Newmarket Era , October 20, 1911, p. 1

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V LINKS CHAINS BROOCHES WATSONS JEWELRY STORE J The Eraifl acknowledged to 1Xiy per antwm as well as being the Oldest in York County- No Paper sent outside ii North York advance to the United States unless paid la advance and Graduate Optician J JACKSON Editor tad Proprletot I JACKSON AssistantEditor J 20 J No Single Copies 8 each The Coo Days are Coming Its Time to Think About i For Heating or Cooking GOO Out line this season is very complete See the with holes Reservoir Hot Closet find Price The best STOVE same stove plain without closet Thermometer all fully VALUE TODAY The Our Toronto better Fall Pair Masscy Hall was crowded on 5th Annual Fall Fair of the night of last week to greet Agricultural Society was Mrs BramWell the Salvation n Wednesday and Thursday of Army leaders daughter and the J I with Paints Its the best time to protect your house rigid winter weather ARDWAR I AND PLUMBING WIRING PHONE NEWMARKET ONT building vibrated with cheers when Gen Booths portrait was thrown on the screen At a meeting the Canadian man ufacturers Association held in this city last week the was handled somewhat gingerly The Road Baptist Church has made itself responsible for the support ot work as the Baptist Church corner of and Richmond streets The Chief Superior of the Insttutc of the blessed Virgin Rev Mother Victorine died at on Wednesday of last week Deceased was born at Hamilton and entered the Order of in her eighteenth year Receipts from the Street Railway as the citys share of percentage for the month of September amount ed to an increase of over Sept of last year Miss Cochrane and her sis ter Miss Dorothy Cochrane fifteen last week The first day which is al ways devoted to sports for the children of East was Spring Colt or 2nd Sam Gibney Two year old Gelding or Filly 2nd Marvin Rutledge Yearling Gelding or Filly Wright 2nd Tansley CARRIAGE HORSES Harness John ard H P Davis Killed In a Fall Single Carriage Marc or day for any John A Son 2nd Stanley outdoor amusements However the children were there Spring Coitlohn A holding up for a couple of Jwurs every 2 John Son event was filled and lots of fun afford ed to both youngster and oldster in the were placed and judged on Wednesday and altho the rcotand fruit crop was smaller than ordinary yet lor the season there was a good showng in both classes The exhibits of ladies work were large in number and varied in style ami quality according to each class Thursday was better and more fa vorable quality except of many previous years The crowd was Immense no oilier word can so well describe and every person Was out for a Rood time It is the annual big visit for every person and their Two year old Gelding or Filly E R Fry 2nd James Yeariins Gelding Filly Brood Mare Carr J A Son 2nd Sam EQUESTRIAN Lady Driver log 2nd Mr Sherman Gent DriverJoe Smith weather ami the number eJoe 2nd Jacob of stock exhibited with ttiej ion of poultry were far ahead I SOS under A Oct Dr Mc Laren major of- the A Squadron of the Mississauga Light Horse was thrown from his horse his j from attending gathering at Major Bk-nch- in about last night The other members- pi the party left slithtly in advance the Major but were passed by him a mile nearer town A few nrnutes later they found him in an unconscious condition in the roadway small bruise on the head pro duced concussion of the brain which eded fatally this morning He was a prominent military man and had spent all day yesterday with Col Toronto was ill town in Connection with- regimental affairs AGO The Revolution in China From Era Oc A new election is announced for St Patricks ward to fill the vac accasionexl by the demise of the Councillor At the Y P A of the Methodist Church last Wednesday evening Miss Ella Urquhart was elected organist and Miss Clara Jackson as musical director Rev Geo Webber presided Burglars Moke Goto the store of Mr W Saunders on Thurs day night and themselves to about of postage stamps and con tents of the money till The same night they visited hotel and rified the money drawer The next day two persons were arrested and were afterwards sent to peniten tiary for three years The Mr Height who lived near Sharon is recorded H f 2 and sixteen of age have honor of the only women Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very convenient