up in Newmarket already this year Not a goes lately hut somebody starts a new Leaders SherwinWilliams Paints Get them What We Want The Times of last week this paragraph The plans for the new postoffice arrived last week Should they ever be carried out we will have a very building The basement will an armouries and shooting also a recreation club room postoffice of course will be on floor and a space will be set apart for an enlarged revenue de partment in case we ever have oc casion to use it The upstairs will be fitted up for a caretaker to live in and the building tbrougWit have floors and steam heating appara tus The structure will be of press ed red brick This is what is need badly in New market in addition to Customs offices every organization should pass a resolution and present the to our member at Ottawa Sir A High School Entrance ihis the entrance examination Will begin on Monday June at pm and will be Conducted cording to the timetable given be- In order to insure rough in the public school work and to prevent the overcrowding of High schools by the admission of illpre pared pupils the chairmen of Hoards are instructed to fol low exactly the ruling of the Depart ment by demanding per cent on subject a per cent total from each candidate before he Is al lowed to pass A circular has been levied calling for a stricter marking the answer papers and instructing the report of the examination revolts he not published till the De partment revises the finding of the miners No candidate below the required standard is to be passed ex cept the approval of the Depart- TimeTable June Afternoon reading instructions fontprisUon Spelling June Morning Antiinetic afternoon examination paper Wednesday June Morning I Grammar Afternoon j reading v ill be taken at such are convenient during the Jj of examination certainly been an apt pupil of the portraits in oil is a lifesize of J of Aurora and the other is a son of Mr iThocias Waster of Auro ra with very attractive surround ings These pictures are so well done that nobody need hesitate about plac ing their order with Mr Shaw I Excursions To Western Canada via Chicago including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway May June 25 August 22 September 5 Winnipeg and return Edmonton and re turn Tickets good for sixty days Proportionate rates to princi pal points in Manitoba Saskatche wan and Alberta ex cursion tickets will also be on sale on certain dates via and the Navigation Company Secure tickets and illustrated literature from any Grand Trunk Agent or address A District Passenger Agent To ronto Advice in Suggestion Every citizen of Newmarket should take pride in it Dont let your home town run down or become dilapi dated It is a reflection on yourself where neglect is apparent Besides it gives a wrong impression of the Municipality to visitors On the 24th of May the town will be We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall Hair tonic and continue to sell it as we do if it did not do all we claim it will Should our enthusiasm carry us away arid Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users they would lose faith in us and our state ments and in consequence our busi ness prestige would suffer We assure you that it your hair is beginning to unnaturally fallout or if you have any scalp trouble Rex all Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair growth and prevent premature bald ness Our faith in Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully re funded if it does not do as we claim Two sizes 5Dc and Sold only at our store The Store Drug Store rV Care for Animals More than Men The Economic Value of Purity Education was the subject of- an address by Dr John Ferguson To ronto before a gathering oi a dozen people at the monthly meeting of the Canadian Associa tion last night in the Guild Hall President Dr A I Watson in the chair The commercial value of men of all ages from maturity to thousands of peoplemany of senility said the speaker was shown them total strangers It is import- to be about em total strangers it is import ant that the impression they carry away will be creditable to the local ity Clean up your premises where necessary paint your homes and make them look tidy This is not only your duty as citizens but it will contribute to the sanitary con dition of the town a very important consideration Every citizen should feel the responsibility of prompt and Cheerful compliance with all reason able demands of the Health Inspector to contribute to the health and prosperity the town Get the Benefit Of the whole season by buying your Perfection Oil Stove early sold last season Hardware Substantial Progress The Assessment Roll for the Town of shows remarkable pro gress The total assessment is now 012455 increase of J during the past year and just double the assessment of eight years ago The items which make up this amount are as follows Land value Buildings- Business Assessment Income Assessment The population is now and In crease during the past year I apiece while children owing to their high potentiality for work should be rated at fully each between infancy and the age of years Through the misapplication of the laws of health due to neglect and ig norance children died in Canada year representing a loss to the community of SO 000000 Dr Ferguson pointed out that throughout the Dominion when a domestic animal was reported to have an infectious disease experienced person was sent by the Government to inspect and segregate it thus pre venting contagion to others This was not done by any province with respect to human beings though the obligation upon the State was pro portionately indefinitely greater believed however that the public mind was gradually awakening