a- ERA JO TRIED EVERYTHING lei 1 1 III iV I tool fnlUftii 5 hare been a sufferer for the rears with Constipation Indigestion and Catarrh of the stomach I tried ml doctor but derived no benefit whatever Finally read an advertisement of I decided giro a trial and found they did exactly what was claimed for them I have now taken for some months and find that re ihe only remedy that does me good I have recommended to a great many of friends and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly PAUL AMD TO V f Mrs day week broke a in and spent FvWaj IHgughton was in on Tuesday attending an or gan recital Mr out this and Ms bur MfttyisVMiisI flonil num bering enjoyed a Thursday three miles Oh their were treated in the school room About members hi fellows cam up from on Thursday to lodge here They parched wVftt for Some distance on street led by a bind and ho the town hall where the jaUort took The Bradford started with a of After and all in working Order the test jot the night was spent sactatty In the visitors the a train baek to k you of to help to digest any reasonable meats and will rbstarbIt that a TakA olio after each a Box at your Made by the National and Cheiidca Go of Canada Limited I ffJ IN THE BLADDER PASSED IT Winter roughens and reddens your skin chaps cbUbltios and general discomfort try I Is the cure for Constipation Only natural 11J Stomach Trouble because it is the medicine In Ihe made of unit juices and valuable tomes Hundreds of Miracle Miss Louise Walton returned on Wednesday sieirding las tew months in The of St Cream The creamy Ingredients sooth and soften the outer iho Debates and heals ihe deeps after shaving or washing a bottle at your NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO OF CANADA v rears ago I was down with what the the Bladder jute So pain In he back and loins and in and the attacks became more frequent amounted to unbearable weak that could riot walk across the flopf My wife read lit the papers about GIN and sent for a box the very first felt that were uie good The pain was relieved at the attack were teas frequeuL In six weeks the Stone lit the came When i recall how suffered and how now am able to work cannot express myself strongly enough when I apeak of what Pi have done fc Regular a pox for at all cin the in by writing for a free sample to National Drug Si Chemical Co of Limited A Toronto v ail Who pur At dealers or sent On of price by Limited Ottawa it to I take To- Houses for Sale good brick houses apply to Hughes agent l up his in Oft Thursday a was me a parted with their good moneys no doubt with the of getting their rnone back and held by the Lodge in Queens Hotel as a farewell token For sate in paying ion in one month a handsome present Alter gathering in all ho could ho ased it all satisfied and it not lb raise their No hands were raised and the professor alter joUoyingfor tho esteem in which Mr Ifallowejl is held by Mr Hal- was master of Kit- Two- New Houses 1 low two new nouses mM good Heated he SV Mm fc good Intent to 8 itt the A P A participated in an on At the con- 1 K ROBBRTSOx Newmarket For Sale fe elusion they nil at the rectory where tea was served Dur ing the evenings proceedings Dr gave in his usual new Brick Houses Ave IIdUo all modern conveniences also house on Elm St For terms W S iV flODlv to well to the pupils the school on MRS SCOTT that occasion Mi M peiry The Cedars- peoples warden read an on Cor Victoria the therein the high esteem in which Mr is held in commun ity- The animal Sunday School Church met on near Cedar- dale acres cultivated I acre or chard S frame house bank bam atid other outbuildings For further particulars write or Call at our Out Farm for Sale Tuesday evening a financial state ment was read and adopted showing a balance on Feb- of The election of officers resulted as fol lows Superintendent Jos Butler secretary Walter Coon treasurer librarian Grace or Marion Butler teachers Cnantler Bible Miss J Lloyd Miss Walton Mrs A Weaver Mrs land A oo acres committee was appointed provide tcottnar billets for the delegates to the Albert acres under cultivation institute wero J acres pasture and bush acre 0 Humphreys Mrs ft A Weaver and cbard stream at back end of farm Mr Skinner windmill forces water through the stables roomed brickclad house Farm for Sale 14000 m Sickness is usually caused by the accu mulation of matter and within the body Dr Morses Indian Root Pills barn and 50 under ground stabling and other outbuild ings For further particulars write or call at our office MILLER Oxbridge Out Farms for Sale AURORA Now that the weather is becoming milder the drunks are beginning to bo- seen on our streets again