3S gig ffiv 3 One ttiti Ware Apply to A For I M Barley and Maneburfe Mi bush J lrocor street 3wR House and Lot for Sale as For Sale in with all irtWorn conveniences Apply to Elder P PO Box Wo Card of Thanks wish to our thanks to our many friends and neigh bors for their help and sympathy In our lale great trouble and bereave ment Mrs Frank and Family Wanted It- la announced Government ask tho Legislature to approve a- loot to assist the con struction of Heads through- A- press despatch Ottawa a days ago state that the has decided to make a lamination of Hudson bar bor before a final selection of a terminus for Hudson Bay Hallway is to this end it has out two parties to survey work along the west coast of the Hay one going by watery other by land the reporters on To ronto do not appear to know that Councils Townships and Counties two distinct The bounty Council oar Toronto Society to accept Boy about of ace with High work in Superintendents opportunity for right Conditions of IhoMt Pleasant Cemetery said ft real fact being that York refused not one office the is In terested cold enabled ych on Saturday to dn Lake pntario ice all from Hamilton to TV Mr frank arrived at Mrs J receive again hi season QUEEN UA SHOPS TWENTIETH CLOTHING May from home and committing a criminal assault A sense of relief was by visited relatives In a days Toronto people when luny editor of Aurora known that the banner gavo rt call on coal cars at the Niagara border had SPEND IT PAYS t Councmof the Ontario gueft IS of open- Sunday Mrs Hawkins of Victoria morning at Maplrtun Sunday New Spring Styles Are Ready Siime a largo number of pre sent The strenuous of pointing A pttoi at a lodger to him that he had done table cloth With against Saturday wltiihtf cost him in the hviee Mrs Mlss of Toronto homo over Sunday and I A welt known named in the Methodist looms Wanted with family Write Newmarket to For Sale ISA bushels of good clear Seed lUrley Apply to John Hope Pine Orchard Hay for Sale At Lot Con North applv to Mrs Neil Morton Joseph Ave Newmarket wivwl of now for pvery We iftv nhlpmont from Iho r ufirgftltoft txtKirt in ami fron tho of Old iriOiii Toronto luliio who j a ft a 1 j Styles ma Wfc A FOB SALE to concert at Mount on Wed- After the Jewish wedding dance in March a public- hall in this city last Sunday Mrs Cross ftml of the authorities have ordered thatiTofonto here on Saturday look- none halls be leased after the affairs of their father I Fire Wood in any form to spit the Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG High at Mount Fowsl on Speaking of the Borden Govern ments decision respecting the boun dary between Ontario and Manitoba the Toronto Star remarks Mani toba gets Port Kelson but it such purpose on Sundays here- the Martin that Ontario is to have the after Mrs Pembroke it is another ease of pro- Toronto now has a secret society Vera of New York City posing to cut the baby In two and to members- formed with the ate here owing to the serious illness give each mother half- But one scarcely what Solomon would have done had both mothers as in case cheerfully assented I Overcoat ram And yes A members- formed with the of dealing with the socalled of their mother who is improving white slaviramc and its kindred evils These members have all made James Nichols of Klncat I dine has been visiting her many ircla Carting Outfit for Sale Consisting of Dark Chestnut Mare Dray etc Owner go ing West Newmarket A press despatch from states that notwithstanding Ontario Conservative members have put up a strong fight for this Province to set Port Nelson on the Hudson Bay in connection with the extension of the Manitoba boundaries Premier objects and insists that both Church ill and Port must to Man itoba If otherwise Manitoba will a contribution of Howards The Society ask for mor string- f legislation and greater to girls up to of age as at present In the Legislature this week the Premier and the Leader of the Oppo sition ran each other close in the ot For Sale The not ratify the agreement is boiling but whether it will boil over and scald some the disputants remains to be seen Four old team and outfit Bug- says he will insist on single harness cutter Cow due t SOd tor Brood Sow Fanning railway tie presentation of eighthour ion governing underground miners The late Mr John Mason man ager of the Canada Permanent Mill and Barrel Churn Apply to Frank Trusty Srlgley street New market Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by the undersigned up to oclock noon on Saturday Feb for the furnishing of Timber and Lum ber for erection of a barn on lot 5 Con East Material to bo on the prem ises by April 1st next As to quan tity size lengthy etc apply to or A Haines Newmarket Tho lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted Daffodils 50c per doz Bridal Bouquets Specialty Funeral Designs on Short Notice HATCH prospect Ave Phone A press despatch from Ottawa to the Toronto News dated Feb makes the following announcement There will be a regular exodus of the Ministers westward as soon as tla session is over in the spring The Ministers appreciate the seriousness the Western questions Western problems have been monopolizing attention of the House this session arid promises to be ail the next few years For this reason the new Ministers are anxious