Newmarket Era , May 19, 1911, p. 8

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mi iS ASiTiiS it 3 eight- AT LAST A CURE Baiter I was a helpless cripple from Rheu matism for nearly a year AH down the right side the pain was dreadful and could cot move for the agony I was treated by two physicians without help I saw advertised in The Telegram and decided lo try them After I had taken one box I was much better When I had taken three boxes I could use my arm and the pain was almost gone After boxes I was entirely well again The cure of my case by Fruitfitives was indeed because all the doctors failed to even relieve me cured me Mas LIZZIE BAXTER a Toronto Dec LINTON In hundreds of other cases Fruits tives has given exactly the same satis factory results because is the greatest blood purifying medicine in the world the famous fruit medicine regulates kidneys liver bowels and skin and prevents the accu mulation of uric acid which is the prime cause of Rheumatism will positively cure every case of Rheumatism when taken according to directions a box for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa Two Houses for In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON To Rent A brick house with all modern con veniences Apply to H RICHARDSON Prospect street House for Sale The death toot place here on Fri day last of Ellen ONeill beloved wife of Mr John Tranor Deceased who was in her year had resided here for a great many years and was held in great esteem by all- She is survived by six sons and four daugh ters and this was the first break in the family The funeral took place on Monday to the KC Church line and was largely attended Mr Musgrore had the misfortune to have his hand cut one day last week while working in Johnstons planing factory Our genial storekeeper Cor ner has moved his old store to the back of his lot He intends to build a large cement store and- residence on the front Frank is building residence on the lot to the back of his residence -ooo- STOUPFVILLE Mr Andrew Graham was badly injured Thursday afternoon He was taking down an old building at the Vinegar Works and the roof fell in upon him On Tuesday last while leading a heifer to for shipment I Mr Truman had the misfor- tune to be thrown down the embank- near his own residenee and had j his leg broken above the knee to her own best interests as soon as need will her whole with the tonic action of PILLS are- done seeding around All women should read the special directions with every box- Everywhere t TEat when you pot a salve onto your childs it passes through the pores and enters the blood Just as surely as if you put it into the childs stomach You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat colored by various mineral poisons such as many crude salves are into your childs blood by way of the stomach Then why do so by way of the pores Take no always pure contains no trace of any animal oil or and no mineral matter From start to finish It purely herbal It will heal sores eruptions varicose ulcers cuts burns and bruises mere quickly any other preparation It quickly stops the a tote or cut cures Inflamed sores and blood- It is a combination of healing power and scientific purity Ask those who have All or Co Toronto price J E has been giving his house a coat of paint which adds very much to the appearance of bis home He has also built about a hundred rods of wire fence a very be coming addition to an already beau tiful homestead TOTTENHAM i A it Eagle St Newmarket at pres ent occupied by Mr Downes Apply on tie premie or to Dr Sutton West New Brick House Sal with all modem also a number of choice build- rag lots Apply to FOE Fire in any form to suit the Must be sold The tim ber is the farm Apply to 2tf ARMSTRONG House to Rent No Sirricoe street rooms dome tic water bathroom and garden Apply to Mrs Prospect Ave or at KI- the 1 1yearold son I Fred of this village fell out of an apple tree on Monday and j fractured his shoulder blade The doctor found it necessary to take lad to the general hospital Toronto to have the bone The visit of the Royal Grenadiers side and then northward Mr to on Day is a steels residence where wen compliment to our village that low should BE IN YOUR HOME A valuable team of horses stolen from the stable Harp er Albion one evening recently The board of trade held a very businesslike meeting on Friday even ing last and many propositions were advocated for the benefit of the vil lage and community Electric light telephone and waterworks systems are being considered from the econo mic standpoints and enthustically ad vocated by the citizens generally A man named Mctullough aged ft from accompanied by a Miss aged If struck town on Tuesday and tried to get a mar riage license the girl maintaining that she was years of age The girls father telephoned from and they were unable to get a license here so they made tracks lor Bee ton but we understand they were unsuccessful there also Farmers here Sorry to loose one of our popular young ladies I hear she to re side in Victoria Harbor Wish her success Mr and Mrs John spent over Sunday with friends in Sunny- Mrs of Newmarket spent a week with her daughter Mrs Mr Wilfrid is improving his residence by the erection of a new verandah Mri Rogers is home from the hospital and is doing fine Mr and Mrs James of spent Sunday