Newmarket Era , May 26, 1911, p. 3

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j- I leeks aiT UKX7T Christian Church The annual Conference will beheld v5 year at on June expected that delegates be present from every church o denomination in Ontario Rev Burnett of Dayton Ohio is to represent the in the S ij has bought a lot Street and is making pre- j ration to sell at Newmarket build is such a demand for houses in town that this seems the only thing a man can van is to escape the frequently Well Sd conveniently located houses are picked up by purchasers all ov er to- Women institute Womens Institute hold regular meeting on the June at toe home of Mrs g Walker Street- Miss will be present and superb and a fair Crowd- Perhaps one of the most successful Victoria Day Sports ever held in Newmarket took place at the Grounds last Wednesday when the Ontario Championship Races and the Coronation Trials were run off under the auspices of the Young Mens Amateur Athletic Association of Newmarket The day was fine and the crowd was fairly good though somewhat below expectations a house for him- The fact alone that this meeting was represented by the best and fastest runners and walkers in Ontario it was therefore followed with keep interest by all The winners in the Coronation Trials leave next week for the Olym pic Games at Condon England The Queens Own Rifles Band of Toronto was splendid and their choice selections were a great addi tion to the proceedings At pm the 10mile Marathon Race started off George Black had all his work cut out to beat little Norman of the by a comparatively- small mar- do worry of I laid out the ladies on subjects which Black finished in one hour and all ladies as well as In- seconds coming a the close second the members will run forget their baskets I Central reached the line first in sees with our swell little local runner Frank Fee a few yards behind A great deal of credit is due to Frank in gaining second place taking in to consideration the fact that con- training has not fallen to his excel- ot the of the Correction I- quoting extracts from the High jjciooi Inspectors Report dii t0 Department and teacher Miss Wickett tor found the department we unwit- the even its capable The tent and spoke very highly exhibits in bookkeeping and Impressed himself as very favorably Impressed by Miss work ISrieflets fat Saturday three Township will at Pel- Whitchurch at and King at Metropolitan Ry did a big the 21th and gave a satis- J A West End YMCA I won third place The OneMile run was won by Roy West End Time 2nd W H Warring Central 3rd A Lister Central HalfMile Run Mel Brock West End M A Time 2nd Arnold Knox Central YMCA 3rd Jack Central YMC Metropolitan yards Tressider on the 21th and gave a 2ndRoy factory service 3rd Russell Pratt West Attempted Suicide End A Yards Run J short time ago an Englishman West End YMCA Time sees Alfred Martin was to the Dent Industrial Home from Little York Watson West End owing to incapacity to maintain A As there were evidences In sanity his brother John carne here from the same place to take care of Lira About three oclock on Mon- the inmates Central YMCA sec Yards Time sees 2nd Dent 3rd has Watson Hurdle Alex Cameron End da- afternoon one of found John Martin in the 2nd J his throat badly lacerate and The twmile walk was perhaps the covered with blood and his pocket- knife still in his ha Superintendent most interesting event of the j the champion heel and was at once in- toe walker was identified in the event formed and he telephoned for Dr Wesley The the Dr This and of course easily wonit Home surgeon of the a very critical finished in mm aid it took him three hours to pro care lor him At last reports he was doing nicely and proba bly recover The fit of melancholy probably came upon him in with brother as there was the kind suspected previously A Surprise Wedding The following copied from the Dorado Arkansas Times the a brother of Mr Alfred Toole late of Whitchurch announcement which came as Mirprfte even to friends and relatives was the quiet home ding of Mar of his and Mr W A Toole Tulsa Toronto SSTtltt ATvSU only mm sec which is not by any means bis record P WaoHonaW also Of the Central came in next and W Russell Central third Running High IurnpF Bowes West End YMCA feet inches 2nd Alex Cameron cen tral YMCA- 3rd Ardilald West End Running lump I Waterloo Distance feet 2nd I irdP Bowes Pole Vault for heightAlex Cam eron feet inches 2nd Archilaid 3rd I6ft Shot John Bowie Police AAC Distanre 2nd V music of Scotland duced in a very pleasing manner the Popular airs of the bonnie The entire