Newmarket Era , September 8, 1911, p. 3

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Weeks Itoeal Hems TOW Mr Roblnettes Meetings All over the Riding Mr is being enthusiastically received The following public meetings have been arranged Sept 9 Wednesday Sept Newmarket Thursday Sept 14 c Nomination will be held on Tuesday the of Sept at Mrs Maws commenc- i Monday Sept presbyterlan Church The Rev Gen of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will preach at the reopen ing services of the Presbyterian Church both morning and evening Sunday next A large attendance is requested to hearthis distinguish ed gentleman Rain at Last After a long spell of drought rain came at last on Saturday and why shoJld it not have been expected on that particular day anyway The first Saturday in September Davids Day the Civic Holiday so of our grandparents so observed at Sharon for a century- Before Party CONSERVATIVES WHO BELIEVE IN RECIPROCITY Dont Forget The ReOpening Concert of the Presbyterian Church under the aus pices of the Willing Workers Mon day next The following artists will take part Miss Clarice Spencer Dramatic Read er Miss Forrest and Master Ernest Mr Paris and Mr Dew all of Toronto Mr Geo Robinson of Penetangui- who has delighted an audience here before and brother of the late Senor Mrs Rice Aurora will assist with I the musical program and Miss Florence Thomas of Newmarket will assist as Elocutionist A rare treat is promised Doors open at oclock Newmarket High School The attendance of over one Getting Ready for Winter Messrs Osborne and Sons finished installing a furnace and bathroom outfit in Mr Oscar Stephens new house on Lome avenue this week This makes lit new baths this sea- ireopening the fall term The caretaker Mr Hall A new furnace was put into Mr serves great praise for the neatness Jo McCaffreys residence this week and cleanliness of every part of the Mr Manning has given an large building from basement to the fur new furnace in his gymnasium in the attic it would ALBERT farmer North Essex has the stump aD favors reciprocity HENRY a known sheepbreeder lifelong Con servative in interviews and articles supports reciprocity BRETHREN Conservative farmer Asphodel township is en the platform of Mr Kerr the reciprocity candidate in East Peter borough against Mr Sexsraith whom he formerly supported BR S who is known throughout the county by horsemen a the public generally as an expert in the horse business a lifelong Conservative writes strong letter to the press advocating reciprocitv HARRY foremost Conservative farmer of East Elgin writes the press appealing to his broadminded Conservative farmers to support the traditions of John A McDonald and vote for recipro city COL J FRAZER town ship Brant county who ran as a Conservative candidate for the Leg islature of Ontario strongly favors order residence Enlargement Realizing the necessity of morel school accommodation in Newmarket the Public School Trustees may pur chase the property of Mrs A adjoining the Primary School grounds on the south The hundred pupils at our Academy of reciprocity Learning which we are all justly LEWIS South Essex a life- proud was very gratifying to the Conservative has taken the Trustees on Tuesday morning the stump for reciprocity Mr Wigle sat for two terms in the legisla ture as a Conservative and one term in the House of Commons un der Sir Jno A McDonald His brother is the Con servative candidates campaign man ager JOSEPH Conservative Sandwich east a large market gar- All the teaching were present j is out for reciprocity Principal Mr A Hoi- OLIVER REAUME whose a pleasure for any of our citizens to go through the building at mathematical master Mr science master Miss Wickett commercial specialist and Miss Smith specialist in languages The pupils met for the first time in house is at present occupied by Mr Assembly Hall where the Hunter The trustees are con sidering the erection of a fourroom I school two stories next year on I the Primary School grounds as all the are at present over-crowd- after few introductory remarks and the Inspector insists on more accommodation It was so dark during the rain last Saturday morning that it was neces sary to run the electric light plant to Morton second Y Mabel Mover and introduced the Chairman of the Board Mr A- who announced that according to the report as on request specially furnished the of Education the pupils who had obtained at the recent 1 partrnintal Examinations the highest standing in English in- Composition literature and Eng lish history were irsi accomodate the store Two more Candidates joined the Oddfellows last Tuesday night The Telephone people are putting in that Norman Morton entitled to the Sarah I Scholarship ol twenty-five- This scholarship is so named in hon- underground conduit on Main or of the first pupil the school I a new street for connections with the cen tral exchange ibis is what is known among farm ers a the harvest moon Hie school are ringing again The eyesore on the Millard pro perty near the Metropolitan station Is almost entirely removed The Conservatives have a meeting in the skating rink on Wednesday night Methodist Church