Newmarket Era , May 26, 1911, p. 6

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J I ISP i- itSfifts El I We hare a Fresh stock of Red CIo- and Timothy Seed and out Prices are Right Vegetable and Seeds 2 for Leather Label Overalls and Smocks i The kind the Big Guarantee SHOES Hare you seen the New Patented Working Shoe There are seams to rip out tor LE MANAGER PERSONAL Mr Thos left for British Columbia last week Mf and Mrs S Keller of Midland are town for the holiday- CHURCH OF ENGLAND Service on Sunday morning in the Lodge Room at oclock All are welcome i DO Dry Goods have just received a fresh stock of Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money two prices Coal Oil WOOL WANTED Mr Ross is prepared to pay the highest market price for wool at the old woollen mill Mount Albert tons wanted LEAGUE An icecream social and lantern views under the auspices the worth League will be held in the Church lawn on Friday evening An attractive programme will be given Best American Water White gal u NOTICE I will be at Saturdays with the Pure Hunter Canadian Gem Turnip Seed I am the only one you can get this seed from Do not be deceived far mers CHANGE OF TIME- Beginning with the first Sabbath in June the Presbyterian School will meet at am instead of 245 pm and will continue so to convene throughout the summer Prof Dales of Toronto will preach here next Sunday night Subject the Wandering Bird ZEPHYR The Zephyr Branch held their regular meeting at the Mrs Heath with a good attendance A number of interesting readings were given A comfort bag is being sent to a boat at Owen Sound also a box of literature placed the O station at Zephyr The next meeting will be held in the Methodist Church Zephyr on June at pm Press Supt ORCHARD BEACH Paint Liquid Paint at a quart should interest you Every can guaranteed W SMITH Queensville personal- i It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Blis3 agent at once and get a box of the reliable Blis3 Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets andthe dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Last evening Rev Cameron preached the annual sermon to the members of Onward Lodge Despite the intense heat the church was packed to the doors The air was laden with the delight ful perfume of the large clusters of white and purple lilac which formed a portion of the floral decorations supplied by the Guild Floral Corn in honor of the occasion The sermon was one long to be re in red Our ignorance of stenography which we deplore prevents us from giving anything like a full report of the discpurse but in so far as our memory serves uS we will try to at least a few of the grand land beautiful thoughts contained in this singularly appropriate address The text was from Matthew 1129 Take my upon you With this clause was coupled two words from Phil yokefellow After defining the modern significance of the term yoke as an obligation either Imposed on one by a superior power or voluntarily assumed Mr Cameron went on to briefly review the history of the Society whose have voluntarily assumed the obligation or yoke comprised in the Constitution of the He drew attention to the fact the Order puts- its ban upon any of the greatest evils or the day by excluding from its membership the saloonkeeper the bartender and the professional gambler The Order More than half the cottages along the shore were open on Victoria Day rfcet for several I many occupants being here from both Newmarket and Toronto Mr dandy new cottage will be finished next week ready for the painters Mr Thompson of Toronto had a gang of men at work Wednesday put ting in the foundations for a magni ficent summer home the most hand some on the shore just opposite Mr cottage Mr Andy Wright and family were here staking out a new cottage just north of Inglewood The con tract is let and the building is to be ready by the 1st of July Mr of Aurora was here on Wednesday and we regret to report that his cottage has been visited by burglers who ransacked every draw er and carried away about 20 worth of curtains clothing and household articles Entrance was affected by breaking a large pane of glass The matter will be reported to the Pro vincial police Mr J of Hamilton joined the company at Zephyr Villa on Victoria Day Miss and Mr Art Oliver of Toronto spent 21th here with Mrs Oliver and daughter Mrs of visited her sister Mrs on the The Metropolitan Co has still made no provision for the accommo dation of the travelling public at Dovers Crossing though a whole car load of people had to wait at this point or the 6 pm car on Wednes day People are already engaging rooms at the boardingnouses for the com ing season The name of Morion has been changed to Brighton Beach and the whole property laid out in lots the sale of which was to take place Strike In Mexico iclally Terminated Juarez Mexico May 22 Officially designated reports of the Mexican government and the revolutionists state that at oclock last night there was signed a peace agreement at the customs house here intended to end the hostilities that have teen waged in Mexico for the last six months Though covering only the principal points negotiated thus far the agreement practically records the concessions by the government of those demands of the revolutionists The signing of the agreement was dispatched throughout Mexico