a ss iA J Barrister Notary Public Ac Office Main St Newmarket to loan on good Farm curitf Frank Duncan AUCT AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dp Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at- private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere LUESBY c r The regular monthly meeting o the will be held in the home of Mrs J cm June at Pm We would like as large a turn out as possible Com i Free Souvenirs To all who attend the demonstration at Bennett Bros Newmarket on Saturday June Re sure to come The Census The Commissioners for taking census were expected to commence work yesterday the enumerator appointed for St Georges Ward Mr Frank Duncan for St Andrews Ward and Mr Hughes for St Patricks Ward Excursion to The special train that carries the North York farmers to Greatest Feature Ever- Offered With a Circus Coming The Great London Show Consoli dated this season presents the most legitimate highest class feature that has toured with any circus Tbe World Famous Dublin Dapple Gray Prize Winning Sixhorse Team which is owned by tbe Great London Show These superb dapple grays are val ued at and are known as the International Champions of all prom inent Horse Shows This beautiful team of gray cheron geldings Worlds Champions won blue ribbons in all coun tries and are now making a tour of all the principal cities in tbe United States and Canada with the Great London Shows In thqy toured through England and Scotland for several months appearing at the Liverpool May Day Parade the In ternational Horse Show at London England in June the Re gents Park London Parade the Royal Agricultural Show at Lincoln and later at the same place by special Royal command of iHis mm the French aviator at ithe BldvQv capital from Burgos at 806 townsmen weie drowned this oclock this morning being tbe first afternoon while repairing the ft sjfhry up- nigh horse is re- good to return the following The lh co weighing 2- are day by regular trains is and a special T horses have been driven during their show career by Jack Kent one of the most expert connects at the junction Reform MassMeeting in Newmarket tomorrow afternoon whips in the world Arrayed in gold trimmed harness they present a of rare beauty All of the valu- to complete the third stage or the aviation race He covered tbe distance of miles between Madrid and Burgos where he landed yesterday from St Sebas tian iri two hours and fortyfive minutes and Garros are still stalled in the mountain fastnesses and it is not thought probable that they will be able to finish within the time limit Showered With Roses and Kisses Vedrinc on landing at the Aerodrome was so tired after his hard voyage he jumped from his aeroplane and flung himself on the ground to rest- A frantic crowd soon rushed up however and bore the victorious aviator on their shoulders to the tribunal On reaching the judges platform he was showered with roses and kissed re peatedly by women Later on complaining that he was still numb from his flight he was re moved to an infirmary where he re ceived medical attendance and a short but much needed rest On at the Aerodrome the French man smilingly delivered the which he had brought with- him from Paris and was- congratulated on his magnificent flight by the Civil Gov ernor of Madrid on behalf of King Alfonso meeting of North Yorkj beautiful gold and silver Dp S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician Mid of the College of Surgeons England Former clinical Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Ho Consultation Hours My WTvicea may be had at the day or night by calling at or phone in T Time Card f NORTH a- to p Toronto Newmarket 247 705 a GOING SOUTH Farmers Institute Saturday forenoon East Council meets Sharon today Tomorrow is King Georges birth day and a holiday for all government officers A beautifully decorated new delivery van for the Central Grocery made its appearance last Friday and Is cer tainly a credit to Mr Newmarket I medals ribbons etc a exhibited with the Great took St Sons of England The annual Church Parade place on Sunday evening to Pauls Church the procession being headed by the Aurora Hand strength ened by Newmarket and the local being joined by visiting brethren from Aurora The sermon by Rev J rector was greatly appreciated At the cloae of the service the procession reformed and marched to the Lodge Room by way of Church Lot and Main streets to sacred music attracting consider able attention Toronto a p 158 1010 s I PROMPTLY SECURED Ike of tivicjf Preliminary AnU Our Invent n Furnace Work Appreciated At the regular of the band of which the Rev A Campbell is Bandmaster the presented Mr Campbell with a A flat comet sil ver plated gold burnished and suitably engraved Presented to Rev A Campbell by Band is a beautiful in strument and leader very much this token from the Band The band now strojig 3 of Our Specialties t See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS I Next to Smiths Obituary j On Wednesday May nth 1911 J Phoebe Moon- widow of the late j Peter passed away Her father was the late who of descent and was an Officer in the British army and her mother was Maria don Show and will be seen in Newmar ket June Fortune for Girl May The Exam iner says many millionaires are number ed among the graduates of Barrie Collegiate Institute but there is one at least and that is Miss Peregrine who has been left a for tune variously estimated at from to as a reward for her faithful attention to duty Miss Peregrine was student of Barrie Collegiate about fifteen years ago coming here from Aurora where she and her farnil were acquainted with Principal At school she was a clever student and when shy decided to discontinue her school Course and take up nursing it was a disappointment to her teachers Entering Roosevelt Hospital York it fell her lot to wait upon Walter Hon of a millionaire starch manufacturer who had been rendered a helpless invalid through an accident Twelve years ago whim diving into shallow water he broke his neck and completely paralyzed his body So well did Miss Peregrine