Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1912, p. 1

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l I s i is I or- than same v 4 fe STORE I rtoknowlSdgea to be the County Oldest in i JACKSON JACKSON AssisumtEdilorv I Dont m Newmarket Friday March TKnM7lli per annum In tk Stat No Paper wnl outside of North York Hint Vou Care- fully and what Comfort Property Fitted will Vow WAT J r i Nil Copies els each Shortage for Your fc v- USE IKU noun COAL A fc OR i Oar Toronto mm j Hots Rev A l this city last- tor thUia Winw has for a to ihcut islands itl on On hud sent from Mm J S fl to tho isUfKU Mii-i-wuwweit- Mr stotm toUhl vrY like flfis Saturdays directs iio last nut e Umt wtatcd the of have and from spruwlut over in was editor of to seUftU lKt1fo the train at Whitby and sppnt a dcSjgtttely P- for flsV- cold a siifawling daylate for Rev nor Orange Lodge Vat Springs to a passed to thyTraUfe That Bo speaker or mem M of any in Canada J WHY A Not long afro an a for ll Way a Should Tn Pntyl waaOfwi l SfchOid children IhP and tho won by Miss Wlnnlirrd A copy of her as it sccina the way to 50 YEARS AGO Kccucdy ton at Parsonage Au rora Feb Mr HI Arml- to Miss Isabel of TottnHhip iMh Mi to Which to bow great an as- W pi fOljoy Is 1 el families la 5vftTfcft apnlloatlon were made to by our ow lhc tthltcuuh for Tavern for theiOiiitnjr all weir am A Armstrong Arnold An- too ftut- John Union at Jos Cook- Vonjin tin IS COSTS SI ou will need summer Why now buy king baking heating in fact all you would It will do all your any stove to do at mv in lo tuutner in imdicallfn Miss of not a of event pi any illness or accident of Township collect for art fa family the par ents a Ihv Of and girls My lathers in- bUtrd a amount la ease death no debts would remain to be diioiiaicd and the whole amount be paid to lie la also Iftiurcd by h accident which provides a alien of- money to be given mother in last week member city Association be to stort nurses wis the platform give at ami hurt by a street the Hie- July to Queen and River streets one last week The- vol i man had been crossing Queen street A stated a few days -Vv- fathers or in the event of fits death this year by accident Bull of Is is hot Obliged to lecture In Aurora on next cost will be pleasd to ftive fee NEWMARKET I a the railed ago iat i notice approach of a King street Af speaking the byelection to in car the Ontario Motor League in the Armories last a grand With the exception of occasion when the for water of about 30uthereby saving the City tendered a to the Duke uncalled lot This honor of the Riding and at same it is safe to say that a declaratioo be giving the more or crowd with of sal Ihrre is xvry That such is never thronwi the place The value little sense in Peter to en- i olthe exhibits a million rich Paul the view held by the Ottawa dollars v tration was proclaimed by Hon A foe did about 12000 damages at The result in Renfrew last George Foster wlie addressing the the Queen premveek when thp gave a eledtors of on behalf Hon Esplanade street on Wednesday to Hon oP when he of last week were Hon Dr Retd and Hon Geo money to leave us provided in case of his death He earns a by his work which fc s- a- daily words is ear or j of the grown The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts Very convenient The money can be either of the parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should one die Interest is paid the day the money is deposited and continues to withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER enables faun to support his latnny comfortably to give- them luxuries and to Ijare extra money for pleas ures and charities but to his daughters to school and his son to college giving the son there- vacancy by an opportunity- to distinguish him self which opportunity is using well j if fathers life wire not insured he would he obliged to save money in- order to be for accident or then we would not he able to attend school hut must be at work in order to save and at the same time live comfortably day the Insti tute lames proud of bad about bushels of wheat stolen from his barn last week If Stilts has from A new next week to ftll the AGO From Si opinion both in mind of a whom a gj ftJ iMs Hamilton majority of the voters North lNOt can now go SWSAftk the Hie sent down to Ottawa down the W thent givenSouth Renfrew has Scarlett ihefXewmarket Canal- done itself credit and taught Dr Ma- was crushed out run down by project A visit to Hollard W Ms sanguine prophesy get engine the R yards finding would help along this line eclating he had Percy Gra- Lying on the floor in her room at 107 Ontario street last Friday morn- deputation Mrs Wallace a widow aged 55 League Association rvieweU years was found notified Mrs weak condition The Barbers Union aft asking the stop opposite standing- street I City authorities t the open ham beaten to a platinum finish e forms of- insurance A belonging to Kelly 2nd Concession