Newmarket Era, 19 May 1911, p. 5

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J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c Main St Newmarket to loan on good curity Farm AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger House Decorator Corner Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dr Clark DENTIST Street Newmarket Wilkinson dentist in ffiddifieH Block Newmarket Weeks Slipped While working at some steam pipes a few days Mr Ward fell several feet upon a cement floor owing tea chain slip ping and cut his chin badly laying him off work for two or three days Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private if desired NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- tar Call before ordering elsewhere Dp S J Boyd Half Around the World Last week Canes Factory shipped six cars of Two of them left for London and one I for Edmonton their destination be- over apart Thus New- market is known by her factories Census Enumeration many moons the census enu merators will be calling upon the citizens of Newmarket to obtain an swers to a lot of questions and these answers must be forthcoming Ac- cording to law every person who wil fully or without lawful excuse re- ffyses to give an answer or who falsely answers a question is liable to a fine of not more than nor less than for each offence All of ficers taking the census sworn to secrecy Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of fa Royal College of England Former clinical assistant hi Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy New market No Hours 79 My unices may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the or phone Q Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p rn Toronto 1025 GOING SOUTH a ft p aUlaadale 100 Toronto ar Brielets Fly your colors next Wednesday Come to Newmarket and enjoy the sport on Victoria Day Fine growing weather the past week The music of the lawn mower heard again daily The plum trees are white with bloom Considerable complaint about the dust on Main street and mot with out justification The wind on Saturday broke a a VOU have pro bably been in tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from force of habit have just Kept on using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It Toronto and Kingston Presbyterian Synods it was decided last week will hereafter be held in the Fall The next gathering will be held in the second week of October The local celebration of the Coro nation of King George will cost the city about Tftls sum has been voted The proposed diversion of the Me tropolitan track for four or five blocks along street before reaching the station has again been discussed before the Railway Cora- mission but no decision reached The Niagara Navigation Co is con- structing a new steel and galvanized shed feet in length on pier No to replace the one destroyed by fire year It will not only be used for freight but will have wait- room and ticket office Water in the harbor is low for this season of the year being only in ches above zero mark A large majority of the Royal Grenadiers signified their willingness a few evenings ago to participate in the outing given them on May to at the expense of Col Rev Agar has been invited to remain another year by the official board of the Howard avenue Metho dist Church This will mate the third rear Town Council Regular meeting last Monday even Members all present except is Reeve Keith and Councillor Barker Mr was heard before the Council with reference to opening Pleasant Avenue Road oft Street as per plan presented Re ferred to R ft Com Following hills were presented P snowcleaning HOW A JAPANESE A CHRISTIAN A new member of the Church in telling he became a Christian said I ambitious restless discontented I put my boy into the kindergarten here from curiosity to see what the effect would be on him I watched to see He brought home ideas that my habits of life didnt agree with which made me think I con cluded they would be good for my wife to practice Then I began to study the Gospel and go to meeting myself restlessness and discontent left my heart and peace came in Christ satisfied me He and his wife are happy active Christians Florence H Learned in Review of the World DONT GO The lamp flares overhead The door stands open light and wide The tap and bar are both alight And there is music heard inside The window panes announce for- sale Both brandy whiskey and gin With ale and porter and cigars But dont go in politicians in the bar Are busy with affairs of State The growing tendency of women t indulge propensity to steal was pcroratCt discussed at the Synod nei last week One gentleman that there are thousands of women the city he believed who in Steal The loose display in Its evil work will soon begin I And therell be lots of merriment But dont go in mental stores was partially responsifA free and easy twicea week large pain of glass in Wesleys of- charged to lots fice door S of the Method ist church held their annual meet- at the home of Mrs Man ning on May the The officers elected for the ensuing year are PresidentMrs Vice- Free Mrs R J Simpson Sec Mrs Bain Cor Hewitt Miss Mrs Simpson and Mrs Manning were appointed delegates to the branch meeting in Toronto on May 31 and Juno next York SECURED liiat of Aiit Mi the I laIti IruiexcUC tonX Must Marlon ity on coal A Yule duty on coal Stringer unloading same Bell Tel Co rent WAV on transformer on sundries Robertson Co WAV sups 3572 for this state of things The Farmers Bank contributors with the amount which each is Il ls held that window ticket tells Free speech and easy virtue is Where filth nature swells able has been made public The last Youth is enticed with honevd wcrds Furnace Work PlumWng of Our Specialties Bee th Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORHE SONS Next to Grocery Death of John Hell The death took place on May at noon at his late residence 226 McCaul street Toronto after a lin gering of John If Bell The deceased was well known in BOnic circles being chaplain for many yoare of Stevenson Lodge A A No 210 It Ho wan born in King township years ago but living in Toron to for the past He leaven a and one