J t Wo have Fresh stock of Red Clo- Timothy Seed and out Prices are Right Vegetable and Flower 2for Leather Label Overalls and Smocks kind with the Big SHOES Have you seen the New Patented Working Shoe There are so seams to rip out Dry Goods hare just received a fresh stock of Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money two prices Coal Oil J I Best American gal- Water White Paint Liquid Paint at a quart should Interest you Every can guaranteed F W SMITH PERSONAL Mrs John Walton are vis iting feci r daughter Mrs Alotizo French at Ottawa The following left for the West on Tuesday Messrs Ed Ian- son H John Case and Frank Case Others left on Wednes day and today Friday Mr and Mrs Set Jewell and Miss Jewell of New are visiting at W A number of Mt Albert young folks surprised Mr Frank Watts on Mon day evening It was his birthday so about thirty young people gather ed at his home and helped him en joy the evening Mrs J Stiver nee Miss is visiting her sister Mrs Eugene Mr Shields entertained his Sunday School class a hand con cert on Friday evening Miss Hazel Shaw of Raven ihoe is visiting her aunt Mrs Frank Pear son Mrs J Shields of Tnronto is pay visiting her son Mr- W Shields Miss Ruth Ramsden is visiting friends in Cedar Grove this week Miss Gertrude Moore who has been a ween at Jacksons Point has returned Messrs S I Terry and took the circus to on Wednesday- Mrs Dr Forrest of Port Hope and children motored up to visit her fatherinlaw Or R W Forrest on Sunday Mr Trelevan of Toronto is to preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday Mrs Henry Ross is visiting friends in this week Masters arid Donald are spending a week with Mr McDonald in Sutton Mr Fred linger of Newmarket black- MANAGES I Mr and niece of Saturday- last with I I nrnY William place oh Saturday last and with good weather everything went off in great shape There was a large congregation at the Presbyterian Church last Sun- Jay including a number of campers Mr Harry the Line tried case at last Wednesdays Court Magistrate Fentoh against a Mr Farrow of Toronto wh Aurora spent Sunday at Mr William y The regular of he Queens- The men are getting to put Branch of the Womens Institute down some more cement sidewalk will take place on Wednesday Aug As Mr is in charge we are a oclock in toe sure it will be done right Hall Mrs will The Methodist Ladies Aid had a give a paper Cultivation of tea at Mr on and Preserving of night No doubt they had a A threeminute talk will follow by good time is supposed to have frightened air I each member Every person welcome Good interest being taken in the Ardills horse with his auto Mrs J J Terry spent the week- Methodist Sunday School just now relieve and euro of the Stomach biliousness flatulence rdyspepsia They the stomach by supplying the active principles needed for the digestion of all kinds of food Try one after each meal a box your druggist has not stocked them yet send us fiOo and we will mail you a box Dm and CKenJcal Corepanr Canada Limit- J L- When Threshing your remember we have a full line of FirstClass was reserved vs Connor The above case was held law Mr paid n fine of five dollars costs but is taking same to higher court Man About Town 1 Inquest The adjourned coroners inquest en the late Mr Clarke who was killed by a Metropolitan car was held at Sutton Town Hall on Monday when the following were sworn as Messrs Merchant Stur- end and Miss Dot McXabb The addresses by summer visitors and a lady friend returned with- her have been greatly appreciated Mr for a visit v h Jackson has consented to ad- Mr and Mrs J Mitchell of dress the school next Sunday Tweed visiting thoir sister Mrs I Mr Wight and family who Geo riond with Mr Ed Rose all summer Miss Bertie Crann left on Sunday are moving back to their own house night to visit her brother Dr Geo Mr is remoddelins his residence It will- be a great improve- in Dunham of V J It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss agent at once and get a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence ha3 proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood BOO tablets andthe dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to Chas W Sedore AGENT in Miss Vera Smith is visiting Albert this week Mr and Mrs Aurora spent Sunday at Mr John Durhams Miss Julia Crone has been visiting Miss A Dunham the past week who were not out Sunday morning missed a treat when Rev bridge T Rail ton J Cooke M Hamilton Hawkins P Ramsay of Iowa preach- Taylor Morton Culverwell a most inspiring sermon in the King and Greenwood as foreman Methodist Church Mr Ramsays Dr A Greenwood was coroner and mother was a daughter of the late a verdict of accidental death was and Mr anl Mrs br ought ment when completed Election matters are very quiet There will probably be more stir next week a Mr is to give an address in the Temperance Hall here next Monday night Priced from BAG for the money at per doz An EXTRA GOOD CORNERS All the farmers around here about through harvest Mr T Allen is building a house Mrs Kidd spent Sunday with are new her say have been spending part their mother Mrs R Hoover vacation with relatives here Mr Percy and Mr Stanley Rev and Mrs A McNeil family spent Sunday at Mr T are enjoying holiday at Br Han- j Ross Frank Local Items The Knox Garden Party which took place on the Manse lawn on Tuesday cottage on Lake Sirncoe j church is painted and pa- was a success although the of Walker ton who this week which weather conditions were not the has Mrs J is to be