discharge her duties that Mr yea Secured her for his permanent nurse as graduated For four years she nursed him and for the last seven years bad been his private secretary and bad charge of his business and bis magnificent home at Mount Claire New Jersey After a number of large grants to charities and relatives Miss Peregrine is made the residuary legatee as an expression of gratitude to my faithful friend They drawing gravel with a horse and wagon to the dam and had driven to the of dam and unloaded their They were turning the horse around when it suddenly fell into a deeper part of the river throwing Mr into the water Mr Eckel at once jumped in and tried to lend assistance hut on ac- cauntof their being able to swim both men went down Mr Eckel came toFordwick about the first of February this year and bought the fl mill He leaves a widow and three children Mr Kranick leaves a widow a four small children Both men were about middle age MARKET i irSt S R Opium Traffic 7 Years London May 23 The opium agree ment signed at on May by Sir John for and the for China promises the certain extinction of the traffic within seven years It starts out by recognizing the good faith with which China has endeavored since to reduce the production ol drug within the empire- the covenant is that for the nest seven years it shall continue the decrease in the same ratio that the annual im port from India is diminished Great Britain agrees that no opium shall be conveyed from India to any PARISIAN SAGE PUTS LUSTER China which has Read This You Can Save Money INTO DILL FADED HAIR woman reader of the Era who desires radiant hair that every one admires should go to J Pat terson today and get a large SO cent bottle of Parisian Sage It is not only a delightful and re freshing hair dressing and hut it is sold under a rigid guarantee to banish dandruff stop falling hair and itching scalp or money back Parisian Sage is the best hair tonic known It is the only one that will cure dandruff cleanse the scalp and make the hair grow long and beauti ful Woodstock Girl Deserted Woodstock May Desert ed almost at the altar Miss is seeking to learn the whereabouts of her faithless lover The wedding was to have taken place last night During the day the young man called at his brothers house to get some clothes some money he had left there for safekeeping and said that he would return in time for the cere mony In the evening Arrangements went forward for the wedding The minister was there and the wedding feast was spread As the hour for the ceremony and passed the friends of the young lady became anxious and the young lady herself hysterical for no groOm appeared Messengers were sent to the young mans boarding- house and back with the in formation that he had left and gone to Hamilton No reason was given lor his conduct By Buying From Us 3 Full Line of 1 Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc mm Sl J A W NEWMARKET a Miners Strike Ended Halifax May 28 Hie long and bitterly fought strike at the daughter of Col of Bos- ISpringhHf coal was ended yes- ton a Loyalist of Scotch afternoon when he men came to Canada when opted the report of the settlement United States seceded from Great Britain Col Yonge laid out Sffift Board and Struck to enforce their demands for deceased born In York an increase in pay and for the re- County in and on January what they Said were grie- married the late Peter IvanCfS They now return without the SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN through line LOW COLONIST RATES Special Traioi ill sit Rejfular Train Uit To to TUESDAY Ami 1 1010 J Colonist Cars on all Trains Train Toronto to Vicxiipty and Veit ceremony was performed tli late In the Church of tho Redeemer Toronto for a Short time they lived in I Bast and out ton farm on St known the homestead At he of the deceased was con- vorted in a meeting and from that time till her death a faithful and member of Methodist church her children three survive her of Dr Thomaw of I Buffalo and Mr J A Allan of One of family with a remarkable record Six of them have passed to the Easily Such In early manhood from from a Of the other all died from old age and wore the four score mark and ojno wan two of of age and In good and Phillips in her ancestors were of the literary father wan a Latin schojar and mathematician and grandfather the Moore wmm a of the geological of for ih yean had re sided with her daughter The rernpval any of the grievances without recognition of the United Mine Workers and at per cent wages for coal cutters Some men have been or Ii month and the loss to the min ers estimated at The strike has been costly to the United Mine Workers ft in known while President White did not force a writ I men and that of the Mine Workers was strongly in its favor Dreamland Park Burned York May Coney island the play ground of New York suffer ed the worst Ore disaster of its his tory early today Dreamland the largest of the amusement parka was wiped out and about four blocks ad joining covered booths res taurants hotels moving picture theatres and resorts various types were destroyed Hundred In all about two hundred buildings burner down and perhaps two persons concesfiiohaircfl and it turned Into the homeless and penniless No lives were lost lively suppressed the cultivation of the poppy The entire export of opium from India shall cease in less than seven years if proof be given that the home production has entire ly ceased in China The ports Canton and Shanghai arc to be the last closed to imports The other articles of the agreement provide for administrative details including official inspection in each country Great Britain consents al so to an increase of duty to taels a chest on imports provided that an equivalent excise tax be plac ed on domestic in China The annual reduction of the Indian ex ports is now about chests but it is to be even greater in and A loss of revenue of at least 3- or is on the sur face Involved to India from the loss of tbe imports on the trade This may have to be met in part by a contribution from the British Im perial