it i WasquredbyLydiaEPink hams Vegetable Compound Lindsay Ont I think it la no more than right for roe to thank Mrs for what her kind and Vegetable Com- pound has done for me When I wrote to her some time ao I was a very sick woman The Imperii 1 Conference On Friday last Sir Wilfrid Sir Frederick Borden and Hon P Canadas representatives at the Imperial Conference took passage on board Virginian or Liver pool Accompanying the Ministerial party were Lady Borden and Miss Borden Madame Brodeur Mr J Deputy Minister of Affairs also Sir Wilfrids nephew Robert and the Ministers secretaries The of the Ministers Ot tawa by their colleagues in the Gov ernment also by a large number of members of Parliament and personal friends in the City of Ottawa was complimentary to a degree and will be remembered as an incident of female ordinary importance troubles I had The many friends of the inflammation of the female organs and could not stand or walk any distance At last I was confined to my bed and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation but this I refused to do A friend advised Lydia Vegetable and now after using I feel remier throughout the country will be pleas ed to learn that the Premier left in splendid health and spirits despite the constant strain of a long session in Parliament So far as the Imperial Conference is concerned Sir Wilfrid stands first in rank among the overseas Premiers and his is likewise first in experience Councils of the his fourth Con- J Pain Pill then preceding similar Pills and think thev are fine Mrs Frank Lindsay Ontario We cannot understand why women will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly halfhearted exist ence missing threefourths of the jov of living without first trying Pinkhams Vegetable Compound For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills and has cured thousands of women who haw been troubled with such aa displacements inflammation ulcer ation fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache indigestion And nervous prostration recommend this medicine to all women jierencc and he is also the only with female troubles Ihave member of the Conference of also taken Liver Speaking of the work to come be fore the Conference an Ottawa spe cial to the Globe says While the Canadian Ministers will take part in the discussion of all the subjects on the agenda for the Conference which opens on the inst they will take ini tiative in making proposals with regard to only two or three sub jects Canada is anxious to se cure the speedy realization of the allred route scheme and with Premier Ward of New Zealand Sir Wilfrid will urge upon the Im perial and Australian Govern ments the desirability of taking another forward step by coming to some definite agreement look ing to the inauguration of a fast- subsidized service between Great and Canada and the At lantic and between Canada and Australia and New Zealand on the Pacific Sir Wilfrid will also adoption of a uniform naturaliza tion law whereby naturalization papers secured in any one part of the will he recognized as constituting British citizenship in any other part of the Kings do minions Incidentally we may remark that the outcome of these Imperial Con ferences may eventually result in the overseas Dominions having represen tative wafs in the British House of Commons Great events move fast the days and such a change as foreshadowed may become a reality before a couple of decades pass away During I the absence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier to attend the Imperial Con ference and aslo of King George In England Sir Richard will be- ActingPremier of the To et the beat of Got a Box of Dr Miles AntiPain Pills Otherwise May get the beat of you Nothing disturbs the human system more than pain whether it be in the form of headache backache neuralgia stomachache or the pains peculiar to women Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are a standard remedy for pain and are praised by a great army of men and women who have used them for years A friend was down with and newly crazed with awful backache gave her one AntiPain Pill and left another for her to take They helped her right away and she say she will never be without them again Mrs Webb At all doses cent MILES MEDICAL CO TorontoCan Windsor Record remarks About seven hundred persons m itario farmers will be called upon to over about dol lars under the double liability clause to Mr Clarkson curator of the defunct bank The lesson has been a severe one but farmers be more likely to confine their wealth winning efforts to tilling the soil in future Meanwhile Ontarios and his Provincial staff of detectives have failed to locate the wellknown physician whom the Conservative party in the northern division of the Queen City at one time delighted to honor It appears that mayors of cities and towns in overseas Dominions have not been assigned a place in Westmin ster Abbey at the approachtag coro nation but notwithstanding this the Telegram intimates that Mayor Geary persists in going