Newmarket Era , November 24, 1911, p. 3

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J i FRIDAY NOVEMBER peeks I j I I ah Taxes are Overdue Is bo Mid to the Collect And Council or order of the Town Bible Society- meeting was announced in the Friends Church evening- were to bo Sted ami J D address if mm to I Bush Bought Factory has bough a bush nod Tot ham men at work cut- between has a timber They now to bring it ival of the firshsnow tins 1 on the Division Court Morgan presided at ihe Court- iVo hero There a and court yi noon The only suit of public was where a inner signed an order tor a What he On or about next Tuesday Mr Grosser expects to open his new West End Grocery on Millard Ave Brand store brand new goods and brand new locaticn New phone No- is A prompt delivery ser vice will be publics disposal See our ad next week or Christmas announcements Brief lets A packed carload of Mr Waltons supporters attended meeting in Aurora on Monday night and too boys are all proud of the splendid manner in which Mr Howard Cane lifted the curtain for Reform Candidate Mr P J Anderson lias bought lots on Ragle and intends to build a residence at once The Sewage System Mr Murray the Civil un der whose direction the town was surveyed last summer for purpose laying out a sysiein of Sewage was at the Council meeting on d evening with a plan of the town showing how the reels could be with a trunk Sewer Wirt of disposing of the con- Of liberal A If lot The entire cost is estimated at reading what he was is w s Stuck tor both This is divided into prater and fa Methodist Church The Pastor concluded his series of the disposal plant and on the frontagers Tin would require additional tax of two the Ten Commandments mills the of assessment ons on Sunday and proved to be from to end The congregations were Urge iumi tax would to annum on a ft lot The mains would hi jnd 12 and evening Inches in and in the Miss Stephens and duet I centre the road and provision The ii Mr Walter acceptable ltriKlie were very Trimmed Millinery At reduced prices at Mrs over Hunters Store Brick Yard A good start has been mado on the foandation lor the new Brick Factory at Wilcox Lake and already made Connection with each lot the owner to be at all expense to make connection with the main which would take care of all roof and cellar water but not street water would drain into the natural channels the same as at present The sedeiucntal tanks would he lo cated north of the Davis Tannery and the overflow after proper treat ment would drain into the canal- At any period of typhoid epidemic a NEW ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT Creation of Department o and Colonisation building ot ro3ds providing drainage loans settlers on new clearings assistance pioneer schools Restore character T A NO Railway put the railway under Dominion Railway Hoard allow it to bo sud in courts other railways make It pay municipal extend It Hudson Day Reduction of mining tecs for prospecting and recording increased sta bility to mining titles for underground miners Extension of boundary of Ontario to give the navigable on the Hudson Day AOHICl A Commission to suggest measures to prevent decline in rural population Active immigration of fluitabh people for and employment upon farm lands An Issue of Provincial bonds to good roads Electric light and power and telephones for the farms 0 the Province Technical instruction in farming rural schools demonstration or chards and technical Instruction in applegrowing districts an an nual Provincial apple show enlarge the experimental work at Col- in StocS breed1ne TAXATION Grant municipalities to improvements from taxation Tax railways other public utility With the property of private citizens SOCIAL AND IXDCSTKIAI Atolitv n clause in local option removal from political influences of license Workmens compensation for ail Injuries and payment insur ed legislation for wellloiug of industrial workers prevention of slums suppression of tulnieulosis and fiVoidanCe of occupational diseases Restoration Of nd other for incieoeing luCsupr plv teachers Insure pupils every school in the Province a English education AND CONSERVATION Declaration for ownership and operation of public utilities Ladies Underwear Heavy KnJt Vests and Drawers and White in Unshrinkable Natural Wo Vests and Drawers Our Seller is Our Vest 50e There is- Nothing to it Mens Underwear From oik- to S3 Inderwiar from Underwear front to aio Groceries S4 The Season Is hero We Handle the Same Old Reliable Slakes and Every Pair Prices a Little Cheaper than Last Year W Sugars will be Much Cheaper later on rooms are Much Higher and Stilt doing up in Price Buy Your Christmas Fruit Early as Raisins and Currants are both Advancing In Price Canned Cherries ISc Conned Plums Peaches Fresh Herring Kippered Herring BRUNTON ot have been enquiring at treatment is provided called th- shant regarding- prospects for brick next Spring n the typochloric which is an efficient method and all gofms of The president Wilcox Brick Company Mr Win Pratt The matter is now in the hands if Hill was in town Council and Hoard of Health As da from whom we learn that as the latter demands that Dew factory will be from one t something must be done the Council The acquisition and of telephone lines Reforest rat ion in the Crown all timber berths sale of Umber by better fi ieranging assistance to mtnictpiU- to purchase and reforest waste lands OTHER PLANKS Enlargement of powers of Ontario Railway Board trusts mergers combinations of capital access to the courts to persons having complaints against Govern ment or any Commission appointed thereunder A Civic Service Reform