at his fath ers Mr Some of the young men from Mount Albert are making pleasant trips on this street Miss Sadie Burrows spent- Sunday under the parental roof Mr Richard Boyd is improving and doing fine since fiis misfortune All the boys will be out to New market with their covered buggies next Wednesday 4 Steel rails have been laid on the P branch from to Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A T i V I- T I I Pleases everybody Is used by men women and children in all parts of the World There is a reason Its superiority over other kinds Contains nothing injurious to leather but gives a hard brilliant and laing polish It is good for your shoes THE F F DALLEY CO Limited HAMILTON BUFFALO and LONDON En serves special recognition from town and citizens generally the ZEPHYR ere Duty succeeded in crossing the tracks with har rows is a wonder The funeral of Mrs Dudley Wilcox at the family residence Victoria street on Sunday afternoon was an Geo is going to have a event in the history of the town sale of household furniture on brings home to us very Mr and poets words are taking a trip to Man to visit touch of Nature makes the relatives before he settles in Mid- whole world kin si SCHOMBERG the town hall was a huge on land Zephyr will greatly miss them The regular meeting of the Zephyr Womens Institute was well attended on Monday last Miss grad- This town will be well represented at Newmarket on Victoria Day The Championship events should be exciting A vote on the bylav to loan the you to of McDonald Institute j Positive Clutch and Pulley Works for a period of years and ex from taxes save school taxes was carried here on Monday the vote standing for and seven against And our whole little world was surely kin in its of bereavement and joss for seldom is it the lot of a human being to hold the place of a community that was demonstrated on cooking so if want to eat a good pie come Zephyr young people will Newmarket on the if is favorable lo see the Some drive to weather Sports Mr of hi McLaughlin au tomobile department visited human at W over Sunday Mr the hearts store i For 8ale New Brick House corner Park Ave St also house Elm St to MRS SCOTT The Cedars House to Let House on St containing parlor and four now occupied by Mr Mar- Wn Possession May Apply Poster IM Murray Sunday was kept busy nearly all day showing some of the air hex what a thing a is to ride in Law has a notion of purchasing one I was telling a man the other day he should have one he said he had but he lent It to ft I wonder who lent bis steam launch For Bale If In of North acres land under cultivation acres of pasture good water log house and larn For apply Joseph A Gibson PO or If at- on House for Sale a Rooms iMM alto Grate ft Vat sale MORGAN Prospect Ave Newmarket w sale of a farm In IhU part of the county tlat of Mr at Wllowdale a lew daya disposed of MO farm for It la said It for market gardening Hill liberal I The Globe Lightning Rod Company Hamilton to Inform the It but Joint of which It by a capital of TfcU is oldest rod firm la We a guarantee for tot fite fears with each cuter if building rod M by or if done by wittywt repair ft of sfrty IVl it lightning rod I tool of tooorjwrated by Address all rod to Mr Mikes is building a white brick garage to accommodate his two The closing dance of the season was given in the parish hall on Wednesday evening Dr- of preached In the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening on the occasion of the church anniver sary A number of our citizens talk ing of going to Newmarket on the to see the Championship Sports The pupils at the public school bad a general cleaning up the school grounds last afternoon after which enjoyed a picnic in the high school park The following from Bradford tire dance at Friday night Mr and Mrs and no Spencer Mrs Ryan Mrs Misses Lillian and lessle Sutherland Bel Minerva and Messrs right Ja rank Wood An accident occurred at High School on Thursday whereby Muriel Todd a student re ceived a very bad cut on tle fore head through being struck with an empty tin Can I he wound pro fusely and young girl bad to taken to who put In Needless to say the hoy Who threw the can Was badly frightened put in a bad ballhour A copy ol the Bradford Voters list of ago recently came to light On are 1 of whfcfa one now the village Is Stewart the present clerk of the municipality who was then In business as a gro cer appointed clerk the fol lowing year Two clay tennis court have been made on the grounds adjoining the Methodist church and a very successful looked for of the club A peculiar happened on Monday A man harrowing In a fteM west of Mr Thomas dwelling street tn the team ran away with the harrows and came Kennedy street ruining down to crossing the to the universally accorded the sweet and gentle woman who smiled on Us but yesterday Her character seemed a perfect balance of sympathy sincerity and simplicity and what her loss those she counted her dear est is beyond human estimation Further estimates for the current fiscal year wcr brought by the Finance Minister in the of Commons on Monday and we to notice an appropriation of made towards building sew Post Office In Aurora A little over a month ago a petition was circulat ed In town and very largely signed by our citizens asking an appropria tion to be made by the Government for