to the function if he has to look through a knothole f i IK It is stated that the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Com mission will out a party during this summer to explore the Moose River country between the height of land and James Bay The physical features of the Bay will be examined and a suitable location for a harbor sought With the view of extending the Government railway to James Bay The Greenwood Ledge is getting things down fine and summerlike weather seems to have a wooing sort of effect It says These are the days that Uncle Sam is kept busy reaching his arm over the wall to tickle Miss Canada under the chin Sentiment is all right in its place but Miss Canada knows which side of her bread is buttered Depend on that with certainty oats t i sis SERVED AT A IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE BIS mam IRBfl aid En lfiS USIU Mum lias Sra l er- in a commercial enter- J if IT IS POSSIBLE TO- PRODUCE w I It Co Id not be otherwise because we select Smoothest the Richest Finest n Judge Winchester has reported as result of the investigation recently made by him that Chairman Of the Toronto Board of Education had attempted to interest teachers o city schools prise in which he was particularly in terested Notwithstanding this de cision Mr Levee refuses to resign- In this he has a precedent in a dis tinguished days done by which had an odoriferous taint of al leged bribery attached all in the same side of politics obtainable from one the highest class Dairymen of the country freeze it ourselves AU soda flavoring Syrups arc of the best Ripe Juicy Luscious Fruits exclusively and quality made from Fresh i of having a tooth extracted Is under our treat ment We often remove four and five at one Impossible at- tended by pain GTHOMSON NEW YORK DENTISTS CORAM i House Organ For Sale In good condition large size with several stops Would do excellent Sabbath will be told at a bargain Time en on Apply at be Era Office 3 Engines for Wan tedSecond hand Clover Mill and Traction Apply to Second St Newmarket- Wire Fencing Five Years Success aUERICAH FIELD AND MADE BY Steel Wire Co is Quality For Sale By J Newmarket hots It is out that Hon Adam Beck purposes tailing for England the After attending the Coro nation and judging at the boree show Mr fleck will accompany Engineer on a tour of the European countries using electricity The Brant ford Expositor very apt ly puts this and that together It observes Mr Borden says reci procity is a damnable measure The aptness of this declaration will be appreciated when Mr Poster heard declaring that it in a measure calcu lated to bring the Conservative par ty back to power mores I After thinking over the situation we have reached the conclusion that infant industries in the United States which object to reciprocity arc dem onstrating that they can howl just as loudly as their two little brothers of the legal profession residing in North York Farmers are laughing up their sleeves at the frantic efforts of the followers of to teach them the number of white beans it takes to make five Mr Lennox is losing his status in the estimation of the farmers of North York by his antireciprocity theories and while we never expect to convince hirn of the error of his ways it is quite possible the Hiding may deal with him as the says the Province may deal with Ontarios Premier It says Sir fames can never he pried loose from his taxation delusions but the Province can be pried loose from Sir James EDUCATION Such at you may obtain tie very ben at the Central Business College of To ronto Is a pat v port to success have proved it Why investigate for Our free catalogue Write for it SHAW Principal tar ifi says the Coble will enable farmers to get more manufactured goods for their farm produce and will enable city to get more farm pro duce for their manufactured goods ft will simply lessen the waste This the which teems to give anxiety to Conservatives respect ing farmers an J workmen It j hat the Zealand have sighed a contract the United Steamship Company for a direct between the two countries Cun- ad ran trade continues In fV aft the days go by the is with a both able and willing to meet the necessities arising from trad conditions Some person asks The Municipal World this question Are owners compelled to have tags on dogs and what penalty if not complied Here is the answer given This de pends on whether the Council has passed a bylaw under the authority o section of The Consolidated Municipal Act regulating he running at large dogs it has passed such a bylaw and the bylaw requires dogs to wear tags tin dogs must wear them subject to the terms and conditions of the by law The Opposition at Ottawa has made another discovery A was Charged in the Public Accounts Com mittee in granting the contract tire Rebreaking steamer When the Opposition got nicely com mitted the original vouchers and and From Ottawa we learn that the Dominion census enumeration will commence on the 1st of June Mr- Archibald Bine Chief Census officer remarked fast