to study at first hand It is added that the following Ministers are planning for Western tour Hon 1 Hen T White Hon Frank Hon J and Hon Monk i Ai ill I 1 I I Br j NOTICE given Alexander Gonicr of tho City of Toronto In the County of York in Pro vince Ontario Chef will apply to tho Parliament Canada at tho next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his G outer now residing at Col borne in County of Northumberland in Province Ontario on ground of adultery at Toronto in Province Of Ontario the day of February ROBINFSTTR GODFREY AND need for municipal inspection of all meat designed for local consump tion was exemplified on Friday last at A butcher of that city received a shipment of two carcases of mutton from a Toronto abattoir it arrived he at once saw that it was unfit for human food and sent for the City Inspector The latter condemned it in tho strongest terms but he could not seize it because it Toronto inspected moat and the Stamp of the inspector howover the meat was all when Inspected and became ho re right fit tor human food inspection but it Is time we had local municipal inspection and local municipal abat toirs Sir Allen Aybsworth needs no de fence from the Era to the attacks made on him The way was sus tained on every appeal to the elector ate Is vindication enough but some times it may be good policy to point out the weakness of charges made by assailants The Toronto World Miss Simpson Miss and Miss of Toronto also Mrs Simpsons mother from near were guests at the Methodist Par sonage over Sunday Mr and Mrs Clime of Howard street Toronto guests Friday gage Corporation left an estate Saturday visiting latter at Ten charitable In- 1 Mrs W Scott will receive To Mrs A entertained a his widow is bequeathed number of ladies on Tuesday street Methodist Church board noon in honor of her guest Mrs voted on church union Saturday night Allan of Rochester who spent two the outcome leing in favor ol the weeks with her old College chum merging of the Protestant churches Mrs John Baker of Baker Hill and only one against W the guest of Mrs Louis Plpher The Perils of City Life was the over Sunday Mrs A and subject of an address to young women Mrs Crawford Lemon- by Rev F Wilson in Elm street I villo were also visitors on Saturday Church last Sunday night Speaking of MissKathlcen Spar- Picketing Township Council has A style and a model for every Bee our with some of the newest in the siiua collars Note the Compare the cut and drape with clothes Readytoslipon ready to fit ready to satisfaction or tailored- to speciftlmeaiiro from four hundred of the newest and cloths in all color combination3 Suit Overcoat Today I- CASH STORE NEWMARKET rows recital in Toronto on Saturday evening Mail Empire concludes with these words F Arthur Oliver was the pianist of the evening and proved himself a promising master Word has teen received from Leod dated Feb which states that the weather is most gloriously fine This is tour their pay would go on till the 1st ol Jf and it Is just like summer Doors and windows- open and Voting A new association was organized People playing tennis- Quite con- passed a resolution protesting against North Tocovito getting water The Government has com menced lopping oft heads at the Customs House No less than four men got notice last week that they were too old for service but by way totting them down easy told them the Independent hits off tho Whitney Government attitude on tho legislation asked for liy the Alliance and Royal Temj the manner following- The Ontario Alliance called James Whitney and one of those nas ty cent Valentines would have as welcome to Sir James -r- here this week not to fight Unions but may bo used to check unreason able demands It is called the trast to what we have had Mr Jacob Johnson of villespeut over Sunday in town with member of the legislature was being Interviewed on Womens Suf frage when he spoke up and said Building There relatives Ho was a delegate to the were about delVgntes present from I Alliance Convention Toronto this the distant cities ot Calgary week Mr Johnson is always Quebec as well as Ontaj something to boom rlo In his Inaugural address f on the W V jatiou of electric road run by wa- President reacts on the labor The eighthour dav has been shelved The cost of living is affected by un wise of labor men to increase the cost of building A man living on St Clarence has made application for his wife to have authority to carry a revolver He ears she will be assaulted by some person living near them connect the for Alexander V says Day after the Telegram 15 Alien Aylcsworth on the that he Was Minister of Justice in when the amended contract was which resulted ill the Government being called upon to pay to Grand Trunk Pad lie Hallway Company Of course Sir Alln was not in the House of Commons or the Govern ment at that time He became Minister of Justice succeed ing Sir Charles Fitzpatrick Chief Justice of Canada fishing lakes and Incidentally make the centre of an in dustrial with abundance of new material and increased shipping facil ities t We clip the following from the Kingston Daily Standard of Feb The Club of Sydenham St Up to Church held their annual Church officials of this city have banquet in the Sunday School par roted on the union question with Mors of the chut eh