and Governments beginning to set a value upon human life so that they now partially realized that the monetary value of the people ana- da far overshadowed the wealth rep resented by any or her resources such as forests mines or fields He advised the association to move along such lines as these in bringing to the people their obligations in the matter of education in health There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church en Sunday evening last Mr Peter Steckley cupied the pulpit his delivered with much force He drove home some good points showing us the danger of procrastination negligence Mr and Mrs Pennick and son Har ry also Mr and Mrs Sanders of were guests at Mr Cooks on Monday Aid meeting which was held at the home Mrs Baker was largely attended- very pleasant and profitablp time was spent Air of StouBville was the guest of his sister- Mrs Grose over Sunday Miss Selina of StouBville is at present of Mrs Cooks Mrs McGuckin of is visiting at the home of Mr W E Taylors We are very sorry to report the ill ness of Mr Jonathan Baker an old and highly esteemed citizen of this place Many friends wish him a speedy recovery Miss Hattie Mahon and her mother have returned Miss spent a time in Buffalo and Mrs vis ited her daughter in Toronto r New Train Service to Lake of Bays mas mm mm m mm AH SPRING PRINTS CARPETS OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS WINDOW- SHADES POLES AND FITTINGS curtains SPRING STOCK COMPLETE AND DRAPERIES Every man women and child should buy their Shoes from us Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair W- A School Reports- An important feature that will be inaugurated during the coming season will be a new train service to the Lake of Bays district A stan dard Grand Trunk passenger train will leave Toronto with through coaches parlor cars and dining car at 10 in oclock in the morning daily except Sunday for Huntsville reach ing latter point at about o clock in the afternoon cornecting with the steamers for points in the Lake of Bays district and afford ing passengers of reaching their des tination in time for dinner The Sunday evening boat service from the Wawa Hotel Point Ideal Portage and other important calling ports en Lake or Bays to 111 be run on same schedule as lor sea son during months of and August and which will be a boon to weekenders desiring to re turn to the city for business on Mon days King Council J Report of S No King for April Form Gordon Web ster Charles Rogers Leonard Black Dora Doan Mildred Harrison Willie Cutting Harry Webster Form III Valeria Harrison Vance Webster Sr Eldred Pratt Willie Web ster Lelia Webster Cut ting Margaret Robinson Bertie Cur ting Jr Herman Rogers Howard Black Joseph Creasy Bernard Mains Joseph Savili Pottage George Robinson Irene Harri son Webster Johnnie Gra ham Sr Blanche Pottage Jr I Clarence Newton Kathleen Harry Graham Fred Pol- Hatty Dunham May Fee Teacher New York Citys Wonderful Sights Have you ever visited New York the great metropolis oi new world If not you should do so at the first opportunity as a trip of this nature besides being highly tin population interesting Is also an education The When Grand Trunk Lehigh Valley route is This does not include that section just north of Huron Street which properly belongs to Newmarket and has a population of nearly For all business purposes of Newmarket is now we gel North York separated from j the scenic line from Canadian points the rest of the County Newmarket Convenient train service and will he the Count v of or few years town with a people in a lent equipment particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk agent or address 300 There are now 51 children of school A Dun Passenger Agent age and years and Toronto 1 and years There were births last year and JO deaths The dogs on the roll number Ill Us Builder Hardware Tile or Bipn Hardware Grand If- comedy given last i at the Hall a A crowded house fa- performers and added greatly to tl production o Convention 1 lie I J Patterson will open bis Cream Garden for the Season today Everything choice and inviting City Dairy Ice Cream only served here Interred at Newmarket An aged and respected resident of King Township passed away in the person Mrs Mary Jane wife of the ate Jos Stokes of tleby and whom she had survived about twentythree years Mrs spent the pafct winter with her daughter Mrs It Stewart of where after a short illness away on Friday evening last The remains were to Newmarket on Saturday accompan ied by and Mrs Stewart and According to Mayor of who Was interviewed recently is experiencing a lively Industrial boom Edinburgh May Towards the clow of a performance in the Empire Palace Theatre tonight a Arc broke out on the stage The fife curtain was promptly lowered and the house was quickly emptied of the audience none of whom were Injured Some of the performers however bad nar row and the theatre was Com pletely destroyed It was thin thea tre at which King George promised to attend a command performance on the occasion of the royal in July Kit were enjoyed and applaud- the funeral place from the played of soninlaw Mr part- perfection From Proctor on Sunday afternoon The t to finish the audience were kept coo in I laughter J Convention under the name Of Single Consisted of fcventeen old spinsters The in the comedy were doubt two young men who were In the garb of very old id and kept audience In Pttvsi smiles But all the credit can j bestowed two performers j the entire company iir Irwsji Makeover with I hit a- well assistant made things at time lively The musical numbers to comedy consfated of iefeoboe ong by Miss Gertie Cor son Mr Percy is splendid style was twice encored Ttt trfo by Messrs and p Vincent was