Newmarket Era , August 4, 1911, p. 7

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WHAT IS OB Public Library The Public Reading Room will be reopened on Tuesday evening Aug The Library opens on Thursday evening Aug f CMC Holiday Dont forget that next Monday is Civic Holiday All places of business will be closed Special service on Metropolitan consumers will derive more less benefit from the reduction in the tariff 0 certain articles imported from- tie United States for general consumption Included in the list of articles which a reduction or abolition of duty is to take place are the following J Moving Sale f As Mrs 0 M Hughes will short ly move her to the rooms recently occupied by Miss Simpson over Hunters store she offers her Summer at greatly prices before moving WITH US Reducing Stock DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS FANCY CHINA FRIGES Fall Fairs Newmarket Oct 242520 Sept 2C 27 Bolton Oct 3 Oct Guelph Sept 1921 Hamilton Sept Lindsay Sept 21 23 London Markham Oct Oct Sutton West Sept- 29 Toronto Can Oct Zephyr Oct rv Oysters from lCc per gallon to free list Canned lobsters from per cent to free list Salt in bags barrels from per lbs to free list Salt in bags or barrels from per cent to free list Bacon and hams from per lb to lie per lb Canned meats and poultry from per cent to Lard from 2c per lb to lc Canned corn beans tomatoes and other vegetables- per lb to Prepared cereal foods from 5 per cent to per Biscuits wafers cakes from per cent to 25 Pickles sauces and catsup from per cent to per cent Cement from per lbs to lie Condens milk from 3jc per lb to per lb Epworth League hard luck in the field and at Between and attended the bat A throw by- the shortstop to League picnic- at Bond Lake last firsfc and incidentally losing the Monday evening and had a delightful and the pitching a high ball time The weather was beautiful a man on third were some of the refreshments were greatly enjoyed the features of the Towns play as well as the game of baseball and was tack on the job and they returned home on the oclock nothing escaped his eagle eye Final car everybody well pleased with the Umpire- little outing Jack Played Won a a m m 333 111 DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA LISTEN If you give us a trial when you going Camping or out for a Pic nic We Will Guarantee Satisfaction Change of Date Owing to the Dominion Elections falling on the last day of Newmarket Fair the directors met last Monday night and considered it advisable to change the date In order not to conflict with other dates already ad vertised it was decided to hold the Fair on Wednesday and Thursday Oct 25 and It was also decide to engage the- Highlanders Band A special feature of the Second will be an auto procession for which substantial prizes will be given SS Picnic Nearly attended the picnic of Pauls Sunday School on Wed- St Co Lawn Tennis Davis On Wednesday afternoon a number of our tennis enthusiasts wept to Aw- and pretty nearly made a clean sweep in the events with players in our sister town In Ladies Doubles Mrs Brunton and Miss Rheta lost in set In dents Doubles Messrs Keg Br Union and Carl won in both sets In Gents Singles Mr two sets In Mixed Doubles Mr Tolmay Attempted Burglary Mrs Laurie Cane Won both sets time after on Wed- In Mens Doubles Messrs ncsday the in- r LA r i Students of anatomy in relation to character say that y can judge a man by the shape and lines of his feet How often are the true marks of a gentleman observed in the manner of dressing his feet Si L I Or J shoes whether for Business for Society for Storm or for have these distinctive marks of character which only the Best of Material Workmanship and Style can produce I afternoon at Lake Wilcoi The weather was fine the boating and bathing excellent and all reat- J ly enjoyed the outing They came home on the nine oclock car We can fcs furnish you with Canned Olives Pickles etc Wtikii will make you the eating very much more than if to worry over the preparing of Store on After noons during July and August WLB0SW0RTH The Leading Reliable Prompt Phone CORKER OF Main Timothy Conservative Meetings The campaign in North York prom ises to a stirring one A public meeting will held at Sharon on Tuesday August at which ad- will be delivered by Mr 1 A Armstrong and James Hales On Wednesday August Mr A W Wright has just returned from where he participated in the campaign will address meeting at Newmarket on Recipro city A cordial invitation has been extended to Hon A to be present and share in the discussion and won two sets In Ladies Single Miss Brodie won one game All games were very close The reluct matches will be played en the Pickering Allege court on Wednesday afternoon of eek mates at Mrs Kennedys residence were awakened by prowlers at their back door Finding that it was lock ed they went next door to the resi dence of Mrs is away from home Hearing the two men fumbling at the lock in the front door with the aid of a dark lantern Bowling were turned on at the Ken- Rink games are now and they immediately de- swing and are- drawing small crowds parted This shows that people of spectators every evening should be careful to see that their On Friday last the game between are secure at night Menar and Fergus was well contest- Fergus started well and his op ponent never managed to catch up The score at finish was Fergus 18 Menar A Wedding by Phone Coin Aug by c f The Men Newmarket Toronto Civic Monday Aug service on the