The money can be withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should one die Interest is paid from the day the money is deposited and continues to the day it is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER friends The judging of driving horses the ring was keenly watched by this continent to receive the award of tn spectators The class of lady silver medals from Life drivers hail seven contestants and the Saving Society of Great Britain i final decisions were not altogether in Thev belong to Toronto accord with the- opinions of a great Chairman of the Mi toe onlookers Board has vetoed the decision of his But may the shades preserve us associates and given judgment against from ever again spending our little allowing the Metropolitan Railway to seventy cents for such an agony of construct long switches at North To- mind body and Its as we endured at ronto and says things shall remain the concert Dont blame Direct- as they are until North Toronto Ivors let that n your memory annexed to the city when the trouble vat They honestly believed they had secured reputable and highclass tal ent to offer their patrons a couple of hours fun and entertainment can be adjusted Two unknown men were the victims of street car accidents Friday that will probably prove Jutal for which they alone are responsible One man an Italian fell off a On Queen street front of an approach ing car hud his skull fractured The other was a young Scotchman passed around a street car to cross and was struck by another car from an opposite any Pony bands Under James Morton Standard Bred Stallion and overTom 2nd Den Best Gents Turnout Bon 2nd Grapt Spring Colt or Filly sired by Sam 2nd Tom Brown- Jurfgcs John Palmer J by Richmond Hill GRADE CATTLE Milch Cow Hill 2nd Sam Miller Heifer 2 ys old Frexl Smith Heifer one year WSmith 2nd Sam Miller THOROUGHBRED JERSEYS Bull a age J Milch Cow 1st 2nd J Heifer 2 yrs oldtot 2nd J Pekin Oct 16 Heavy runs en here continues today and there onc kept Eagle were riotous scenes in front of sever- in the al of the institutions the policemen He was kind neighbor and on duty forced repeatedly to a club back the crowds and protect survoy marsh preparatory to construct- old 1st 2nd J dropped J I I I South End Lumber Yard CHOOSING COM AND BOOS Is pretty much alike You Cannot tell how are going to turn out till you try hem If you try our coal he result is assured YojII lave a nice comfy will find your coal lasting longer than you over knew It to before Thats because are no stones or dirt it We sold you Coal and tints what got Nothing else P W Pearson Church BOWSER BISHOP Phone He too had his skull injured i On Friday morning the Old son Dick Manning voice while playing ran In front an listened with the very best Of car and was killed attention only unfavorable Andrew prisoner at int ft M lhL the jail dud httt Friday A maturity of her jury returned the verdict ol death lj ng from alcoholism Local Optica nowaays that will do for elocutionary efforlfl We really truly hope the next time committees of any kind in this wlien selecting comedian will Heifer not commence with the names hear the top the alphabet Harry Ben- Heifer Calf net has entertained and amused Qui in former years j Bull Call dropped 1st 2nd but no more Miss Jean 1 was the heat artist on With a very sweet stage ap- j with such well-modu- officials Government ard no longer passing at par the best quotation being 20 per cent dis count Even the foreign banks are not immune from the financial war scare The bank in the legation quarters was the target for a prolonged run today Foreign tank notes are being refused as currency outside the legation quarter An indication of the activity by Government is given in tho despatch from Paot twentyfour army trains in last three days Twelve trains will be dis- from and the sixth division which is now quartered afc will leave as as conditions quiet down there After the departure of single passenger train tomorrow the railway between Pekin and Tientsin will be closed to but troop traffic alcoholism The Ecumenical Conference ended with a grand banquet last week East Toronto I J be rale tendered a banquet and presented a last to Mr James Literal candidate In East Toronto at Dominion elec tions It is now Mated that the will let Whs come into North Toronto if any it can Command will prevent the im pending competition The