congregations at Town Hall last Sunday the sermons by Mr the student from Victoria College who has been supplying lor the to Pastor were the best yet In the morning service Mr Fred gave solo and in evening a Mule Quartette selection was appre- Next both the pastor and Superintendent of the SundaySchool expect to in their places and it is hoped that the congregation will assume It wonted proportions and J bat the workers will return to business The will in the ternoon next and Cordially invited and he tally remarked that the scholarship in question the first as yet in the school bad been chosen to Include the English subjects only order to allow a choice of other subjects per chance one in general proficiency to be possibly provmed in the future by other or friends of the school the same time the chairman intimated that it was his intention ito Continue the first named scholarship by a sum of not less than twenty dollars in each succeeding year as prize to the pupil in the third form taking highest marks in English The chair man Concluded his brief remarks by the pupils to reestab lish a wellorganized Literary Society in connection with the work and avail themselves of the excellent facilities that the schools new as yet unfurnished technical room would affiliations and convictions may be judged by the fact that he a brother to Hon Dr and one of the most prominent farmers or Anderson township is out for re ciprocity PAT exReeve of Sandwich west and for many years a Conservative vicepresident is out for reciprocity E Leamington one of the largest fruitgrowers in the Province has published a letter favoring reciprocity LEONARD of Grove End says he has been a tive all his life but that he cannot understand the inconsistent stand of his party at the present time and will Vote for reciprocity JOHN DOUGLAS of South Dorches ter a Conservative says he is ready to give reciprocity a trial JOHN GILBERT of Yarmouth a Conservative is ready to reci procity trial JAMES COLBERT of Crewe says he never voted for Liberal party In his life but knows that recipro city is a Conservative policy He will vote for reciprocity and knows many other Conservative farmers who intend to do the same WILLIAM KICKLEY of Mafeking a Conservative who says he be lieves the proposal a whole is just the thing for fanners MIL LEWIS township Brant County Conservative is support reciprocity A Conservative horseman west Kent 1ms written the Liberal candidate that he will support him because reciprocity will benefit horsemen and farmers gen erally Farmers Institute is out for reci procity CHESTER NICHOLSON Conser vative graduate of the Agricultural College and ex- secre tary of the East Wellington Institute supports reciprocity H EDMUNDS Blenheim Ontario known all over the county as a Con writes to the papers that be is not Conservative enough to miss the opportunity of opening up an unlimited market for horse deal ers and farmers He thnYs that every farmer who has his ow in terests at heart will drop politics for this time and vote for recipro city GEORGE M a Con servative farmer of West township declares himself in favor of reciprocity RICHARD JOHNSTON Conserva tive of Norfolk Count will vote for and so will his sons JOHN Conservative M P for MacLeod in the last parlia ment says that he will support re ciprocity that its advant ages will far outweigh disad vantages C E HAMILTON Conservative of predicts that all who oppose reciprocity in Saskat chewan will lose their deposits EXMAYOR a Conserva tive of Berlin is supporting Mac kenzie King and reciprocity EXMA YOU sup porting Kin and reci procitv JOSEPH ATKINSON Conserva tive of Township South Huron says he that reciprocity every thing the farmer has to sell GEORGE another Conser vative of South Hurcn says the agreement- will give him a better market for cattle and hogs J J IRVINE of who is described as not merely a Conserva tive but a real Tory says the re ciprocity agreement is just fine TAYLOR member of he Dur ham Conservative Associatun says he find it awfully hard to go to the polls and mark his ballot for a Grit hut he is convinced that the agreement is a benefit to ru ral Canada and is prepared to stand his GEORGE ANDERSON Mountain View P County former M P says he is proud t say that will not stick to the Conservative party when such a Course is roll He estimates that not one farmer in twenty in his neighborhood is opposed to the agreement WILLIAM BARKER a promnsnt Conservative of P E County says he is certainly in favor of recipro city AUSTIN pi Wallaceburg described as not merely Conserva tive but a real Tory says this ciprocjty business to him WILLIAM TROTTER Conservative Chatham Township recipro city as a farmer PRANK SHAW Conservative of Bast Branch favors reciprocity as a farmer I Ladies Groceries Under Skirts Black Sateen Underskirts- for for 98c Black Moire Underskirts From Childrens Sweater Coats Prom to Ladies Sweater Coats From Mens Sweater Coats From to We still advise the purchase ar Market very strong bound to be higher We parry a great Assortment of I COOKED MEATS ft dm rft Boiled Ham Corn Jellied Hocks Jellied Tenderloin NEW Butter Orange Butter Pineapple Butter 