week that a arrange ments were completed He added It will take- about three weeks to do the enumerating and after that the schedules will have to be revised by the superintendents The tabula tion will begin about the second week down the in July it will be done in two days he heard Dicks step by the ordinary counting and by the j ling Usually Bod use of adding machines know the population earl perhaps before that Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone UEaanir LOSING WELL Bod sat We should in October A bill has been introduced in the Commons by Hon Frank Oliver re lating to the conservation of Cana dian Forests At present the Do minion Government holds acres in reserves Under the pro posed Act the eastern slope of the Rockies is brought in thereby in creasing the total reservation to acres and increasing the I Rob muttered gruffly number of reserves to A bill also been Introduced by the Hon Minister of Railways providing for greater care by railways in regard to fires through these reserves It seems singular that the Conser vative leaders of today should array themselves in opposition to the reci procity agreement now before Parlia ment when in years gone they favor ed the proposition In 189 when Sir John Thompson Minister of Jus tice in Sir Jidm A gov ernment appeal led to tin electors of If for reelection only five years before the present government came to power In- Issued a card from which the following extract is taken The of which I am a mtmbcr is appealing to the country with a policy which we believe will lie heartily endorsed by a great ma jority of the electors We have made to the Government of the United through the Government Earl Great Britain proposals for recipro city in trade which we have good reason to will rpsult in an by which the markets the barn doorway star- road When- he began proud of his brothers friendship but just now that brother was the last person in the world that he cared to see Still it had to be done and the sooner the better Bob whistled and braced himself for the getting he dreaded It came in the form of a hearty hand upon his shoulder and voice full of cheer It was hard sure enough old but youll have better luck next time There wont be any next time Its no use know Ive been there Do you remember the time I lost the race Id been so sure of I felt just as you do disgusted ready to throw the whole thing ov er It was Professor Dana who sav ed me He came up and shook hands and congratulated inc I can remem ber his words now Field he said you put up a good race and next time youll win hut youve won a bigger victory today in proving yourself a good loser Im proud of you I wasnt you know I was black as thunder inside but that made me think Sometimes Ive thought I didnt get anything in col lege so valuable as that sentence It In everywhere This time Bod nodded Forward GOING ALOFT It Ik Not the Hardest Thing Aboard Ship Sometimes Its Pleasant New York J Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Spruce Hemlock etc to Order Special Sizes Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of work and Pine to Order Dressing Sticking Turning AU Such Work During the pant two position press has stAVles about the members of the Government on reciprocity proposals Including a statement that Hon Mr Fleming weeks the Op- The amended Railway Act busy publish- id by the Hon Ml niftier Railways dissensions among provides for a Joint board formed of representatives of the Federal and Provincial Boards to deal with con nection Federal and the name Clark The of Toronto are yes- h terday at Falls on laio and Its in whlct his lust be- the lift was engaged in A Const ruction work was a jumping slipped the paused over his of the n On- As- threatened to resign unless and the interchange ol remained in session despite the freight Another clause absence of the Premier and IIm Wo- forth- that where a Hallway nation this There I Company Operating under a Dominion Is no truths in these reports allows its lines or any of it canard is to the effect that Mr A Campbell Deputy Minister Railways and Canal his tendered waft one of the least of the things bad to Contend with When f went aboard that old rigger for the time I thought going aloft would be the worst of all I thought Id I always had on heights The Aral time I was a bit and reached the The crnd time I got out on the topgallant yard there to p gaskets It wasnt bad whn off he last week if wmfS elded to the validity of the Imposing a tax five per cent on all bar receipts over a day Cannot he Cured i opposition to the of a by local toucfijnK the In- diseased portion of of farmers by the reciprocity ittnt one way cure deal- we notice that practical ness that Is all the farm papers In Canada are caused by friendly to reciprocity measure of the Mb- while farm papers in the CM ted be resignation There for ibis story no which SUFFERED THREE YEARS up it warn them to get Into an Unsafe condition got there I was a little haky go- tin- step but once on the yard I hid the subsidy to be a Men under to do