selection was to a degree of reality The Imitation of the bagpipes was so near to the real thing as to cause a good deal of appreciative comment After this generous Scotch selec tion Musician J Pratt contributed a solo accompanied by the band which was elegant Other renditions by the band were Madame Sherry by K and The Kings Guard by Ke4th The second part of the programme was the production of the comedy Sunset by the Toronto Dramatic Society This was rather a disap pointment in the end as the hour was somewhat late when the curtain fell many thought it was the close of the performance and left the hall The 2nd act which the company said they bad put the most time on and was a fitting climax was therefore not giv en and this broke up the concert with the audience saying nasty things of Dramatic Society The distribution of awards to win ners in the afternoons events took place at Drug Store in the fore part of the evening VANDORF Mr Cook of Aurora visited with Williamson on Sunday Mr Charlie Cain had his brother from Toronto up for over Sunday Mr and Mrs Retch visited at Mrs Hackings on Sunday- Mr W Walker spent Sunday at home Mr Test of Toronto spent over Sunday at Powells Sunday being fine there was a good attendance at church Quite a number from this way at tended church at Pine Orchard Sun day evening The picket fence by the store will soon need judging from last Sunday afternoon Several from here attended the Fair at Richmond Hill 2lh o Mr and Mrs Watson Millard of Newmarket spent Saturday at Mr Mrs Emily Curtis is inder the Doctors care Mr Jams is renovating his house with a coat of paint On account ol the Liberal Mass- Meeting at- Newmarket on lune the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church have postponed the Garden Party until Wednesday June The remains of Mr Cook of Holland Landing were brought here for interment in the Ceme tery on Saturday May An open meeting of the Womens Institute will lie held in the Tem perance Hall on Thursday evening June 1st at pm A musical pro gram of Vocal and duets inter spersed with paper by Miss on Things that Make Home Happy and Otherwise and an ad dress by Miss Miller of on Things that Money Cannot Buy will be the features of the evening Both ladies and gentlemen are cor dially invited to attend o were received for bride it one most popular society ladies and is by all who know her He groom is one of the popular teasers in the schools ol Tulsa and highly cultured gentleman and richly deserving the prize he las happy couple make their Wits fa Dorado at the I beautiful residence on Times force join friends in wishing and prosperous ittivi life were run Yards Run Crawford lime 51 ec 2nd If Mile RunCrawford 1 In the 2nd all there were events on program winding up with a very ex citing motor race Skipper For months Mr Charles confined to his bed most the time suffering from lit but death Came to his o- Monday hlht Vox a fi4t a century a familiar figuce In New- most of which Mine he was caretaker in the years previous to from England J ik a tailor a was a Jovial elloW could a seayarn well and had many THE MHlTARV HAND A fair audience greeted the Queens Own Band Concert In the Town Hall in the evening The first piece On the program un der the competent leadership of Hand maw Universal was played with excellent p reel sent and elo quence then Came an overture Rosa mond by Schubert a of Verdi both ol which were remarkable for sweetness and tiled Band lavages cornet no lo was truly deserving praise with the aid of tb band took v the at at at hi he and one daughter to mourn A a kfod father All are e but three has Mm arl Jennie Moore all of here to eral an Veil an Mr Moore of look place service being lld In the Christian Church trrnent at Cemetery he service was conducted by pitor Rev A Mackenzie pallbearers Messrs Frank RoVt J and Richard At the reoiest of the Jack THE was wrapped in Union if Sailor king are with Joy elate ire night has gone and we home Weve tinted the goderf Wedding Ring There are differences ol Finish in the plain gold band of the Wedding Ring You may prefer broad or heavy nar row ring that no cleverly avoids all of feeling of clumsiness hate all styles the to absent friend Prices ran In from ti to tio lj f A CO Jewelers end Opticians 0 P Ticket Issuer of Marriage Howes Great CLEAN BRIGHT AND NEW WAS THE MORNING STREET PA- We are sorry to and are sick with measles Mr and Mrs of Toronto are visiting at her uncles Mr 1 Mrs Anderson of Toronto was vis iting at Miss Hills The death or Mrs Anderson wife of Mr Geo Anderson took place on Saturday Deceased had been suffering