Newmarket Era , September 29, 1911, p. 5

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SSteiS mm wy Barrister Notary Public o OfficeMain St Newmarket loan on good Farm Se curity to prank Duncan AUCTION AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmar DENTIST Main Street Newm Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket keens Local VI f 4 Season Engineer reports he installed new water in town and has still other connections to make This shows building is going on in town this year Thanksgiving Day Monday the of October is the day selected for general TbanVsgivfog throughout the Dominion Canada In recognition of our bountiful har vest layman Issuer of- MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Mr Walther Vocal Instructor whose profession al card appears in another column will be pleased to see prospective students at Mrs Geo head of Church St en Thursday af ternoons Voices tested free of charge Presbyterian Church Rev A of Toronto will conduct preparatory service Pres byterian Church on Friday evening Oct 5 at 8 p Sacrament of Lords Supper will he dispensed in Presbyterian Church on Oct at the hour of a Fall Fairs Newmarket Oct Bolton Oct 2 3 Oct 3 Oct Oct A West Sept- 28 29 Monuments and Head ear Call before ordering elsewhere Dr J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant to Eye Hospital aid College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours 10 My amices may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the or phone Zephyr Oct 10 Christian Church Elder H of Toronto preached here last Sunday to congregations It is nearly years since he was pastor of this church He missed the heads of many fami lies that he ministered in years gone by but was pleased to evidences of advancement and ment Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 1050 GOING SOUTH Talent Sale A very successful Talent Sale was held in the Temperance Hall last iri- afternoon by the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church The proceeds together With Cash donations by the ladies who did not hi 1 to over Nearly double the quan tity offered could have fclit an the ladies expect a bigger month S 75i Wis Sept 24Tbirtoen persons were killed and nine others seriously injured this at three oclock- when a northwestern struck hay filled with merry makers at a grade crossing the southern outskirts of this city The thirty young people were rer turning from dance and were sit ing as the big hayrack was pulled up the slight incline to the northwest ern crossing a mile south of the sta tion in this city The next instant the speeding passenger train bound for the bad pjowed through th rear end of the big farm wagon and 22 of the occupants were scattered feet the railroad dead dying dangerously hurt Returning Officer Brutally Assaulted Sept Saturday night John of the Townsh of Rama County of Ontario was found lying m a pool of blood in his house with his face fearfully battered and other bodily injuries the result of a brutal assault He had kicked most unmerci fully several ribs being broken injured man was still living and was removed to the Hospital lived alone about miles from So far as Can be gathered there must have been a quarrel some time between Friday and Saturday It is allege that the last person seen en tering house was a man named a notorious char acter who has a bad name He was in a fight some time ago in which a man was killed He went to drons house on Friday morning On- Saturday some of the neigh bors thinking something must have gone wrong with as he did not appear during the day broke in and found him lying on the fl had acted Thursday as returning officer in his subdivision in North Ontario and all that was left of- the ballots ballotbox and papers was the seal had been broken off the box The house too had been rifled had not been seen since and there is strong suspicion that lie knows something of what happened you been in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for sometime but from force of habit have just kept oh using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time Your Grocer Will Recommend It Airship Absolute Wreck r for Navy at Cost of Leave Newmarket Toronto a p rn Furnace Work Plumbing Provoking Delay Our newspaper folder got out of sorts fast Friday morning just when we were in extra hurry t catch the mails and caused a de lay Evidently it thought there was something wrong atout the election returns printed in the Papers As it required eight hours to do what we usually do in two hours our readers will not be surprised at the delay in receiving the Era last week 3 of Our Specialties Bee Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE OSBORNE SONS I to Smith Grocery A Had Jam One morning last week Mr Tod Hay is employed at the Metro politan depot was assisting to a freight Car Just as he was enter ing the Car with a heavy box on his foot slipped iron plate the car with a plat form He lost his balance and the box fell upon his other leg nearly breaking it and the foot He Was laid up for nearly a week Luxurious New Cars P Montreal Service Another triumph in car building has been achieved by the and it marks further advance railroad ing The new compartment observation cars which have just been sent out from the Angus shops are intended for the service between Toronto and Montreal and evidence of the growing popularity of the service be tween Toronto and Montreal they are attached to the train leaving the station at pm daily new cars have EeVen compart ments drawing room an observa tion platform The entrance rooms is from aisles running along the sides of the car ensuring abso lute privacy There arc two berths the lower being made up from double and there are all toilet requirement in each compartment The cars are lighted with electric ity and in the warm weather ore cool with electric fans These cars arc models of luxury comfort in which the stand