to rev olutionary and federal leaders alike The agreements record that Presi dent Diaz and VicePresident Corral will resign and the government is to concentrate its attentions on desired reforms The actual signing of the agree- lent took place most sh te th circumstances on tle steps of ambition every who men din BALDWIN BREEZES- A Typographical ErrorIt have been six hundred instead of one hundred dollars- the amount paid John in set tlement of legal J Esq is doing some marvellous rifle practice now and again One day recently he plugged the seven straight shots thus making clear possible This is as good as any living man can do unless he can put seven balls in one spot Bill will bear close watching Geo Aird of the Civil Service Ot tawa is at home for his holidays with his good mother George is one of our moat popular and highly re spected old hoys I admire his devo tion to his good mother and I pre sume she does the same name is better than great riches This is equally applicable to women as well as men Indeed I aim NOW ITS QUALITY IN We emphasize the word Quality Anyone wanting the best Root Seeds should insist on getting STEELE Royal Giant Sugar Beet STEELE Giant Intermediate Yellow Mangel STEELE BRIGGS Giant Whtte Sugar Mangel STEELE Prize Mammoth Red Yellow Mangel They are the best producers the most easily harvested We have them all in stock FRESH ft ft customs house When thTpeace I l stand high in public favor commissioners arrived they found the fnend our door of the customs house locked and no one there to let them in Ac- our old friend David Evans Esq East We were a unit as to Wednesday last pie were up from cordinglv they gathered on the steps honorable life and sterling the building and while newspaper m held matches fountain pens were man and know whereof I produced and the document signed all follow his grand When the signatures were affixed the But we all never will commissioners of both sides is the stumblingblock that joyfully while a small crowd that off the straight and had collected shouted Viva-la- Carefully compiled would probably show that less Judge Carbajal represented the fed- than fifty per cent 0 our population eral government and Dr Vasquez I pass muster as honest men Gomez Francisco I Madero and Don J rir a chat with my Joz the revolutionists Rail- Tommy and occasion- ways and telegraphs are to be repair- If him engaged reading the ed at once farmers bible otherwise The It is provided that troops will Family Herald and Weekly Star band as each state is lorn my is a model farmer and he restored to tranquility This will many of his progressive ideas in insure the carrying out of the con- lne week he broke up D CORN All Canadian just shelled from the cob Beware of elevator corn which can be purchased for a much less price Our aim is to the very best at the least possible cost consistant with quality Cromptons Early Twelve rowed Yellow Longfellow Eight rowed Yellow Yellow King Phillip White Cap Yellow Dent Giant Sweet Ensilage and others We still have a limited quantity of those extra values in Brighten up with SherwinWilliams Paints A few of the many Grocery SpecialsPeas Corn and To matoes Prunes per Dry Apples per Id 1 FA R A D 5 in the various states some extraordinary rough land the virgin soil Bless me bless me bless me w the song he cheered Prof Day of the his team on with The wagonload al College says Protein is con- after wagonload of stone he had to in the formation of flesh draw will be all the explanation muscle blood milk etc One ton of Dried Brewers Grains I contains as much Protein as tons of Bran or tons of Oats and costs less than one ton of either Price Bros the big dairy men just bought a car load They know Feed Dried Brewers Grains and see your milk How in crease and cattle improve A able feed cheap Write the Farmer Feed Co Ltd Toronto for price CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED DEPOSIT TOTAL ASSETS SmSSfT Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United State SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed ColIectcd Forms supplied free of char MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER Prisoners Sentenced on The criminal sessions came to a A number of Conclusion Monday morning when the city si persons were sentenced Mis RAVENSHOE An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs J Cole to elevate the moral tone of the on the evening of May 22nd when country and to this end the speaker the members and friends of the the members to use Ladies Aid gave them a fluence in the Be and si persons were sentenced by Honor Judge Denton Walter a moral degener ate convicted on a serious charge I was given IK months in the Central lament Prison and will receive lashes 10 on entering and 10 before leaving Joseph ONeill and George convicted of an assault with intent necessary here Last summer Mr Henry Kay had a large amount of the Putnam fence erected on his farm Owing to faulty construction the fall gales upset it and made a mess of it Mr Kay is now trying his hand at it and judging by what I have seen it would defy the fury of tropical hurricanes The fence is a style when pro perly built isnt it Bob Mr has a freak of nature which he thinks should be seen to be appreciated and best un derstood It is lamb with hair on its head neck and forelimbs ears like a dog and genuine canine