last evening Tho for and against J Newmarket was Four sudden deaths are recorded the- evening thus far this week George ley which Davis and Cook railway employee found are teachers and on the track 1 president and Stanley was James Todd who was Trotter secretary is one of the most found dead in the cellar of his room- Wro young mens church clubs in home The third was John W city possessing as it docs a of The fourth was membership of seventy and an Mrs Mary Oliver a middUagcoVwogrtuiration of uptodate proportions man who dropped dead in her banquet was from heart failure while waiting upon inclusion to a years successful What you want suppose is to do just like the men do She replied emphatically Certainly not If- we couldnt do any better than that there would be no use in women vot ing The legislator collapsed i -v- s noHDHoose MAIN All Order receive Careful I Prompt GROCERY CRADLE EVANS jn East Feb to Mr and Mrs A Evans a son PEKKAULTln on Feb to Mr and Mrs George Perrault a daughter LINTON In Newmarket on Feb lit to Mr and Byron Lin- tori a daughter We have just received a consignment of Oranges and Grape Fruit for Marma lade also some Fancy Navel Oranges for Table use They are from to per We have a choice variety of canned Fruits put up by ourselves in quart jars lat and per jar Have you tried the new Krinkle Corn Flakes as goods as the best and sell for for Dried Fruits are high this year but can give you a nice line of Prunes at per lb I Our Phone No is PACIFIC SETTLERS RAILWAY TRAINS -TO- MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN through line LOW COLONIST RATES rfv In t a J JCJ Special Trains Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and PM ft- I J UK Regular Tralrjs Leaving PM Dally Through and Tourist Sleepers DBA Colonist Cars on all Trains lor Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Aft wr CPR top a ATKINSON pal MILLAR a customer An impassioned appeal at the Toronto tail was to Board of Control by Fcb small result ol a conferenc between representatives of the fivo local Pro testant theological colleges and fivo Protestant Mission Boards on Saturday last the establishment in Toronto of an lnterlenoininational course tor tho special of foreign missionaries is quite the range possibility Hamilton Tassels KO who- with others appeared or the Society t yesterday I wash expressed though that it the would put or into establishing a training course for In Toronto Io regular theological training It would Save or 510000 which lost at present through the Ineffectiveness of the efforts of mis sionaries who were set to work with out proper preparation A special ho the outcome of the Ihe discussion Rev Chancellor Bur- Little Blizzard in Texas Dallas Texas Feb Uslverd by windstorm varying at points from to miles an hour the most severe bllzznrd the win ter is sweeping south tonight Railroad traftic is demoralized wire communications is hampered and meagre reports from outlying dis tricts tell of damage to property and near per sons were drowned Louis Cohen a Montreal jeweller was attacked by two armed men in bis knocked down and robbed of jewels and money Era to absent friends In North Texas the temperature fell about degrees to freezing during the Panhandle tonight snowfall is reported to have reached a depth of tour inches with storm at Us height At Hotart were the storm and win dows Children FLETCHERS Tho member for East Hamilton in Ontario House on occasion gives the Government an uneasy hour Wo give the Worlds comment on Mr speech respecting a scat- folding bill which member for Hamilton claims credit for The World says Allan mov ed heaven and earth at last nights session of the legislature It Sir James Whitney was absent tor premier would have heard straight talk about his notion In go ing to Hamilton during tho recent election campaign Of course the member for Hamilton dealt with Sir lames Whitney but he struck off at all kinds of later oh and was lust as vigorous in op posing tho of underag ed sessional page was in arguing that the absentee members THE altar CLAUKLUNNYAt tho residence of brides parents on Wednesday Mb by the Rev J assisted by the Row Shantz Martha Clark Zephyr to ot Aur residence of J the brides parents 2nd street East on Feb by Rev Edgar Taylor tor of Christs Church Holland Landtag Mr Seymour of East to Miss Beatrice daughter of Mr Geo THE TOMB Holland Landing Feb Always Pure Selected of the Best Quality Druggists Sundries Agents tor Ensign Cameras and Very Best Line of Photograph ers Supplies Be sure and see the Wonderful Little Vest Pocket Camera The on City Dairy Ice Cream Bricks and Fresh Chocolates el- ways at- fe Pattersons Drug Store I I Harriet Gilbert i I aEAIN STREET NEWMARKET AGENT TELEGRAPH House No Store Phone No I THE LEADING Undertaking House You bty your Furniture Cheap A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended fto at residence John Millard Boarders Wanted Vacancies for more Boarders at The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ave Mrs Scott Wanted Young girl Jor light- who can sleep at horn Apply to Boarders Wanted 5 Minute walk to any aetory Apply to Mrs Dunn Wellington- S South of Queen St Bridge- 3m45 Boyds Livery In to Horses- A 1 have added an days FOR HIRE 1 mm bout one CKurcb Trinity Si enjoyed ft tK moon c mm S3 TORONTO