for some time from para lysis A little over a ago he and her husband came here to her sisters Mins Hill from their home In Vancouver remains interred in the Christian Ceme tery Her husband and friends have the deepest sympathy the com munity In the loss of a kind and af fectionate wife and sister We understand Mr and Mrs Davis Dlxon Hill are going to move Into Mr Walker We welcome them Info our midst Hamilton Herald May mi Hamilton people- do love a circus and circus people love Hamilton be cause they always do good business here if the show is Howes great London shows are a good cir cus and for that reason they did well in this city Not in many years has such a lot of clean tidy well kept and well costumed people struck- Hamilton with a Circus as those who were seen with the Howes London Shows in the street parade this morning- And what a lot of One horses The herds of elephants the Camels and the caged animals are all in the best of condition and include a baby camel born a few weeks ago in win ter quarters A cage that will receive much at tention contains three li on cubs whose royal parents watch them with apparent pride from an other cage across the enclosure The laughing hyena is a creature of great interest and the attendants know how to coax him to utter the peculi ar cry from which he gets his The wilds of Africa and Asia and South America have been drawn upon for many other creatures of which all have read and to see which the op portunity is seldom afforded This circus carries the usual side attrac tion An especially pleading feature of the Howe Shows is the appearance of everything Four bands in the parade discoursed excellent music along the way- There is a goodsized crop of clowns whose work in tickling the risibilities of the crowd is highly spoken of in other places where the circus has exhibited The main tent with its rings and platform is very large and with its several seats and general admission affords everybody a good view The shows carry a group of feature acts including the Japanese troupe who have one of the best juggling performances ever seen under canvas The troupe of Russian dancers is a novelty and a great bit Among the bareback riders are Wallace and Cecil artists whose names are famous in circusdom All the costumes worn by the per formers are new and have been im ported from Europe where they were designed by experts Another feature of the show as demons rat ed at the afternoon performance is that of the old and threadtare clown is entirely lacking and something more snappy and sidesplitting used in its place The clowns alone are worth seeing The feature company of the circus performance was the marvellous Ed dy family who in their three num bers proved themselves all that the had been heralded In an iron jaw act three members of the troupe swing through the air performing different feats as well as playing banjos guitars and mandolins while holding by their teeth In the tight- wire number and Phillip Eddy performed feats that defy the laws of gravitation dancing and prancing on the wire as if they were on a parlor floor Master Phillip turning a fllpflap on the slender wire without the aid of a balancing pole or umbrella is a wonderful The trained ekplrants worked fast and were very clever showing excellent training The show will be at Newmarket on June A I i 4 HOUSE FURNISHINGS Hemp Carpets com up Union Carpets from 25c up Wool Carpets at Tapestry Carpets from 39c up Tapestry and Union Squares In all sizes and all prices Carpets and Stair Oil Cloth In all widths and qualities Floor Oil Cloths from one yard to two and a half yards wide Linoleum two yards to four yards wide Lace Curtains from 30c to Curtain Muslins Bungalow Net Madras Muslins Art Muslins Sateens- Damasks and Cretonnes in endless variety- W Art rJ It- pays to buy your Shoes where the wear of every pair is guaranteed This month Special Sale of Ladies Slippers and Oxfords rfj Grocery Ask us to call for your order Phone 32 A BRUNTON fe or rt he biggest and best Fair In the history of I fill held No Charge for Marrying Justice of the Peace Mrs Jeanette Schaefier ofArkon Colo is respon sible for a rather startling innova tion She was elected justice of the peace for precinct on a no mar riage fee platform and the idea took like wildfire among the voters especially the women hist say that I believe in matri mony said Judge and promote marriages among young peo ple I do not believe in marriage fees of kind and propose to abol ish them as soon as I am sworn in And abolish them she did When County Clerk James heard of Mrs s ac tion lie took counsel