the purpose of building a needed Post Office Mayor accompanied by Reeve Coun cillor and Mr 1 Walton Visited Ottawa Interviewed the Minister of Justice Sir A worth and the Minister of Public Works Hon Mr and pre sented the petition with result that an appropriation was made Banner The ball in day evening about ninety couples being present Numerous guests from Tottenham Toronto etc were present The managing committee consider it to be one of the most successful hops they have had for some time Geo Walker of Brampton and Mrs Winters of Aurora at tended the funeral of the late Annie Henderson at Lloydtown on Friday last A lot of our young people will take in the Olympic Games at Newmarket on the Methodist Womens Mission ary Society of the Bradford Dis trict hold their annual convention In on Wednesday The delegates from Newmarket were Meadamea A Widdifidd Simp son and IT Wilkinson chief feature of the convention was the address by Miss Allan a mission ary now on furlough She gave a moat Interesting arid instructive account or the work in Japan The convention was largely attended and was a success In every way I PINE ORCHARD The farmers are nearly all through seeding here and busy preparing root ground I wonder What Is the matter with Ginger He gets often the days MIRACULOUS RESULTS Gilt PILLS Brought I suffered untold misery when under treatment from the best doctors for over months and nothing seemed to do me any good or condition My trouble lion Of Kidneys I finally determined to goto the Victoria Hospital for treatment Two daji however before my Intend ing depsrture a called and to have a GIN fifth In Insisted on my taking It did so and six hours after It and 1nefiU I derived simply nothing more or Jest titan mirac ulous of VAnv to the hospital I sent for a of GIN with the that Z am a cured man I rcorn- PIMA suffering front Kidney Trouble Take GIN P1LL8 on positive guarsnUe they will cure or money promptly refunded joe a box e tor sent on receipt Of price- tfyOttf dealer doea not handle GIN box if you National and Chemical Co A original Ola Fills made by National Chemical Co of Limited Toronto r sold only box Immense Crowds Will To ON CORONATION DA A STItKKT The Advance in speaking of the Monster Demonstration and Day to be held at on dune next in its last issue says As the time draws closer for the big Coronation Celebration the plans and arrangements assume more de finite shape and every day it be comes more evident not only to the enthusiastic committee chairmen but to the general public also the demonstration of dune 1011 the day of the crowning of Greater King arid will sur pass in magnitude anything hereto fore attempted in Barrio for the band competition are coming in freely and a conserva tive estimate places number of contesting bands at twenty thus en suring an immense crowd of excur sionists from distant points City will run an excur sion with a band and perhaps two bands Weston will also bring In another trainload Word has just been received from Port Hope that their band is also arranging for an excursion This Is considered one of the better In part of the Province and ttie committee feel conWent that those competing will be the best amateur bands ever heard here The following is an outline of the program MOHNINOHtreot Parade of His torical and Emblematic floats In all societies school children boy scouts etc ArTKItNOON Grand Hand On- test In the park for which Ih of fered In prizes and also Aquatic tournament on the beautiful bay to he followed by a Military Tattoo in Park and grand dlhplay of la only a few years since con crete was generally accepted as ft reliable building material yet the difference which con venient and economical form of construction has made In the outlook of the farmer In these few years has done much to revolutionize things on the farm The growing scarcity of lumber and consequent rlae in price has gradually caused that commodity to assume the general aspect of a lux ury much lumber Is used on farm for building and fences that extremely high price has made It al most prohibitive to the average farm- unless he has an extra large sum of money to spend on outlay fencing partially solved the problem but real relief did not come until con crete was proven by actual teats to be not only practic able but to possess many advantages over as a building material The lo which concrete can be put are practically without limit more particularly on the farm Already the Hat Includes forms of construction ranging from the large hiproofed barn down to a that de ceives the wisest old layer In the brood These use have been largely by a aeries of exten sive experiments conducted under the auspices of the Canada Cement Company on farms throughout the country larc concern which has fatherd the con crete In Canada has during with The fourth will In each Province done on his farm Canada Cement be for the farmer furnishing the moat complete descrip tion of how any particular piece of work shown by any photograph In done This contest will be open until November Already much has been accom plished on the farm the use of concrete Perhaps the greatest ar gument In lis favor and one which has developed only since concrete has actually been put Into general use la Its healthpromoting properties If sickness occurs In a city to any great extent a searching