Toronto York Radial y On Monday night played telephone with the officiating -Jergy- Willis and though the latter played a man in one place the bridegroom In good game was much bet- another and the bride in still ultimately winning by against is an innovation weddings The Rev sitting his have tournament on study united in marriage George their green on Monday and Prentice at bis home in expects to be able to send three and Miss Mary who at thel rinks We hope to See the boys come particular moment surrounded y Sir Thomas back with all the valuable prizes relatives sitting in the parlor of t will play a return game her home at BALDWIN BREEZES Continued from Page War if and the One day last the lynxeyed Bruce Riddel discovered a wild bee in the berry patch f Centra Business Col lege of Toronto Invites jou to write for a copy of its cur riculum if you are in any way interested in a training which will lead you Into a at a good salary The Fall Term Open on Aug Address President and streets Toronto and mention Ibis paper Special Holiday Service will be op- next Wednesday afternoon when they Coin is a small town five miles from Newmarket to Toronto twill have four rinks up here Dr north of Blanchard and and Sutton and alto Jacksons and Mr Schmidt have three miles west or is to Toronto as advertised in small generously consented to put their about the same distance southwest time table Special attractions are lawns the disposal of the club of the pastors home being given at Beach Park that the four can bo accommo- At appointed hour the minister and Point during the day J dated the and Prentice homes and sports and other amusements I Mr Fred Bowling is arranging a he line and when everything will also be held in the numerous game for Saturday in Toronto and waa the bride and bridegroom we hope to hear of his success A splendid game between Hunter and Doyle was played on Wednesday night when Hunter came out victor by three shots wire Standing Rink Games- I have j Dealer In Parks The Aviation Meet at Don Lands will be on The late car operating from Toronto to at pm will accommodate those wishing to stay for evening performance Annual Regatta of the Lake Association at- -lack- sons Point all day car leaves Sutton at pm Played Won Percent Bowling Fergus Hunter HolmesWatson Doyle The home of Mr and Mrs Walton J Watson was the scene of a pretty wed- ding Tuesday July the con- 1 By ford raiting parties Miss Lister Watson eldest daughter Mr W of and Mr Gorge Holmes of Toronto formerly of The ceremony was performed Rev John Murray Mrs Dr of played J 1 10W1 I 1060 2 fifO 1 i WO 2 each holding phone to their re spective ears- were married When they answered We do the said Join hands over the The rejoinder was We clergyman replied I pf- ynu man and wife parson The n ounce NEW THE The Only New unabridged dic tionary in the pith and of in authoritative library Covers every field An Kncyclopedid In a single book The Only Dictionary the ilevr Divided Page Coat nearly hall a million dollars tell you about this most single volume will the wedding march The bridesmaid was Miss Maud Watson sister of the bride the being assisted by his brother Mr Albert Holmes The was given away by her father and was beautifully gowned in white satin and carried white carnations The bridesmaids dress was pal- Hue silk and she carried pink I carnations The grooms gift to the- bride a pearl crescent and I bridesmaid a gold mounted back setwlth brilliants and to the groornwnan a Stick pin- were fol lowed by a dainty luncheon after which the happy left for New York On their return they re side in Toronto Baseball On Thursday evening the fans wit nessed the surprising spectacle the defeating leaders of the almost Roth teams played Clock A small gasolene launch good hall until the 3rd inning when owned by Alex Harris who was img in then I with the score In favor of Cane their 2ndlraseman mulled a fly and made A wild throw the plate let- I ting in two runs The Specialty ook the lead which they main- till the end Final 05 sit pi re I On Monday evening Davis ami Town played a very exciting game The Town was considerably handicapped by their catcher having a sore knee which prevented him from running His plucky playing was one of the features of the game Town took the lead early but a by HomeRon Harry The tree was felled Sir Thomas who may be termed the Iron Duke of the century ordered the advance on the enemys camp Hut the enemy put up a big fight for their home and Sir Thomas and his aide- decamp suffered severely Around their ears vindictive flew The angry little rebel crew And when their slielter they regain Theyll find that pleasures ever bought with pain Hut the Iron Duke was indeed good metal He wouldnt order retreat His mug was pretty badly swol len They secured four pails of comb and contents This is the season when many with Tell She Ik an at the Me she will want you to f Ontario I found it would be hard to ner find interesting places than In reaping the rewards of married j St Clair for sportsmen and life the average man finds that hunters Rondeau National Park is more of a binder than full of all kinds of wild a reaper animals Island and Ryersons Kingston Aug terrible Wand such a lonely spot as to give accident whereby one man was you a faint Idea of the desolation old Island- Away the and sixties it was the scene of many a prize by Yankee scrappers and enchanting Thousand Islands of the St Lawrence Island Rice a veritable sportsmans paradise lunge