Newmarket Era , May 26, 1911, p. 4

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Sfe r vs W sEEliTSfc r 4 J a5 jS f i rf r Sin i i Cured by Pink- hams VegetableCompound Fox I bare always had pains in the loins and a weak ness there and often after in meals food would distress me and cause sore ness ta ble Compound has done me much good I am strong er digestion is bet ter and I can walk with ambition I hare encouraged many mothers of families to take it as it is the best rem edy in the world You can publish this in the papers- Mrs William Fox Creek Canada- The above is only one of the of grateful letters which are constantly being received by Medicine Company of Lynn Mass which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia Vegetable Com pound made from rooti and herbs actually does cure these obstinate dis- cases of women after all other means hare failed and that every such suf fering woman owes it to herself to at least give Pinkhams Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation or giving up hope of recovery Mrs of Lynn Maw Invites all sick to write her for advice She has guided thousand to health and her advice la free they too extract ed out out for overt Dont and MAY bo caved I toJV Our advice you rwttilnj- in NEW YORK uT3f-u- House Organ For Salt in good condition large cue with several stops Would do excellent service in a Sabbath will be told at a bargain Time on satisfactory security Apply at the Era Office 3 Engines for Portable Wanted Second Clover Mill arid Traction Apply to Second St Newmarket A Sure All Canadian Government Annuities are payable for life no matter now- long the Annuitant may live out the guaranteed Annuity that Is an which for a slightly creased payment is guaranteed to be paid for 15 or years as may be desired should the Annuitant die before the period mentioned has expired enables a purchaser to pro vide for the contingency that some one may be dependent upon him at the time the Annuity falls due For example a man years of age re cently purchased an Immediate An nuity of to be guaranteed for ten years for which he paid If he should die at say the a year be paid to his heirs for the remaining five years but in any case he will receive the Annuity as long as he lives should he live t be one hundred or more This means in other that the sum of is guaranteed t be paid whether he lives or dies The had been invested at per cent and was yielding an income of so that bis income is almost double that which he received Literature fully explaining the an nuities scheme as applicable to both young and old may be had by writ ing to Superintendent of Government Annuities Ottawa to whom letters go free of postage Two View- Points On Thursday of last week Hon Mr Fielding introduced the Government resolution extending the tariff Clauses of the existing treaty with Japan for two years The Orient Island has kept faith with Canada a good spir it prevailed and there was no dan ger of unpleasantness which for a time was threatened This was gratifying but Messrs Cowan attacked the Government pro positionasserting that it hampered Canadian freedom in matters of im migration The Mail and Empires Ottawa Report says Mr showed conclusively that the treaty of had not increased our trade with the Orient and Mr Cowan ar raigned Hon Mackenzie King for his failure to protect the interests of la bor On the other hand the Globes Ot tawa report says Hon Mackenzie Kings response to the criticism of the result of the understanding effect ed by Hon- Mr in on the immigration was conclusive He pointed out that in the past two years and three months Japanese of the laboring class had come to Canada while had returned from Canada to Japan a decrease of in face of figures like these it was only folly to advocate an Orien tal conclusion law as superior to Hie present voluntary restriction of emi gration to Canada by Japan Another Instance of paying your money and taking your chance the Mail pessimistic and the Globe opti mistic but Mr Kings figures dis tinctly mark which view is correct Sickness usually caused by the accu mulation of waste matter and impurities within the body Dr- Morses Indian Root Pills enable the bowels the kidneys the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities Thusthqy prevent or cure 25c a box J despatch from Budapest on the states that the Countess formerly Miss Gladys Van- has given Co the citys poor for the citys agreement not to Jay street car tracks in front of her palace Editor of the Parry Sound North Star has been chosen by the Liberals of Parry Sound Dis trict to oppose Mr the pres ent Conservative for that con stituency Mr will no doubt make things lively for the sit ting member and from reports reach ing the Ontario capitol Parry Sound will count in the Liberal column af ter next election I- J f si S boa dgftau SERVED AT OUR S3 uAHTn I it I n f I a who is not