Newmarket Era , August 11, 1911, p. 5

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tfi Cir r f i IK s Wff J Sr flap K3 fer -iifrr- in ires WfirfS J ksic J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c- Office Main St Newmarket to loan on good Farm Se curity Frank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR sltoeai J Presbyterian Church Remember the date bfv the of the Presbyterian Sun day Sept An Entertainment and Supper will follow- on Monday the 2w Bolton PaperHanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE- Comer Niagara and Tecum Streets Newmarket- Dr Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket I I I Very quiet in Town on the Civic Holiday last Monday Nearly every body 0 of Town The threshing machines are now- tickets were sold at Newmarket depot for the excursion of the Auro ra Fire Brigade to Niagara Falls Breaking the- VI Commandment A severe lesson honesty among those who find lost sums of money articles of value etc is much needed It is either not generally known or the knowledge is disregarded that an effort must be made publicly to restore to the loser anything picked up by persons on the street other and until that is the finder rests under the suspicion of having stolen the article in question and if ho in keeping it can be successfully prosecuted for theft m J Fall Fairs Newmarket Oct Carrie Sept 20 27 Bolton vOct 3 Oct Sept 1921 Hamilton Lindsay Sept 21 22 23 Jackson Issuer licenses- the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere j London Fair Sept LUESByj Oct A 6 iQueerisville Oct Sutton West Sept 28 29 S J Boyd JWB Toronto Can Oct Graduate in medicine of Toronto Zephyr Oct also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and rnem- to of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant rfoorneids Eye and Unl- College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital England and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My services may he tad at any day or by- calling at the or T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a- Toronto Newmarket 250 1050 SOUTH pay them aji just of printed matter to encourage the to to higher endeavor Men need something money an J encouraging word need antidotes for the blues They need stout backbone tracers They a friendly handshake handshake with a grip in it thaf helps a man get a new grip on hin selfzflbe Young Man in Business Womens Institute The regular meeting of the New market Branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Phillips Anni- on Saturday Aug Mrs A Widdifield will give a paper on Simplicity in Entertaining Mrs Phillips has a beautiful home and is an hospitable hostess so that a welcome will be given to all the ladies The Committee will report on The Rest Room The ladies will leave the car at Stop 2w SCREENINGS If you want to be up with the lark in the morning beware of the swal lows at night Many a fellow is so close fisted that he wil keep everything erccpt his promises Lots of people never seem to know right from wrong till they are found out The tombstone man only one who has a penchant for cutting remarks BEACH people niotored Toronto on holiday and took in the Regat ta at Jacksons Point interest was taken in the motorcycle case before Col Thursday afternoon of last week number of spectators be ing present Several witnesses testi fied to the reckless speed which the machine was driven along the shore road and Jack ftollarid was taxed and costs The fine was promptly paid The autodrivers will have their turn next the men from thy city who for tbe weeks occupied a commodious tent on the grounds at the rear Wilson House took their depatfure last Monday Bass and lunge fishing has greatly improved during- the past ten days There has been some fine ones caught recently a Newmarket Toronto p Furnace Work PlumWng 3 of Our 8peblalties Bee the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEAPING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Prospering at the Soo Mr J formerly of New market appears to be meeting with Success in his cleaning and dyeing business at Site Marie Mich The News July 22nd last says J Barry has been busy the last two months installing more new ma chinery to his dyeing and es tablishment Including a complete Bowser Dry Cleaning System the same system used in the Detroit and Chicago establishments also a new Hoffman Sanitary Pressing Ma chine and other uptodate machin ery of the latest type and has now I one of the equipped dyeing and Cleaning plants in Michigan Mr Barry had six years experience in some of the largest and best dyeing and cleaning establishments in San and Berkley nd is the first man that ever started plant of this kind in the a Farm Produce Good market Saturday and big crowd in town Ruling prices doz to Butter per to 2c chickens per lb to Apple- to Excursions to Western Canada The Grand Trunk Railway System announce that on Tuesdays- June and July and August and and September 5 and Excursions will be run from all Stations in Ontario and Quebec to Western Canada via Chi cago and or via Chicago St Paul and Minneapolis at reduced round trip fares The wellknown double track line of the Grand Trunk from the East to Chicago appeals to the traveller and with the superior train service that is offered by this line including the famous International Limited from Montreal daily at am and which is the finest and fastest train In Canada many passengers will be attracted this way The route via Chicago is a most interesting one taking passengers through the princi pal cities and towns in Canada and in the States of Michigan and Indi ana In addition to this a choice of seven lines between