Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1912, p. 8

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m NV ForM or Slit I Lit 1 A- been doing fi to men and for mxi and arid the Municipal lVuncU of J the cause of 1 t i that impure Mood with It results unpleasant breath poor sallow skin pimple And from Ion CURED HIM b October have been a sufferer from Indigestion for fifteen years I was to deny myself all hearty foods ss potatoes and could not lea or just two rears I lived on porridge etc I had from two doctors and tried nearly every kind of medicine but got worse Finally I saw testimonial of Fruitatives and concluded to them a trial I took nearly four boxes Of Fro ires and they have made me feel like a new wan can eat alt kinds of hearty foods suffering Sod am no longer constipated A BROWN Many people look on a miraculous medicine It has indeed performed bare seemed lite miraculous cures in hundreds of Cases of chronic Indigestion rA win Constipation and Biliousness VS Son is W is the medicine A In the world made of fruit juices and tonics a box for itotilfclfc Mr lack fir on las week half a cupful on You- of Abe stove which about -bursting- into flame ami went throwing Vwn the stovepipes ami also in Mr which enter the bireUnR is not demisable Job especially where late ill- Hat of men women Who the R Michigan Neutral To during the last ihrefl About must probably years mi laid tip with intense pains in the very back and I tried to urinate treated with months for the bladder hut did not receive any time met another rMiroad who had been similarly mulcted and hid been cured by Pills aftef Is opposed tie town Toronto from the Clerk ed ho Town Council Hut be gained a uch as WAS i phictl troubles A sraaH Show lohio action on you help n active liver a flvx a lircalh deaf sleep V Relieve and benedicts resulted in i tins score S Two good brick houses apt over the Iron ftuittirc to for i lUgerman tooV business on Thursday last week ly to It old times to we Hughes agent the counter Messrs J Oain Cain J Twa Maw ami Kitiu Saturday two new For sale in good locality ns report largo ad payio good interest Posset J taking the as ion in one month usual at fishing as well as at telling K It was thing abort for him to pull out two iish at time and with only one hook New Brick House Far Sale with all modern toes also member ckoice meeting Mark- tag loU Apply to S V They ova to tie at Hol land Landing where by eV Mr to lea and and on ie- tun In parish hall iollowed by tirograui Mis died Sunday eyeuing at her noma in She daughter pi her two sons and put daughter to their loss J services of the Methodist were well attended The church was Ailed both niorning and evening gey J a former pastor preached been given up a win Diabetes lc now running mi I he perfectly cured He strongly advised try Villi which I dldwUU the result pains left ue IK el a box for fire Write National and of Canada limited A If you suffer wilh or need laxative take NATIONAL M A ijoalox 16 NADRUdo of very on the The most remarkable in the history Of is prob ably that of Benjamin of MM to Court of Vienna In Mr wan son Of the of Norwich audthqi nephew Secretary 1 sent to to to and ho TfU whs that he would not likely home all lie Beillu passports nutl led without Servant At midday oh tdH at town arid named Per- Where to for refreshment and fresh horses the of the the the troops the town This a CflUhi KlUaltig to the traveller self In a marked state of and begged that during might gilard AceOriluigiy few era the tow duty there until breath of the poo The mild aerudbl riTirll mm They contain the Uteri and best araouant empties bowels without and without dis turbing the rial of the system Increased doses are net 25 Canadian to Sick Newmarket and Vicinity niTisr who TUitMKNf to RICK J 111 the evening Which jBathurst having dined re- then FOB SALE Fire Wood In any form to suit the purchaser Must be told The Um ber is oa the farm Apply to and Pickering llephone two ftxcellent sermons lany on Wednesday the reports An oyster supper is to b An submitted showed that during the the Methodise Church on Xuesday year more than new subsCribersj A added to ths district covered by For Sale v Brick Houses on Park Aye all modern conveniences also one frame house on Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ayes the The receipts from phone rents totalled with over yet to bo Collected The assets are placed at and the liabilities A resolu tion thanking the directors for their services was unanimously adopted and Hoover the manager was re elected for another year The divi dend was Increased to per cent and a special committee peeled A farewell party was given Mr on Friday evening Feb 2nd at the residence of and Mrs A Jarge crowd was present ami spent an enjoyable evening Mr J Re presentative has successful arranging a Short Course in Live Stock Judging atSchombeVg on Feb and Thurs day from to am Ruby Rose Cold Cream fragrance of fresh roses Makes chipped hands smooth and soft and keeps so Preserves most etc completion exposure to the severest Try youll cerUinly NATIONAL CMSUlCAL CO Of CANADA Killed Sheep and Robbed Hen Roost I some years afterwards order- that evciyvVeader