announcernent of a general Pro vincial election in December by s stirred renewed that somo us could have prompted Miss Boot her memory bad failed hT Miss McKay was hoard to good advantage in the rink We know her to be an pianist but the acoustic properties of the Crystal Palace are not the best Well just a fin I siring touch the evenings pleasures tin- and York Radial Hallway just forgot to any Cars up alter the concert to vey the people from the North It was just the part of to To- Co to Con ami a slight over- some official at activity the central political King Church but it decidedly Ontario of Course local I unpleasant for about M people organizations catoii the lever hit The annual meeting of the Reform sleep It If not likely sriatirj Ontario will take but we arc just afraid- a I I Tltl y New Fall Materials Are In with a knowledge of what should be invite you- mm to look them over because we believe you this worn this Vo new stock lull of you buy for Fall let us you F WILLI MAIN ST t Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Huh of lor lrM4 in this city on the this month Alex Tracy ol Port Huron Mich- who rati his into a at the street and Ronceasalles avenue on Day injuring nix people was fin ed by Judge Winchester at the last week or six months In jail A lew more such sentences will make reckless auto drivers sit up and pay home respect to other peoples rights Grsy street car rails caused by falling leaves resulted in no than four accidents one day last week Trailers were run Into and badly large of tfioe who tayil for the concert will not give us a chance the concert will not give a chance to fool them again The PrizeWinners IMPORTED Brood Mare End loo Clark I Bull yr old 1st 2nd Harrison Hull Calf dropped Harrison Milch Cow 1st A 2nd Har rison Ileier 2 yrs old 1st A 2nd Harrison Heifer dropped 1st 2nd Harrison THOHOUGHIJRIOD Bull 1 yr oldFred Dull Call dropped IM 1st A 2nd Dennis Milch Cow Dennis Heifer old 1st 2nd Dennis Heifer aid fat 2nd Dennis Heifer dropped lull Hill SHORTHORN CATTLE Aged Bull Waller Hull old pilchard Heller old Walter Heifer Call Walter Baton Co Sam Miller Judges A I Scott felHOKP Ram 1st 2nd Jno Ram John 1st 2nd Jno Pindar Aged 1st 2nd John j I Shearing Awes lot 2nd Jn Ilnder Two 1st 2nd John Plnder Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council met Hall 1 of Oct Members all Present Hills presented by J Baker yds gravel Ceo attending voters list court Williamson yds gravel David Foster bridge- bet Con 160 Kd claimed for on lamb killed by dogs It Davits dam age lor killed by dogs Walter Wood claimed 2100 damage for 2 sheep and lamb killed Walter Wood was paid for killing a dog Caught killing sheep The Treasurer was Instructed to pay the hills presented and two thirds the Claims for to the sheep killed was granted on the Town Line southeast the track provided council ex pend amount was granted to gravel 3rd Con opposite ot Council adjourned to meet lantrae on the November to a road to tm Two Oaks Kiing for water in Pasture field opposite Newmarket Cemetery Mr Bond struck flowing well which throws out a twoinch stream with much force The Woollen mills passed into the hands of Mr Geo On Thursday last week Married Oct by Rev J Camer A at the residence of the brides Kcttl Rankin Esq of King to Miss Caroline Stokes second daughter of Mr Joseph Stokes Treasurer of King Township Died North on Inst Richard aged years Died In Mast On the Inst Tammy beloved wife of Mr Daniel Kelly in her year King Township Fair was held last week the entries numbered near ly YEARS AGO From Bra Kyle Oct The North York Fall Pair was held on Tuesday and Wednesday last and was the best exhibition the Society ever held There were nearly en tries in the various classes Judges of Horses Join Boddy and Samuel Machell Judges Cattle and Sheep Watson and Sanderson Horses also judged Pips and Poultry Judges of Grain Seeds and Vegetables McMillan Irwin Atkins Judges Implements nod Dairy Moore Scott and John I Phillips Judged of Fine Art and Domestic manufactures etc Mrs Dr Bent ley Miss Morton and Mr Arthur In the suit between County and City County got a verdict for It should have been nearer V With Inspector Hughes in the Two Year old FillyS 2nd J A Son Aged Ram Cowieson 2nd R Filly J A itfipil Shearling Ham J DRAFT HORSES arn BCpw- lesbn Aged Shearling J Span in Harness Bert Starr Brood Mare Wm Paris 2nd COAL Try