25c per We shall be pleased to call for your us eery order I W A There is a reason for the enormous increase In our Shoe Business and this is Perfect Fit Stylish Make Fair- Price and Every Guaran teed to give Satisfaction You run no chance in buying you Shoes from I Mm mm at once if temporarily provided ALBERT SWIM partner of open their class bad intimated Hall on annual prize of dollars was all young men are Jo be for the beat International Peace competition Pickering College This seat of learning which is ever popularity reopens for term next Monday Prospect very encouraging for much than last year building being now it Trustees Sin ladies tennis courts out between the the and the I ha- been beautifully A Cinder path will be made around suitable shel- will rating places A for basket bail also be laid Jt of tennis with or its In fluences could Us extended to an oc casional public entertainment or lee- ture to which all citizens might be Invited to attend Principal also stated that to him that an about on be fog open to the High School pupils Newmarket Aurora Richmond HIM and Bradford and in addition to this a Shield will be provided to adorn the walls of the furnish es the successful pupil and Izariny tin- name and year engraved thereon Further remarks were made Trustees Jackson McKay and Cody have mathematical master be- the for the pupils assembled In ttiolr several rooms where the work was assigned and instructions givmby he several are very favorable for a and a very success ful year oo to A Swim and Har bor Co on- the largest fish dealers on the coast Kays he is a Strong Tory always has been and supposes he will but he strongly sup- Mr Fielding and reciprocity for the great benefit the fishing Industry THOMAS FORD a fruit grower wrftefl to the Star that he has been onervative ail bis life but he is disgusted with his leaders because they will not accept the greatest gift Canada ever had offered LOVEKIS former president of Conservative Association Durham in campaigning for A Kelly the Liberal candidate JAMES ANDERSON Conservative of Prince Edward County cam paigning for Dr the Liberal Candidate WILLIAM COIlltELL bin five Bona of who vot ed for a Liberal arc throwing all their influence for splendid this is But let us see if Mr is as unselfish in this matter as at first glance he might appear to be I do not know how much land is proposed for the Park but let us say ten acres that would make a goodsized Park I suppose from to per acre is a fair value to put on unimproved farm land not having any lake front age in this vicinity Any farmer in the Township will know whether or hot this is too However take the higher figure as there is a little grove on a Part of the proper ty and we have a ten acre park at add to this the value of a fif ty foot Approach to the Lake say per foot and we have more or a Park worth say Now let us see what would be the effect on Mr property of diverting the Road away from the front as pro- Posed He has a frontage on Shore Road very close to one mile say feet which may he worth as it lays at present where from to per foot front age depending on the exact location ad convenience of water frontage etc If the road is diverted all this frontage will he at least doubled in value which means anywhere from to additional value for Mr Is it any wonder that he would he willing give a Park to the Township This is how ever inly one feature of the matter There is another feature perhaps a more sentimental one hut one which I apprehend the of the Township will regard much more important that is the question of being deprived of the privilege of driving along the Lake Slinrc Road a privilege which has been enjoyed by the public for the past or more years There is no more pretty or more Interesting drive in Canada than is afforded by this Lake Shore Road from Keswick right around to Jacksons Point and to suggest I STANDARD PARASOLS PATTERNS A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY CALL AND SEE OUR w ANO pi Fancy Spot and Stripe Voiles for Pretty Evening Dresses and Waists French Marquisettes in Dainty Gold and Silver Spots and Stripes New Trimmings the Latest New York Patterns Fringe Girdles Fancy Braids Jet and Persian Effects Ladies Tailored Suits ant Ulsters made to your Order TRY US 4 I If Established CAPITAL ALL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS UP 1B831 I I ing any portion it to satisfy the I AMES McCoRMACK Conservative I ambition or desire of any man is an DeputyReeve of outrage on the public in the Town- says the only trouble with the agree- ship which I feel sure the ratepayers is enough that it does not go far EDWARD of Raleigh says ha is Conservative hut wholly in fa vor of reciprocity II DOWNEY Conservative Mayor of Whitby expresses himself as strongly in favor of agreement DAVID of a Conservative favors reciprocity MB- young Conservative Durham Oxford Co Is stumping for the Liberal candidate and reci procity basing his stand on market quotations Compiled by himself dur ing the past five years MR ARMSTRONG who describes himself as a John A Tory Is stumping for A Bu chanan the Liberal candidate in Medicine Mat and reciprocity JOHN A manager