Chicago and St Paul and Minneapolis is offered Owing to the great number of Can adians who reside in Chicago St Paul Minneapolis and other cities en route there is no doubt that the Grand Trunk will find many pa trons who will take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded them for a brief visit at the stations with their friends Canadian citizens are exempt from socalled immigration examination and there is no detention at any point Baggage is carried through the United States in bond without re quiring any special attention on the part of the passenger Inspection is not necessary at any of the points at the border Another feature that will appeal to the is the comfortable transfer at points like Chicago St Paul and into freshly venti lated clean cars avoiding the neces sity of travelling a long distance In the same car In addition to the above routes sale of tickets is also authorized via and the Northern Navigation Companys magnificent steamers across Lake Huron and Super ior For further particulars apply to any agent of the Grand Trunk Rail way System or write to- Mr J District Passenger Agent Bon a venture Station Montreal or Mr A District Passenger Agent Union Station Toronto Websters Ardent Trihuteto Springfield Pro duct From the Troy Press The three grandest works in the English language or any other the Holy Bible divine Shakespeare genius and Websters Dictionary educational Together these books form a library of Inexhaustible mines of wisdom en chantment and culture The Holy Bible and Shakespeare are finished products yet ever new with no one to question their prcmecy and immortality To add too or take from these mighty vol umes would he sacrilege an impair ment of their inherent grandeur beauty and power Websters Dictionary of which the New International is the latest largest nwst luminous and ARM1TAUB The neignborhood has again been saddened by the death of Mr James who was born in Kent England On Tuesday Aug 1st he went as usual to his employment at the Office Specialty Newmarket where he had been employed for a couple of years lie Completed his days work and returned home that evening not feeling well On We j I day the doctor Was called who adj vised an operation On Thursday he left on the oclock car for the Western Hospital Toronto where the operation Was performed about pm The doctor returned in the af ternoon with lie news that he was doing nicely hut between and oclock the sad news came of his death His body was brought up by R- to Aurora thence to his residence The funeral service was conducted by Rev J J Simpson of Newmarket at 230 Saturday af ternoon after which his remains were interred in Aurora Cemetery Many floral tributes adorned the casket among them being a wreath from the Sunday School where he expression differs from those member since it was organized a wreath from the Forresters a spray from his in ttood- SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN LOW COLONIST RATES per to i tilt Special Train v J Aft ait Trains MM Potatoes per peck Onions Peaches each Carrots per bunch Lire Spring Chickens per Live per It Live Turkeys per it pigeons per Corn ISC per Tomatoes and lie per it to Calf ftfclns per to to Lambskins Tallow c WOULDNT DO TOR MK Cii ell Tor Tralw to end Standing Field Crop Competition Is I he report of Mr of the In the Standing crop Competition In In with cultural S for If you want to rise in the World you must raise something I EC If you want to in business raise the are In Dont Ima gine that when you have jour life to the lifting up a business the v It try to keep you down A bouse cannot rise and keep down the- man who raised it any more than a man can raise out of water and keep down the that raised him No man can do a worth of work a dollar When you are working for nothing but a dollar your work not pan at mure than hfty cent do a dollars worth work you must work a dollar and something more You must work for the love of something for something more than dollar A mere hireling never does more than fifty cents worlfi of work for a dol lar because he has nothing to work for but the dollar may he as to quality but never as to quality So long a man thinks of at a hireling he vill never hitch life fi A employer said other da thai he never distributes his other hooks because albeit resting on a basis of solid scholarship it is nevertheless an expanding and evolu tionary work keeping step with the music of progress and gathering into Its insatiable maw all the additions to the language It is a prodigy of scholastic achievement eclipsing in authority and excellence all other lexi cons combined yet retaining the sim plicity and intelligibility which ren der it conveniently available to every class of students and readers The multiplicity of modernisms evoked this electrical age and its multifarious developments words that would he Greek to our fathers are given and defined with praise worthy particularity And the ac of new significance of old words the normal result of usage is presented with admirable fidelity For threequarters of a century the Webster dictionaries have been in the lead but the New International is the crowning glory of them all It Is essentially and emphatically a century product Websters New dic tionary rises to the dignity of in stitution and one in which every speaker of the tongue has great reason to be proud ft Is a monument to modern schol arship and yet a towering tribute to the work and wisdom of Noah Web- knew who better than he prom the editorial page of the Springfield Republican Springfield Mass Feb no Working of f Office Specialty and others from friends and neighbors Much sympathy is felt for the widow