Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1912, p. 4

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iMS ski Ft- By Vegetable Compound Toronto gladly give my favor of wonderful medicines Last October I to Sou for advice as I was completely run Own had bearing down sensation in the lower part of bowels backache and pain in the aide also After receiving Sour directions I them closely and am now entirely free from Cain in back and and am stronger In every way I also took K Vegetable Compound before my baby born and I recommend it to alt pregnant women Ave Toronto An older Woman Cured Maple Crook I used Vegetable Com pound and and now in perfect health I was troubled with pains month I know women who as did and will recommend your medicine to torn You may publish this If you think it will help others MRS P Cook Maple Creek If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female ills dont hesitate to try Vegetable Com pound made from and herbs Paammt in Railway Gtpanj sUed Dominion ftovcrnmcfti to about ten million the face Value and the gifted mortvy As understand lV 4pW this ho Government would I V given three best doctors not it to be on my J hardly breathe But Dri and Nervine I am able to the streets a walking ad iyi the curative qual ities of your remedied years old R Cochran Lewistowrtlll Better than any ijirh Commuted of it appears that they Was to gOaruntee ft of bonds to mak up Ail- cash and the courts have that wording tho is ot aereeiueut intenretation This appears to bo an pca edge If you have any of of the areraeilW fta and the Trunk Coy hut the wilt to put u with IfenoUier the way- men in approaehirgouv authorities for Ill thjs nMN these pi MtCofuran iNSfrcik pain f and hungry spells short ness of breath smothering spells the Dr Miles which for over twehty years has been as the best prepa ration of its kind had Sold return of the of first bottle If tills to AT ALL DRIJGQI3T9 miles is- Rem An has it will shorty -Bftne- 6o6towfr Acton and Theannual s3socia- Hoards I be hold on and Friday of next week to bo one in- Among the questions to he discussed wo following In Tax on and extension of A The of organic anion lie- i And vyiu by the ore hjui ballots Uyii which is the one tiWsjJftftAw you in favor of organic Idolhdr and Upon rtpii for for- 1 It For Less it m I irurdoct pit The Price Turpentine 35o Oil Tf if our Syrup i 17 I Store carry in stock in wo obtain Home Journal ami will OVER 2000 PATTERNS Hot wo will lor 7 r rtfe H- the proper AS cessions to the which it tsj not to roaVe The has its pivnu and has got it There is now reason vfty the should saerVeee w1U a reason vhv hK ent should tetusefio luPase Yields v How at lot flesh sources a stream effect the the the watered by the Let it question is not hard to answer ami The need for the growth of all ilauts is water One the test 1 I to- It Ostrich just and more insist upon the out of one the test and title of contract by authorities estimate that the field crops use from to tons pf water for every ton of dry produced This uses up FOUNTAIN MY to t fc- ow about having your Photo taken Just stop and nice it will bo In days to look back to the time when you had your Photo Splendid oppor tunity right now to attend to Photo Artist Newmarket- Give us a call ABOUT YOUR company the tew Mays by the- sudden and peeled up of the In of lives will lead on loth sides of the to peopb future This is third flni has suddenly broken ftiut Uvea lost Some very funny excuses are some- times made by people who want to An American exchange statts- that Long island man obtained p- divorce from Ms wife because her dp so jealous of him he coujdnot near enough to her to her Nearer home we another is daily that a woman asked Tot tenham tot a separiXdon from her he was poetical with another Woman Criticizing the The leader ol from to SmchesLdeep the speech during water and better the crop the debate on the the Speech Water whether running tree the stream or lying in the soil will from- the Throne day after the Legislature opened the without gloves fid seek the lowest level It the level of the water in the stream falls then the water in the soil from the pointed out that there was nothing In near neighborhood of the stream and the with reference to tho then farther away will find Its transfer of the and way to the stream and of the water in the soifwuTfall and so plants will find it harder to get water- said The whole blunder Is charac teristic of the policy of this Govern ment that whore they jump they in order to keep up the leyplol the jump without proper care streams in summer there must be a constant now of water from the head waters It is wellknown that when the forests are cut away the water public interests During the late cam paign a leading member of the Gov- rom melting of the snow in the eminent so was reported alluded spring and the rains ot other to the Ontario Opposition as flow rapidly away after vising a progressive Air damage by floods The dry season of statement by asking the following summer find the streams almost drv question it takes nine years for an unprogressivo