Kent Farmers Produce Co Township of South Harwich says he has been Conservative Is now and will continue to he one but he does not care who knows that this time he will vote for and reci procity thus he voting for the benefit o himself and all Mr Acton had leading thereto ft be er that physical exercise is Wn provided for the as well the misfortune to fruit conrU the in her cellar break down the other will under the School are now Public In jvI on TeeMay with Mr Roll Cornell j Truman of fruit were A hundred glass destroyed I Sht fcKay A Wit total MA and the acer report the absence ol of tr and ail of whom are fa achoolnext week Then ttrre who in Ool Truant will have o after if do go to of own next week Although llere are tte attendance another one got There nearly yd READING There a great in the leww fiteap contain cbeap make the If TOO bo la reading Take com Our prices tor WWJ our will be mam w ittAtth and Optician P fA JAMES president of the Association of Norfolk County Conservative Is reciprocity a Toronto Conser vative Ik out in reciprocity THOMAS a Conservative of has consented bunny a reciprocity candidate in opposition to Mr nominee of the Conservative party J Davis cattle and Judge of live stock ays that while Ik hard to I On Ma party must support reci procity and principle LESLIE a Con- servative reciprocity and may run as candidate in Wetland County peter LUND a supporter of the Conservative party in British Columbia advocate it will take the on the of such ftxtol and JOHH a vote his lite Ik working for A Martin and reciprocity in North Wellington WILLIAM ex- of township is supporting A Martin and north Velli6gVn ALFRED HUTCHINSON Arthur tow ship has voted both ways but mostly Conservative W U of the East Wellington will never stand lor It is unfortunate that Mr the Reeve Is so connected in interest with the proposition by rea son of situation of his store and boardinghouse that it may for him to discharge his duty as Reeve of the Township in an entire ly disinterested manner as he should do All the Members the Council will however be held responsible for Branches at all Important centres In Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager r ft z the Council as you may have oppor tunity As to the matter of acquiring a ark if the resident ratepayers Toronto Markets Sept Iftll Pali Wheat per hush 0 ft 0 Influence their judgment Chickens per lb 17 00 Oft 1 To tin Ratepayers ot NORTH Toronto Aug I desire to draw to your attention a most unheard of proposition which either Ik already or Ik about to be brought before the Municipal Council for consideration at an early date that Ik the question of closing a portion of the Lake Shore Road In front of Lots and 29 In the 3rd Most of thin property in fact all It except a few lots which have recently been sold is owned by Mr B To- and Is to lie assumed that the proposition Ik made on bis behalf It so happens that a portion of this property has re cently sold Mr has Wil- preaent Reeve the Town ship and on it during the past a- baa a store I am not suggesting that the fact of Mr apparent Interest in the matter ha any apec- significance but I merely men tion the coincidence In order to give the proportion appearance of being of some to the Township hut I view it to hide the real of the la in Connection with the suggestion of acquiring a of land for park purposes I It Mr pro- posts give to the Township por tion of his land back from the fcdJorning the railway but with a fifty foot approach leading down to the would you believe it all be ask in return Is to lave the road diverted from in front his property along the rear How nw In the adjoining property to the west more familiarly known as Eastbourne once the William Woods farm any ratepayer Mo drive along the road in front of our place on over the road which It proposed to close this being just at the lane alongside our barn and runs north east to about the concession line and then you think that I have put the question fairly protesting against this pro posed deal you will serving your own Interests- and of your Township by expressing pro tect to the Reeve and members of Sept heat per bush payers but I have since been told per hush that It Is proposed to rush It through Barley per bush without first submitting it All I Peas per hush aire to say further in thia connection Bran per ton Is that If there Is any such attempt Shorts per ton to rush the thing through without Hay per ton first getting vote of the people the Eggs per do Council will probably have a suit Butter per on Its hands as there are legal rea- Potatoes per bag on against such a course hut If the Chickens per CouHe suggested to by the Reeve in followed then I have no doubt as to what the ratepayers will do It they get the opportunity Yours truly Ceo A Kiaxfctoo Newmarket Markets 7 JO 78 JO 0 IS- On 27 14 0 23 0 as- 0 IV- ifCi Rev Is visiting her brother Mr Cane sss tar Send the Era to friends LL We will shortly announce a Formal Opening in our Millinery Department which will apeak for itself Ladies will find it the Most tory Millinery Department in Newmarket to X TORONTO

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