Investigation usually follows conducted by a med ical health officer with the result that It Is traced back to Its cause and this removed Tho farmer must be his own med- To avoid this altogether would be Impossible but the farmer has WMy In which rnjch can bo done Ij the barn yard troubles Instead of Ing through ON A COHORTS leal health officer Ho must look to causes to be found on own A deal Is now being done a as sat- Do With Concrete This contains Information which No More Dandruff KNOWS WHAT MAKING In order to rid your of dandruff you must kill the germ There Is a hair dressing called Pari sian Sagt which Is now sold In every town in Canada It guaranteed by J Patterson to eradicate dan druff stop falling hair splitting hair and scalp itch in two weeks mon ey back If you have get large cent bottle today and rid It Remember that if dandruff germs arc not destroyed in time the hair will surely fall out and baldness will follow work It possible for any farmer to do almost any kind of construction work around a farm with concrete free of charge This distribution of literature and the ef forts of this firm to show the farmer how practical concrete really have earned for them the highest of com- A common view of the situ ation shows that simplyhandled material peculiarly welt adapted to of aanltallon and In prevent- Inr germs from spreading Will- mud the farmer and his family walk dry- shod to ihe barns and amongst Ih con crete walks and drive- way- of standing In a muddy hole he waters the he stands on a con crete platform on which is set p con crete drinking pool This serves a double purpose of not only providing cleaner water for the but also doesno of contagious lurk In old troughs liA anil poultry of rooting In mud and filth for food It from concrete Tiding floor laid In a convenient In barnyard be swept down or washed off and a of and cattle harbor the whlc wooden drli i Possibly the place visited of ten than any other by the farmer Is his well If It la so situated that ground strams can leak Into drinking water there Is Th moil recent of be- ing The use of concrete as drainage ma terial and In forming under eaves makei It possible or farmers wlvw and dauhtern to visit Ihe without danger of contracting cold rnasiy other unpleasant- and without concrete to the farmer Is a content by the Canada Cement Com- puny Tho llnea atong which the planned are broad enough to communicated to the farmer and his family by the most direct route Concrete has done much to remedy this If a well la built of concrete a solid cylinder set Into ground It la Impossible for such leakage to oc cur In the way a concrete dairy provides but slim accommoda tion for terms These two simple precautions are long stride In the direction of health as water and milk the latter even more than the former are the commonest of- the agencies find both ar used frequently by the farmer and family With pressure secured from a concrete cistern built above ground and the use of concrete In the building of closets many of the will every farmer to compete with I chance of success with the most experienced user of concrete In each Province there are four cash prises equal value offered each prlao The first to given to the farmer In each Province who will use number of barrels of Can ada cement In a given time on his farm another will be given to the farmer In Province who uses Canada Cement on his farm In 111 for the greatest number of purposes the third to be given to the farmer In Province who furnishes a photograph showing the beat of any particular kind of work has the modern farmer a method of guarding Not only studied out against from which might In the caae of water and milk be termed Internal He has gone a stop further and lu decided that the barnyard musk also be subjected Some if doctors pills and doc tors are to be dodged The average barnyard there are many worse some better consists of a stack of hay or straw a manure pile a watering trough and a npongy oosy maw of mud dirt and filth In be tween and all around Most farmers will this type as being fa miliar oven whose farms models in other respects Until re cently It has seemed SOLID features are removed and with proper drainage much to mik buildings perfectly sanitary Aside from Its advantages as germproof material concrete finds favor the farmer of today be cause he can use It aa easily as he could use wood All that Is re- quired Is a quantity of broken stone sand and Portland cement are easily constructed and can be made ofodd pieces of lurnltH handy With exception the cement materials can be found on almost any farm and should cost or nothing A to avoid this condi tion In a barnyard to the stamping of cattle and he rooting and scratching of the smaller stock ground to he kept constantly worked up Into oozy state Into this and through It the farmer Is corn pel to make his way several times a day while doing chores Despite best efforts a certain amount remains upon his shoes and do thing If escapes the germs that are sure to exist in the stagnant wal low and does not catch a cold from wetting his feet In It he alwaysruns the risk of carrying some small par ticle the house on his shoes where they Into line dust are stirred up the next sweeping Ailing the atmosphere that has to be breathed mm

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