with himself If Judge could afford to be so magnanimous in promoting matri mony why could not he do some thing along that line And so a notice was posted in the county clerks office stating that hereafter no fee would be charged for a marriage license Denver Post Ask to See our f I I I V STANDARD NEW SPRING fcaWIlW I PATTERNS A CORSETS Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY Toronto Markets May Fall Wheat per bush 0 Goose Wheat per bush ft Oats per hush 0 Peas per bush 75 Barley per hush flay per ton 16 per lb 21- ft 25 Eggs per do ft Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 20 Newmarket Markets May 25 lull Fall Wheat per bush 10 Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton per Butter per lb 0 CO 21 0 25 17 16 ft Snappy Offerings for Summer Long Lisle Cloves in white or black 21 inch lengths and as sorted sizes to A special 50 and 75c cents pair Plaincolored Lisle Thread Hosiery in all colors white sky pink Alice blue coronation blue high grade dyes and finish sizes A special and pair Ladies white cotton Vests in sleeveless short sleeves made from good quality fine cotton yarns 15 20 and Summer wash Belts embroidery designs and assorted patterns Pearl buckles all sizes special Fancy and white Parasols rust proof frames different designs of handles full assortment of patterns special 25 50c to- Ask to see our line of pretty Summer Muslins and Voiles Mar quisette Foulards Mulls lines in white Empire green black and white hclio pink sky grey and white rose etc I I- Crowded Church Struck By Lightning Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ottawa 23 While service was in progress last night in the Roman Catholic Church at St Masham a village on line pi the the edifice was struck by lightning and many of the congregation were stunned and otherwise injured The building caught Ore and was burned to the ground The flames spreading also to two presbyteries occupied by the priests and a convent which were also totally destroyed A great panic followed the striking of the church many Women and Child- 15 IK struggling to the exits The iarish priest Rev succeeded in partially staying the rush but many were hurt in the jam in the entrances The inmates of the convent and the presbyteries es caped safely although mgny were in danger The village possesses no fight ing apparatus and the people al though they heroically strove with buckets to quench the flames were not successful and were forced to stand by and watch the buildings hum The total loss is at Send the Era to absent friends i lm as Hole Agent for Mexico City May 22 From re ports received In this city the most sanguinary battle ol the rebellion was fought at Torreon on May and The accounts thus far given place the losses at dead and wounded The battle opened early in the morning ol May and throughout the day both using artillery with deadly effect During the night there was a brief in the fighting but it was renewed early on the with great vigor on the part of both The dead bodies both of citizens and soldiers lay in heaps In the streets and manv of the wounded died for the lack of medical attention So fierce was the fighting that their comrades were unable even to give the dying men water to quench their thirst On the night of May General commanding the garrison called a council of his officers and it was decided to evacuate the town The chief reason given for this was the fact that the supply of ammuni tion had become exhausted Accord ingly the troops moved out on the morning of and evading the enemy marched south Immediately upon the leaving of the garrison a mob formed In the streets and Its members proceeded to kill burn and rob It was a repeti tion of the affair at except that it was on a much greater wale Armed with through the town killing all who opposed them or who attempted to protect their property All the im portant business houses including the banks were broken into and plun dered of their contents while many houses were burned said that Chinese were anions the dead it was nearly noon before the rebel forces entered the town and they made an at restore or der This was objected to by the leaders the the troops were forced to shoot many persons down before they were able to estab lish patrols and bring about a sem blance of order When report sent the rebel forces were- in complete control the situation WORTH OF saw REDUCED A I mm Come and Share in the Saving help out your DressMaking Bill It will 9S0- s sss At the Old Stand of 36 Years Ago a fisr WANTED Salesladies for Dry Goods it

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