Newmarket Era, 2 Jun 1911, p. 4

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Meeting i On Saturday last Hon Minister of Agriculture delivered an address on the political issues before the country more particularly touch- the reciprocity question before his constituents The gathering was a large and representative one SHE MS SURPRISED Morses Indian Root Cured her Chronic Com plaint J Mrs Smith of Winnipeg Man tells an interesting story of relief from almost intolerable sufferings can hardly tell you how great my sufferings have been Chronic liver com- I daily source of to me Every day nearly five experienced the sickening effects of farmers the Eastern Townships these I longed for some i j i cine that should permanently drive them -i- Hon Mr made a speech j away the occasion and was jearing of Dr Morses Indian Root hams VegetableCompouiid Belleville Ont I was so and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Pink- hams Vegetable Compound I took several bottles of it and I gained strength so rapidly that It seemed to make a new woman of me I can do as good a days work as I ever did I sincerely bless the day that I made up my mind to take your medicine for female weakness and I am exceedingly grateful to you for kind letters as I certainly profited Dominion they by them I give yon permission to i I loudly cheered Eastern Township farmers are giv ing large attention to dairying and Hon Mr took occasion for I a time to address himself specially to the farmers of that district He told them that while last year they had exported nearly two million dol lars worth of dairy products to the States face of an almost prohibi tive duty under reciprocity this would grow to twenty millions in two years As to the manufacturers Mr Fisher said they imported two hundred and fifty millions worth of raw material from the States free of duty as soon as leges were offered the fanners of the Pills I thought they were worthy of a trial My surprise was indeed great From the very first I experienced relief Continuing with them I found my troub les were slowly but surely leaving me arid before long I once more knew what it was to be free from the harassing ef fects of the ailments that had long sick ened and weakened So great is my faith in Dr Morses Indian Pills that I shall never on any account be without them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cure Bowel and Kidney as well as Liver and keep you healthy a box ftt your dealers lime connected with the Canada and who is at the Scottish Defoe Railway young girt brought out from country by a charitable lion bad to be sent to the for six months last Friday Sh ob tained on a worthless check and So worth of Goods from the Simp son Co store Another girl named Kate was charged with steal ing ostrich plumes dresses diamond and pearl ring and a valuable This case was remanded Controller Spence is Acting Mayor during the absence of Mayor Geary at the King George Coronation monies Last week a policeman had to be called to destroy a mad dog on Ger- street In a certain church in city a few Sundays ago tbe preachers theme was Will there be any stars in my Crown The closing hymn led by the choir which followed the sermon was No Not One- National Trust Co has given out statement so report the shareholders of the York Loan instead of receiving from 25 to per cent will likely receive 0 50 ijSiii r SERV J ED AT OUR i IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE mom Hi ilwwM- I in r P0SS that the pr liar to erect a monument on the any time you wish Belleville OnUrlo Canada Women remember culture that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak ness and so successfully carry women through the Change of Life as Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs For SO years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills inflammation ulceration dis placements fibroid tumors irregulari ties periodic pains backache and prostration If you want special advice It Is free and always helpful loyalty and farmers from market The then intimated if the Opposi tion continuedin their course of ob struction it would necessarily follow that a country did not feel like doing until af ter the next census had been taken and a redistribution bill passed contributes her annual review of the Music of the Season in Canada There are short stories of Theodore Appeal would be made to the fridge Roberts Thomas Stanley rov This however the Govern- a 0 Bittefy House Organ For Sale in good condition large size with several stops Would do service in a Sabbath school will be sold at a bargain Time giv en on satisfactory security Apply at the Era Office 3 Engines for Portable Wanted Second Clover Mill and Traction En gine Apply to Second St Newmarket ing fair representation to the several Provinces of the Dominion the meeting closed the an nexation bogey got an airing and was declared to be an insult to the intelligence of Canadians The Expositor savs If the recprocty tests made by Warden Dull chairman and Mr Toronto News other places are proposal appropriation has been sent by the Hoard of Control to the Council Queen Marys birthday was honored salute from the Field in front of Parliament Buildings The Good Roads Commission of South York on Friday last elected J A a kin to the soiled interviews A prcparcd they are a huge fare the boundary line from the St Lawrence river to Lake Guess they arc all ofi the same web the color of the fabric indicates it Superior The man on the job must he Canada of the Mysterious Mr Raf fles During the absence of Hon M Wire Fencing reciprocity agreement would J- Dominion Parliament and lralor In an address Wellington quite 01 Guthrie expressed confidence that the pass the that it should pass as it was demanded by the agriculturists of the country who represented sixty- five per cent of the population He also said that the manufacturing in terests were not complaining of the treaty since its purport had been made known as it only affected a few special interests who were making abnormal profits Gibson