and her three children in their sorrow Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr J and Mrs John Ley of Mr and Mrs John Duncan of Toronto Mrs M of and Mr Willis DdiiCan Mr Chris Gibson of Mr and Mrs Hooper Mr and Mrs Levi Duncan of Mr and Mrs Case of Mt Albert and Miss Duncan of Toronto Mrs Hales and Mr Thornton Hales spent Sunday at her sisters l Mr James Tunny had a very suc cessful barnraising last week Mrs James Thompson and Miss Dyke visited at Mrs are Toronto a few days RISING ABOVE EN J Order Your J FOB Decoration Day EARLY JNAHONS era Pot Heads Nothing If it 7 A s of Late and Plants fiov ready A tar Era absent FOR FLETCHERS I A Trvatireit that Cost It Falls We want you to try three large bottles of 03 Hair Tonic ion our pergonal guarantee that the trial will not you a penny If It not give you absolute Hon Thats proof of our faith In this remedy and It should Indisputa bly demonstrate that what we about we say that Tonic grow hair on bald heads where baldness bat been of long dura tion that the roots of the are entirely dead the follicles closed and over and the ylafd ve are basing our state ments has already by the of Hair Tonic and ve the to assume that It has done lor thousand others it will do for yoj In any event you cannot lot by giving it a trial on liberal guarantee Two and 00 you can tain Remedies In at our store The Store if GHA8 J Harness and Collar Maker AND i Special attention paid to REPAIRING s Hinder Whips Sue and We also carry full line of Light Harness Axle Urease Polishes Hits Whips Sweat Pads Sheets Plough Collars llrusncs Hoof Ointment Cure etc of all kinds of Notice toCredltor8 Public Notice is hereby Riven that all persons having claims against the Only little person says the Phila delphia Bulletin can be touched by little things When I a woman COniplain of a slight upon her or an Insult she has received I am asham ed of as well us sorry for her I wonder why she docs not try to hide the happening Instead of telling it abroad in a childish hunt for sym pathy for in reality the blame is Partly hers It is possible that ev ery one of us too have so fine a dig- nit and Beltrespect that attempt to Blight or insult us would be like firing a popgun a A favorite anecdote that those love her tell of Alice Freeman Park er is this One of those women who are for ever thinking themselves aggrieved and slighted came to Miss Freeman with her troubles Why not be superior to things and let them be disregarded will find that you to regard Wellcsleys famous president suggested gently Miss Freeman Miss I wonder how you would to be Miss Freeman drew herself up with fine dignity Miss S there is no one living who could insult me she answered Now Alice Freeman Palmer was a distinguished college president but that does not that one must be In a station to possess that dig nity It Is a matter of character rather than of station a result of selfrespect rather titan of external conditions I have Been It in people of lowly estate of late of estate just as I have seen it lacking land Jxhdng yeoman deceased who died on the day of April are hereby notified to file the same with the undersigned on or before the day of August lull as Immed iately thereafter the administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate having regard only those claims then filed Sol for Beaton Administratrix NEW MARKET e w LIGHT FIXTU V You Cdh Save Money By Buying From Us frsm 5 mm V SffDlA ae Full Line of- Light Supplies ik HP s- is tm S V Paints Oils Glass Etc A ALLAN NEWMARKET I Our Summer Sale IS ON I STORE CLOSES EVERY Wednesday Afternoon DURING JULY AND AUGUST Toronto Jobbing Is We have twelve different shades in also Just mix the powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives a beautiful velvet finish that will not rub J Martin Floor Paints are celebrated for their lustre and wear ing qualities nsist on tSa mm And Get It At Hardware Newmarket PHONE in MOW wouldnt that have enraged rudeness insult Next time you the disagreeable one start to And wasnt It truly splendid ex- Miss Freemans advice Be ampte o dignity that sheds In- or to these things and let them go suit as a ducks hack sheds water unregarded You will find Mold above slight and you nothing regard Newmarket In people ol wealth and station One of the best exhibitions it I ever saw waft In a shop While was waiting to he served other day I had the opportunity of seeing one of the most disagreeable women I ever laid eyes on She asked for a certain kind lace The Shop patiently showed her half Hundred varieties with each of Which found fault too commonplace not hold enough etc The Patiently tried box after box and finally laid that that Was all the bud In stock I Know there he others up on host- shelves that you arc not me said the agrceable one I have shown you all there are madam the answered quietly I feci sure that you have Just what I want right there only you wont look for it the madden ing answer an the one flounced away How endure people like that I asked the with fury did not eem to feel for herself VOh we think they JiihI dont know any Utter quite Calm ly We cater to Camping or Touring Expeditions Every package that leaven this store kens Satisfaction It has the Seal of Merit throughout Our Cooked Meat Department is at your Service for hurryupmeal Phone us the lec sliced with care bandied with a keen for cleanliness so essential to a modern Provision Store Cured llama Corned arid Jollied Cured Hams Smoked Bacon Pea Mealed 8moked Rolls Long Clear Baoon TINS NORWKGIAN SARDINIA IN OLIVE OIL 10c Water Glasses 8peolal each Plates varied sizes patterns Phone HOWARD I

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