Peeks Presbyterian Church Thursday evening May 2th prof Jordan of Queens will take charge the prayer service commencing at Re ft Pauls Mens Association meeting of the above will tM in the School Room on Fri day at pm AH requested to be in and others are cordially in vite Games etc will be provid es Agricultural Excursion Thursday of last week Messrs Pipher and Brimson went and completed for the annual Excursion of Agricultural Society to town on the of June with rip as an extra Full later Reserve the date THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY 19 S Coming advance agent of Howes Great London Show was in town on Wed nesday and secured the flats west of the for the 2nd of June This is said to be a clean circus and men- with five elephants six ca mels and the usual collection of wild animals Watch for posters 4 Chicken with Legs Among a brood of chickens hatched on Wednesday morning was a chick with four legsWhite Wyandotte for the owner Sirs Michael the freak of nature died or she might have got a good price for it to accompany some side show r Oar Toronto better To R Carrying fish home last Saturday evening an old man attempted to cross the Queen street car tracks near and was run He was to the hospital in an un conscious condition It is feared his skull is fractured He has since died TRACT SOUTH OF LAKE LAKE IN YORK COUNTY WORK TO COST lido UMtt Riding somewhat recklessly down Property Drained Would Be Worth I ill i- I itn i the side of a hill in High Park on a bicycle a lad of years ran against a post and was pitched vio lently forward He was taken to the hospital injured internally A youth was arrested on Saturday on a charge of feeding tobacco to monkeys in Park He thought it was cunning but changed penters and painters will occupy an other week or two before the audi torium will be ready for reopening three Million Dollars From Thursdays News To turn thirty thousand acres of worthless Ontario swamp land into a modern Garden of Eden is a scheme that is engaging the attention of the Department of Agriculture of the Province and has awakened keen mind when the Police Magistrate i ticipations on the part of fruit grow- got through with him The huge tract which now is As the outcome of a crap game on of little use except for a fall harvest Saturday afternoon fight took of marsh grass lies between Holland place which led to a couple of Landing and Bradford just south of rests The parties had been drink- Lake the waters of which so it is said Culprits always have long inundated the area If will project which League the Town teams art expect to gel out schedule will be drawn up a started by the latter month All games will fc30 pm Christian Church The masons expect to have the win dows in the south transept by Satur day night and the organ builders ex pect to have the parts prettv well week They will finish their work next week after which car- have some excuse successful the The Ontario Gazette publisnes a list have Government supervision and nearly two dozen new Companies rection will produce three million recently incorporated dollars worth of fruit farms at a It has been decided to hold a Baby total cost of Show on Labor Day Can he Drained Michael eraser the aged Midland man whom his relatives want fy of the Ontario i- a College is sponsor lor a scheme which the waters now covering the land can be drained in- No less than fie arrests have been This will be done a series of canals transecting the Oil Stove Bargains One Dangler One ihurner Favorite I ine told three ft been decided to form a Town er Gasoline These Stoves are visited at Ms about a a League Composed of four all in condition cost double the The Dans Leather new Minns Hardware Canes Factory The who happy organizing to practice next part start worth League made of promoters of a Wire Screen The case thus far made public area in much the same the ice Cream Til lirdy Ice ream Ice Cream fit and Fancy Dishes none bet ter The meeting on Monday evening was In charge of the Social and Literary and a most interest ing program was given on and Work of St Paul The has been withdrawn on account of- the illustrated lecture to be given in the Presbyterian Church and all members of the League are earnestly requested to attend Co The case thus far made public a comparison in the Farmers channels and to the Dank combination a The City Board of Education J an making preparation for the children of the Public Schools to keep Empire Ch meeting next Monday evening with a due The estimate of the cost for the Hon of what is means work is thirty dollars an acre and Hoard of Trade reports from I the resultant value of the land for ous parts of the Province state that fruit farm purposes Is from an crops and seeding conditions in the acre upward The great West are much better than at this the soil is said to assure ideal condi- last year and exceed all expect- tions for fruit growing ii friends Church Sunday is Missionary pastor has been fortunate in the presence of Secretary of the American Hoard of Missions Mr was President of Whit tier Col California prior to this ap- j and has the reputation of i- most eloquent speaker He three addresses it e three addresses am pm The public