Opposition to turn out a Conservative progressive Gov ernment how long will it for a progressive Opposition to catch up to a donothing Government question is strikingly suggestive and gives promise of historymaking Mr likewise directed atten tion to the omission in Speech from tho Throne of any allusion to a t j ftiC of a tooth It unnecessary Under our special We often remove Tour and five at one if at tended by pain DrLGJHOMSON successor -TO- NEW YORK DENTISTS COR ft- YONGE TORONTO the questIon of schools especially the Prime Minister had declared that was no such thing as a school while at the same time his Government had The- soil In Jorest however is ol a spongy nature and soaks up the water falling on it afterwards giv ing it out gradually and so furnish ing an supply to streams and enabling to keep bo their levels The higher the lover of the stream is maintained the higher will bo level of the water in the sojl and the easier the plants will find it to It is- for reasons above out lined thatll Is so important to the farmers ot the West that Domin ion forest reserves should be main tained Tho Rocky Mountain forest reserve thus serves fanners of KODAKS A Very PAPER and Hand Wo are also to do oping ami eav A si a mm fcm Tlie Store CHOCOLATES Made In Boston WEBBS Made In Toronto native tot Canadian- Store Phone Phoiw man trains handled with despatch won ami of during the on Thurs day In the debate on the reply the Speech from the Throne stated thai Government haa turned down proposals lor a com- unsettled indefinite ox not ported In other employees were and two resulted Itf no change for either parties affected Strikes are mon port on Hudson Bay adding evidently acostiy method of that to make a definite trade and the loss falls very later stage of the least able to bear session the annual ranting tbe same Horse week Air Herbert is an authority in regard said breeding of horses in Ontario is not going ahead the requirements the market supplied we want is heavier horses We need a great deal more all breeds This advice should heeded every breeder horses In the The feeling the meeting was that breeders horses should exhibit in larger all exhibitions within reason- able distance A press despatch from Ottawa says that Government contemplates placing the whole of ser vice of the Dominion under a instead of following the custom heretofore obtaining of making such appointments on the of political recommendation Judging from way the heads ot Government em ployes have off since the present Government came into power the Commission policy seems quite within the range of prob ability as it will provide for politi cal friends without much fear of their being removed in ease of a change of Government pointed an Inspector to report there- Iberta and Saskatchewan the Riding on Mr said Here is a and Duck Mountain reserves the farms su fit WELL WELL THIS a HOME DYE anyone con use to tithiho SAME Dye CKidCf Of Government paying three men as in spectors of schools vet there are no schools can only say this that If schools cannot according to the law what has the AttorneyGeneral head of the Department of Justice been doing for years when they exist and public accounts show pay ments made in connection with thorn The question is a pertinent one and denfands an answer In his reply thereto Sir James Whitney stated that ho wis unable to find any ground for Mr stric tures northwestern and northern Mani toba and the Turtle Mountain re serve considerable portion of southwestern Manitoba A recent supreme court decision will I no doubt as an exchange remarks result in death ol many vicious The decision was in a case where action had been brought to re cover damages from the owner of a dog that barked and frightened the The plaintiff was thrown and regarding omissions from the J and brought suit from the jury gave to declared tlmbi J W He would implement his promise ot to the last session that the abuses would supreme court abolished the and the says in however are any plexcd in trying to I solvo the prob- harking and vicious dogs are 1 Board The Ontario and Dominion Govern ments have been interviewed by a large deputation of Niagara fruit growers for the sum of to as sist erecting a prccoollng station at Winona for the putpose pre paring tender fruits for shipment to points in the Canadian-Western- Pro vinces During the past two or throe years when carloads of tender fruits packed with ice were sent to Winni peg and other cities the fruit ar rived in a damaged condition duo to the moisture pi the- car By means of precooling station tho cars ot tender fruits will bo chilled by blasts of cold dry air ami ice Will then be placed in the car The scheme it is expected will bring a great boom to the growers fruit in Ontario The Toronto World has struck a ventured lo remark on from all the Proving Mr Howell as the including- teller of a great political from Toronto waited upon the Party might condescend to learn a Ottawa Government last week and lew things from such an experience that of Sir James Mr During the course of his speech in adjourned at the close the legislature