of the iccIh may ha an to test this celebrat ed now ambus has to the front with ah offer flijjiolhtely free a cull package to hundred people to prove the frbfidfeiruf which have heen for it Jp making this the scientist said itkttj that tin re ae many people who have for with some most litem have spent large suae of money seek- the be ready top a I know ihat these people Hi I aiPUfc investing money in He stood outside the- lim Watch- medicine because have oh the carriage stepped round to t h the head of the horses and was wMtov his pottriwiflteau placed never seen People mm Kidney Trouble or Weak Lungs Lumbago Jty Disorders Female any the weak wornout fcrok- ilitwii and will df- at the of a few a fiirb ftppelibc helps Die to Carry on their I Unctions an they should strengthens the tori and driven poisons the blood as If by ma gic That is why people who try It become so enthusiastic of the Era who win try af that my treatment had iwrn after -doctors- and me that stotvVand many this extraordinary medicine that has of the people have told so much by IU cures can obtain absolutely five a lull been About as a piece robbery skeleton which may as ever took phaco in these Parts ft there committed on Monday ieht last by Farm for Sale brought in a report that the directors Byron will charge be paid per day and mileage tor of sheep to noon attendance fees at each meeting of the Bailey of Toronto the board feooal points of to 430 p ling at communicated With had been Inclined to Joke strange visitors unredress ed fears but he the existence of some By his orders every effort was made to trace vanished man Bloodhounds were employed to track but hi Vain- Every well was explored and riverdragged every suspicious was examined from to cellar woods were scoured gardens turned bt all to no of his clothes were found in a woodrintd was tiling else had failed want to show these despairing people that all the newspaper talk about my treatment is absolutely true I want to prove to a limited number no matter the disease no matter how long they have suffered no matter how blue and discouraged that my treatment ral ly and actually does accomplish the wonderful results that have teen re ported I i treatment by simply Oiling Ma the coupon below or writing a letter their case in their words if prefer and mailing it to las Toronto Canada No be sent and bo charge of any kind will he made As this offer is limited you should write at once in order to be sure to receive free treatment DR CANADA I a couple men limg on street and the swamp by the name of mystery Ball and Arch Somej upon a century and a half time during the early part of the eve ago a domestic servant named Kl- 1 1 m the same will take carrying out a robbery that sounds time the early part of the evening they formulated plans for taC io esTp near Cedar- Miss Wiley to charge beef and hairy cattle On Friday from to noon spent visiting Miss M land from to will laVe like a tale from the wild and woolly west but were not slick enough to away and are now in the of the law Their plos resulted in a midnight Ale acres cultivated acre or- j this week in frame house hank Thompson bam fO and other outbuildings Mr Geo horses lite Market Budding raid ui tins of the of Newmarket be comfortably heated seated lives close to tinkers door ft For particulars write or call Miss New office fc Out Farms for Sale last Thursday at the home Mr and Purpose and farmer will Mrs ve a to learn be doing and Miss and Miss is hoped there will be a othe Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office Scott were guests Misses Noilly oyer Sunday In reporting tho carnival of Tues day evening we reported Miss doii as the winner of the lest ladys costume It was not Miss largo attendance Free to Canning suddenly disap peared from her home at Alderman bury There was not the slight est clue to her whereabouts and every search made for her- was in vain Special prayers were offered in churches that the girl might re- turn to her home Four weeks pass and then hungry and half knocked at her Famine in China China is facing a tremendous calam ity Most the twoand one halt She told an amusing brickyard the back road near story to the effect that she had J and before they left the been carried off by gypsies to a premises had Killed a sheep 13 fowl lonely house where site had been and lugged It all away to home and cruelly treated by an old woman Two gypsies were air- I rested and brought before Henry Fielding novelist who was at And get Prices on Number hut Miss Wright of who Houses with all carried off the honors in this event- i millions who are in such dire need of also Cheap Houses at Get our Prices on a Number of Choice Lots for Sale We Buy Town Houses at this and also rent houses i- f Farm for Sale miles l Zephyr acres under cultivation 30 acres bush and pasture I aero orchard frame house bank barn with Underground stableing poultry house For further particulars write or call at our office Out Newmarket Public School played a fast game hockey here Tuesday night against the Cuhsl The Cubs lost by a score of owing to poor playing Saint starred for the Cubs Bradford played Newmarket on the ice on Tuesday and lost to