At a recent meeting of the Quar terly Hoard of Church here a unanimous request was made by the board t enable the bowels the kidneys the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities Thus they prevent or cure ee it a box a VANDORF I The Vandorf Womens Institute will meet at of Mrs Geo on Wednesday afternoon Feb All are cordially invited to attend JAVANESE la quite a thing in Jopan Co of flih with air that shows up the bright col ors fluttering on the not a of any special festival some family If merely refilling boy has been born birth or a girt Is hot any special rejoicing it con sidered rather matter for as must Oriental The ohlidran of fliidJlKo very fur the pi are their Jiarentaj of qny kind they know not The ha a nation arc bo tie kindly their let to is so Important aiuOhfist em that no child up anything gentle find full of pretty Utile A always copies Us mqther and ft Japanese woman is so dnlnty bo and In that she excellent model for her llttlo children The Jnpancso la laid Oil the floor of the Utile- frame that is panelled wit car peted WUh add there the youngster and by means troublesome lib IS Wot Clothed at ftUhls arc perfectly It It is a kimono his protection child of the Glasses sent out strapped oh the back of brother or sister of very small stature Aft soon as a I a acres oft street Wilt Japanese boy or of the hum- sell altogether n lots to suit pur- classes is live or at years Convenient to he is regarded as of an age to act the part of nurse baby So baby Is strapped on small bearers uaek and that Is free to go about his own affairs as he likes will be no for lie as rule bo placid so plump and so healthy generally that he falls asleep The heads of the babies falls back suggesting that their spines be very strong average- Japanese is knit and- straight spite of the way he has been permitted to fall about in his infancy Many of them however suffer from weak eyes and this has been attributed to the custom of allowing the ba bies to lie for hours with the sun streaming full OU their eye and to sleep in the full glare of a blading sun The heads small boys are always kept shaven until they are seven years old This Is supposed to strengthen lie that it may they certainly do have abundant healthy hair It is rather noteworthy that the Italians who also go about without hair covering have mag nificent heads of hair The Japan- boy at a later has his head partly shaven Sometimes tie tufts are left here and there or perhaps a tuft will be left on the crown the head and tvo tufts the ears This last way of arranging the hair growth makes the children exactly like the Japanese dolls with which we are all familiar The of girls Is left to grow all around their faces in a thick except for a piece on the centre of the head which is tied up tightly to form a topknot At seven they dress their hair and look like little mini ature Women A of good fam ily has to have her hair done twice a week ly the hairdresser It is gummed into just the correct position and she has to sleep with her head on a bamboo pillow to prevent her hair being made untidy A girl of the poorer classes can only ha her hair done once in ten days or so -J- root too be re- moved except by folly as opa could not to Lloyds NORTH PROMPT DELIVERY END GROCERY PHONE Tea and department are Howards you the beat values Ontario Our bulk Teat Black Green or Mixed at Cannot be Duplicated pure at SO and too fresh roasted and ground when or dered are perfect Try It today to atone thin you therm and the quality aupreme Jams all flavors time package abaoluUly pure the I stone Jar and Chow bottle DEPARTMENT Oranges for 10 mi factories No Town faxes Apply to John Solid House On ol Millard and Joseph aIr this choice property In toy sold it will rente Terms reasonable Apply 16 Kingfor Safe The uudefslgned has for lot No Cob King and Lot KiBft Surrey tto acres In all There Is a large brick good bams with sheds also Implement shed and other on Lot Con I This lot is fairly xetl fenced end the is a clay loam ii from sttnps and forms one of the best wheat farms In the County Con 3 contains about acres cleared land while the balance Is with some thereon This form situate about miles from and is one of the most desirable In the County For particulars and terms apply to the owner on the rera ises to Vendors Sol Teams Wanted EARL GREY ON CANADA To draw second growth pine from Pinker tons Bush hall between Schomberg and Totten ham to OUR FACTORY AT NEW MARKET The logs will be on vays in the bush and although in log lengths it up in- cords when brought to tory WILL PAY PER DRAWING Any winn ing to draw kindly notify J Cane THE CANE CO Newmarket the pastor