lastweek Mr finish ell pointed out in the Assto Court proceedings with point of between the Gov- e or two exceptions in every and Opposition in regard to in the Province but Yorks con- settlers of the Province He said with Toronto gives work Government look upon a set- tending the court over a month The tier as a liability We look upon him North York ratepayers would have as an asset The country can judge bwm thousands ol dollars in pocket between them- na the Riding formed itself into the contemplated County of years ago Winter Resorts Hound Trip Tourist Tickets to all Principal Winter including CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA 1 When Hon Mr White Minister of Finance moved the Second reading of his bill tc establish- an independent commission to secure information on which to base future tarilt legisla tion Mr Guthrie of South Welling ton mu veil the six months hoist and along with Mr Macleau of Halifax and others polnted out that pro posed commission would an instrument In- of protec tionists to secure the imposition of still higher duties on goods imported into Canada also that the bill was unconstitutional and not accord THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE Western Canada IS VIA CHICAGO Without reckoning tips the re spective candidates liquidated obliga tions to the extent over tor election expenses but it Canada reaches a period in its history fore casted an American Journal of the coming situation in the States it will not be necessary for a to be a millionaire It predicts as follows we reach the point at which ho bad need spend money and good man need spend money to prose cute a campaign politics will be sa tisfactorily clean and perhaps foxes Steamship Tickets on Lines Full information Sale by AH J GALRRAITH Depot AgfisV with British Parliamentary practice have white wings and live The measure has the earmarks of a wild honey Yes perhaps e upon According to a report of the Hoard design to remove the tatift issue from the realm- of politics also of helping monopolies to secure protection whilo enabling the Government to avoid responsibility by seeking to place the onus upon a commission irresponsible to parliaments people The last issue of Saturday Night calls attention to a terrible cataslro- recently averted to the great re lief of this Dominion from Labrador to Vancouver island Sahib fastidi ous people made the discovery that the King George V on the new postage stamp was made to face toward the left instead o the right of Trade of local option has j thereby violating an unwritten done wonders for the town T- Ont Fob Grand wtwcen east and sympathy how the Premier will abolish such something he as gf J I declared dues not This is one of the enigmas politics develop The Opposition leader had another thought full ofMnlcrcst to the ieo- i I pie of Ontario He asked Does the Government realize that today one of the perils of Canada and Ontario should rcal- Mrs George Parisian Sage is Host freight trains collided tills at Drayton A caboose was j smnshed 0 Inters and fejS Hair Tonic port states that the postofllce reve nue has increased over The customs receipts too have grown from to We also learn the town factories employed 100 persons who received in wages and turned out products to a value of of Trade has not been suing up results dollars and cents but we make no doubt the town data will be along satisfactory lines the reports Evidences of the growth ami prosperity are observable on almost every street of the cor N superloyalists j regarded the fact as a shocking insult to His Gra cious Majesty and Saturday Night tells us there were those who would have mobilized the Roy Scouts and Daughters ot the Empire to march on Ottawa demand the Province first make a of the- issue now it Farmers Hank What York County Societies may as well think over this remark The ba by show as a for Provincial Fairs was warmly endorsed J Smith at the final ses- sion of the Ontario Association Fairs and Inhibitions The proposi tion met with the unanimous approv al of the delegates Mr Smith said Women who would not give a snap fingers for buttermaking needlework cowmilking and such things would go into an testacy of delight to have a white blue or pink ribbon pinned to the frcck of their little The M P for Mr Hugh has put on the order pp or of the Legislature an enquiry of Government dealing with the failure the Farmers Ho the following questions When Northern Grown Trees Apple Pear Plum- Cherry Peach Grapes Small Fruita Ornamentals Evergreens Rose- as Flowering Shrubs Climb Etc Everything in toe Nursery line Catalogue free Send list of your wants prices Agents wanted apply for terms J H Nurseryman Port Elgin OVERLAND PP damage was to rolling stock Peopled with citizens like those who The train was running in two sections MP old Ontario we wou d and the first- stalled tho snow the link which would and the second ran into it- The firc- would have engineer and other this Canada ours one and man Jumped and inseparable now and Mr Howells thoughts are worth consid- Mr John on Saturday is- Cu a writ against John Palmer