Newmarket Era , August 11, 1911, p. 7

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CHINA HALL Weeks WHAT IS El Methodist Church I The congregation was surprised to find the pastor in the pulpit last Sunday he having been disappointed in his holiday arrange ments In addition to the usual good sermons a full choir sang splendidly They were assisted fay Mr Tune and Miss the former also contributing a solo and both a duett The student from Toronto is expected text Sunday The Salvation big day lastSunday The attraction was Silver Band of Toronto which Miss one of our exschooi is visiting friends just displayed milchmusicaV ability now- She is always a- welcome 15 On Monday the Army had a picnic tor as was annular If On Monday the Army bad a picnic on the Fair Grounds which was much joyed by those present THIS IS BARGAIN DAY WITH US j Stock DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS FANCY CHINA Presentation The Society of the Christian Church gave a Farewell Social on Wednesday evening to Mr Fred prior to his departure for the West After games were played and refreshments served Pastor made J a short speech in regard to the going away of Mr Trivettj who for years had been a faithful and exemplary member the Society Mr Thomas then presented him with a ring as a regard rivett replied with evident feel ing He has the well wishes of many friends for his future success The Christian and Friends union Excursion to Island Grove Park a new resort on Lake taes place next Wednesday Motor and row boats free to all during the afternoon Cars leave Newmarket Metropolitan station and pm returning the evening A Pleasant day is assured to all who may attend- tor as she was very popular when she was teaching here All youhg People cordially to attend the held at the home pi Mr Jesse Council Fri day Aug Tea will served from six to eight Social evening and program The Keswick Womens Institute Will be held in the Hall Tuesday j of next week A practical lesson on the Beef Chart will be conductedby Mrs Terry The lesson from the Kingship of SelfControl for this meeting will be The Supreme Charity of the World We extend our hearty congratula tions to Messrs Isaac Norman Morton who successfully passed their entrance to Normal Man Drowned Last Friday an unknown man dived off the pier oi the Holland River Road bridge near Bradford evident- School exams The latter took with the intention of having a swim but was drowned before help Rev J V and wife of could reach him Scott was were visiting here last at once notified and he instructed j week on their way to Shanty Bay Man Fell Dead Ac J -On- Monday last Mr Edward Shane of the of East -AT- Duncan to take charge of the body A letter found in his pock et indicated that- his name was and that he had been dis charged from St- Michaels Hospital for a couple weeks visit with Mr and Mrs J VanNorman Mr Walker of is visiting his sisterinlaw Mrs John We are sorry to hear that Miss M i v Toronto where he had been an in- Alice who has been very ill mate suffering from asthma and lung for the past ten weeks is not trouble Enquiry elicited the fact that he was a good swimmer but for two dayslie had been around very rapidly The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church held their meeting at the bury was taking his sister Mrs of Bradford to the Metropol itan station at the sideroad when he met a tragic death He tied the horse but while waiting for the cat to come the horse got loose and bis friends started oft He ran after it but when he had gone about GO rods he fell Baseball ford the worse for liquor Two men Mrs Arthur Morton on him come to the waters edge day last A large crowd attended remove most of his and dive head first into the water An was considered and the body was removed to Millards un dertaking rooms to await identity by DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE down in the road He seen FANCY CHINA I China Hall Grocery LISTEN If give us a trial when you Me going Camping or out for Pic ric We Guarantee Satisfaction Mr Ed family anil they went to his assistance but be fore anybody could reach him he had expired Dr Wesley was telephoned for and responded immediately He made an examination and investiga tion and that death was due to heart trouble He had suf fered from this cause for many years and van inquest was not considered necessary We fciCfa can furnish you with Canned Meats Olives Pickles etc Which will make you enjoy the very much more than if you Ltd to worry over a lunch tb preparing At the summer residence Jacksons Point of Mr John A Ram Eden County Clerk and Police Magistrate on Wednesday evening at oclock was solemnized the marriage of his daughter Arleigh Edna to Mr John Stiver of Toronto ceremony was performed under an apple tree i lawn in the presence of over sixty guests from Hamilton Toronto New- and Mt Albert Rev Alex Mackenzie of Newmarket officiating A long table was also spread On the lawn and the guests sat down to par take of the wedding supper The bride who is well known in received many costly On Thursday evening Canes and Town played and Canes furnished something of a surprise They play ed good ball and in the 3rd inning when the game was called on account of rain were leading by a score of and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all music and games the time The Misses of Toronto are visiting friends here Miss White of spent over Sunday with Miss Helen Miss A is- spending her vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Isaac Miss Myrtle and Miss Glad- lys parted Chicago are visiting rel atives here Sr Norman Cook of Toronto was The consensus of opinion the Toronto Civic Holiday game had continued the Mr Mr Green of Toronto spent Morn day with his sister Mrs S Terj