Appointments and promotions merit al ter competitive examination Prohibition of campaign contributions by corporations all campaign contributions public prosecutor to prevent election contest a hall stories high on cement foundation IS feet A wooden frame will be erected covered with corrugated steel and work will be continued weather permitting until is enclosed The machine- will probably submit a Rylaw for the opinion of the ratepayers It looks like a large sum of but when it is considered what is paid by individual owners to provide drainage and sewage and how soon will then be install d and it is j cost has to be repeated it will expected to commence the manulac- seen that an system is tnro of brick on the 1st of March the cheapest and in the end Orders will bo booked and filled in rotation first come first served A switch is being built by the Metropo litan Whitchurch S Convention The aimiul Convention of the Township Sunday School Association will be held in Christian Ring wood next week and it is hoped every school in the township will be represented Newmarket Schools are also invited to send delegates names to be for warded to Mr J Drove Lemonville Convention opens at oclock on rues- lay evening Mr J M Grovels to give an address of welcome to which the President Mr W A of will reply Mrs Fairies of will on The Teachers Oppor tunity and Mr Isaac Pike of The Influence of the Unat tended upon Sabbath School This will he followed by a Ques tion Drawer Wednesday morning the session will open at oclock Rev W Gen Sec of the Onta rio A will to study the Bible Mr J Hope of Orchard will teach the lessor lor the following Sunday followed by fl discussion on Methods of Teach ing Balance session devoted to verbal reports from delegates Afternoon session commences at Oclock At Miss Mary of will talk to the Primary Class song Service Joy children and Round Table Conference led by Mr Halfpenny Report of the Nominal- ins and Election of of fers Wednesday evening song service at oclock Address of President elect How and why develop the mission ary spirit is the subject of an ad dress by Mr Frank Graham of Au rora and Where are we an address by Rev Geo Washington after which the ques tion Drawer will be answered A convention of more than ordin ary interest is anticipated The people of Newmarket have shown themselves to be progressive and we have no doubt that when the matter thoroughly explained the cost will not stand in the way of a very de sirable and permanent Improvement enhance the value of every property in town T DELIVERY MB The Campaign Opened In spite of the Opposition meeting on Monday night the Mechanics Hall Aurora was crowd ed in the interests of Mr J Wal ton who opened the campaign with a vigorous address but the speech the evening was given by Hon Mac kenzie King who showed up to per fection the aiitocintic nature of Sis J p Whitney and the weaknesses s government and prosperous ad ministration of his predecessors He took advantage of his presence on historic ground to refer his grand father the late William Lyon Mac kenzie and the support he received from North York admonishing the of the latter to continue the struggle for political freedom and equal rights for all classes The had tolling effect and already then is a turn the tide in Aurora- The voters begin to see that there is more in the principles of good than in the sophistry of a smoker and the glad hand Mr Walton is holding meetings in all sections of Riding in order that the electors may be informed on the political issues of the day and being assured of most encouraging support j JZiZZZ A CORSETS STYLES STANDARD PATTERNS LADIES STORE 9 Big Reductions in Kelt shapes nicely LOT ONE trimmed latest style to clear LOT TWO res to PHONE taken such Permanent Place in the Home that wo haye added Few pieces in this to our stock which we have Marked at Prices to Sell Quickly Our Stock of Silver and Fancy Chime Clocks Most Complete and at City Prices t Ask to see our New Co Hoe Strainer the Most Unique Ar- its kind ever placed on Sale CO Opticians P Ticket Issuer of Marriage Newmarket Hotel Co The annual Halting ot the Hotel Co took place at the King George Hotel hist Friday even ing and was well attended consider ing the very inclement weather about out of the is shareholders being present The Resident Dr 1 Wesley presided and the secretary Mr A presented the statement of the auditor Mr Geo Vale which was received with great satisfaction It has often said that the hotel business will not pay a Local Option town hut the financial statement in connection with the King Hotel proves that this is not so This property was bought at a big the furniture ami Crockery almost entirely new a large addition has been built and equipped new steam heating system throughout and new cement floors in the basement yet li per cent per annum been paid to all slocKholders and a bal ance of carried forward after writing 0 for depreciation in building and plant The need of more sleeping accom modation is every day and the president suggests that a third story be added to the building as soon as Spring opens Several directors spoke of the ciency of the managers Mr a Mrs Geo and a vote ol thinks to the Board of Directors was carried unanimously The Directors for the ensuing year were then reelected as follows Dr J Wesley Messrs P W W Jos Cody W Hunter Davis and W Eves The shareholders were then to the diningroom some I also being present- to partake of a I banquet in honor of the occasion at which Mrs Drown gave a practical I exhibition of proficiency in the art The of the tables the decorations serv- ing all testified to her in catering an uptodate