LieutenantGovernor of On- goods Und the electors of A McKay Co ally Mr Hugh for tresspassing a of the Court of Appeal for On- Five Years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY The Steel Co Ltd Come tee Quality aci For Sale By J High Newmarket There were about automobile licenses issued last year in Ontario The Provincial Secretary during past week or more has been forward ing to the clerks of municipalities and police officials copies of the list of permits to opera to motor vehicles in this province It makes a bulky handbook this year as it consists of over ISO pages Automobile licenses issued in Ontario total There are 1177 licensed chauffeurs in the province bicyclists carry licensee for motor cycles the Court of Appeal for On- been appointed Province This ap pointment was announced at Ottawa last Friday The Lieutenant-Oovern- Mrs Gibson and the Misses Gib son left for England last Friday It is current rumor that His Honor will be knighted when Coronation honors are bestowed by the king A press despatch from Ottawa un der date of Friday last states that the Government is sending the commission of three and three from the United States are now on the job at the King Edward Hotel A Dominion statute forbids any per son guaranteeing goldfilled or silver- Under this clause the had to contribute spassing of Java monkeys one pair of monkeys Chinese ape and a pair of monkeys have been added to the Zoo late ly The Toronto West District Meeting of the Methodist Church by the ov erwhelming majority of fifty to eight voted for Church Union A jury brought in a ver dict to the that Miss Stokes of was knocked down and fatally injured by a wagon drawn by horses in charge of and was the result of IS POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE It could not be otherwise because we select the Richest Finest Smoothest t i f obtainable from one the highest class Dairymen of the country freeze it ourselves All soda flavoring Syrups are of the best quality made from Fresh Ripe Juicy Luscious Fruits exclusively Zl Store 1 Bay and the terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway We understand Mr- Walter lackson of Toronto Ob servatory formerly of Newmarket is In Washington this week and will Charge of the special government ser vice on Hudson Bay in July Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone nil fiisnrjsangaBraHWS llliHBIBHBISBKnilWaB er Minto to Hudson Hay to make a survey particularly in connection with on js ftj The nc temere decree was condemn ed by the Evangelical Alliance and High Park Methodist officials during the past week The sum of has been cabled to China for the Chinese Famine Fund from this A big scheme is on foot to trans form part of The Ward into a place of beauty It will cause the divide and split Last Sunday was a terrible hot day Provincial Treasurer it is stated the the thermometer ranging from new to degrees some say Any- turn business will not go into effect way it was hot The cooling breeze 20 Hon Mr Matbeson about pm made everybody feel as hasSo far recovered that he has been if they had struck another climate aD to he in his office at the Highness Prince lament buildings this week thur Louis of first playground was opened in sin King George V was a visitor east end last evening in the city for a couple of days and The city Council has taken steps left on Monday night for Montreal to investigate asphalt contracts and Quebec whence he sailed for and by majority of one voted down land His Highness is resolution reorganize the Water- completing a tour of Empire in- Department The Royal party left Eng- Yesterday the Dominion census en- land on the of November last I commciicd their labors The Toronto Press Club on Moo- They number for the city ld last presented Mr John who is to be married shortly with a travelling bag and the staff of the office gave him a handsome A map compiled- in the Department of the Interior last year of the Can adian West is now available in which foreign element to the present limits of the three prairie up provinces are shown In Manitoba vayi A recent press despatch from Win nipeg Man gives satisfactory Saskatchewan and Alberta no less ante of the grain outlook It states j acres of land have been surveyed for settlement Of Course this does not lands set aside as Indian Why TO YORK DENTISTS ill Hit outlook It states that an Increase of thirty per cent in the total acreage under grain in three western provinces is predicted I by J Walker Commissioner of immigration The calculation is based on Information obtained from representatives of Provincial Government Reports from all parts of the country indicate that growing crops are in a most satisfactory and there are no complaints The total crop will probably reach bushels Ithaca May Fire this morning which was confined to the Ithaca Company building did damage The telephone exchange was on the upper floor and the local system was put out of Com mission Three hundred gallons of kerosene oil had Just been placed in the basement and added fuel to the Valuta include the and forest reserves and is parish and river lot settlements Besides the amount surveyed there are still not less than acres not yet peattcd in the three prairie provinces Toronto ministers and lay men occupied pulpits in Iventworth County last Sunday in a temperance field day Mr John Fisher exMayor of North Toronto passed away at the General Hospital on Sunday morning last Last Friday afternoon while alight ing from an Oar let on car James Bell aged was knocked down and fatally injured De ceased is survived by a widow nine children Another lad named Frank Barron drowned in the Don last Wilson of the steam- cabinet oT silverware Mr is saved Frank Thompson from on the of the Toronto Star drowning at Hamilton in a most consequence of the illness of the Denver May least nine per- law regulating the moving pic- sons are killed and twenty injured this morning in a headon collision between east bound and west bound passenger trains the Burlington Railway ten miles east McCook Neb The engineers of