commended ozen SEE THEM We arc in the market for Alsike Let us see your samples f An Extra Nice Line of Ladies Hose in Colors for 25c Lace of everyone in is in charge of George a shop while Mr is the West Miss A left here Van couver on Monday Mr and Mrs Peter son Clarence Miss Joicy and Mr Miller of paid a snort visit to Mrs and Mrs Broad on Sunday last most favorable The sum dollars was cleared and greatly enjoyed Framed enlargements by A and Grant only awl complete Killed by the Trolley on is McFarland rcturnid home Saturday Mrs Smith of visiting Mr John Smith A large and attentive audi ence greeted Mr T on Tuesday evening when- he a very convincing manner just On Wednesday even of last week as Mr P M Clark of Toronto was extent reciprocity returning to his summer cottage at and Jacksons Point he was struck by York a Metropolitan car going North be- g Maples and in- Misses Marv and Milne stantly killed a last It appears Mr Clark got oft the car Sutton a stop before his destination a was walking on the track when overtaken Miss Gladys aw age and it is supposed that he hc- I by the car M Raymer and brother Mr and Mr Howard spent Sunday with He was over years of Mrs Hoover is spending a fewdpvs this week with her daughter Mrs Kidd Miss Mr Geo of the bridge and building staff was his home in town over Sunday CAMERON At the residence of the Mount A tart on the int Miss Ullian only daugh ter of the I and Mrs Cam eron was united to Mr Swift Current came confused The body was taken on to Sutton and Greenwood notified An inquest was held oh Monday after noon when the jury returned a ver dict Accidental death The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs on Thursday last spent very pleasant after noon fifty guests being present The proceeds which to five Powells were used to purchase clothing FRANKLIN Mr Charles Smith and family Toronto have moved in with Mr Mr Tfaviss of Toronto was visit ing Mr Parks for few days last week Mr has got his new wa ter works running in good shape now It is great success Harvest is about closed around here slim crop again a week from Sunday Mr is putting a stone wall under his house a great im provement Mr was visiting at Mr on Sunday Fuzzy We have all sizes in Crown Fruit Jars also Rubber Rings Preserving Kettles etc a The anglers had better watch out lor the deputy game warden at Franklin li ilr Love has completed new steel and cement dam A large attendance and The late Mr Clark came to the Porcupine sufferers da when a young man and for Pity Goodwin Kalamazoo Mich- j threw Away if IS Money years was a leading merchant tailor Kan and Miss of Ham li on King Street Toronto selling out attended the Ladies Aid meet- seven years ago to his Bens was an Anglican and Conservative Phillips Bros had breakdown on His died seven years ago Saturday which resulted in Mr en sons and three daughters survive Phillips taking flying trip to the The family came to Jacksons Point Works at Hamilton last summer and were so well pleas- Mrs Phillips who has had with situation that they severe attack of appendicitis is re- to make this Iheif summer covering under the skilful treatment home Better Than Ever delighted with the done in at COLES the have thus exceeded all expectations Still we will try to the rest of you when you Come ma our tck prices before The Reliable Store KESWICK plenty Ibe competition among the buyers at market Tuesday Prices way up The hand played at the residence Mr John Moore on Tuesday pvening and were handsomely entertained and liberally rewarded OCR SCHOOL Two new teachers have Miss principal and Mi- Blackball assistant have been carefully selected from a number applicants are enthusiastic come highly School in the room will reopen on Miss Nellie Harrison of visit t her aunt Mrs Dr of Dr of Mrs Godwin of gave Mrs a pleasant call on is on a Mrs Frank Miss Donald were visiting Mrs Mount Albert last week Donald Davidson of India ais Doris Mo ll Itoss at preacMnK at last day Mill- Ben Johnson Is We hope to see him around soon Miss Jessie Thompson of Gum Swamp who has been staying with her sister Mrs Phillips returned home on Sunday Miss Plo Glover is visiting her brother Mr Russell Glover Mr and Mrs re turned home from the West on Wed nesday of see them week We are Mr is Something for the Mr has hold of the finest article to lighten the burdens poorly of the ladles in hot weaWier It is Mr and Mrs Milton Draper a Had Iron When you children of Mount Albert were vis- are using this iron you are not at Mrs on Sunday Ing over a hot One cents Mrs Barker who has been si day CHURCH OK There will be divine service at the Hall on Sunday at am The will preach ah welcome worth of gasoline runs it five hours since Christmas No loss of time for irons to again heat Call and Bee them For Bale aiew La organ In good of Cattle Apply Tie Button West and Lot Tor in good location Immediate terms to Seed Wheat for 8ale Red nop A DO AM SUTTON Personal Mr Huntley Was visiting bis Mr 1 Huntley the other aw at W Dolby returned to the city Morrison visiting Mr Richie has teen spending a few day Detroit Miss Abbott of Toronto Mrs last wee Baiter of Mount- Albert is with Mr Mrs of fog with sister if Dixon Coleman of to the new in place of Morrison Howard Morton has returned from trip West Mitt street of on a short If John Mr DJcV has returned to the city Mi Clara has gone the city attending nii- opeoiog- of Toronto yfslting friends in Button the Local The left for the West thin Messrs J Barker HOLLAND LANDING Itw Methodist Sunday