an engineer thought the lines could be built for less than per mile Mr Borden thought there was no necessity for so high a guarantee Mr was ex ercised cm account of pressing the measure on the of an election and Mr Taylor suspected a sinister design in order to raise campaign funds But when it came to a vote they dare not demand the yeas and nays Hon Mr Graham reply to the carping critism Opposi tion took all the wind out of their sails IBB BE i fi I IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BB en Wire Fencing Five Yean american and A Co Ltd tod tee Quality and price For Sale J Near Hi School Newmarket Ontario business education Such may obtain under the very Lett con ditions at the Central College of To ronto Is a sure pav to have proved It Why for your ell Our free catalogue Write for it If Principal the Canadian Northern It is extremely difficult to satisfy the at Ottawa So mat ter what is in the v ay of progress or development f coun try the once jump to the conclusion that Borne sinister mo tive prompts the action If the Government nothing the construction of the Hudson Hay railway Coldblooded indillerencc is charged in regard to the demands and neoenitfeB of the people hut if Whitchurch Springs It is now stated in the Toronto press that a movement is on foot to expropriate springs of lowing water near in the Township of Whitchurch for the benefit of North Toronto and Richmond Hill The Mail of Saturday says It is anti cipated that North Toronto ami Rich mond Hill will work jointly to have this water brought down into the populated districts where it will be of immense benefit Repeated ef forts have been made to secure this water but the project has been as of ten killed However those interest ed were advised that municipalities could expropriate the lands on which these springs arc located and have the water piped down to North To ronto For this reason North and Richmond Hill are com bining to make expropriation pro ceedings possible In this connec tion we may add that a syndicate has been formed to Open a tract of land a short distance north of North Toronto of about acres for the purpose of creating a model town Along the proposed property it is in tended to widen Street about feet The question will arise how will the neighborhood of onville and part of Whitchurch regard this action to lessen their own wa ter supply Legislation has already been sought to obtain a hold on the lowing springs referred to hut the Ontario House refused to grant it The question with Whitchurch people is can their private rights be taken from them by expropriation Possi bly the courts will have to decide the Issue A Toronto evening paper of the persuasion rises to remark There is nothing in the career of Sir lames Whitney or Hon J to indicate that they care any more for the ideals of national edu cation than their opponents who grovel to a dominant church from places of honor in the socalled Lib eral party Now dont that beat the Dutch for illustration The scribe at Gum Swamp is yet to be heard from According to a press repqrt of last Friday nights proceedings in Par liament the for South had a warm time During the squab ble the whole Opposition was charg ed by the member for Moose Jaw with being obstructionists Mr Lennox resented this remark jumped to his feet shaking with an ger He demanded that the word obstruction be withdrawn but the Speaker ruled against him the M P for South had to take his medicine MS In respect to the Good scheme in which Toronto and the South part of York are interested Premier Whitney stated a few days J ago that Mr H has appointed a commissioner to represent the Government tinder the provisions of the agreement be tween the city and a portion the County or York the Government was to appoint a commissioner but not as its representative He does not 111 IT IS POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE select the Richest Finest taxes in si hi was sua It could not be otherwise Smoothest obtainable from one of the highest class Dairymen of the country and freeze it ourselves All soda flavoring Syrups are of the best quality made from Fresh Ripe Juicy Luscious Fruits exclusively The Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone 14 list of to whom the same were to be delivered paying for the extra trouble What possible harm could come from this The same Dominion Parliament represent the Government and was j SE Of politics The Department provisions of the agreement to that nr The announcement is now made that the Canadian Navy vessels are 16 be built as far as possible by Canadian manufacturers The Tariff Committee of the Canadian Manufac turers Association have heen notified does not lose anything and subscrib ers are accommodated The fault finding is simply a case of catching at a straw But if reports be true the gentlemen of the Tory persuasion might find something more tangible