full five innings Canes would have surprised themselves and won out On Monda evening there was a turnout to sec what was to lie practically the deciding game for the silverware The Tannery closed down at and Davis rooters were out in full force Davis led till the fourth inning hut some time ly stick work an crafty baserunning by the Specialty tied the score i in the fifth inning The weather Was rather unfavorable for fast ball as a strong wind was blowing and the nthe looked very dark Heavy hit- of over sixty W order three hits being tallied- Geo Peppfatt lirig a high foul the way Prank Mr Norman Morton has accepted a position in Western Ontario Miss Flossie Gibson and friend of Toronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Ernest Morton Mr and Mrs Ira Morton attended the funeral of the late Mrs Ralston at on July and spent Sunday aod Monday with their sons at and Mrs Is a Sister of Mr Wrn King of J r Students of anatomy in relation to character say that you can Judge a man by the shape and lines of his feet How often are the true marks of a gentleman observed in the manner of dressing his feefc INVICTUS shoes whether for Business for Society for Storm or for Sinshine have these distinctive marks of character which only the Best of Material Workmanship and Style can produce d The Men Main St West Newmarket t f Montreal Aug The first nailed thern at 2nd base Wer I ly fiincc scenic railway at Kin features There werc a few close dccisions hut Mr Choppin handled the game to everybodys satisfaction The final score was and therefore this game dots not count It will be Store Close on Wednesday during July and August OSWORT The Leading Reliable Grocer Prompt Phone CORNER OK Main Timothy 8treets useful all testifying to Played over next Wednesday evening Edward was opened occurred last night when Henri Lauzon years of age was thrown from car just as the train was comin around booked however large or the curve at the finish of the trip who never would accept a fish of the kind that he was not searching To day is my black day he used to mutter as he started out Its the kind of weather they ought to bite in an I think I know where they are Then he would make all arrangements for that purpose and start out he i Dealer In her popularity Canes and Davis were scheduled to A special Metropolitan car convey- play last night Thursday and Town happy couple and many guests to Toronto leaving the Point about nine oclock Not Like Sunday We learn from Various sources that j this was very noisy town Hun- day Men were running their up and down the Main street during church hours workmen at work in Various parts of the town Bands playing pianola grinding out their rag time and other noEscs It is high time such matters look ed- into by our authorities and the Sunday laws enforced People and Davis play M Co tie game tonight Played Won KG Davis Canes If 4 rm ft 3 I lea truck his bead against a pece of the framework as lie fell on his face and was fractured He died died five hours later in the Royal Victoria Hospital Co New THE WEBSTER it fc only la maty fi two coven M Only dteAlonur with A of ttMryefcdi io fchool our desire to worship on Sunday ih lave that guaranteed to Mrs Annie Weddel Ramsay At her home near Tyrone Ireland July Will occurred the death of Mrs Ramsay after an illness f several years caused by stroke of paral ysis The funeral was held from net late borne on July the body laid to rest in the fam ily burying ground at Annie Marie I the daughter Robert and Amy was Aug ft A very severe thunderstorm accompanied with rents of rain passed over district Saturday The barn and contents belonging to lobn McDonald on lot Concession Rramosa were struck lightning and com pletely destroyed In the barn were a perch however handsome or even a he would throw it back informing it that he would come for you some other day In this manner he threw his whole attention on the accomplishing of one object at a time and generally succeeded On bis perch day he would probably come home loaded with the choicest specimens of that fish on his picker a day you would see his boat loaded with pickeral and So on He informed us that when he went hunting for deer he never shot at a the seasons crop of hay and fourteen turkey however tempting acres of besides a number of or the bird He was implements Nearly all the fowl I laughed at sometimes and called and two or three young pigs were cranky for his peculiarities hut consumed There is a fair amount I he always maintained Insurance on the building and con- them and quietness Herewith None East near of us want to be Puritanical Kept and had surely lot of this unnecessary no nearly reached the age of four r I racket can dispensed Vltl Sunday and especially during hours of worship No one has moral rijrjit to disturb A service building on the a disturb a religious even if is outside or in an adjoining one to the wise a is years On July she was ried George Ramsay of Bond for nine years ma-h- A lead tMir on tents A barn at Harrison was so burned The property to Mr and is about two miles north of the town In the burn were a team of horses colt a bull some calves and some all which were destroyed Auk Jib 2 morning fire broke out oclock this on the whole he had three times ad good luck as if he tried to hunt nail a dozen kinds of game at once The Success Habit may be wherever you are and with very easilyobtained material which fact lies all around you make up your hook to memorize a selection to clean a garment to sew on a button to cam ass a sub ject In your mind to walk a curtain Boots and Shoes Repairing and promptly done We carry a Full Line VIOLIN REPAIRS MANDOLIN STRINGS GUITAR BANJO VIOLINCELLO Also a Nice Line of Harmonics Quality Our Motto RIGHT exclusive Shoe Dealer 