Rev J Stewart o remain another year Call at the Newmarket registered the Real Estate Office year fitly three birth aani i twentyone and thirtytwo S 2 the laciest number Uow deaths over in also Cheap Houses at a Bargain I Get bur Prices pn Number Jot Sale Ty Town Houses at this and also rent houses tM- BIO PRICES FOR FARMS For or per acre Mr Peter Milne has sold his farm of acres located five miles north of Queen street Toronto and two miles east of street to the real estate firm of and Davis farm is on the south side of Lawrence avenue one lot north of the Kilgour estate and la touched by the west branch of Farm for Sale acres Scott miles from Zephyr acres under cultivation 30 Dr Stevenson rcturnlngofticer for this Hiding tor the held on December for the Local the Don river Mr Milne who la Icture to Deputy Returning ofllcers expenses of the election amounting tc SI 039 on Wednesday Cheques- wire mailed to the At the regular meeting the Quarterly Hoard of the Meth odist Church held on Monday even- and other Atkinson farm of 100 acres cloae to the Milne farm was sold last week for Another farm of acres Just south of thla property is reported to have been sold to the same parly 111 bush and pasture l acre the vote Ion proposed union le frame house bank barn 50 withtpen Presbyterian stableing house tioiial and Methodist Churches was For further particulars write or call Bandit Captured i at our office ft MILLER Out taken Out of a vote of thirty Emerson Minn Feb an twentysix voted in favor of Union exciting chase by Canadian and I but four against Farm for Sale acres near Browns Comers clay loam soil acres cultivated ted States officials a bandit giving his as Dan late today The solution was captured in tlr bush between 1 will undoubtedly soon he further particulars write or call at ft MILLER A sudden death occurred on Wed nesday morning in the person of Mr Isaac Street and Joliette Rice was taken ill on Sunday with is accused of holding up Alexander what was thought a heavy cold but C6peland his son Thomas and a which soon developed into pneumonia daughter and results in his death Mr The bandit appeared at the resided Here for about years land farm early in the day and find- the barn bound him He next went to tho tied up father and then looted turning to tie barn he- placed freed Thomas made htm aid in Amid all the pomp and dignity which attends such a ceremony the freedom of the of London con tained In a magnificent golden cas ket was on Tuesday at the Man sion House presented to of Canada After Earl Grey had accepted the freedom Sir Joseph the City Chamberlain addressed the gathering and paid a high tribute to the work of the late as administrator states man hud diplomatist Earl Grey was in the unique position of be ing the third member of his family to be the recipient of the honor ary freedom Earl Grey in his reply spoke of spirit of loyalty and patriot ism which imbued the people of the Western Dominion It was his firm conviction borne in upon by his happy experience of seven years intimate relationship with the Canadian people that all par ties In Canada equolly loyal to the to the Crown The problem of combining unim paired enjoyment autonomous rights by each selfgoverning por tion of the Empire its own po litical affairs- with the duty sharing in the privileges of talcing part In all matters common to the whole still remained to be solved was perhaps the highest ot all duties that lay be fore the present and rising gener ations of statesmen throughout the British Empire but the task could not bo undertaken too soon If It were true that the United Kingdom could not hope for ever to play alone her- present part as a peacemaker and a maker of righteousness throughout the world It was equally true that Canada or any other dominion could not hope to develop the Increase Your Earning by Attending the Popular ELLIOTT ffm cured Hams for this week only ft Sola pea eg for or frays re for Bread and Butter Plates for Spoon frays for Cabbage sound stack 3 for Table Carrots AT iGVOUK EXCEPT SATURDAYS Phone W C HOWARD i i The name stands highest touch of distinction Li Canadian for women Note the vamp We re of who die EXCLUSIVE SHOE W WRIGHT 7 J FOREST DESTRUCTION BY FIRE TORONTO Best Place in Canada for High Grade Business Education Enter now Open all year Catalogue ii In Brunswick there was- good crop of potatoes ana they are being rushed to Montreal in stove heated oars realise to a bag Our forests are being yearly by the gross carelessness or ignorance those who cannot or will not appreciate this nation al asset The causes to forest fires are attributed are sparks from locomotives and log ging engines