on their own side of the House to condemn In the way Have on Hand a their political friends abused the that the conditions of contract pro- i i ji franking privilege where a Provincial election is pending in one of the Ma ritime Provinces They ought to iit in a shipyard 2 nada and that the vide for this According to stipula tions the bulls of the vessels the propelling engine and the boilers must be built listed in and the machinery used in the construction and equipment must be Canadian manufacture when possible and In any case must be manufactur- within the British CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Always Bought A cable despatch from London dated May states that Sir I Bears tho Wilfrid had landed at Liver- of Liverpool and was met by the Lord Mayor and accorded a civic welcome Mr Lucas Minister without The despatch on to say Sir I Portfolio in the Ontario Government Wilfrid refused to he Interviewed on must In- a groat ladys man The political topics He remarked that following observations were made by he was truly delighted to he In him to the Womens Club who claim lief ore Parliament adjourned last until July 18 the greater part of the its for the session panned The Premier two of his colleagues and the Parliamentary delegation of eighteen members are now oil to at tend the Imperial Conference the festivities at don land once more The London Northwestern Railway Co placed at the Premiers disposal one of the sa loons of the train which was decorated profusely with lowers This recognition and special atten tion to Sir Wilfrid will be apt old line died in the wool Tories an I active political arena The Labor attack of Cold sweats for Hamilton can now hold Up bis head and take courage He Two great auto highways are In another follower in the House Lou- Contemplation at Washington for I hi- Here what Hon Mr Lucas added Slates and Canada A press j to tl- above remarks Though I the mill- to belong to his side of politics The day Is not far distant when women will be- closely associated with the politics of our country You are the pioneers of a movement which cannot fail to be beneficial and as such I welcome you to the White Pine Norway Spruce Hemlock etc to Order Special Sim Doors Saab Flooring Moulding All Kinds of work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order JL Hi Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work despatch from the American am not in sympathy with nit States that a bill providing for two ant tactics of the on the t an JZn jlhcr Iheocaan I la- to ensure the contruction the if passed Hon Mr Graham Minister road opponents at once charge with a to bribe constHuencies on the a general election This kind of po litical inconsistency this place the between two fires Is not calculated to give the country a very exalted conception of honest criticism The thousandmile link via the Can adian Northern with its access to the Atlantic seaboard by traffic in terchange with the Intercolonial pre sents another manifest forward ad were Railways his resolutions Mfi the easing of l tonal Branch Railways which Mtsgr In Congress It authorizes of granting the franchise to wo- appointment of men and when a reasonable number its members from various States to of women show that they want the work out two gigantic Improvements j vote no Government can afford to one a highway to extend from the I refuse it to Now then let Atlantic to the Ocean along the fair of Ontario get busy jing Mr Lucas they want the ballot asked members to consider during the recess till the of Jul next ls the Ontario Government legis lation imposing a daily live per cent tax on all bar receipts over Con- v twentythird Washington west from highways ho Glass which has grown dull con he restored to a fairly bright condition hill provides shall be known by washing with diluted hydrochloric lively as National An- to Highway and the National Auto Highway her on OKzjrtrt rushed to I be bathroom in Mr Hector at Olta- and to tht vooan was burned death and gutted the extent of per for the whole distance from Arthur to Mori real via and the Ottawa Valley not have accepted the proposition- would have been worse than a blunder is this the fact when the of Ohio City of Toledo country safewarded from loss by a first claim upon the entire Lucas County plant security or guarantee rank 1 Cheney makes oath tut ih is senior partner of of H Co doing near the City of Toledo and Stat Vancouver By the propositi that linn pa in the of the the sum of y failing to meet Us bond in- for every case til possesion cannot I- cured by the Halls Catarrh Cure J of competed railway at the cost of per mile guarantee would become the of the rail- my Oh day of I- Trunk giving three lines from A V Notary labile the MM guaranteeing the Catarrh Cure taken of the line between Montreal and acts on Arthur passed It third mucous surfaces of the system for free