Newmarket Era , September 1, 1911, p. 5

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Thos J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c OfficeMain St Newmarket to loan on good on curity Farm AUCTION AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarke op Clank DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Lyman Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence desired J NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere CASSIDY Weeks Local Will bo held on Friday of Sep tember in tbe Temperance Hall com mencing at 230 We would like a good turn out to assist us in getting the box ready for Com SUFFERED THREE YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured Kidney Trouble Mothers Meeting The regular monthly meeting the will be held on Tuesday the of Sept in the Temperance Hall commencing at 3 A full attendance is requested Presbyterian Church Service conducted in basement next Sunday by the pastor Sun day School will also te changed back to in the afternoon Reopening of the church on Sun day Sept Died In the West Newmarket Council No earns with regret of the death of Mr T Fisher a former resident of Newmarket which sad event oc curred on Aug at The sympathy of the Lodge extended to the lrea relatives 3 There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr P A Thomas of Sudbury is one those who know it He writes over three years I suffered from kidney disease First I thought I had sprained my back for suddenly the pain J would catch the small of ray and it would be impossible for me to straighten myself up for several minutes A dull ache across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and passing it caused a burning scalding pain Tried medicines but they I was advised to try Dr Morses Indian Root Pills as they had cured my wife years before A few boxes affected a compute cure I now enjoy the bles sings of good health which Is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney too dangerous as well as too painful That old reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indian Root Pills has cured thousands and will cure you It is equally effective in constipation and its attendant evils biliousness indigestion and sick headaches and in purifing the blood a box at your druggists Dr J Boyd WBi Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons of England- Former clinical assistant hi Eye Hospital College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Ste Telephone No 110 Hours Mr may be had at any W of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Q Time Card NORTH Toronto l Newmarket 250 ax- GOING SOUTH Monday is a holiday Labor Day Schools reopen on Tuesday morn ing- Division Court in Newmarket next Wednesday Violation of Law Pastor Mackenzie said in his Sun day evening sermon that the law gov erning the sale of cigarettes is being violated Newmarket Its enough to make us indignant the speaker see little boys scarce out of their teens on Sunday smoking cigarettes on our streets It is high time our Fathers awoke to the demand that these things shall stop Industrial Home i Tie Commissioners meet today and they arc very anxious to go on with the improvements as planned by Architect Tench of Newmarket The money has been voted by the County Council and it is some of our local contractors will tender for the fob Call on Mr Tench and get necessary information Toronto a p 755 1010 Furnace Work of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Pall Pairs Newmarket Oct Carrie Sept 25 2G Bolton Oct 2 Oct Sept 1021 Hamilton Sept 1416 Lindsay Sept 22 London Fair Sept Oct Oct Sutton West Sept 29 Toronto Can NatAug2GSept 11 Oct Zephyr Oct 10 Howling Last Friday afternoon Mr bop- pin with Messrs and and A went to play the In vincible Quartette of bowlers that has not been beaten but once in two seasons on Dr lawn Chop- pin went up take a fall out of the hilltop bowlers hut was sound ly trounced scalped metaphorically Speaking arid tent home with his team to learn the art of bowling on other lawns Postmaster would like to hear of some good bowlers from Toronto or Kingston who would like to try their band with the famous aggregation of he secretary Address him Greenhouses i St Order Your Flowers FOR Decoration Day Comparison of Yellow Pine and Douglas Fir Wood using industries in Canada re ported to the Forestry Branch for the use of worth of yel low pine and worth of Doug las Fir j From scientific investigation it has been ascertained that our native Douglas fir could in many instances replace yellow pine at present us ed in Canada Yellow pin3 is imported from the United States and if a species of native wood could be introduced take the place of yellow pine the chance would be of benefit in the devel opment of Canadian Industry Doug las fir is lighter wood than yellow Pine and has greater limit of elas ticity that is stands more bending without taking a permanent set Likewise compression perpendicular grain is resisted equally by both species In the Western States the uses of this wood are being rapidly extended and its recently discovered qualities are introducing it for pur poses in which previously only yel low pine was thought fitted Doug las fir is a light and strong wood easily worked For railway Cars and vehicles it is used throughout the United States where its elasticity and durability recommend it for all purposes except where hard wood has to be used Because of the beauty of grain and the attrac tive effects which rrtjay 1 obtained by staining it is very popular for inside panel work door window frames and cheap classes particularly mission furniture Furniture car and vehicle manufact urers would benefit if Douglas fir was used to a greater extent in Ca nadian manufacture f This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY CO To ledo We the undersigned have J Cheney for the last fifteen yearn and believe him perfectly hon orable in all transactions arid financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm It Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the fcSWm Testimonials cent free Prices per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation ft- The Conservative leader is telling the people that tar- ifl built up Canadian manufactures because it gave them market We have been building up market for manufactures for thirty Now the Farmers Turn The tariff- on products the soil cannot help the farmer f because in agricultural country there i3 enough and t spare and it Is what there is to spare that fixes price With Reciprocity farm products there will for more than we can produce with the result tMat a tremendous stimulus will be to in all its- branches It will make agriculture in Canada more than ever worth while and agriculture must continue to be the back bone this country Remember that this Reciprocity agreement affects onlt nat ural and food products and hence there is no foundation for the misleading statements the Opposition that the country will be Hooded with United States manufactured goods since these will be subject to same duties as before f CO 101 on the Canadian Pacific monstration farm were grown in the open and prove what was can be done by the application of methods in farming inis I his I Winnipeg Man Aug It announced this week that the Business Mens Excursion rop city will go to Britain annual event was started two ago and two highly successful of the West have been made trains were used and ihe result Detect Miller is investigating has been to draw Jhe ties of trade burning of the barn Colin Car- anil intercourse much penter of This lire seems and to develop a stronger spirit to be the culrnination of a list unity western communities tempts to injure Carpenter About The trip to Britain was projsjx years ago while driving at night poed when the Business Mens he found a fire in the dry grass of years Farmer Being Persecuted lours Spec- St Catharines Aug NEWMARKET HARDWARE STOR LIGHT FIXTUR You Can Save Money J By Buying From Us A v- Paints Oils Glass Etc if tft Si NEWMARKET mm t- was at last year and the matter was clinched at a Meet ing of the expansions Committee of the Winnipeg Development and In dustrial Bureau which has charge of all the arrangements for the trip each year When- the excursion is made up it will include trie very lest of Winnipegs business men leading financial men and commercial representatives of this city those of all other Western cities who to join the excursion The tour will extend over six A weeks time and will include as much of the Brit ish Isles as it is possible to cover in the allotted time This years crop seems to destin ed to success in spite of all offset ting occurrences The black rust scare was peremptorily checked by the advent of hot clear weather and the recent nearfrost was only damaging to a slight extent Har vesting is being pushed rapidly all over the country and the most re liable reports that can be lad re ports from the harvesters thresh ers show that the forecast of an enormous crop was in nowise exag gerated Fourteen the biggest dis tricts show phenomenal yields among- them being wheat and bushels of oats to the acre from Swift Current six districts which WW will give bushels of wheat and ten that will have from 30 to bushels his orchard Then he later discover ed wife stretched across the just in time to avoid running into it Summer Sale g Later another attempt was made to burn the dry grass in his orchard Again as he and his wife were driv ing along a private road the horse and the front wheels of the buggy went through a bridge from which several bad been removed the second time he found a wire stretched across the roadway Train Off Rails EARLY ETC of Late Cabbage and Plants now ready Newmarket WANTED For Newmarket And wounding Wttrict for The More will be planted in Kali of Ml and of ever iu f Ontario iu of the future will be beat paying pari of tie faj teach rfrfp Tree Culture Profit in Can Made Pay Write for ftTOSK TORONTO Christian Church Splendid Congregations were prei- at both services Sunday last in the morning vm of Iowa preached the ser mon It- dealt with work the world and was highly v been his vacation in thin with credit Come Me by and Cuto Thee by Singer in the evening the pastor preached and the choir sang Shall Dwell by and sang a most soloMc- of Jesus hover of My c I fail Ming Morris spent last week in Mrs Jon Mitchell of Zephyr was visiting friends in town for a of days Mrs and aunt Mrs Mil ler visiting friend in Zephyr week Mr and Mrs Johnston are on their holiday They intend going by New Nova Sco tia and Island and hack home by the St Lawrence river and Ontario to Toronto The humming up of reports in dicates fifty per cent of yield aver aging over 25 itJushels to the acre anil Ok- present estimate o the crop to bushels of expert is a grand total of from wboat from the three prairie pro vinces Already are being made years crops In dis tricts harvesting is nearly or Immense tracts arc being broken line plowing The thrifty housewife of Montreal would have been sorely vexed Fri day afternoon could the have the almost total destruction of three car loads of eggs which occurred in the Turcot yards of the Grand Trunk Railway An way freight en route to Montreal had just entered the extensive yards at Turcot when a journal on one of the cars broke He- fore tbe train could be stopped three ears had left the rails torn up three tracks districted their gracefully over the surrounding scen ery and stopped traffic for over three hours The contents of the de- wcrc flour and eggs and can Imagined the scene was not a pretty one when the lain of edibles had stopped- Tho damage Is extensive and much delay to ingoing traffic was experienced before the main line could be cleared and again put in shape OQ04 Jumped from Engine STORE CLOSES EVERY Wednesday Afternoon DURING JULY AND AUGUST Toronto Jobbing House Saskatchewan this and these engines on Sept 3rd Livery In to First Class A we have adiod an