treasury But in Parliament recently UnderSecretary Montagu of the India Office intimated that some way might he found of meet ing the deficiency May Ten years in the Kingston Penitentiary was the came whence meted out by Judge Chad- wick this morning Patsy found guilty of assault and robbery on a young woman ol this city while she was proceeding to the thru a hush Ottawa May The Itev Gordon Duncan of Kemp tvi lie former ly of has been ordained to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church at Bishops Mills Brock vi lie Presbytery He is a graduate of the Montreal Presbyterian College The barns and stables of Mr Ja cob of Almira were struck by lightning Saturday night about mid- night and the ground The loss will be about and there was no Insurance a good part of his Implements Mr Smith lost head of cattle a horses about 15 loads of bay bushels oats and I of wheat St Catharines May By an al most unanimous vote the citizens to day carried the bylaw to grant the Yale Company nine of land free water and a yi ti J Spring Stock I THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT 9 Toronto Jobbing House www Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP EST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS CO 158J1 I at all important in Cftnada In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every a Han king business ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS I The Liver Pills act So Naturally and fc world hut none through dia base One Dr Daniel died a statement coming from I he cashier of a ban shows confidence people have in the- iiU Mr A J after them wrote Cheaper to Clean or Dye Than Buy ftf it jit irte Which from rentdtnee of her sonln lav J A Allan on Satur day May Tho ftervken conducted by the Rev J I by the Rev if v Thomas The pall bearers were two sons and Or ria two nephews Phillips said Moore one Sou and one Col J A Allan remairi4 were interred In the fam ily plot In I ftnd your AnfiJAln rtlli on If ilrh i The Liver ko candy It Hint pill I on Mil find I r A III Mr win tux f n ft ft ft pig a WAUp MY VALET TUB ASM vr Children FOR Miles Nerve and Liver Pills arc different from others Many of liver pill arc Impossible after one trial on account of their harshness Dr Miles Nerve and Liver Pill do not act by sheer force hut in an natural way with out griping undue irritation They arc not habit forming II the l your price MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can The company is to erect i large factory and employ a men Only seven lie area rcprewnlH nearly cast against he bylaw against a third Of city all which would niidouhtedly gone in a wind hut for the act that Coney Island with a high pressure water system and Montreal May With the advent ol rnfdKumirrer weather the deaths from infantile and nteritis on Increase in Hie city week tinre children under five years dying bef reaching six months dying be tween six and one year lie fhjrfrig Die past ten years ana- one and two years there wen da hai received nearly two million ten Victim and from two to live Immigrants 17 Thirteen deaths Dave especially leslgned lor lire protection Is belter guarded disaster this kind than other similar resort in the world havo twelve ditlcrent shades In also white Just mix tho powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives a beautiful velvet finish that will not rub Off I years ten deaths Italy May The rial- resulted from the denied or Cirri while making an heat wave which has hum almost aeroplane flight near here today fell unbroken for nearly a fortnight Yes- and the day before all records were broken tin- thermometer regis tering- on each day St May crackers thrown Into a carriage wheeled by Mrs suddenly the motor at lb- cause of Jand In a inofiienl the of the burns to the Infant and the baby machine were on lire The aviator wan completely destroyed headlong from bin seat mother was oh her Way Chatham May John It Walker home when the baby commenced to foreman at the Kent Mills met with cry and she to the J a serious accident this morning- Infants clothing on fire which hoc gome way while on the ma- extinguished her hands I he his hit hand was drawn in L Martin Floor arc celebrated for their lustre and wear ing qualities from a height of feet and was Twenty thousand persons In cluding Cirris wife and children were viewing the exhibition Cirri a monoplane He- had completed a number of evolutions Jnsist on nour body was idiy blistered but It will recover William who was- sen tenced by P M to three In Kingston for forgery and fcUbsequently brought to and other similar charges be ing pressed the Crown llanhn bad twelve more years added to hi has petitioned to be let on parole has already three years and a hall and earned days remission out of a possible by good conduct He owns a farm In Kdng York and want to get back says he has good all bis for- gerfe The matter Is under consid eration of the Minister of between two rollers which crushed It to piece- A surgeon was lately called and it was necessary to amputate the hand Shove the wrist ferriage of was awarded to Dr Frank J against the Comity Middlesex for Injuries sustained on the Adelaide road between and Mount last on his wa to a patient The road being repaired and a heavy log was placed across the road on a to close It tralHc A lan tern was never placed on the log The doctor sued for but Judgment given only lor half the amount And Get It At A Hardware ess Newmarket PHONE A a young man known in Toronto was fatally Injured in lujnplng a moving train at bury May A new law pro hibiting women wearing dangerous hatpins In the street or public functions has Just been declared by the authorities at In the Can ton of The fact that gendarmes have orders arrest any women who has a hatpin extending more than Inch from her hat Is mak ing the fair sex careful In the selec tion of articles for fixing their headgear at the prone angle line on conviction two and a half- dollars also tends to encourage the sale of smaller hatpins fe YEARS EXPERIENCE Dtstans oar tor WdSTu- Scientific IMS a Bon DOW W MUNI it- i LX