J Bold by all Take Halls family Pills for the proposition was criticised by half- adozen of the Mr Porter hinted that It was a wheme to Increase the wealth of Mackenzie Mann Mr Monk You Take No Risk AND MONEY IB BACK OF THIS OFFER We par for all the medicine used during trial If our remedy to completely relieve you of constipa tion We take all the You arc- not obligated to In any way what ever you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for you there any reason why you should hesitate to put our clalrnn to a prac tical test The most scientific cornrnonenrc which are eaten like candy They very pronounced gentle and pleasant in action and particularly agreeable In way They do not cause diarrhoea nausea flatulence or any inconvenience whatever flex- all Orderlies are particularly for children aged and delicate per sons We Urge you to try Orderlies at our risk Two sites and Remember you can In this community only at our store The Brought tons Store Win- Is a picture of the closing Scene at Ottawa just before last weeks adjournment till luly IK hear a rumor said Dr that our friend Reciprocity has suffered nervous prostration and lias suspended ani mation May ask the leader of the House if that In the case My friend has the unfortu nate habit of hearing many rumors which have no foundation In fact replied Hon Mr Kidding Mr Borden asked what business would have precedence when the House resumed The your lady to whose my friend alluded en titled to our first attention replied the Finance Minister- For this of humor the coun try pays each member an Indemnity of a session Half the would answer all the the Indemnity would be saved Mr Lennox and MrHlain two Conservative MPa at Ottawa one day last week were faulting the on account taking an inter est In distributing certain newspapers without peoples names being ten or stamped thereon It appears that two or three newspapers of the Dominion having large editions and having time to address their pa pers enough to the tally malls have arranged with postmas ters to send the papers In hulk and acid and afterward rubbing with moistened chalk or whttlrig and May Last evening Albert the twoyearold son of Moore Virgil was drowned In an old well on his fathers farm The child bad been playing It and fill in Stock Register s ROYAL Clydesdale Stallion and reliable stock horse will visit Sha ron Holt Mount Albert Tine Or chard Aurora returning to his own stable In Walter Thompson manager CAPTAIN The celebrated standardbred roadster the proper ty of L at King Hotel Stables Newmarket will visit Mt Albert Zephyr Baldwin Sutton Bel- haven Jersey Landing and Aurora See large and small cards BRUTUS Pure Bred Stal lion the property of Toole Siloam will make the season of through Scott and Whitchurch Mount Al bert Thursday nights PEARL OF Clydesdale Stallion the property Henry Thompson lot If Con 3 Scott will make the season lull at Tuesdays Mount Al- Thursdays Satur days Balance of week at home PRINCE ALEXANDER The Clydes dale Stallion bred and owned W J Oldham will make the sea son of at his own stable lot Con East To remove rust from steel articles rub them with kerosene oil and let them soak hours Make a past of emery dust and kerosene and rub on to give a polish Court of Revision TOWN OF NEWMARKET l Notice is hereby given that the sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Newmarket will be held In the Council Chamber OS FRIDAY JUNE 2nd Commencing at oclock am of which all persons interested will take notice and be governed accord ingly Order J Town Clerk Dont tear tor Dont worry for that It villi play false on any atony gullied or stumpy Kfouna clayey stony Is so substantial so ft withstands shock A Windsor llso It narrow at the same time and save twice the ground and pulverising the soil better ced at every angle that matter what it strikes arrow will a plow and a spiketth same save man and horses besides opening up the MMIrlWOuW haan protected At all angles with on principle two levers In conveniently located control two separate of which can be set at nccciry This ll a Harrow but Mill not ao docs not adapt Itself to oil ivll conditions Whether on sidebill or level ever driven It will cut tin I for patented polo hones flu A Disc Thats Stiff Strong Sharp length of both tangs accommodates either swlth width Tb Min his harrow Has or horses In sires it ana win flls demand of every farmer It cuts o this harrow for sandy soils It s side draft in two sites and It rigid braces It Is front of driver very SQUARE STEEL AXLE no In diameter 01 Harrows A these Harrows have ballbearings and eel through steel through disci Thus they cannot easily work loose Ask our In cat It free to every one these economical tnachnes I gladly answer every our in you economical life us for catalog Til WOOD En ill A i it W NORRIS Agent Newmarket a I I t

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