AUTOMOBILE FOR will morn ing and evening fa ilw Mr An a splendid evangelical preacher On invitation Rev Alex Mackenzie spends rext Sunday with a suburfan In Kelly On Wednesday at Oclock at the the brides parents Mr and Mrs Henry on Augusta Avenue joronto the took place of their to Mr A Iftois only son of Mr and Mrs Vim of wore a satin wedding wifh veil blossoms ard carried roses was given away by her father White roses made vicy pretty and the ceremony Was by the Rev- A Kelly washer bridesmaid and the groom was supported Mr Donald The wedding were by Kelly also a sister of the bride A dainty dejeu ner was alter Mr left op boat for a trip the islands ajd Montreal the golnavay blue with little blue bat After Oct Mr and Mm Doan will be W5 street The Womans Foreign Missionary societies Wilfred Ion wlMMg and held a joint picnic at Port Holster on Thursday A large crowd turned out from each circuit The day was perfect The gasoline boat made half hourly trips out on the lake others went out in Windsor August The bursting of a Hue on engine of a Marquette pa singer train near yesterday forced en- Sixty steam and James to jump lor were unloaded at ft regular westbound express was run ning about forty miles hour when of agriculture have been busy all over j lfeg explosion occurred without the the West in all sections the plow- 1 subtest warning The cab was In- big outfits Will be kept at their work fl ft winter puts top to farming nd operations The Increase parboiled leaped blindly from his engine The Henry succeeded in climbing on top of the cab where ho remained until I the train came to a standstill for lack of steam was found more than a mile hack lying face downward In Hip track badly and unconscious He was brought to the hospital hire where although be Is lit a condition from the scalding Steam the physicians he aIII live was it is under crop In nil and 1010 about two million but certain next years Increase win It far greater Col A Davidson the Northern Department alter a trip all over the This Is Indeed a prosperous era In the history of Canada There is j lie about- it It is the result of ten years steady growth with an increased acreage each year from which to draw re venue And the half of Canadas possibilities have not yet been There Is much bulld- Hardware Newmarket I IT -rt- Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office row A vi all At Dtbalblng going on lh ilc u day waft y It must to the manage ment of the Radial Hallway that special car leaving on Monday mornings be one the largest in use hut they fall provide It and the result Is that passengers are compelled to stand all the way from here to This lias been the case the last three weeks and last Monday morning thirty people has to stand all the way from Keswick to Toron to he Company must know that those conditions continue the week end traffic will certainly be diminish ed as people are not going to suffer Inconvenience Several of the attended Mr meeting Keswick on Monday evening and Rome the young people took In of the I club of Keswick on the Mis left for Victoria County to her duties as schoolteacher the Em to friends through Hie West as there is In the cities and no more satisfactory sign than this Is needed from an economic viewpoint Wheat fainting has taken hold upon the Rainy Valley and the first wheat out there wan received In the Canadian Northern offices In Winni peg recently Some remarkable yields have hem reported fertile valley and this shipment marks the from womI farming to wheat arming in the Rainy River Volley The Canadian Northern have at present under contract 1123 miles and by end of this will have Under ruction nearly the present railway in Canada itic larajest roundioiise in western Canada was commenced week by Canadian at Canadian Northern Con struction vork is proceeding Columbia Grading Is following closely on the heels of the bridge work and many- thousands of men will be oil all Inter In August illustrate the great that have so long lain latent climate and soil the West This fruit la be ing produced good quantity end i Stabs Tormentor with a Pitchfork Aug to desperation by repeated taunts that ho was shirking his work a young farm hand named Douglas while em ployed at a threshing on Saturday near seven miles from here swung round on his persecutor Harry Smith and Bent the prong of Ms pitchfork through the lattcrs side The Steel prong penetrated Smith left side nar the base of the lung and Indicted a dangerous wound which may have a fatal result Smith Is a of Reeve Sam Smith of and a married man while Douglas is little more than a boy Several degrees of frost arc re ported from sections Manitoba and crops have suffered as a result With only log for a craft lack Pollock young lumberman ran the Boo rapids- emerging with only few bruises Canary A It ft Aug While workmen were at work on building In course of construction at Thirteenth avenue and first street west yesterday the front wall gave Way Carrying with It a carpenter named Harry Hutchison who Is now at deaths door at Holy Cross Hos pital The damage to the building Is probably i Met Proper ties lor Sale Parties going West find it to their advantage to call and see us Wc have on our Some of the both Private and Very Rest Land In At- If you thinking of Life Insurance wc It In the MANIK INSURANCE CO It is Very Important that wo should have the privilege of explaining to you tagea of Abstainers Guaranteed Investment Policy with Total Disa bility privilege Or If thinking wo have it Sound In EXCHANGE ASSURANCE London- England or UN INSURANCE CO Oldest one Strongest Computes World or UNION ASSUR ANCE SOCIETY of London England Try our Reaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Sea man Kent Co for Hardwood Floor you want Wo have on our list good Business proposition Anyone going Into Business in Town It would bo to advantage to communi cate with us fit mm and Gontcaotors Newmarket is TORONTO Mm Mi

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