manner On motion Mr We was re quested to act as Chairman to which he readily assented called upon Mr to propose a toast to the George Hotel which he did In his usually eloquent manner coupling the names of Dr 1 Wes ley and Mr both of whom nrade excellent speeches The toast of The Ladies was thn proposed by the Chairman and t by Mr Howard Cane and Dr Clark i Mr John of then proposed The Host and Hostess to which Mr Brown replied Remarks followed Messrs Hunter L Jackson and Jos Cody and a delightful evening was brought to a close Just before mid night Newmarket Is to be congratulated upon having such a firstclass hotel within her limits and the fame of the Institution is spreading through out the whole Dominion Another Lot of Butter 250 lbs at lb Cooking Butter Its at Ib Sugar Cured Hams 20c whole Head Cheese 10c lb 100 Packages Force package FINNAN AND DEPARTMENT An Endless Varietv of China and Fancy Ware Suitable tor Christinas or Presents Call See Our Display Fancy Dress Hats ranging in price from to for 308 LOT THREE Made Hats in Velvet and Silks to for UBIl CROCKERY This A Handsome Fruit Bowl price we will Sell this week Just 50 For each Phone HOWARD Cost hotel a laborer at the camp of the salon Lumber Co miles from Mr Justice has handed a and last Christmas judgment down for damages in secured a quantity of at of Mr N the hotel He attempted to get Consul for the to camp but the effect of the ion of Canada plnintifi in an intoxicants stiipifted him so that he action against D a bo- froze to death Five bottles of bran and John bar- and two of gin were found upon tender of for a violation the body Liquor License Act plain- lilt Is the administrator of the estate of tho late John and sued on behalf of the heirs Deceased was Newmarket Markets Nov Kail Wheat per bush 0 Oats per hush 0 15 Barley per bush Peas bush per ton Shorts per ion 27 Hay per ton 15 Eggs Per doz 0 15 Butter per lb Potatoes per bag 50 Chickens per lb 0 It- Toronto Markets Nov Kali Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush- rf7 0 SO Oats per bush 50 Barley per bush so 0 17 50- 0 Potatoes per hag 1 CO Chickens per lb IB Mi l 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS hi a i t I I i Branches at all important centre in Canada and In London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be j heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH C Manager Peas per bush Rye bush Hay per ton Per do Butter per lb but judgment was given amount Votes AN I by Privilege AT PLEASURE OF MR t LENNOX Mr Lennox the Conservative has mailed every elector whoso name was placed on recent voters the following letter Aurora Ont Nov My Dear Sir f beg to notify you at the Voters of Revision recently held by Judge Morgan I had the privilege and pleasure of having your name placed upon the Voters List so that you will have the opportunity of voting at the election which is to take place on of December next I expect to be candidate of the LiberalConservative party and as such shall it a personal favor if you can give me support We propose to hold Committee Meetings from now until the and shall be pleased indeed if vou and your friends will honor us with your presence Belie v me to be Sincerely yours HERBERT LENNOX to lists King Council Council met at hotel King Station on Saturday Nov 18 Members all present Minutes of last regular meeting read and eon- firmed The council in committee of the whole on bills when the following were passed and ordered paid Joseph Billings months A Evans removing stone off road Ed Marchiint repairs to culv erts and bridge Geo PMorton yards gravel J M OBrien blacksmiths bill P Walton cedar Phillips Deacon that fol lowing sheep claims be paid Munshaw Bros 934 Thomas Lemon Wells that the clerk correspond with the Hydro Elect ric Light Power Co as to terms conditions of supplying same to municipalities Phillips Wells That Geo Phil lips be paid the sum of for conveying Henry Carter to the In dustrial Home Phillips Lemon the bill for meat furnished by Gal- laugher to John Mo ma be paid DeaconPhillips That Win Wil liams be paid balance of account re cement tile Keep Your Feet Dry and Warm By Wearing a Pair of Cushion Sole Shoes Wo have them in Ladies and Cents We are Showing Some Extra Good A in Childrens ami Jlisscs Fleece Lined School Boots We have a Good Assortment of Ladies Felt Boots and Slippers Rubbers for Men Women and Children We keep Everything in i String for Banjo Guitar Mando lin and Cello liiOiiu Newmarkets Exclusive Shoe Store Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done WellsPhillips That John Wells be paid for his services dur ing quarantine of J Archibald re diphtheria Reeve and three councillors Poll ing Booths Deputy Returning Of ficers and Poll Clerks received its several readings and passed Council adjourned to meet at Bylaw No appointing place Suttons Hotel Schomberg on nomination for Reeve Deputy day the day of December i mm PiC mm ells IE a mm Vi IT mm w ti 5Sffl j iss mm mm ssSS mm ft yi ff Reform of Revision Courts is one of planks of Mr I Waltons platform Free Men in a Free Count should that they should their of Law and not by PLEASURE of a POLITICIAN It is their RIGHT and no favor influence or manipulation should stand between Liberals stand for a vote for every man and tho rights to every voter If names are ADDED in the other way there is round for suspicion that those whose support is not Coming will the same method Stand for Reform and a Square Deal in Revision Courts and EQUAL RKJHTS FOR EVERY ELECTOR LA Prices to close out balance of Seasons Goods S ftrft mm SH i5S w i 18761911 I I 1 I

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