ard of equipment excels WANTED A For Newmarket And surrounding District to tell Stock for The Nurseries More Trees be planted in Fall of lull and spring ever be fore In the history nuttrio The Orchard of the future will paying part of the teach out Tree Culture d How profits In be Exclusive Territory vm particular A big package of brand new hi by the Hank To- ronto last morning pretty bill iht- fax cTUfeclor will around I next week The on the took the political land Skill to do Comes doing know ledge by eyes always open and London Sept The first naval airship built for the British Govern ment by sons and Maxim at a cost of something like was wrecked today at BarrowinFurness was drawn out of its shed at oclock this morning and minutes later was a tangled wreck The new dirigible left its shed for the first May and when- floated was found heavy to fly It was sent back to the shed four days later and after much work was done upon it the airship was taken over by the Admiralty on Sept 22 It is now an absolute wreck has never been flown It is difficult to say exactly what happened There were officials on the spot but no information can be gain ed cither from the Vickcrs concern or the Admiralty- Apparently the cent r of the huge framework which w feet long was weak and the pres sure of a ninemile breeze made as it left the shed stern first it listed to Reward and began to wriggle like a great snake Cracking tearing sounds followed before the captains orders could he carried out the airship broke in half The centre portion looked like the batter ed bellows of a concertina- There was- no actual ripping of the covering of the hydrogen reservoirs but the gas emptied gradually of it remained however to keep the two end afloat though It is feared that the stern will sink The machine actually dipped but lifted again As the gas was intact In one or two charimers for a moment it was fear ed that the stern part would break Oofie and fly aloft with the crow that Wa in the after gondola but the Stays and tackle kept the halves tovthr i he men dived and to the ikes of the dock and all were saved Howard The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hart been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Methodist Church attendance at service on Sunday morning Miss I bet a in the anthem with great effect The School a great The program was in md instructive working bands and hern Is no know ledge that Is not power Emerson He who I false to duty breaks a thread in the loom and will find the 1 1 law he may forgotten tile Ward ycecher Kept LI At four persons were burned to death and oh injured v hen an eight I Unci gas main on the South Avenue burst early this morning and poured a stream the fluid info boarding -Iiohm- near by The build Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building Up the Constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they ofler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials I Address v CHUNKY Co fug immediate took Me find I the ground In a known dead were foreigners rirfd j Sold by druggists by Mrs I and Mr SI A Cornell Hie hool y I he IV It to get Into heir wreck at yeierday result fake fifallS Family PI Toledo lis for con- Oar Western Mil News the Week Winnipeg Man overtJie is cleared of the which has burdened it to the practical exclusion of all other news stoppage for some weeks It would be an extravagant statement to ray is satisfied with tte result election but that is not beyond the truth to say both parties are generally better suited with the that the result leaves no room for doubt Business men know base upon which their af fairs will rest and the trade will resume its Wen ted Opinions will difTer as to whether the United States will have more or less interest in Canada as a result of the election Certainly it cannot be true that interest will cease be cause there are too many people from the United States in the West and too many coming in for that to be theJ The West buys Heavily from the States too and it is not highly probable that this buying will de crease because of the Change in gov ernment- The strongest feature of the West from a United States point of under conditions is the factories here for for West Canadian market This is likely to prove even more attractive Jo manufacturer from the States than before and this will lit in nicely the plans of Winni peg for becoming industrial centre where all manner of goods shall be made for the Western market Within the next few weeks Winnipeg will put in operation her power plant and will be strong in the field of furnishing cheap power Interest in Winnipeg is clearly marked by the fact that the Indus trial Bureau of this city is receiving an average of seventyfive a day from different parts of the world chiefly from the States and Great Britain asking lor information about Winnipeg as a city for the location of new business enterprises and about Western Canada as a Held for trade development The Bureau is able to quote facts and figures which show- there is no better field in the world for this sort of expansion and growth and very few that are anything like as good Inquiry so extensive as this and answers so accurate and convincing must have great effect up on the growth of Winnipeg during the next few months Winnipeg is taking a sharp interest in conventions from different parts of the world has been engaged for a year or more in quiet but effective work to secure as many of these gatherings as possible The Wort has been attended with considerable success the latest instance being the hooking of the great Fellows Convention for lH2 This gathering will be attended by 50000 people and will be one the biggest and most effective pieces of advertis ing for Winnipeg that has ever been accomplished The convention will meet here next September in the height of the harvest season and will do much to spread the fame of this city and country abroad