Richmond Hill lor commission on the sale ot Palmers farm to Coun cillor Lawrence North Toronto In November last t On Friday The Toronto Mall V Empire rises to remark A national feood roads deputation waited upon members 1 entered suit against John of Yonge street for the sum ot mission on the latter farm Tho purchasers of farm Wright and of West Toronto and it Is claimed on that parties together and was In each case Instrumental In delation at that putting through the dealWorld of thd Dominion Government on Thursday It was for the largo number delegates Yes but large numbers on deputations to Ottawa do not count with Gov ernment now power Wo have a notable Instance In the tbo Newmarket Canal a ir W V FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A case of dandruff My was full of dandruff and it came thick and scaly My hair came out badly often J nearly cried on account losing my pretty head of heard of PARISIAN RAGE and only had to use two bottles before the hair stopped coming out the scalp became clean and all the dan druff disappeared The hair became silky and big reason that liked PARISIAN SAOK was that itkept hair smooth silky and cleans with no traces of stickiness I believe this tonic to bo the best on tho market as there lias been no return of dandruff or hair falling out whatever I am glad to publicly dorso the use ol PARISIAN SAGE I have often endorsed Its use glad to do It E Pond St Pa J a At a Conservative meeting a couple of weeks or so ago in Renfrew an Ottawa paper favorable to the Gov ernment reported lion Mr Pellctier as having stated that the Georgian Ray Canal would bo included In the Government appropriations When questioned in the Houso Mr Pelle- stops inroatand tier denied having made the state ment Another Conservative paper reported Hon Pelletier as hav ing stated Government program nationalization of the telephone system ot the country Another caso of newspaper said Hon Geo Foster P N Toronto It seems pretty evident that Conservative press is in ad vance of the Government in some lines of progressive development Tho Labor Gazette for last month gives data respecting iVsputcs during past year is stated the loss of time to employees affected to talled no less than days At two dollarsper day this would j mean a loss toHho workmen this pears that all is well His Majesty saw plates beforehand and ap proved them and since he is one of the most- distinguished stamp col lectors in the world his approval authoritative That Empire is preserved Intact aid consequences to the nation averted was the amount of such deposit Was this deposit subsequently in creased II so when was the posit so increased and to what amount Was any request made to the Provincial Treasurer or any other member of the to increase the amount of the Govern- Why Hesitate An Oiler that involves no Money Risk If Accept It PARISIAN delightful Dominion of over but as hair dressing and sold by it Is remembered- that number of J Patterson and druggists every- employees Involved was only where Guaranteed for falling hair lit figures up a loss to of Wo are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation no matter how chronic it may be that wo offer to furnish it free cost if ft Constipation Is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier Wo want you to try Order lies on- our guarantee They eat en like candy and particularly good for children They seem to act directly on the nerves and muscles of bowels They apparently have a neutral action on other organs They do pot- purgo or cause other convenience will refund your money if they do not overcome chron ic or habitual constipation and thus aid to relieve myriads of asso ciate or dependent ailments Try Orderlies on our risk Three sizes 50c Sold only at our storcTho Store I Motor Cars and Tracks Models arc unsurpassed for Value and Efficiency Abov put re presents bur HorsePower Car at in Toronto fully equipped Call meat deposit If so when was such request made and by whom I amount had the Province on deposit with Farmers Bank at the date when the Rank suspended payment Will the Province get any dividend from the liquidator in respect to his deposit The fore going notice has greatly disturbed tbo slumbers of the Provincial Trea surer SirAWOVERLAND SALES CO to Adelaide St West j r This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CO To ledo We the undersigned have known P J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially abla to carry out any obligations made by his firm KinnanA Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Testimonials sent free Prices 5c per bottle Sold by all Take Halls Family tor con- SECURED the business of Manufacturers and who ox having their Patent business experts CMrge Our entupcore nest Marion Marion Re QMgi Montreal Vuhlu ras jS3S ENTER ANY TIME For thorough course in Bu siness Shorthand Telegraphy or English in of SHAWS SCHOOLS TORONTO Winter Tern tor Catalogue Address Shaw Head Offices Central Business Sts J I A V -r- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO v t MB

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