and and duck shooting Oh oh I dont you can heat Canadian scenery In my rambles I have come across some mst original characters There was Sambo Sampson a comical old African o Kent Co that would make a dog laugh I could entertain drowned and four others badly burn ed occurred opposite on the river this morning at three Boots and Shoes neatly and promptly done a Full Line of VIOLIN RECAIR8 MANDOLIN GUITAR BANJO VIOLINCELLO Also a Nice Line of M Harmonics Quality Our Motto WRIGHT Exclusive Shoo Dealer St ellyMcCaffrey A pretty wedding place on Tuesday morning at St Johns Rom- an Catholic Church when Nellie of Andrew McCaffrey of was united in marriage to Mr i J Kelly of formerly of market The brides Lev Father McCaffrey of St par ish Toronto The bride who was yUen away by a gown of I white silk crepe white hat with touches of black and coral sister Miss Annie who acted bridesmaid prettily ttirl in a lingerie irA carried of roseH nlng the boat Ore near Huckle berry Island and was destroyed V Aug I The steamer carrying Method ist Sunday School picnic from Mas- was capsized mar Bremers idoek in the river fust below near here tills afternoon Seven people are known to have lost their lives Aug I farvls years old lost her life The yesterday In saving that of her liaby Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office THE FOLLOWING you for hours reciting what I Owl eyes sec sharp Essex Co years ago merclal firm Scratch seen In Kfngsvllle was a Com- Kelly brother of Montreal Aug worth of damage was done people 1 fir- MOi broke out strath- more Lakeside two sorts a little more a mile apart on hore Hi pjeven were totally others suffered more or from lire and f the ux acted as best man it- march wan rendered Prof of Aurora The ijpy couple were the numerous costly gills Mr Mrts Kelly left for a water trip travelling In a tan broadcloth tailored coat hat to match followed by the wishes of their After from their honey moon will in run and a hit by Oil evened things up Moth teams speed It seemed played ball pitching of both Possible that any of them Could and W without arty thought score for Davis herself the girl gave the carriage Umpire Mitch Howard a her brother Tuesday evening the Town pre- lhcm rented Specialty with a game A and trampled on by shower during the made wheels of the heavy the ground very slippery and Passing over her body teams ball was played by The Town had very aid was died in a summoned at few hours once but Where the Farmer Stands to Gain in Selling dead and eggs With the Reciprocity agreement ratified all Canadian farm product except wwd will be entitled to entry the United States without Pay ment of duty The free will include Cattle ol all kinds Horses all classes fiheep and Poultry whether live or All varieties of grain- Held and grafts seeds r seed May and potatoes turnips onions cabbage and all other vegetables in natural Apples pears berries all classes all other edible fruits In their natural state and honey Butter cheese milk cream bister arid little brother The three They must have been hustlers Many were in the middle of the road when- years ago one Dick Richard Short runaway team bore down upon run a business in a town where I was located I heard afterwards that he went into partnership with one Long as Long A Short in some burg Thats the long and short of it In a newspaper I think of Dun I observed an ad of a firm Robertson Johnson Thompson Keep your optics open Miss Vera spent a few days in Virginia not visiting at John fountains Our berry brigade are hustlers At early morn some are on the ground four oclock The early bird catches the worm I I got a late start and the has collapsed I promise to do better In my next- I House beautifully situated on Prospect Avenue size with large front Porch Front Hall and DrawingRoom Room and Kitchen with Pantry Annex under Hack porch Outside Cellar Front Hack Stairs Front and Hall Oak Va- With Oak Stairs Mantel DrawingRoom Bedrooms and Rath upstairs SittingRoom with Mantel upstairs Linen Closet and Laundry Electric Light and th Furnace 1 Brick Veneer House Pros Avenue stories high Rooms with Kitchen attached Light Bath awl Furnace 1 Uriel House size stories Wired Elec tric Light Bath and Furnace Acres of Blacksmith Shop Small Fruits and Apples Plums and Pears would exchange for House in Town Would sell Shop separately House on Ontario street Sie rooms storey Light Bath and Furnace House on Wellington street J Farm of acres which acres are cleared I mile from SchoolHouse New Barn 40x70 Stable All Buildings in good repair Farm of Acres would exchange or House In Town We have sold some our Lots off our List but still have Six more for Market 1 House on Prospect Avenue Brick Veneer Situation near College Try our Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Sea man Kent Co of Mcaford for the Hardwood Floor you want Builders and Contractors Newmarket ci The man who marries a woman grow smaller as they are The Impecunious young mans air for her money and the woman who contracted but there are exceptions castles generally take the form of an a man to reform him Debts for instance heiress about paired when you of a man who would On the principle that haste makes Many a loving couple think they ate rather fight than eat its a pretty a man may lose a lot of time two souls with but a single thought good guess be lives In a boarding by hurrying when they havent even that r I TORONTO V 11 S -Cit-

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