daughter The Mr Bell has been in the em ploy of Eaton Co for he past J A years Deceased was at one time in part nership in Newmarket with the late John Jackson under the title of Jackson Bell in the wholesale cig ar business in the now oc cupied by Mr a Knowles The remains were brought to New market last Friday morning by spe cial Metropolitan car accompanied by Masonic brethren and deceased buried with Wasonic honors in market Cemetery was New- do do do do York Radial freight Racking Co A Thompson ace WAV A sundries Ray Sheet No 9 R Fay Sheet No Pay Sheet No Applications for water from Miss For the Eves and Pearson Granted Applications from Horner and Mrs for electric current Granted Communication from employees at the Water Works asking lor increase in Referred to Com Application of trustees of Metho dist Church for water to operate or gan motor by use of meter referred to Com Petition of ratepayers of Pros pect avenue asking to have same wa tered during the summer months Granted Petition ratepayers to water certain portions of and Church Streets referred to It ft Com with power to act- The Property Com reported mending I new ladders controlling noz zles 300 feet new hose one expan der new Hag for Town Hall reps of leak on Town Hall roof Report adopted Report of Committee on Finance recommending payment of full to High School Hoard adopt ed The Mayor Reeve Councillors Hunter and Cane were appointed a Court of Revision to meet on 2nd of June Carried Methodist Ecumenical SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN through line C0I0M1ST RATES name on he list is said to he that of Dr with a liabili ty of I Two more bakers were up before the beak last Monday on charges of selling light weight bread At the Sessions last week Wm Bryant was found guilty of stealing a horse and buggy also eight chick ens He will he sentenced later At the office of the Medical Health Officer on Saturday morning over sixty little Jewish babies from 15 months and under were presented or vaccination About the same number are expected next Saturday Judge Denton has acquitted Mr J J Warren general manager of the Trusts and Guarantee Co of the charge laid against him regarding the collapse of the Farmers Bank the Methodist Book Room publish ing Committee are looking for more spacious premises to carry on the publishing business as official printers of the Ontario Government George M Atlas was brought back from the penitentiary where he is serving a term years for ob taining money under false pretences He claims to have been convicted on false evidence The Dominion Government gave a favorable reply to the Toronto depu tation who asked for a lease of land near the western harbor entrance to the park The entries for the Field Crop Com petition Ontario closes the The GovernorGeneral Is announced to unveil the statue to- Queen Vic toria at Berlin Out on the 20th Waterloo County will be all agog that day Twentyseven hundred were in the ranks at the military parade from the Armories t Massey Hall on Sun day afternoon where Rev K conducted religious services was estimated that not less than lined the streets Knives were used in a row on Saturday evening and several arrests were made Indulgence in The Fire and Light Committee was splfltiioU8 liquors makes a very large Here lifes delusion to Lewd songs are sung foul teles told But dont go in are That woman who with hasty step And haggard look now enters there Seeks him whose love was all her own When life was young and was fair And virtue starved has turned to sin That tap and bar have it all Dont you go in Now closing time is drawing near Hightide it is in tap and bar A multitude of voices crowd In wrangles that we hear afar The landlord turns them out at last And in the street wild oaths begin It is a sad and sickening sight- On dont go in The Templars Watchword instructed to have a new roof put on the dynamo house at the water works The Road and Bridge Committee Was instructed to repair the asphalt walk on Cotter street repair or build a new on Second street Smith who east of Canes factory grade avenue and build the necessary side walk on said street Council adjourned itfuU Special TUESDAY mil PM Uvular Trains 1 vsrtt all Cobnut Toronto and Veit our Toronto letter reference is made to the meeting of the fourth Methodist Con ference to be held in Toronto next In addition to the particu lars stated at a meeting of the program committee held recently In York Dr Chapman and Sir Robert Reeks of suggested that a pastoral address he Issued by the and that on a given Sunday ft be read from every Mettle- rfit pulpit In all Methodist papers fatality everywhere in connection with the reading of he pastoral old Methodist and hymns to he Used and a to he read Method ft pastor likewise to he asked to pre face the reading of the address vagon was a statement that it is being read at trough height No in the saw on the same day a Toronto crew Item in the Police and Criminal Court costs of this city A Romanian Hebrew Synagogue is to be erected on Center avenue at a cost of Avery and Miss were arrested in this city on a charge of stealing Jot May A occurred crossing here this double at he railway when last week jewellery valued at at Phila delphia tried to Commit suicide as the train pulhid into the latter city The young Woman declared that prompted her to take the Jew ellery consisting of a ladys gold watch set with five diamonds another with two diamonds and also THE KARL OF ON SUFFRAGE HILL Extracts from a speech for the Con servative and Unionist Womens Franchise Association London Then I come to the argument that the franchise would degrade the true womanly character Now there some arguments which I can treat with respect because although I from them I understand them us examine this one and see whether it comes under that head is a womanly thing for a woman to be a keen politician it is a womanly thing for her to write political pamphlets and leaflets it is a wo manly thing to go on the platform it is womanly thing for her to make a speech at a meeting of a Lib eral or Conservative association it is a womanly thing for her to toil the whole of polling day in a carriage a