held their Picnic on the Park on Wednes day afternoon It was an ideal day and the children enjoyed themselves in games and other amusements Mrs Bailey of Toronto was the guest of Miss KdUhing on Sunday Monday and Master Byron of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with her mother Mis MJ Mr OBrien the agent met with misfortune on day week He had his residence burned down and all is able to he out Pansy The pulpit of the Christian occupied last Sunday morning by Rev If Thomas of Newmarket and in the evening by Rev from New Jersey a former pastor This was owin the Ill ness of the pastor P Fletcher and he was very fortu nate in obtaining such excellent sup ply Mr Will Purdy and wife have gone on a trip return to the West and way of Chicago Intend to Chicago Aug 22 A man apparent ly- old decrepit and ragged who has been wandering through the streets for several days was taken to the Chicago avenue police station yesterday where 7000 was found on his person While walking past the prisoners cell a deputy noticed the old nan of mystery a roll of hills which he could not roach around with both hands After a while he began throwing thcfViHfl through the bars as though dealing a pack of cards A of the old mans clothing brought forth more than in hills and hank hooks showing depos its of W he in Ian that had from Canada and said his name was Tors ten Isaac son Asgaard He could not give his home address HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Osier President Matthews VicePresident RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS A branch of this Bank will be established in London Ensland on 1st July next at This Branch will issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and transact every description hanking iosinesa Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided for the use of visitors and bearers of our letters of credit A General Manager YOUTHFUL LOOK teacher in elementary looked hopefully about the room Now children she wild I wish to think very carefully answer my next question The small pupil a sat eagerly await ing It wideeyed and in some in stances Which would you rather have three bags with two apples In each hag or two with three apples In each Asked the teactor Three bags with two apples In bag said a hoy in one of the last seats while the class still iVatod to the best answer Why Paul the Because Ik to bust announced the pracMcal young mathematician Youths Com panion A DOBLE fir InsurtiLTCOi mi of We understand Mr OBrien building again In the near future Mr F J Shields is spending at He upending a lev days with friends In before returning Mr Martin Taylor of Sutton West was calling n on Wednesday Miss of Maple Is visiting Mrs Thompson of Toronto visiting his brother Mr fas Sharpe Mr and Mrs Chapmen of from are visiting his lather Mr haven clay land well J Chapman waste soil Buildings fair A E MILLER We have a Large List of Properties for If Buying or Us SUTTON WEST Copying Framing Enlarging Farm Laborers EXCURSIONS AND CERTAIN POINTS IN WESTERN CANADA Including Points on Grand Trunk Pacific Via Chicago arvl Fort Francis ADDITIONAL RET URN I NO From all stations north of but not Including Main Toronto to Sarnla Tunnel via Strat ford to tt including the line from Toronto t North Bay and went In Ontario AUgU8t From Toronto and stations east in Ontario also east of and Scotia Junction In AUgU8t all stations Toronto North Hay west In Ontario 26th From all stations Toronto and of Orillia and Scotia Junction in Canada CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO AUGUST 26Ui TO SEPT INCLUSIVE Minimum Charge Prom All Stations In Canada West of Cornwall and Ottawa Specat Low Pates and Train Service on Certain Dates Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent or address A Dun DPA Toronto SINGLE Winch of MHftn Mr also IK J- Miss of Allandale Is her Mm Forsyth The Anglican Church services on flUnday will be as foil own Albert am St Irnes j Christ Church Holland Land- In pm Taylor at all Card of Thanks 9 Mr and Mrs Pete Drowning de- to sincerely the Morton landjriendi who so assist- berry saving the house from fire when tioVeta from Mr Tie- it WSJ la owing to the burning of the barn on Queen took Street iLz regatta Oct our terms Purchasers may huy stock and Implements Buys good plan ing mill water power and engine acre pond Fully prac tically On two railroads in good Village cabh or would exchange for city property to acres workable bal ance bush and pasture sell Within half wile from Mt Albert Good and creek barn ton afro Outbuild- logs Milk route In connection Terms cash balance at pet cent 7500- acres In M acresabout g miles from acres workable clay balance pasture and building fair caHh and balance arranged 00 acres miles from To ronto Convenient to church school etc Soil clay loam well drained Dank barn and out buildings Brick bouse rooms Hard and sol wa ter Terms to suit purchaser acres -Mark- ham miles from station School and very convenient Land clay loam level Ho acre cultivated bal ance pasture bush wells a spring roomed and frame barns Sta bling for head Outbuilding cash Balance arranged f 13000 destruction of the house fly is a public duty Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against him filthy origin and habits and the fact that his body is generally laden with diseaseproducing germs makes hira one of the greatest enemies of the human race If the housekeepers of Canada will use J persistently this peril would be tremendously reduced A SB iLi