Newmarket Era , November 3, 1911, p. 2

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7 y Cattle for 8ale Large for feeders to Gold Watch Lost On the Fair Grounds Newmarket Reward at Office Houses for Sale good brick houses to Hug agent Dog Lost In on Oct white poodle dog answers to name Fluffy- Reward for recovery Mann Newmarket Wanted Near Newmarket to for a few months with option of purchase from one to four acres of land with small thereon and sheds suitable for raising poultry Address Box Offi Notice to Creditors Ontario Reform Association I a New Liberal Leader Our At Mr Edgar Willis has gone to accept situation Cart of Toronto spent t parents Dr Mrs Wilkinson spent over Miss Bessie Soules Toronto the annual moating of the- On- ay at AHistonv- was home for Thanksgiving Reform Association this j Miss Lulu of is home for Thanksgiving her daughter Mrs Watson in Toronto the resignation of Hon Hughes of Toronto was Miss Hewitt of Toronto spent as leader of Thanksgiving Tuesd with her aunt Mrs Hew- in the Legislature was received Mr Clarence Thompson return- and accepted with decided expressions from the West on Tuesday Miss Florence Marks 0 Toronto of regret and later on amid intense Vesta Thompson Miss- home for Thanksgiving Soules it was announced Miss Wright of Toronto was the Association that the Parliamentary j home for the holidays I of Mrs John Curry during the Committee had unanimously tendered Mrs Stanley Osborne will not re- holidays the leadership to H eeive the 2nd Friday in November and Mrs Fred K of Toronto and that he had Mr and Mrs Hunter spent finally decided to accept The scene Thanksgiving with friends in the city j Borland graduate nurse following was a remarkable one vis- Chicago spent part of last week with t relatives in town during the Fair broke into cheering Miss Wesley Mrs J Davis and two sisters Mrs Dr Boyd and also says the Globe report jhave East for a of weeks Mrs Allan Howard and Miss Verna and then visit spent at 20th CENTURY CLOTHING QUERN QUALITY SHOES 5 7 If PAYS t for some time an ovation as Mr teredthe Hall preceded Bow- spent man P P Literal Whip in the Ontario House and Mr P Par- among the visitors dee P chief Liberal Whip Men stood on their chairs and Mrs Shane of Toronto spent the demonstration holiday with her daughter Mrs at was ally turning to song in the hearty Hewitt rendering of Hes a Jolly Good The Presidentelect Hon Mackenzie King then presented the new leader to the Association who Mr P J Anderson of Ottawa iiiss Ethel Maw of Toronto Thanksgiving with friends in home for Thanksgiving and Miss Joy town j of Keswick spent over Sun- Mr Sep of Toronto was I day with her at the Fair last Bert Cane of Toronto and Miss Mabel Cane of Mitchell were home on Sunday accompanied by Mr Skinner of Mitcfill behalf that all person hiving claims against the estate James late York County dealer who died at Newmar ket on day September file with the undersigned solicitor for Mrs and John the executors of the said estate full particulars of properly proven on It is only a coincidence but th3 leadership comes to Mr as a Mrs Hi Rose of Mount Rev F Thomas addressed spent last week and Bally in Aurora j her mother Mrs S yesterday street Mrs Mickleof spint jir and Mrs A were Thanksgiving with her daughter Mrs the city yesterday attending Howard Cane funeral of his brotlurmlaw the Miss of John A holidays with Miss King spent Mi her sister Mrs Decidedly Investments it i to Reward You for Dealing at Newmarkets Cash Store gift it his birth- Mr J and family spent Mr of To dayhaving teen born in the year of holidays with his cousin of Mr Confederation Toronto D Cody on the After Mr Bowman had made a Miss Jessie Mcintosh of Toronto the General Hospital Toronto statement as to what had been don2 was the guest of Mrs Osborne who is attending ay of November as immediate thereafter the executors will the Parliamentary Committee in over the or tefore the regard to the leadership of its Misses Marion and of Mr Howell for the position I Allan Toronto Mr J KO mod that at Colonel Allans to distribute the assets amongst the thanks of the meeting be given Mr Alex Simpson of Gait regard j to the Committee for the very ex- the guest of Mr Sutherland on cellent services it had rendered and Thanksgiving pay thoroughly approving of tendering Miss Eva of and I Thanksgiving I rout were home of and LADIES JACKETS A clearing line of Ladies Black Blue Beaver Cloth Jackets Jong lengths sizes anel body lined to on sale at GIRLS COATS- An odd lot no two alike to fit girls from to 12 years and Melton Regular up Reduced to parties entitled having to those of whose claims notice ball then have been received Sol for Executors Newmarket ated 2nd November P winner and little Beatrice of St Catharines was returned home after spending the summer with her sister Mrs J Smith Timothy street and Mrs Frank Koran- Miss Whit Cock Bird 5 Yearling Hens Cockerels Quickly HUNTER Alice and Mr Michael Miss Katie and Miss Nellie man of were guests of Mrs J Brown last week Mr E Sutton who worked for the late Ed- in Newmarket thirty