surprise the local tans by a score of The Cubs next game is on Friday night A referee ftf l aurora I Farm tor Sale IT mid aafTj help are in the same district where the famine raged last year The Chinese are in the midst of a strug gle for freedom and unable todo much for their own- people indeed one great reason for the revolution is the recurrence of famine conditions Throughout a large portion of two populous provinces schools arc clos ed business is at a standstill the weak arc becoming beggars families are being broken up by the sale of j wives and daughters often into lives of vice and the people arc into apathy The fahdne- will be at wor in February and March and will con tinue until harvest in the middle of May is Imperative that money begin to come in before the of February if great loss of life is to be avoided Subscriptions sent to 7 Corners lay loam soil acres cultivated acre orchard frame house containing It rooms bank barn Go and 88 together with other outbuildings As this place is in the much coveted farming district do not delay as this will soon be placed For further particulars write or call at MILLER Out our Good Farm J I i Sealed Tenders will be received to Feb 40th tor lot Con East acres or less clay loam acres cleared acres timber cedar pine ic and poplar Fair house and log barn Possession at once Half mile to school acres tall wheat acres of rye Close to market For particulars apply to Joseph ley or DAVIDSON Vendors Agent Swt Mount Albert The annual of the Orange Lodge was hold here in Orange Lodge on Tuesday February when there was a largo lodge in the County was represented Tho report of the officers showed the order the Treasurer will to be in a flourishing condition also forwarded that there was a substantial increase in the membership The following of ficers were elected and installed tor the coming year Master A Murray County Deputy Master John Lynn County Chaplain hV- Taylor County FinSec Treasurer A County Jacob- Gould County Lecturer Johnson County Deputy Lecturer Greer County A Kerr- It was resolved we in County Lodge here assembled do hereby ex- 1 lend to our brethren in Ireland our sympathy In their trouble and assure them that If the necessity should wo will not fall to do our part in assisting them with men and money was decided that the next annual meeting Should be held hero- be properly in Midland They apparently went about their work In a systematic man ner for while all slaughter was going on no one had been disturbed the household and it was not until morning when Mr proceeded to do his chores his barn discovered an abun dance of blood scattered about that his suspicions were aroused and look ing for the cause he found that one of his sheep had disappeared Fresh tracks in the led him to follow and he traced the footprints over the hills near- hospital to the Ball homestead- on strxrt Satisfied that he was upon the right trail he notified Chief Adams who slipped over to the west side of the town and ar rested both men There he found the carcase the sheep which had been up and part of it was a being cooked or breakfast The fowl were also found all dead in the house The chief had the men removed to the lockup and early Tuesday morn ing an information was laid before A of when Ball was sentenced to months in the Central Prison and his chum months Midland Argus For free Dollar Treatment Please send DR Toronto Canada me a full Course of Treatment for my case PAID just as you promise V a llllllllll I OH K I- f STATE Mill um ftfMi IMtllt HOW LONG AFFLICTED i Make a cross before diseases Two crosses before the one front which you most llflM 111- Rheumatism Chronic Cough Malaria Catarfah Asthma Constipation Hay Fever Piles Heart Trouble Poor Circulation Liver A Impure Blood Anemia v Stomach Trouble Trouble Kcverna Neuralgia Weak Lungs Headache any other symptoms oh- a separate sheet languages if that time a magistrate at Bow St j The prisoners were sent to I Bailey where one was sentenced j to bo hanged and the other to be burned in the hand The Lore May- or was however by no means as to the truth of the girls manner Me story and cause fresh inquiries- vas fond of walking in streets of Constat- Dizziness Nervousness Obesity Femare Womb Trouble Ovarian Trouble Irttgulnr Peridds Hot Flashes Bearing lnconrtioea Ccrrespondenee in all t Although Premier Whitney in his reply to the Opposition leaders cri ticism his Governments policy sought to treat him as a political novice it is morethan apparent the points made by Mr hit the bulls eye The immigration policy of Administration womans suffrago and social and moral reform and the liquor traffic all questions impor tance were not emphasized In the Speech from the Throne among tho neglected characteristics of the pres ent Administration to he set It created us much excitement throughout tho coun try the case and Teams Wanted i To draw second pine logs- from about hall a fad which coat timately the girl Was tried went out alone but w FACTORY AT NEW- jury gypsies were set free e via and after a trial which lasted and subsequently Elizabeth was trans- But heinous as the was i me and in sSSnnm- Bu could discovered of lengths it body ever