and I toon found Company myself gazing with interest but without alarm over the ocean and down at the deck something to do great difference- And then fact that you always or nearly always have hold of something has a lot to do with it too The rule one observed as carefully by the vet eran as by the apprentice is One Hand for yourself and one for company and the unwritten but not unspoken corollary in certain moments its both hands for yourself and farewell the Company Even now on I am bother unless I have a hold or balance I marvel just as much as any one at the steel worker who walks a girder a hundred feet in the air But rldng a girder isnt anything arc in the shade half the timk and youre off the Mustering hot deck and the mate can only cuss you afar off Oh there Aid tuei wht youre glad to go aloft A gas well has been struck rear Vienna Out yielding six million feet a day Ottawa May The last bad probably the most brilliant event of the kind in the regime of Karl aid Countess was the State ball given by their Excellencies last night The great ballroom at Hall was thronged with a gay and dis tinguished company several hundred guests being present Sic Marie Ont May In a disastrous lire at the charcoal You speedily get so aboard plant of the Standard Chemical Iron that you balance on your and Lumber Company at against the yard and think nothing last night the entire retort plant was of the swaying boat rope on which completely destroyed and is a total on stand I never minded going loss The damage is not yet alolt barefoot In the tropics but mated but will reach many Bands dollars covered by may be coming down well you feel a your feet would be cut In two And by the Way in tho aloft Is the best place In the woild to Ire You get the and you operation Five hundred nun are out of employment besides a in the woods cutting to thrown number supply wood out Conditio the Tube State are utterly opposed to it fctdj It you have a slgnincaree this fact loo a or bearing be misunderstood and comment when it la entirely closed result vnlees I Till Or Indian Pills cured Kidney Trouble Nova ffaprrrrttfop out tbU lfa report coming from normal conditio be true that Conservative will be out of tea caused by Catarrh it but of will One Hundred v that Province are sfn the rnMJVatiVc at Ottawa for purpose of sending ofjt- campaign literature for election purposes ft to us the time ban arrived here few diseases that cause more acute Buffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr I A Thomas of Sudbury it one of hot who know It He writea for over three year I Buffered from kidney dltcate I thought I bad for suddenly the pain would of my hack and it would be for me to straighten up several A dull the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and pasting it caused a burning pain Tried but failed In anticipation of the coming of In Duke a in Karl Ore A ill be be by the lovcfpmenl In improving Half aft Is call ed Hie leader of ihc Opposition wanted Government to erect new residence for the leral but Minister Works would not promise Public St Thomas Ont May A cost ly accident occurred in the Wabash- T It yards at Thomas early this morning when big freight engines crasned Into other both being tightly Interlocked Both train Crews lumped and saved their lives for ease of Deafness caused the leader of the Opposition w be on be cured by lis lookout for his Hills Catarrh Cure Bend for followers- it CO Toledo 0 We are not a posJtldfl to give by the total number of I was try Dr Worses Indian of the accident has not Hoot they had cured rny wife ascertained years before A few boxes a curt now enjoy the Me- which Is to Take Halls Family for have by speculation but the a at your of good fKnt kidney trouble Its too us as too That old reliable family Root has cured thousands arid will cure you ft equally effective in eurin conlllpatson attendant sick headaches and blood CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought tbe of I A lor a DIM any of ground or stumpy at A Wlr same time and and better worry fur a second that It will play on stumpy that no matter what It strike winder Is to substantial at every am ft withstands the A Windsor DIM will Wprkol a plow a narrow at the time and of and horses besides has an all steel frame strongly protected at all angles with constructed on the principle The located control the two separate of discs which can bo set at any necessary Thin In a El arrow but At ill not It noes not adapt itself to all condition vhethcr on side hill or length ft a ten ted polo attachment either drlvenit will cut uniformly the length o funics fit lilt de DKMOMa Dpi or horses with and Inch discs flit demands of feet In width make this harrow tor It Is t style no M farmer It cuts i In two sizes and It rlKid It Is front o driver very SQUARE Mas no In diameter of these Harrow ball and square axles running the discs Thus they cannot easily work loose Ask our In your vicinity these economical Ho answerevtry Question for catalog Ire every ft WOOD MORRIS Agent Newmarket i fiJL I