years ago drop ped here yesterday his way to Private Ave Double or single room All conveniences including hath No Ladies preferred Terms Box Newmarket 2w Girls A of girls wanted at once for checking and sorting cards in he Printing wages Steady employment Apply one Office Specialty Mfg Co Win- ited Newmarket leadership to Mr The mo- Thanksgiving with her friend was carried by acclamation and Miss Blanche Osborne upon Mr Rowell being brought into Sorry to hear that Mr Miller the room by Messrs Bowman and is in poor health and will to Pardee the new leader received a undergo an operation great ovation We have not room Mr and Mrs Bond of this week for Mr Howells address of spent Thanksgiving with Mr acceptance but he told the meeting and Mrs Stanley Osborne and the fighting spirit of the was guest of Mrs Vernon A Literal party of this Province he felt Wellington Street over the Fair J of a Privilege to be associated with Mr Mrs of fair time with his them in the fight which he knew they nee Miss- Joy spent Thanksgiving Mr also Mr were going to make now and the holidays at Mr I job Srgley s flnd Mister future The following extracts from and Mrs Harold of his introductory observations will I Toronto were here for the Fair and show his attitude and confidence remained over Tor Thanksgiving The fight upon which are en- Miss Barker of Toronto spent is not my fight in one sense Thanksgiving at the home of her mo- it is hot your fight It is the fight the Mrs barker Sharon of the progressive forces of this with which we are associated LADIES LACE WAISTS Another of Ladies New Net in Ecru and Black all sizes on sale at LADIES WAISTS Black and White and Blue and White all sizes on sale at and WOMENS FURCOLLARED COATS Black Cloth Shell Curl Cloth Linings Rubber Interlined Ger man Otter Collars A at MENS WOOL SOX CENTS PAIR Mens Heavy Wool Sox in Grey Mixed Worth pair pair or a dozen ROYS STOCKINGS CENTS PAIR Dozen Boys Heavy orated Stockings all sizes worth pair on sale pair AT CENTS PAIR- A clearing lot of and Misses Boots and Button for quick clearing to pair Regular price up to a pair E J fl T Ire Tom receive first York Radial Railway Mrs L Miller and Mrs J It of Toronto were guests at Waller Ml Albert Miss of Keswick of Mrs McNeil and Mr J Watson of Alder A family gathering took place at on Thanksgiving Day the outoftown guests Mr Edgar and daughter of Montreal find Mrs Walter Jackson daughter of Toronto Mr and Mrs as Brothers of Aurora and the j three Misses of Toronto Miss Louise Jackson of Montreal is remaining with her grandmother until Christmas CASH STORE NEWMARKET NOTICE a will attending not prepared to make And I am sure if tte Liberal of this Province enters on Methodist Parsonage- during the each man in his place doing his duty the party will not On- ftf ly give a good account lUeH WL to wm M I advantage visit- Province will have cause for Thanksgiving Kcttlehy for Thanksgiving the convenience persons t- tending the Saturday market at the Toronto Railway Co will operate a ar from tetermedlate each SwiWi teTirg Newmarket at IM p LIVINGSTON Traffic Manager the weatherman favored holiday visitors by two fa days in the good fight which the Liberal party will put up I Could not undertake this respon- if I did not that I have confidence and your most thus fas tic support We will go Into I his together each doing best We will all work for the clplefl which we hold in common I am sore will maintain very best traditions of the Liberal party In the I learned today that among many matters that were up for con you were giving deal of thought to the days Mr and Mrs Harvey and Children of were home for Thanks giving alio Mr Irvine Ot- Miss Sarah of Almonte Among these were of AHiston at his home Mr and Mrs- Iaihox and son at Mr and Miss and Miss the present of MIm flub who obtained business training Id our account bright outlook promotions Would you like to earn week iTid lor our catalogue tobay ard learn how Central College To ronto Shaw Principals dale Toronto spent Thanksgiving footing Sew Ontario it has returned home after spending two Oil ye Fox at- Poxs visiting old friends around Mis and son at her fathers Sharon J Mr J Butchers Mrs Mrs Mr McLaren at 1 of visited their Miss Gertrude Hughe at her home cousin Mrs Marry during All the above wen from Toronto the holidays Mr former teacher of Master Cameron Allan who No was calling on friends Lending St Andrews College Hose- 1 Mr Wiggins Aurora was at las Murrays What we would like to know How Nettie liked Fowl Supper If Mm found his Mary Why IJank of did not com last Saturday Is horse lame yet If the two little boys do find It cold standing on guard these nights Better hunt your caps and Why looked so downhearted on Sunday Why we cant have rural mail del ivery in aryl north of Ketteby as well as south with his parents Mrs entertained a I number of lalies one afternoon last week in honor of lay- tons birthday Mr and Mrs Cane had a few friends In last night to meet Mr and Mrs Osborne returned mission- from India Messrs Wake Howard Stewart Id and A have gone on their annual