found out where she- or his captors Ij iff had spent those Jour he- never left the WILL PAY CORD The mysterious of alive Sir Arthur Colin Curtis Baronet of c Hants to this day never been cleared upt Ho was one a party which wenlout on a pleasure trip to- Klondike On I FOR DRAWING Any person to draw kindly notify- Cane THE WM CO Newmarket the hud l with one of the expedition and tit of temper went off foot with his pipe between unarmed into a country where- was neither food nor human habitation trackers sought him every- where but no traco of him was found A few years ago Lady Curtis obtained leave to presume- that he la but it is quite with roughs the throat a luna cores coldm zaauUk Roofs Spread Fires Recent articles no- deal with the tremendous and needless suffered rural communities because- of roofs More- fires that spread in such in the bounds of possibUUy at sections adjoining by the baronet may walk into hi ft flying brands an wind bourne embers that alight On wooden or otlr Increase Attending the Best in- for High Grade Business now Open all year Catalogue J Farm For Sale a acres Lot Con school within go rods acre under cultivation acres bush 1 aero orchard 5 acres pasture stream runs through back farm windmill forces water the roomed brick house in repair two hams silo drive id piggery with room for in the best of fourteen thousand dot Call at our particulars Opt S SCHOMBEnG There is more than usual num ber sales this year Mr and Mrs Geo of Hol land Landing spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ell Dr and Mrs entertained a number of the members tho Angli can Church on Wednesday evening Two slelghloads from and front Lloydtown attended a carnival at on evening The Womens Auxiliary of Methodist Church at thei meeting this week presented Mrs Bowled with a life Bowies has been a very active member been president of Bradford branch for several years- About one hundred members of Trinity Church You dont have to mix Black Knight Stove Polish There is no black watery liquid stain your hands dirty the floor There is no hard brick to troubleno waste no hard rubbing Black Knight is a firm- paste ready to use quickly applied and shines quick as a wink Its as simple and easy to use as shoe polish and a big stove cau hi with it as easily rcrhtpiyour handle Black Sieve icnJ ice for a THE C6 BawllfotvOut 25 SUFFERED THREE YEARS tilt Dr Moraaa Indian Root Pills cured his There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble Mr A of Sudbury is one of those who know it He writes For over three years I suffered from kidney disease Ilrst thought I had sprained my back for suddenly the pain would eaten the small of my back and It would be Impossible for me to straighten myself up for several minutes A ache across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and passing- It caused- a burning scalding pain Tried medicines but they failed I was advised to Morses Indian Root as they had cured my wife years before A lew boxes affected a cemplata cure I now enjoy the slogs of rood health which is due to this remedy neglect trouble dangerous as too painful That old reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indian Root Pills has cured thousands and will cure you It Is equally effective attendant biliousness indigestion and ck tesAtyour SO house one of these- tin vs The disappearance ot Arch duke of Austria la perhaps the atony in the of the Austrian Court He married In Islington lady who la thought to been opera singer set sail with her from Liverpool lug gold to the value a quarter of a million sterling with him and has never been heard of Mr Powell tar famed as an aeronaut started on balloon expedition some twentylive years ago and disappeared It la gener ally supposed he must have met with an accident but neither remains nor those of his balloon were ever brought light This Instance is only paralleled by that of who went up in a bal loon to reach Pole some ten yeura ago but from that day to this nothing had been seen or heard him and his companions and whether he perished far away any human habitation is a questionwithout a satisfactory an swer as yet Fifty years ago a former Emper or of China mysteriously vanished and has not been heard of since The last time he was seen he was walking In gardens of apparently In the best of spir its From that day however- trace of htm has been dig covered Evidences of a struggle having taken place found In the grounds and It is presumed ho was set upon by his enemies who were lying wait or him and carried off to his death A similar fate la thought to have befallen Sul- spirited roofs Yet these bulldinRS be made firesafe at weakest point the simple and economical method with Preston Sale Shingles- made metal and thus- fireprooV as well as wet costing no more than wood the first place respecting lingual schools Ontario will submitted yout did not text Lieut Gibsons Speech at the opening the Legislature week Tiuoc DCSjtNO iC a awl we ipcUSIaia V Another Car of Feed Corn HAS ARRIVED Try a Bag Caldwells Mollasses Meal l AND BE CONVINCED SHOUT HARDWOOD IN ABUNDANCE EHfl m ARCHIVES OF TORONTO V mat 0NT Jf

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