teeth in its lower jaw It will follow like I a dog and canters like a dog Its Restored Pageant Color is the same as those English cattle dogs of Messrs and Old Father Jacob the craf ty old Israelite knew something of you will learn in Old Tes- SUTTON WEST Copying Framing Enlarging include in the festival of the empire The storm on Saturday was a wild snorter The e appeared has been much resented by Cana dians the hot weather and come to church of Chateauzuav P you did it would London May The Canadian uld committee has arranged to St Catharines May to be a great upheaval of the ele ments That is natures way of equalizing forces and paying up for Chas W AGENT Referring to Better Than Everybody is delighted with the work done la Millinery at COLES the sales have thus far ail expectations still we will try to satisjy the rest of when yoii come Be and we out stock and our prices before buying ThejReliable Store moral literature I motto of the Order Friendship Love Truth Mr Cameron showed how they symbolized the Trinity Cod is love Jesus is the truth The Holy Spirit is the whose friendship never then to the three links which made I up the badge of the Order Mr Cam eron asked them to remember three things to be Be pure lie Just and honest Three things to think about Life Death Three things to look forward to A peaceful death a glorious la crown of life- he secured only by taking I selves the yoke of Jesus and becom ing true yokefellows with The sacrament of the Lord per will be observed in the Church next nmK Preparatory fcervlce will be held on Friday evening to steal were sentenced to eight matter of Sabbath ob- complete the house onths In Central Prison J extreme temperature And more is the suppression of tor by storm when they presented their to follow from time to time Hicks found guilty of Almanac hit it- wounding with intent to maim is the Season to be on guard Good Friday night was sentenced to for fish yarns Scott one year in the Central Prison I Summer Im told reports the the Toronto law- capture of an trout Scott is yer who pleaded guilty to charges a a a Wonderful fisherman but his 23 A violent electric storm hit this section last night with downpours of rain which will prove a saviour to the growers in the Niagara- fruit belt the daughter Miss with kit chen shower Following Is the ad dress Miss Cole Dear Friend We the members of the Ladies Aid Society of the venshoe Methodist Church being forgery and theft was aware of your approaching departure sentence till the fall from our midst and realizing that Archie Riddle was six months this will sever the ties that have for mischief He broke into a church bound us together in our common in the Township of and he for the Kingdom of our Lord also had a previous record take opportunity of expressing our I J Curry made a strong regret that you must go from us a I appeal for leniency In the case of though well aware of the happy found guilty of stealing pices which your departure will be a add buggy and of breaking taken We Wish to express Into a chickenhouse and stealing appreciation we have always felt chickens on the ground that he was for your splendid qualities of mind the lime He received six remanded for veracity Is reliable enthusiastic disciple of Ive been an Walton SWICK storm a barn belonging to J M Pur- It was announced in prll that the tell and rented by lames Powell Canadian of which In Grantham Township was struck is president had decided by lightning and burned down All to eliminate from the coronation pro- of the stock and implements were gram Canadas principal contribution I saved to the pageant This piece which has been in course of preparation at the Crystal Palace was entitled Chateauguay Canada was held for the Umpire and was in tended present the Tenders for Gravel Tenders received for drawing gravel i Townline west of street which you are possess- never forget tin kindly For Immediate Sale New Cement House together with two lots water Fenc ing acid ootbuJMIni Situated York It Station Cooks Hay on road to to stores pot a owner it going west will offer if at once J Keswick Eggs lor Hatching From Ahyt Poultry Farm of nearly prizes la WW VhiU Brown ard Barred Island Black Toronto Visiting her mother this week Miss Polly ban fortunately so far Improved in health as to It able to go out driving A McNeill Mrs McNeill and family spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the city Mm Stephens Miss and Matter Hillary enjoyed a visit in To- last week Mrs Geo and MM Irene ftpaldlng of Toronto are in this week The holiday a very quiet one In the village many tie towns people going to lake of to the Athletic meet in Mr Frank the of a fine new automobile ar rived from Toronto on Tuesday even ing During severe electrical storm week Mr was than that damage was In the vicin ity Mr has decided to re main In the business here and opening a repair shop In well teacners spent the at their respective homes evening the Indian Potlacb given by the The week leT a very busy one lot the leaguer preparation for the hoped their heart of We will disposition and readiness of service and the bright wordw of cheer with which you have helped bo much in our work aw a Society We can fully teatlfy in all and ways A service what your hand found to do you did it with your might Your loss In consequence will he keenly felt and your