are Cordial e to hear him illustrated Lecture Under the auspices of the Young Peoples Guild Rev Home agent of the Upper Canada Bible So ciety will give an illustrated lecture in the Presbyterian Church next Mon day evening Silver collection at the door It will be remembered Mr Home was here a short time ago and was listened to with much accep tance The- public are invited to share in the intellectual treat New Perfection Stoves will save and time date I all Satisfactory your money sold us t Office Specialty Baseball Team very enthusiastic meeting vas he at the Office Specialty factory lay evening re organizing a team and the following were elected lit J President Mr P Schmidt VicePresident a Secretary Brooks Treasurer v Executive Committee A Peppiatt Dfyle and Manager 1 Object for organizing join Town Laje which has been The committee have already fust players signed up for the and are on the for Spectators are assured of exciting games this summer Canadas Coronation Team The following is taken from Mon days Globe and shows the import ance of the Olympic James in market next Wednesday The sprinters who haw been men- It as probable members of the Canadian team for the Coronation I sports in have all been vited to spring championships at on Victoria Day The showing at Ibis will have a bearing on the ultimate selectors for the team The Central team will go up at full strength to the Newmarket meet and the West team will so he well represented Select Your Assortment Fire Works while is fiii- Hardware can supply want a rif a short time ago A scuffle on the Mutual street wharf partially in fun and par- an undercurrent of resentment ended in four mem landing in the Only one could swim and hut for the timely aid of some loungers the dock a fatality or two would have occurred Canoes and sail boats dotted the harbor on Sunday A cou ple of thousand people crossed over in the ferries to attend the sacred con cert at Point The Ontario Jockey Club has is sued invitations to a luncheon on Tuesday next to meet their j the GovernorGeneral and Countess Grey His Honor the Governor and Mrs Gibson and the Misses Gibson leave for next week sailing from Montreal on the 2fith A horse belonging to Mr A at the Ontario was killed by a Me tropolitan car on Saturday Mrs Vanant cited 1 before Magistrate I his work for cutting down a tree on her pro perty claimed he had authority of Commissioner Pinder The Magistrate considered the author ity worthless A One drive on a boulevard along the number river is the new project for the Citys aggrandizement and for Increasing the debl of the Corpora tion This week the fruitgrowers of Oak- I Bronte are as the city for an independent free market where they can dispose their produce to consumers direct and them from being plundered HOUSE FURNISHINGS Hemp Carpets from up Union Carpets from up Wool Carpets at Tapestry Carpets from 39c up I Tapestry and Union Squares In all sizes and all prices Stair Carpets and Stair Oil Cloth In all widths and qualities Floor Oil Cloths from one yard to two and a half yards wide Linoleum from- two yards to four yards wide Lace Curtains from to Curtain Muslins Bungalow Madras Muslins Art Muslins Art Sateens Damasks and Cretonnes in endless variety It pays to buy your Shoes where the wear of every pair is guaranteed This month Special Saje of Ladies Slippers and Oxfords Grocery Ask us to call for vour order or Phone W A I I Womens Institute A series of meetings for women and girls has been arranged the North Institute to be held York Women as follows Mrs H home Monday May ii Methodist Church Base ment day J Mrs fas High School of Inspector Wet herald received by the Chairman of the J on Wedne Jay and in many while in others it Strange May Hi King Mrs Stone day I Mrs home Friday lone Presbyterian Hall Saturday Keswick BOSS home home Thurji- Wm Walters Live Stock Market A decline of on export cattle Caused quite a standstill on Toronto this week was top price paiil and about SO for the average Butchers steers sold from to choice cows and poorer grades down to Short keep feeders sold very firmly at to ordinary feeders at to and at o Choice yearling lambs raised in On tario sold as high as to ptr hundred pounds while ewes were firm at to per hundred pounds and spring lambs steady at an average of to each Clip ped American Iambs are selling at to 725 per hundred pounds Slight advance in hogs this week Top price off cars in Toronto Ask to See our I I STANDARD NEW SPRING I PATTERNS A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket Toronto Markets May ISM ill Wheat per hush i Si Wheat per hush Oats per bush Peas per hush Barley per hush Hay per ton Rut ter per Hi per do Potatoes per bag thickens per lb fir- it flu Ii fl 0 1ft- Ladies Corset Covers fine nainsook Lace and Inser tion Sizes to 25 40 and each Ladies Nigh Robes fine Mercerised Cotton Nainsook neatly made with embroidery yoke and Heading and each Ladies White Underskirts fine Nainsook wide lace Insertion al so embroidery flounce Si and Ladies White Drawers fine Nainsook neatly finished with and beading special price and SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OCR LARGE DISPLAY OF AND LADIES TAILORING Newmarket