VvS STORE I United Your Tested and what Comfort You WATSONS WatchrnaVcr and Graduate Optician and Oar Toronto Letter Shortage for Cook Sto USE OIL COSTS ivru noon Of -Si- re r AW ra as it nd lilt to I i BURNER ft NOT SMELL OR SMOKE THIS STOVE COSTS You will all summer Why now buy now lit your cooling baking heating in fact all you would any to do at the cost keeping a coal rang going will be pleased to demonstrate give free trial i Binns as in The of On Quebec will b held the new March ixA One last presented A their silver tlie Con- Music is tog a tour at be seen time in t th in Halt on April Another lot Wry fts broken up last ar rests wore They to award a gold watehwoith i0 but worth and Opposition leader had a Mid tilt one last the in- tor ret bronze of awl blue nil shell scarabs At iho wrists lay rupie toads and Oh one a ring five one of which boa the of Iho dynasty the who despoiled I and- away No Single each 50 YEARS AGO From At the Liberal of Midland held at Bradford- shields Of gold which this had appointed chairman and Mr lack- later date Mill two small son Secretary Hon optic wWclicihtlnt of tomb was the of the conventlQn- vuiiis of the late period I the old time del- emptied of their burials and model- to the convention we notice have lecri tut the of John iho walls Ad a Pearson Chat Andrew had teen on Davis Martin I Peat side This Innilbed Ireland Hull 1 1 With wards Itarsoo John eeth the SOU and the Holy ton John Mother Mary Father lames Amen Win Miller Win J Gn the wis a Jno small niche below Arch drawings on tie right A and Scott all of- a boat with silted and on York Horn Geo tine- animals possibly lions It was first chosen but he declined the r probable lliat those buildings nomination funerary chapels for the J Mr Waters announces today he Of Coptic graves which lay purchased the stockintrade r- NEWMARKET 1 S 1 House will tin- bonds with a thousand In University of Toronto tor 300- the town the old church filled which that institution to every Suriday night iributlug to the Toronto General attract by Hospital tor the construction a his A new building from New City It now understood that is to have the finesmest I rtrtaAc elector between and William and will cost about will located at the foot J Collins Is Treasurer of Whitchurch and publishes abstract Township accounts I i The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very The can be withdrawn by either of the parties at anytime without delay or by the survivor should one die- interest is paid from the day the money is deposited and to the day it is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH P C FIELD MANAGER not be banged as sentenced J word from sales that the made last month is sentence commuted to White- life Jesimane was n ah 25 YEARS BOO From Era Kyle Feb Tirfc Dominion for North York resulted the return of Mr Vegetables Many our people have Tory SiiatiaWtteetlllwijr Mr Odery In Newmarket and we havers doubt he will bwel- Montreal Feb of corned large nest vegetables through the medium Sunday electricity is the schema which an English market gardener who arrived a iBi 3aa engaged in the occupations every- is his way to day Hie corn makiBgimU faSwa and sot Into the ok syndicate ol Toronto oft tow tas Bl0 his opponent S The Ontario Legislature will nP J business next Tuesday measured planned drawn and photo- to take toutt SfeSafSfc was visiting at work done is to put into orration is ffi produein splendul returns Mt on- oiWsVork other said in the south lor a couple weeks f prA made There France visit in Prince Edward County J f f South End Lumber Yard Og8 I half fc 1 H up- 1 J a The Best Coal Mined in America Sole Agent for Newmarket P PEARSON v i by Church and BOWSER AND BISHOP J The graves consist narrow laid at dU- the young woman should propose rrelang shafts cut ithe soft StoaSs fence of five feet apart arid one foot JameB tor SU Patricks Why of course this opening oft their I The hi at thus Anil the Toronto Stir puts in this n the bo torn regulated its j was struck on I they both too bash- jg of lbat at an of lhe falling tim- to he relied upon to l Day riiillion valentines city The accruing this special fad totalled thous riri v it is a is showed clearly the scenes which had of the Battle of June National Battlefields Coir- mission and the Government will Mad Dog Kail interviewed it to be aces Father Mother Sister Brother i J- a a J lOUR BLUES AND BLACKS man should own a Blue or Black suit to be well dressed We can show you extra nice lines in Cheviots and Wor steds We use none but the best trimmings in these garments Take a few minutes some da soon to examine goods and get prices F WIL YOUR TAILOR PHONE 160 