plaOe hard to fill As a rememder of our esteem and regard we ask you lo accept this kitchen shower from the friends have made Indebted to you In ways Innumerable and with this gift abk you to accept the continued good wishes of the givers We hope for you a very happy future and ear nestly pray that may- continue to shower upon you and yours tin- tokens of Ills loving favor through all the years of a long and useful on of AidMrs L J Mrs Rose Mrs A Cole Mrs J Mrs H Mrs A Cole Miss Cole made a very suitable re ply after which a very enjoyable ev ening was spent With and re freshments A heavy thunderstorm passed over this section on Saturday Mr Runs barn Was burned All the stock was out but a of and hay burn ed also Mr Martin Roses barn Wai struck and fired but they got It out before any SerlOUS damage done Ve having vtty hot wea thertwo or three horses hay died with the- heat months in the Central side a trout brook Crops are coming on fast Those who have even a very indif ferent knowledge of British history will remember what the enthusiastic J admirers called Good Queen Bess orcupne May by a wind blowing forty miles an hour eamH flre swept over he Pear Lake sec- tion destroying nearly half a million Baldwin from of property he magazine lrlll guess not on tl e Ducks Battms ard other setting or Tl Zephyr Phone Tbe people always think they ill are only HI when they think J wtV King George and Queen Mary en tertained the Colonial premiers and their wives and daughters at lun cheon at Buckingham palace Monday afternoon King George wan mark edly attentive to he vuitlngstates- Hoi linger property Exploded Winnipeg May n Increase of If per in the total acreage un der grain in the three western pro vinces predicted by J B Walker commissioner of immigration The Calculation Is based on Information obtained from reports of provincial governments but It Joes not go Into details Reports from all parts of the country Indicate that growing Crops are in a most satisfactory con dition and there are no complaint Nervous Condition THAT TROU BLE a If your back Is constantly aching and If you experience dull shooting pains If your urine Is thick and cloudy or your passages frequent scanty painful your kidneys and bladder arc out of order gleet quickly brings on rheu matism dia betes lumbago sciatica etc Booths Kid ney Pills pre guaranteed to relieve or your money hack They arc the worlds greatest specific for kidney and blad der trouble All druggists box or postpaid from the proprietors The Booth Co Krle trial on application Hold and guaranteed by J Pat tersons Drug Store Most elaborate preparations are being made for her reception and when the forth Behold the rise ye up and meet her Ill let you know This one a sweet angelic little crea ture pretty enough to put out of business candidates at a beauty show and for beauty of character and disposition shes a Queen Indeed The sparkling eyes of a local beau ty are playing hob with the heart- J strings and big vestbuttons of a couple of loving swains and so Cupid and the world wags on Mrs Crittendens icecream parlor was a gay scene on Saturday evening It would have taken a waMilm full to have filled all de mands The family of the late Mrs Moore have our sincere sympathy as I know her noble characteristics remain long in tender memory Our hoys pronounce the water In superb condition for bathing now To Iron Clothes easily damp the clothes and fold them neatly Then roll tightly and lay aside for several hours After this the clothes can be quickly Ironed will supply gravel or not received up to June 1st KRLLEY Newmarket Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF MAST cause a feeling which would endanger the Conclusion of the proposed Anglo- American arbitration treaty Later It was explained that the opposition was not from Americans but other unnamed panic Burned at Stake May A sensa tion has been caused by the arrest of William Morton anil Wilson seventeenyearold schoolboys on a charge preferred by Avery Murphy lour toon years old who declares they tied him to a tree and attempted to burn him alive In Indian fashion Murphy testified that the accused boys niter waylaying him tied him to a tree whooped around like In dian braves and finally he says they gathered papers and twigs and started a fire at his feet He became hysterical but succeed ed In stamping out the fire and re leasing after Morton and Wilson had left the scene Arraigned before Judge Hooper the older boys pleaded they were on ly joking Barred Plymouth Rocks White St Catharines Out May 22 In and White Leghorns announcing that during the warm Ducks per Setting Also Notice is hereby given that Court of Revision for the Township of East will be held the Municipal Hall Sharon ON FRIDAY JUNK 2nd Commencing at oclock am of which al persons Interested will take notice and be governed accordingly By Order A 2wl8 Clerk Eggs Prom Choice Matings FOR HATCHING weather church services would be made very brief Rev Dr Hen- son at Avenue McthodUl Church yesterday said wish all you good would leave those pretty hats of yours at home during for large English a ages Jersey Bull This stock purebred and registered Also Seed Potatoes Early Rose COWIESON XT Mi a new to lake and dotes never 25c a box at all Nation A Chemical Co of Canada I r iil 5

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