motor car to bring men voters to the poll All that is wo mans work Hut how degrading how sad how ruinous to her charac ter that she should walk into a poll ing booth and put a cross on a piece of paper Hut that all I understand that there are some very conscien tious and strong opponents of wo men suffrage who will go further still In their definition what is woman ly work Not only does a woman acquire merit when she does these Frank McMillan of v turquoise and garnet rings These were both instantly killed J hey had been to the village to do some shopping and were returning were I He recovered Metropolitan Methodist Church Sunday School celebrated its struck last Sunday by three sn ipe- from a hundred thousand Methodist pulpit Recent delegates to Tor on- to the committee at York that they were delighted with what they and at Toronto charge it to Mr and Mrs McMillan were several hundred yards The carried unfortunate couple were respectively ami J age and two small children Clal services Several small occurred the past week One on Parliament was the mum ihewcon1 things In connection with a mcnlary election but she has acquir ed even more merit if In a municipal election she gOCS Into D polling booth and puts a cross on a bit paper and she has a merit that passes words if she take her place on a municipal Council I honestly confess that my Intelligence is not adequate to the task of com prehending that argument Then am told that women do want the vote That is a very old crusted Tory argument I think not fine the tiles of the Pull Together I he Until a Nervous Condition KfONKY THOU- ATKINSON Agent Newmarket For the in makes grass grov in the Unity the trade in Hi Hick fcldneys make you feel Sick In Other things being equal a city I number of ways and it is now usually a good as the faith of condition often people results from kidney rouble When If hey believe in it enough to fcink the whole and pull together you can VfiUH HJck you of and ft Send Us Your Evening Gowns It tovrt OUR MY VALBT t enough fcik pull together you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town is or up grade When all the merchants unite for the of their bur it a gamble that home will unite It- e I rheumatic pains It it better to have long weak eyesight Come Irritated causing headache spells fits of blues grow in the tills than- the green I In the fctrts Unity makes the long green The town that does not pull tot I getter ill be pulled to pieces One of the tired days 4 va FOR FLETCHERS A dull and a constant inclination to to worry over trifles Booth Kidney strengthen cure the urine and restore normal con- Idftlons ihv are guaranteed AH dealers toll or postpaid from the It Booth Ltd Port If you would like to test them free for a trial box successor l regularly ap pointed to late Very Rev act as the A assisted by Rev Father and Rev At a meeting of the executive the Ontario License and Allied Trades Association last week decid ed to test the validity of the legisla tion imposing a tax of five per Cent on all bar receipts over IKO a day On Thursday of last week Mr Maclean MI is reported as hav ing fallen off the I train from Ottawa a was pulling up at Don- lands Station and wan seriously in jured on the face and head lie at tempted to Jump lift I be train before It stopped Another change Is reported In the Christian fnsteud appointing editor the Book Committee last week decided that one minister be elected and held re sponsible for the church news In each of the province west This action will supercede the necessity of appointing a western editor and third reform bill you will that that Is one of the Iment the best old of the day The men whom it is proposed to enfranchise did not want vote I have not the least doubt that many of did riot But was that reason the whole class of our fellowcountrymen should be re fused the because a propor tion perhaps a proportion them had at that time no desire for vole and had nolnterost In politics Would the sons of those men he as gOOd voters as they are with all had As a result of drlpking cold water copiously heated from hallplaying Thomas of Medina twenty yearn old dead from peritonitis EW MARKET WARE STORE mm Effifi mm t 3 M t f S3 Si J J You Can Save Money Buying From Us Full Line of- j Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc f mm v- tubs iSii i55 i I Li mm E MARKET Spring Stock i Ease THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND RIGHT Toronto Jobbing Bouse i m I ai their limitation If their lather the franchise halt a century ago the lind the same them nap- they Those women who do not want Vote need not use It YOU will year by year that exactly thing will happen with with The longer hiive the vote the greater Will their political Interest and the greater the number that will exercise privilege the sake of ar gument I will assume that the ma jority of women are Indifferent to this why a deaf ear should he turned for ever to the arguments the women who are not Indifferent And the women who have made their ALL PAID W UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches at all In Canada and in London Em York Chicago Spokane and Newfound Land Every description a INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Bank Branch will be heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS mm mm VB HC mm a it J in iiajci re have twelve different shades in also white tt Iot co then With a a beautiful velvet finish that will rub off i3 a lii Martin Floor cclelrated or their lustre and nun qualities insist on wear- And It At M Hardware PHONE Newmarket pleadings may he safely or fairly ne glected YE JEXPERIE YEARS I Ottawa May While working a gravel pit Park to day a falling mass of earth struck a workman ami he was killed a widow and five children In Ottawa John last week received a shipment of salmon fry consigned to Barrio from Domin ion hatcheries at Newcastle Out which were emptied Into the hay This Is part of the plan to restock the Inland Ee oar r tor Mten acq Co Scientific American heard lew providing pleasure and pro- to express their opinion that their the wglcr f i t Sfi J j i -J- fcf

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