both trains arc reported among thc dead Winnipeg May The authorities of Grace Church in this city are con sidering the advisability of selling the property situated at the inter section of Notre Dame and avenue It is understood that an offer of for it was refused some weeks ago and it is now expect ed to realize It is proposed to erect sevenstorey structure and conduct it on an Insti tutional basis Grace Church is the leading downtown Methodust church hero manner r so AY The Montreal Witness is for the following quotation It only goes to show the kind of opposition the farmers of this country will be called upon to face at the next gen eral election The Witness says A Conservative local member for one of the Counties surrounding Montreal is authority for the statement that a Canned hark is the thing in canned fish Notice haw given that a Canadian firm con templates placing upon market evening while bathing for human Consumption canned dog- 1 1 fish The American Fisheries Inspector declares that dogfish is very excellent and nutritious food although I classed among the detested fish The possible utilization of the dogfish as food Is hailed with appro val by the American Fishery tor as they are ver other fish Well we dont dogfish or any fish of tribe The Boy Scouts who are to go the Coronation were reviewed last Saturday by Karl Grey It is announced that the Ontario Railway and Municipal Commission has Issued an order providing lor the extension of the local service of the Toronto York Radial Railway to May Mi At a meeting of the district held in Collier Street Methodist Church last the members by a vote of eighteen to four declared emelves in favor of hutch union upon the submit- the Committee by which churches become Ait U of will avail able to defeat reciprocity and that this immense amount could be gath ered together within two weeks no- lice Of course it is openly stated standpoint of the the subscribers to this the situation In regard to reel- are wealthy Iproclty must he bewildering The em that the new agreement will hit Toronto Star asks and answers the following ion What the A surgeon in Kan Francisco claims elector to make out of ol destructive Stop want can the shark A Sunday night collision on the street cars resulted- in four persons being rather seriously injured and fifty passengers leaving a narrow es cape and fl scare On Sunday last survivors he Fenian Raid gathered In the Necrop olis to show their respect and Undy ing remembrance of the nine Cana dians killed at the battle of a girl of a propensity tongues in which a surgical operation Upon the I reciprocity talk In- has steal by brain Wonderful the opponents- of way June 2nd- They placed discoveries are be- 1 lnal At one time he Is Slates h a de flowers on graves A conference has been held dun INTACT AND FROM ITS TOUR OF THE WORLD otuik TBNTKD NOW ON THIS Largest Most Perfect Show n Continent TheTravelirvjtf Amuse Sens The Day many times the Biggest And Most Bewildering Production made in this twentieth century faring past week between ol Judging the of women up Its own share of food Is I Councils North Toronto departmental stores I in ours At an- Hill in regard to visiting Toronto departmental stores I preparing to plunder ours At posseted of this kind of propensity other the United Stales is a bom Nature Stops the proprietors of Said Mores and authorities should make an to San surgical Do that simply cant operator thereby money go any that you must have the cost of prosecuting shoplifter rest for that aching baCfcj The government finJ it relief from that constant j profitable to have operations freedom from that the thieves now in pains the prisons of the country If the of Hill nn Ing springs to a water plenty from which surplus food will supply A pour out upon Canada At onetime Arthur Minors wantonly Si con- reciprocity will make food too on a street car for the city consumer At another the other day and knocked him oil the time it will make food loo cheap step He may to answer for glutting the farmers market it is natures hat the are out you the help of fills the kidney remedy fn ev ery machine b Clayton Jones It catarrh that cannot be cured by the is one part that works the describes the wonderful power of Halls Catarrh Cure hardest gives out first system which Ik operated by J kidneys- work y the Ontario Commission and Sworn to before me and subscribed life of activity well Illustrated Mr Victor presence this day of the duties of in of Montreal contributes a most iu time the strain The kid- article entitled A v life Park Commissioner Wilson has rea- to complain of the thought son break oil branches Hey give nature cries Stop by all dealers from the ft flootfa Out There Pills are postpaid Printed dealing with rare Seal old manuscript and prints The Halls Catarrh Chamber is the title of a re- and act scent appreciation of the mucous surface of the system James was killed- by a by icore Clarke for revolver a man named Jouph the ChaOhl J CHEKBY Co Toledo iippocd to be out of yesterday regulating moving picture machines under which a Board Censors passes on all films exhibited came Into force The story which appeared In a To ronto paper about desertions from the Canadian navy and that the men Notary Public underfed also that some had re taken Inter- mutinied Ik denied authoritatively directly on the blood from Ottawa Funny clowns ioHighSchoolHorse GREAT ACTS Just a for a free ho Reporter of will prove truth of our William statement HtM guaranteed by has a revjew of t the Take J works John at one Allison Hold by all Druggists 7 Halls Kami tn fills ihfi latter had been an em- for COD- ploy of the post office department 1 on the elevator Animals from all parts i Continents The Marvelous Eddys we Supreme THE ROYAL TROUPE DIRECT FROM European Novelties People Horses Troupe of Performing Elephants Performing Camels THE DUBLIN GRAYS THE BLACK HUSSARS BANDS ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Free Parade A Exhibitions Afternoon at Night at A Si

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