rendered Mrs gave a so- a rfid Mr Arthur both were well sung Miss Cole of Toronto a did her part lb proceeds all were paid amounted near ly iie management of the fell Brown Urn- A Messrs Quick and Ham ilton Miles who deserve much credit dance afterwards was attended by a sidlog at the piano remains interred market In the THE Wedding iutt are differences ol in the plain gold band of the Wedding Ring You may prefer broad or the heavy bar row fcj cleverly all of i have them all styles and sizes range in from to CO and Ticket of licenses Council mot at Wrights Hotel on Saturday April Members all present Minute of last meeting read and confirmed following accounts were pre sented and ordered paid Joseph Billings months pay St home Parr repaint to ore Son Alfrwl Lloyd lumber Cook repairs to cul ver l Arch balance on gravel grant Municipal World printed forms J Crossly of If 9 iff if American Bond Machines Co rrairs to grader Colin Sinclair fence Gibson surveying road Con Jaa Armour balance On grant Lemon- That a grant of be given to grade lull op posite lot con Commission ers Jas Thompson ami That J bo paid refund of dog tax Mrs of Lloyd town said dog was assessed to Win he having left the Audi tors Report of the Treasurers ac counts bo and is hereby accepted by bis council as correct and sat isfactory and that reeve and clerk be authorized to sign the same That the Grand Railway be paid the sum of being the per of total cost of overhead bridge on 2nd concession that Dominion Railroad Board decided thai the- municipality should pay J Han loit bo paid re road work per formed for Mr hav ing sold his form the clerk is hereby Instructed to prepare by- lav and to at toid to all the neces sary legal proceedings required to wards closing of he portion of 2nd concession rendered unne cessary by reason of the overhead bridge ana also for the opening of Guv deviation caused thereby That be appointed road operator of road machine northern di vision arid J or the southern division Bylaw No iSh appointing road overseers fence- Viewers sheep valuators and wire fence Inspectors received Its sev eral readings and passed On motion council adjourned to moot at Temperance Hall on Saturday May A meet ing of tho Board Health At am and court of revision at oclock pm Toronto Markets May Kail Wheat per bush 50 loose Wheat per hush Oats per bush Peas per bush Barley per bush GO fit Hay per ton Butter per lb 21 per 22 Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb 20 Sfp W A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket I Newmarket Markets May per bush SO 10 til a Fall Wheat Oats per bush Barley per hush Peas per hush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Eggs per Butter 21- 21 Potatoes per bag 8O1- Chickens per lb 0 t 4 f 0 CO 25 11 if Ladies Corset Covers fine nainsook Lace and Embroidery Inser tion Sizes 32 to and 50c each Ladies Nigh fine Mercerised Cotton Nainsook neatly made with embroidery yoke and Beading and each Ladies White Underskirts fine Nainsook wide lace Insertion al so embroidery flounce 115 and Ladies White Drawers fine ainsook neatly finished with and heading special price 25 and SEE WINDOW DISPLAY em- a LU LARGE DISPLAY OF PRETTY BLOUSES MILLINERY AND LADIES TAILORING Attempt to Steal Statue Montreal May Probably the most audacious theft ever attempted in Montreal was discovered this morning when the bronze figure of leane Mance which stands at one corner of the Maisomieuve monument in Place- Square was found orate preparations must have been made The police have no clue as to the identity of the men who are re sponsible for the deed hut think that passersby must have frightened them away just as their work com pletion The monument would be valuable pried loose from its ha and jutting as work of art and would bring a out nearly eight inches from the main pillar with a massive iron bar wedged between the figure and the rest of the monument The figure Is of cast bronze and although in a stooping position stands si feet in height and weighs almost a ton so that if theft or mere vandalism was the object large figure in some distant place or if melted down the brass produced would net a considerable sum The statue is one of mas- pieces and is a magnificent ex ample of the sculptors art Send the ERA to absent friends Farmer and Workman it I J According to President Taft r- ciprocity is to reduce the cost living in the United States towering the price of foodstuffs although these are already lower in the United States than in Can- HOW THEN CANADIAN TO Mr Taft also aims to boom American industries by securing Hole Agent for children In the fam ily mar Br I wood have died of scar let fever and Mr is serious ly ill with fas same disease The Canadian and New Zealand Governments have signed a contract with the Steamship Company for a direct service between the two countries I Ottawa May It Is expected that the expenses of Canadian military contingent which will go to coronation of King George will be This l the sum men tioned In further supplementary Item brought down tonight Toe North- West Mounted Police of the contingent will will be J I I 4 4J 4 4 4 4 I 4i 4i 4 control this countrys raw ma terial and ill the long run of Its market for manufactures MOW WILL THIS THE CANADIAN WORKMAN Will Reduce the Cost of Living to the Farmer and Work man and also the Professional Man in their new 4 I 4 4 Open today in the Basement of their Dry Goods Store SALE NOW ON OF Mens Century Clothing Mens Ladies Boots Shoes Mens Hats and Caps Mens Furnishings Millinery Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings Co I At the Old Stand of 36 Years Ago WfWfWW J I I I v f VTVJ 1 a sg s3sao mm mm J K OP BE

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