NEWMARKET MAIN ST Miss of Presbyterian ol Social Service at the public meeting held by the Vigilance Club College Assembly Hall College street and Ave last declared mil investigations led her to leiievc that over two hundred girls BAIDNiCSS away Toronto to United States during last summer ypun Miss credited cheap picture shows and present industrial I conditions with the responsibility tor iffffl most of the gTlbaj will do nueh was that he committed a Jandmn germs down nto hreaeho the regulations last srtsia PARISIAN is a and a held up a man wo- man and extorted monev trom them feh On of last week was ft arrested r00t the same that Amuck A Swing- John no Bond from Toronto b- Lehman was in town over visiting his brother Mr Lehman Died At on Phoebe Mr Hendry of Newmarket- and All Should Use Parisian Sago daughter of Ml srwj Feb Much a I here and Mr led trict over a ewe rabies which vcloped at about ca which weighed lbs 1 11 miles this 0 week Rev PM McDonald nourishment Cowan Church was Presented with a Mm and radiant and beautiful Thousands wasting tinie I Another Gar of Feed 155B HAS ARRIVED a Bag vGaldwalls Mollasses Meal AND CONVINCED I SHOUT HARDWOOD IN ABUNDANCE i W H E V E A LOAD fc Mrs McDonald with a purse gold last week were made at anniversary social Succumbing to the effects severe scalds received the previous tic Turley the twoyearold of Mr Turlev Seymour St died at the Sick Childrens Hospital last week Thc lad ell into a boil er ot water A fire the orlgiu of which is not known did damage of last week to building and the of the Canadian Feather and Mattress Co at Spruce street The Auto Show at the Armories this week is The Orange wow to place on Wednesday next Uassey Hall to tell the Old Country author ities their antihomo rule sentiments Toronto will lose services at Inspector Alfred CuddyJ chief of the Agnes street station on March lith on which date he -leaves- for Calgary to assume duties Chief of Police It has been decided City to erect a memorial to tho Cleveland- lad who lost his in attempting to save a do went hair ami growing bald they ahd ran amuck for Seve a using superficial tonics While hours is known to haw they mav clean the scalp anl make a large number ami it feel refreshed they do net get to attacked Mr the root of the hair where the real years This dog lso ran IM llot of hair the dan- a time In but wa final o germ thrives and multiplies The head of the animal Try PARISIAN- SAGE or all hair Toronto the expert trouble it means death to the germ that the dug had been suffering life to the hair It is pleasant to a most virulent type rabies use and so harmless that it can be Mr left for Toronto -o- by every member of the day where he will enter as from the oldest to the little tot Institute cent bottle IChday and if Mr of ttw are not that it is just Government Veterinarv as good- as claimed your money back in Th6rnton and without any Sold by and as a result og 1 and druslsts in Thornton were killed and a argi cry where Auburhjhalr on number locked up every carton and I In a muz A good many loads of tanbark have been delivered at the tannery during the past two For Dyspepsia You Risk no Money if you try J i Money Back Dandruff Remover We want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain ftcx- all Dyspepsia Tablets They contain ancV Pepsin fully combined so as to develop their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets very pleasant to take They tend to J the irritable to ordnance and the- been passed and will become i nausea and in fective tomorrow I digestion thus promoting Stains on enameled saucepans may be removed dissolving a half-tea- spoonful of chloride of In the saucepan of and then boll tilt stain disappears Then boil again in pure water by phone t Boyd I f at ml 1 A sa 5fi tes tf m a SS5 I- I and bringing about a feeling of com- I If you give Dyspepsia Tab lets a reasonable trial we will return your money if vou are not with the result Three sizes and Remember you can a obtain only at our The Store Drug Store Mr J of Maple has pur- the House al Oak Ridges and will move there shdrtlv Residents and ty are muth annoyed at sqmmafyC and totally the Postmaster there Mir vthJB and the removal of the -post- V from its location to an inconvenient point a mile northeast Tb change was made at New Years Mr being advised to turn over his Mr Mr postmaster four years ago and has an active part in politicsrHe was painstaking in the Ve J duty and so far asMrVajulHlim concerned Jus wUhout a vau fcV aA r V Li r ftf n- SeS g ttvCr at fig5SK i5f SA S Sif ss SwSS r i 9S S3 iffe SgSS ti US Ka S3 ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO s MMfMMftlii giffia SS s