camp fives left smouldering fires set by settlers to clear land and getting beyond control lightning and general carelessness of prospectors and settlers all of which is prevent able if proper precaution and care exercised It is estimated by the Dominion Forestry officials in their last re port that more than onehalf of the original timber supply has al ready been destroyed by Government dues at the moderate rate of per LOGO feet on the lumber destroyed would have yielded a revenue of 000000 and that for every foot of cut seven have been destroyed by fire The losses for the year totalled an average of per month This is equal to a daily loss of In other words worth of property has beep burned every hour that year or every minute It is said that per cent of the fruit produced by Canada is grown Ontario if J CASTOR I A for Infants and Children Kind You Have Bought Is the Time have all Your Harness Repaired or Ordered before we are Busy Better Workmanship at the same Price that when the rush comes Just a Few Pair of Blankets and a few Strings of Hells at Greatly Reduced Prices Harness Made to Order REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J DIX Harness and Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket Manufacturers all Kinds of HighGrade Harness our A In I S Farm For aie 1 acres Lot Con Scott school within SO rods 1901 it Last week a man styling I hitching a horse ami fled in the di- Prof Bert Johnston held a series Pembina Both shows in Hall and per- land United State officials Jolnedythe formed many of hand and oiled chase and captured Rice shortly af- last performance was he had abandoned the The Saturday when several of stolen wore recovered those who attended no the expression of a man whose farm is well improved He looks as prosperous as iv It isnt the size of a place that counts most nor its actual Kci strength of her free and aspiring nationality except under ffifS vaIue ratjicr that wellkept thrifty appearance the appearance that makes you of fat stock and wellfilled barns and comfortable contented living permanent improvements go further in giving a farm this appearance than if I was a a lesson acres under cultivation acres bush aero orchard acres pasture stream runs through back of farm victlmlreU alter unnki V- windmill forces water through the will conclude It roomed brick house In spent dollar repair two barns silo drive will not soon forget Tho pro- and piggery with room for lessor commenced salvo at cents per box after selling a number of boxes at figure ho returned tho parties- who had their noney and alloyed to keep thecal bottle To Enjoy Life were done out of a dollar each and some two dollars was the bid game of trying to get something for nothing and wo have no doubt many of those who were healthy stomach victimised after thinking the matter liver kidneys and bowels These organs and the and the blood are better do better when helped by hogs outbuildings in best paly Price fourteen thousand dol lars terms arranged Call at our office or write for further particulars A NULLAH fridge Oat a U fc protection of the British flag Canada was one day destined to be the controlling power of the Empire of which she was parttThe day was approaching when Cana dians would bo allowed as self- governing subjects of the Crown to assume the full status of part ners in the responsibilities and ob ligations as well as in the privi leges of the Empire The belief that existed through out the whole of Canada that no obstacle would be offered the peoples of the United Kingdom to the assumption by Canada of her lair share of the Imperial privilege as soon as she was ready to claim the full responsibilities of her Im perial had already at tached her loyalty to the Crown mm any other feature Concrete Is The Ideal Material 4 for such is neat with Us surroundings In country Everlasting be Injured by Are frost wind or lightning Age instead causing It to decay actually makes It stronger Concrete never needs repair first cost Is Inst cost New improvements can bo added year after year with less expense than required to keep wooden structures in repair Concrete walks feeding floors dairybarns icehouses rootcellars wellcurbing posts- silos which of these does your farm need most Whatever you want to build best to build It of concrete Do you to know more about this subject of permanent farm Improvements Then write for your copy of What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete book of pages tailing how have used the handy material J advantage to at i i copy It la now being free to alt Who Write for It I I CaadaCameaiCo National Bank Montreal aae t wJ w at -v-v- i TORONTO SS iSZ