The big convention will tax the ca pacity of Winnipeg for taking care visitors the city and its people have had much experience in this line and few cities the si of Winnipeg people are as well prepared to minister to the Com fort of people in large There are sixtyfive hotels In Winnipeg and jar least one more big one will be and in service by next Septem ber This is the Garry Ho tel now under construction by the I rand Trunk Pacific This wall bo twelve stories will have rooms arid Will cost W300- The city Manning Association of Winnipeg is busy with for Im proving tin- and for heading off manner of errors which a community may fall Along this lino of endeavor deleales were sent the Municipal Congress at Chicago last The patty will go as far Sliilh as Atlanta and will visit a number of eitie route for studying Mays means and methods fees new about il Sunday November wren deaths Caused by Ml of a v train ini ngmu running lender a ft A While wailing for car at one of Will Probated he Mill Katharine van of an fk landing on main life lh busiest corners In our great men in charge of the city my attention was were only one a who stood mar Mailing out his papers In a shrill pen- ai A wives at five In Ibis rating voice He Mrs Matilda real and valued ftf London ofie ni Mrs to M brother perfioial Nelson of Winnipeg trly allied at to her and Hirer worth of names unknown at present More Dandruff 1 KNOWS WHAT IS NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE to Boyds Livery In anditiofl A I we have added an FOB HIIK- n to keep J plot order 1 the To her hefty Hipon her gM watch and to her Martha each a ring direct that he vnt for a fdsfon for her grave Ialbv jacket Greenhouses Church J 8t BULBS lilj 1avft a full Atiort- tor Forcing Including J Hyacinths War- Ml e iief J of from give curly il church fcas last evening it the farewell of IM market new charge in In iar I Mr Cornell the and of the people In- and he carries wfllihirn their a for future Mr Cornell accom panied him hut Mr Cornell Ml at Iikerlng new pjstjr John WVIb of of the J adiaa reached and pi give and family a warm to great Xceas writ For the bowels invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver Dr Morses Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a century in every quarter of the world absolutely safe most effective 25c a box everywhere 27 heal I ben J Under tin booh foud out An old bad bed the corner looked down I he reel her ti lead the on I he Ah drey timidly back from the crowded v hurrying and drays I he his of illuming stepped her hide Saying me Want i you oil It all rfgjlt sure We are In all Ibis clatter I he woman raw him a cleerfnl look nnd naming the car ateppetl back to ltn coming boy meanwhile continued his but seemingly kept a eye on cars seeing the right one Coming he dropped his papers and rushed fnto fttreeC to hall It Then the on curb he tenderly Safely conducted her to the lift ing hi cap In farewell salute he turned away -Onli- a ragged news boy but a true all that The chronic borrower almost quick at rooking friends t break ing them In order to rid your SCnlp flfihy kill the germ lh a hair called Sage tthlcli Is now in- every in Canada It Is guaranteed by 1 Patterson to eradicate slop falling hair hair and scalp itch in two weeks or ntoft- back If you have dandruff net large fib cent bottle today and ridyourKcff of It Remember hat if dandruff germs are not destroyed In time the hair will surely fall out and baldness will follow A as A IN A tourist who had been staying a at High land lioUl for the purpose of advantage of- the was Inclined jo the fishing had tak en advantage of him for he had caught nothing and Ids expenses bad Men fairly heavy On the last day of stay however he landed a fine salmon Well lonald he said to the Celt who- accompanied him h a nice catch so It ought to It has Cost nnumls at least sir Raid Donald its blessing ye nny Hi Do you think father would nut personal violence I were to ank him tor you No but I think he will If you dont pretty ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTUR You Can Save Money By Buying From fc S Full Line of- Light Supplies 41 mm If Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLIUM ft NEWMARKETv i four Feet Mens Long Rubber Boots I BEST MAPLE LEAF Only Regular and Toronto Jobbing House lJ r Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office I mi Call and Soc our List of Properties for Sale Parties going find it to their advantage to call and We have on our List Some or the Very Land In Al berta both Private If you arc thinking of Life Insurance we have it In the INSURANCE CO It is Very Important that we should have the privilege of explaining to you the of Abstainers Investment Policy with Total Disa bility privilege Or it you arc thinking of Fire Insurance we have and Sound the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE of London England or the UN INSURANCE CO the Oldest one of the Strongest Companies in the World or the UNION SOCIETY ol London England Try our Heaver Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Sea man Kent Co of Men ford for the Hardwood Floor you want We have on our list proposition Anyone going into in Town It would bo to their advantage to communi cate with us ic p I Builders and Contractors Newmarket CALLS Were received last month for Office help were unfill ed for trained help arc so great that we can to gi Aran lie position to ever graduate or refund tui tion 1 you are anx- to succeed write for our beautiful catalogue today Central College To- Shaw Principal EXPERIENCE SPECIAL RATES TO THE mm Dxsicio lV tot 1 j Hey York SPOKANE VANCOUVER SEATTLE FROM TORONTO Class Sept to Oct RATES POINTS Through Tr Toronto to Van couver p hi daily Pot tickets and apply to ATKINSON Agent Newmarket it son Hamshlre Hog f Sale registered Apply to lot rear iSfe i on of Whitchurch Pino Orchard up

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