a mi Short Hard Wood at a cord Cub lor or W H EVES by jom its carters chair night week Mrs Perkins a prominent New York economist and advocate the of world a large audience principally of Association Mrs is optimistic A future the of the Government to fill the vacancy occasioned by Hon Mr resignation was a worn Into on In OflVse of the Premier His Honor There were two or other mem- irr tie Ontario Toronto dintrict VCTU a reception to the Con ference day week Mrs who lives at WrlftlWj light the stove with oil getting ready her fconK VI and alone In kitchen at was partly alight but wanted to hurry It on to the coal oil I he flame ran up the stream coal oil there was en explosion Am caught fire and she bad ly she had- to be to Hospital son Two J OXFORD DOWNS Ham 1st John Crono Spring Coll or 2nd Church Two year old fielding or Paris 2nd Cain Yearling Son Starr 2nd Ryerson Aged Crone Son 2nd DonttlS Two J Crone Son PliRPOSK OR in Harness J 2nd Daniel Wllllamwn Brood Mare 2nd J I Spring Colt or Cain 2nd Ross Evans Two Year old Gelding FillyAn gus Hamilton 2nd Smith Gelding or FillyJohn nd Church Cart 1st 2nd Dirt Stair Draught Stallion J a Son Yearling Draught a J A Hon Boring Colt or I 2nd John A Hon Judge Doner and In 2nd a Proctor Single Driver Mare or 2nd Oldham Marc J Aged Hoar Mrs filbert Johnston Brood SOW 2nd Hoar Pig 1st 2nd Kdgar Dennis Sow Pig 1st 2nd J Cowie CHESTER WHITE Sow Pig Mrs Jolmston YORKSHIRE WHITE Aged Hoar Fred Brood Bow POULTRY Judges Scott Crone John Burns King pr Geese Patten i Geese J Pr any otntr Turkeys Bronx A Milne Pr Light Norman Continued on nie Bastle Oct A c of considerable interest railway men all over the country was concluded here yesterday Hoy Stone a brakes man sued the P for HOD for the lossol his arm the jury awarding him and costs The accident decurred Bolton Junction North Hay Oct Visited Sturgeon Falls on Saturday night and three stores were plunder ed sales and stock being looted store to tin- ex tent of one thousand dollars in stock The safe In hard- Ware store was rifled of two hundred dollars In cash For tiers flour and feed store was also hroWn Into and the safe only a small sum had been left the burglars haul was light St Catharines Oct 15 Kmploy- of Davy Pulp Mill yesterday pulled the raceway leading to mill a sturgeon meas uring almost feet weighing one hundred and sixteen pounds This Is the first time such a fish has been taught canal waters Is supposed to made way from Erie to the gates of the pulp mill where It could get no farther it took three mejn to pull the to the shore St Oct Prank Darby a man about years of age was burned to death in a fir which destroyed Summer house on farm of the deceased gentleman Mr Darby went out on Saturday evening to a quiet In the aback as was called Ho must have fallen asleep while smoking and his pipe dropping to the act Are to the building which being sit uated In the country was burned bo- fore sufficient water could bo applied to the flames It not until the building been complete ly burned tt the body of the owner found among the ashes that his fat was ascertained He was very highly 1 ass 30000 I The original Gen Tom Thumb is to Rive an entertain ment the Town Hall next night On Saturday night the hotel at Vivian knon as Randalls Tavern was destroyed by fire One man lost his life In the fire A lecture from Rev Tay lor is announced for next Friday night In Church Mr Taylor has just returned from and the Holy bringing with him an Egyptian Mummy and other relics from Syria Mr Win Moore and Mr Joseph Wood have some correspondence reference Ao Township Clergy Reserve funds How to Live Long With healthy kidneys one has a good chanco to live long but weak kidneys afflict old ago with great comforts The back becomes bent and lame rheumatism Is chronic y- falls and too frequent or Involuntary pas sages of the ur ine cause em barrassment by da and loss of slevp at night Booths Kid- Pills bring new strength to old backs and quick relief to weakened kidneys They backache and rheumatic paina the bladder and urine Booths Kidney Pills are lor sick kidneys In old or young and are guaranteed by proprietors The Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Sold everywhere Co tor Free trial sent on request ftold and guaranteed In Newmarket by J Patterson m ass i lor till Jan 1st s K veer op ore

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