deer hunt Mr Walter a Newmarket has been chosen secretary of the Ontario Branch the Canadian Amateur Athletic Colon Mr and Mrs Campbell of Bel mont spent Thanksgiving with their Ion the 7th line daughter Mrs Mrs Camp- Mr it Wilson million mark in Ontario this bast j help Is for a week i visit relatives at to me that it was through the efforts of party that New Ontario Was over or to Ontario resources made known to Ontario and to the world by the Liberal party It would be very fitting that It splendid and successful development should be Car- out under auspices of the party which had lti resources known Applause and Miss at 1 Terry at Mr A Mar- THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at residence John H Millard IF YOU ARE NEEDING mm duties reached Miss Terrys Mr shall Mr Burling Milton Mr A Mr Howard f King at Mr Murrays Miss Campbell Mr vair anil Mr I llCaCoCk at Mr A Campbells Mr and Mrs ft tt amble ton ppenf Tbanku giving with at Mrs and Mrs are visitin friends in Toronto Mr 1 Cull Visited at his Tim CRADUl DA V IB In on Oct lull Thanksgiving Day to Mr and Mrs Andrew Davis daugh ter on Oct to Mr aad Mrs Wm LKWISAt St on glving Day Oct to Mr and Mrs has a daughter OR You cannot do Better than Buy them from DA VIES SMOKED MEATS sliced you- Our Phono No is 35 Use it and gel goods Deliver ed promptly CO III Toronto to Mr and Mrs daughter on Oct 11 Arthur I it Hon inis ducats without year Sons Old England EXCURSION FROM HALIFAX lb left on Monday Mr Theodore I Vani Wood was no iinforiunte as a lament- 1 con spent hoi day to lose a numljer of fowls the other groan on behalf of the widows previous to leaving for Wonder they walked away ho to fcymhornr after a threemonth visit In I A of cahhages went for when occupying a on Ontario Wonder If they the Opposition aide of I he house In j Messrs too Montgomery A of young people WHMs Cody the fowl supper at it is not yours Lundy home from Toronto for report a time ringing of the new Thanksgiving preached a fine leader on accepting office I Mr and Hamilton ol liar- Thanksgiving sermon here of the jve v fl of days Mrs Alex Terry had a runaway it We will go Mr and Mrs Wcss last Thursday The was badly iother each doing his all way home from a trip to the fortunately nobody was for he principles we hold In white Mountain hurt cboimon and to Hie Mrs Stephen and J Wilson 1 Murray and trVVtlons of the Liberal party- to Mr Walter son of i vere among those who walk- attended and ft Is forces In the In on lull to Mr and Mrs a son run ALTAR McCtnANIKKMANAt the homo of brides by J Mr 1 of Toronto to Miss L- only daughter of Mr John Lines run tomb the line of Whit- Wednesday Nov HUM ROYAL HOB Wednesday Dec He I- and Miss of measure of ability we fcaid throw were gueifti of Mr and Mrs the fight results batjoeo over Thanksgiving Mr Benton previous to they will we give good account of ourselves ij- newly elected he Association art W L Kin leaving for Toronto last weelf wai prevented by the a beautiful Wold Ring ax a tokcn of friendship Mr Benton was of Pyramid Mr and Mrs Ales Toronto were In town for the Fair t A I on for all classes A Treasurer A Mcintosh has been In Newmarket and Bowman ftouthampon at Mr Wets Osbornes Tim I Young Day J street It Is years since Mr Vol all information to Agemt or it Committor frrieot Toronto Auditor 1 Toronto Com A Thompson Ottawa Won a fSeeley Toronto finds a great change Mis was the guest of left for the hunting season up north On Ha turd ay Interment of fno two sons took place at KetUeby The baby aged K been for some time with Indigestion other aged seven years had only been sick a few days with rheumatism which turned to Their deaths occurred within a few bourn tech other arid Mrs Dunning have the sympathy of a a of friends In their sad Ms Dolly- haSbCCn suf fering for some time with throat and on Tuesday had lor ton- Mrs McLellan at for Thank- removed and at last reports giving holidays pleased progressing favorably report that Maude Adams who fa at bet and had a severe life aJout We notice Loyd collecting taxes Lloyd take care of your laatefO It Is dark the Hats nights church Manna on Oct in his year Toronto Oct John A County Clerk in his year SCHMIDT At the home of her sis ter Prospect Ave on icsslo Schmidt years Interred A Mackenzie conducting the ser vice J MA1H NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt AttenUon SELECTED Drugs and Chemicals I ON ALL LINKS OK PATENT MEDICINES CHOICE LINE OF DRUGS J PATTERSON NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE House Phono No Store Phone No I I DO I BOOKS THAT you thing you to know and In can which will be tent upon all about MtcbanicU Stud publish u popular book ton Ilia operation and work drawing and deljninr pattern power italini r and telephony lure concrete construction and toa elc No waiter what our ambition or for knowledge max wtltua antltiei la that will fiivc raining and Information that you want and today for Mi up lodaio and popular It ttt FREDERICK J DRAKE GO Ittftf Mlchljtn Air ARCHIVES ON TORONTO

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