Markets May IK Fall Wheat per bush 50 Oals per bush per bush Peas per hush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per tori per do per Potatoes per bag Chickens per Peace in Sight May Peace the fer vent hope of Mexico now torn by re bellion seems almost an ac complished to those who are 0 id gotiating a settlement pi the revolt 58 fudge the peace envoy has announced that barring the a armistice will declared within twentyfour hours 21 0 ii ho 90 President has Iro visional said mutually acceptable propositions have at last reached and peace is assured Two principal questions have all but been agreed on namely the num ber of cabinet members and governors to he allowed the and the other conditions have for some time been tacitly determined by both sides Now it will he merely a matter of technical detail to draft the peace terms formally and to ar range a modus operandi for the dis charge of provisions Almonte Out May One the business blocks in the town destroyed by tire this morning save fruit of Soli A gen I HI Chickens per Mi The formal signing of a Peace agree- when the tin will probably lake place here storey brick stores ami the wiiole within the next two days President block adjoining were fireswept about Heulten was killed by Ilia probably will resign within two oclock the total loss being in shock at the Trenton electric light or Three months at any rate when the neighborhood of one hundred Station peace shall he restored J thousand Standard Oil illegal 1 the defect will be remedied hi- ijfcjt Following is viated summari of the re- Nations are in I of the to deductions on should haw- extensive J drawing have a In coded to to Oil Whole fi year round but orfnia- j Mount Albert Room fi Mecbaufc ILIl June Aurora Evening Meeting day Jui- Temperance Hall da June The principal speaker Miss Miller of whose train ing at the Mardonald Intitule and experience in and travelling work produced a most phasing and demonstrator Mien Since attention was Called number of insane peopl confined Toronto jail for no crime the has bad all the wo- Washinglon May The of this removed and some of the States In j Mahoinvs n a decision given yeslerday or- I Mr and the Moraiig the dissolution of the Stan- I Co have issued writs- ol New Ierse- riing the against the damages by falling into a hole From part Hydro Electric former Si reel eaVa- It ubjects are Work Methods the Caundry in Milk its as Food 1 k ft The hoarder Cow other Nation- lions The Liberals of South Vork and are planning to hold a monster picnic at the third week in July A lad years old attempt ed Cross King street in front of an autocar and was knocked down As a his right leg was fractur ed The Peoples Railway which has done from v ill extend from Toronto The contract Was signed on Wednesday The of a pokergame slot game of had to anil up Tin In this the lust its in- the ant cases Court thai the Oil Company is a in restraint j of and a monopoly In contra- vent Ion the Sherman ant rust law Thus a fight ol main J in which eVery ohtacle known jo he legal profession has been Interposed the Federal has succeeded in lis corporation to separate Into its eightythree parts Previous Decree To this gigantic the Court per In I of six iiKiiiths This is an extension Ave months over the time allot led in the itself ihxls v I All id hi- tin cordially J operator this Th Grand he Sessions ex decree ol I be lower court in I he Police Court this The of I he Circuit Court was chance was against modified the iii pellli i ar- mo attend myelin- helpful and to make Having reached the conclusion that make Chairman Lev i fair book I tin uolamjihj in At Jj- I ion the Hi tor dafiJ id v J i f IV p r have more THE Wedding Ring re Style and plain A band Wed lm I pro an I ifa J pri I ex- pii J ie regulation jr- if- I he li ly one particular The Supreme Court orders that ompaiy and Us subsidiaries not be excluded Horn interstate com merce pending iv re- Hone in onhr may or prefer heavy broad to all ftptwararice We all style make ii is now said Hoard will request him do A collision of Iwij on In a Harbin Manchuria arm and I wo lu I scrap Rankin maj fci Conference and Rev Or of Montreal come Toronto 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4j 4 WORTH OF REDUCED TO I I fe iia K if A People Homeless 4 4 Mai Forty J I A Prkej from in to o Ticket er of hi- And his o -id- sews bis The far file darns the And his Komi will ho farmer pllehev in the ha Rut lould hi- her Hi hex work An pit Into him thousand persons at less as a eiUeiCe of the III fit moif is Knur thousand shops I haul other buildings were destrojed The hie a villi rank will London and Chicago ho ureal London bouses Mere besides churches Reports from PcMft told of a fire at Klrln oft Ma hut to this re- mole lev details of capital Come and Share in the Saving help out your Dress Making Bill L How easy to spend is i pit1 of earned by Mm Pro of miles west of and tuve ijm a not era In Nov day I June II K are baked Cover bottom of a tale Plait ion f ftO660 the whole Info the the whKei are wt v a occurred drop May A hie eene which It will At the Old Stand of- 36 Years Ago of lrriM the Mr store- J with nhout j I WANTED Salesladies for Dry Goods WE i ag