1- Sil mm sufficient Reform Committee Rooms The Executive of the North has engaged the store recently by Mr Dan- ford Roche opposite Atkinsons jew- store as dur ing the present campaign They are in charge A Mr worth assisted by Mr KUnnv pleased to give four of whom survive Robert Ramsay and Miss Rachel Amy say of Ireland Miss Ramsay missionary hin and Rev Wil liam Ramsay of Iowa USA fire by smoking loft and caused tic fire was discovered by William I Reddy a stableman and when the firemen arrived the place vas a maun the place There were ftCCCf Mrs Ramsay was deeply loved by any Information required by knew her for her quiet true tor regarding approaching vote Christian her pa tience under all circumstances and in all trouble and her abiding A meeting of market sup of Mr Called the Committee last friendship did So herself to the needs In the Rooms fco community day at j own family that her most excellent fuIHIs were Men SO that today may it till it Is accomplished One great hindrance to the acquir ing Of the Success Habit is a tenden cy to try to do too much of lames There were undertake and so hard horses In the and they all accomplish any amount of things were in the rear The firemen made their minds several attempts to reach the fright- it llu they do cried brumes whose screams could much a the heard blocks hut the smoke Was l yjis a great lal thick and the fire so hot that building a chapel on tho plain they were powerless to do rescue preparations of a Cathedral vork one horse was do lust what to on when think public meeting In the interest lb Reform Candidate ylll take place Mr Sullivans loss will be heavy as hut I on only horses t Ills amounting yum In the Hail evening to be addreWd by and Mr there turn out to open the HABIT of her children rise up and call her blessed for mothers Influence of succeeding is one Of and a mothers love as abiding ft the bent and most advantageous the everlasting hills and are among J that anyone can acquire The the greatest influences to hold mm- faculty of throwing ones whole and women true to and physical force Into whatever you can dolMVlng perhaps deducted a certain percent for denec but do ltrwfiatevei the tost so that that cost lit not a disgrace ful or a disastrously eit It Is singular how completely handily one success gives you a standpoint for another one not only in material tiring but your own mind Three lrtlaSH metrical In which you Ml lust what to Clod The memory of every may by doing at the time Is a J with hall the Is filled with pictures from the past great oneand It may be added accumulates and that In the future will a a rare one And nobody can irtv compound Interest from the license to sweeten- and enrich life the Ramsay leaves In this corn- succeed In whatever he undertakes unless he acquires that faculty The fortunate things that happen to unity a brother sister Robert I one are not success the legacies Mini Mary VeddeM that fall to people are merely good and host other friends luck which for anything they know The will mail direct any in Canada Toronto or Britain Daily Horning the Illustrated Section from date of or- epf for t January let for SUBSCRIBE NOW THE FULL J Oriel at tie ERA OFFICE to mourn their loss Rut what loss her gain for she ha entered into the Joy of the Lord Many daughters have done virtuously thou excel them all During lh editors visit to Ireland six ago It was our privilege to spend a week in the home of tho deceased with her estimable husband and family and they Indeed Jays of pleasure that will never be tefi At that time Mr of Sunday and the daughter vm borne from China may he reversed before another Much more of a fortune than anyone ever had left to him in a will Is the power of setting out to do a thing and doing It exactly as should burn to do things because we Undertake them some one undertakes for us not be cause undertake one thing and ac complish another but because we are able to make our bodies or our brain do what our soul brain di rect There Used to he a old an on one of our American draws very start Acquire the habit the first thing you do to accompli that which you undertake you have undertaken it I because While working at try- furniture fac tory at Markdale Saturday Har old Mercer bad linger of his left hand badly crashed and mangled In sanding machine AM good government must begin at home The black side a mans char acter is generally kept Polllbed everyday use A married man must expect to a good once In a while elally if his wife does the cooking Vemer House hz stories high wired for Light and Furnace Acres of Blacksmith Shop f Small Fruits and Apples Plums and Pears would exchange for House in Town Would tell Shop separately Frame House On street Sie 23x20 rooms storey Eloolrlc Light Path and I House on Wellington street j House and Lot on Joseph street good modern house and all rooms and Summer Kitchen Good Brick Veneer Lot on Lornc rooms size of House is size of lot Is 210 CO Lights Rath and Furnace also good sized Stable and I House and Lot of Acres Stories high 7 rooms and all Buildings In good repair Farm consisting of acres of Land which is entirely cleared Situated on Lot Now Ram 1 Mile from all good repair Farm of Acres on Concession Whitchurch west side of Line acres under cultivation 10 to 12 acres of bush Hardwood Land rolling and Soli Light Orchard of about Trees lust beginning to Well with Pump Is 35 al most new Temporary Stables below Lot on Prospect Avenue Lots wanted Try our Reaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Kent Co of MealOtd for tho Hardwood Floor you want We have on our list a good proposition Anyone going Into In Town it would bo to their advantage to communi cate with us SHI iC a

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