of East was sold recently l0 for Thus the benefit of the insurance is 30u0 about 35 acres Singers were her and concert- last IJ fire took place on Saturday the millinery shup of Mrs of the banks failing in R was put out without is perfectly safe We therefore con- vary serious damage siderourselves for and The Convention at Keswick hope thatmany others will avail evening V of this great protection Sunday very blustery Expression of opinion from these and attendance at are protected by the various limited accordingly from the Mot- was counting before were weight They set forth the contracts carry Mr J Rctwson has decked to the manner sell his lotcn sin which this all subject is by auction The date of received of viewed by those who appreciate March m the House results accruing from this Mr Geo Albert enthuse provision for unknown con- purchased the Rear farm was manifested the Lib- ftflO The and a corresponding The view that when a father has Mount Ibext row has- pen hours of shops ing up to four an hourwould obtained aucmr members provision for his dependents he in full operation ace a aero Myvuin l and trp Secretary last week and returns had ten in a to the clause in his bill Mr- Grahams election i for some timeS compels to come to a at Ottawa be sunicient precaution The is thus described They also desired more lat- Toronto on- in the speed regulations It Literalism triumphant niHIIanfln South End Lumber Yard cranf onj Goal I from m to p m 35 or of are suffering from tuberculosis as a result indoor con and late hours that milts an hour When the City Council provides the for cities and towns conduct the citys business and 25 for it will have to include the sum of to com the over drafts and deficiencies in estimate revenue from last year This means that over onehalf a mill will be add- residence this ways a grand success The storm of Su night ways is enabled to up depen- Trains hours hours late dents who will be a- credit to bins 4277 bushels of wheat were shipped and an honor to is memory from the depot here he last month of The Best Coal Mined in America Sole Agent for Newmarket P PEARSON Cor Church and BOWSER AND F BISHOP 56 enabled to give more comfort and uxuries is an important one- Again his ability to educate and rear his enthusiastic dominated the Par- children alpng desirable Urns is liamentary corridors Re- strengthened and he in many miles on the fore the House adjourned at fi Consideration was promised- the wires were ticking in the good tidings from South Renfrew Mr A C in addressing the afternoon sypl Would it not be an excellent form a series ofineetiniishivpbwn a meeting of the Canadian Credit porters declared the battle was of education- Mens Association one evening last and to- the tax rate tor 1912 which on the subject of Commercial corridors wagers 1 should have been included in the rate expressed opinion that a money that Dr ff for 19U These are the blunders that shoull he appointed to sit con- would b to Several come to light after the elections are and try commercial cases were taken Would- not this form of education were in over over only with the view to hastening Before the reassembling ol the show those who are carrying such visiting with Mr T Gardiner Referring to fact that On- heir disposal saving costs to House at oclock the scenes were of protection that their are Mr j p Hunter and Joseph Government purposes regulating Parties involved and the securing of an unusual character Moat of the Would it not set forth the went down to serve Jury Tues- the hours of niotormen and c induct- more absolute justice We quite Ministrs who the situation very j of in a jar morning on street an evening with Mr and might add- keenly their by strong convincing manner- Rev Frizel preached in paper says If the change proposal would to a side entrance and so avoided Monitor 1 Sunday will regulate tie strap-hang- saving to tlic Judicial County of group of cheering Wberals Rut the Harris ofSt Catharine passengers it will be- kJn of reported as being ill declared the battle was jot education- for the societies to for several days In the Friends Conservative members wallted the develop interest in tis allimportant Church Queen Street at subject by prizes and other Uriah Marsh back from the inducements for the to Old Country on Friday 1 of these express themselves in this direction Mr and wife of both the i or lessening iimmn in is hnintr County Courts- Ah- hailed with laughter The Minister President Kennedy his inaugural Customs was evidently out of Roads M bl To- Mr ronto week stated that- what in BLUES AND BLACKS Every man dressed should own We can show you extra nice icor Black suit to be well in Cheviots and Wo use none but the best trimmings in these garments Take a minutes some day to examine goods and get prices F WILLIS A V i Ad ami PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST ivy km 1 i i Parties intending to Build Our Stock Lumber Lath Shingles and Trimmings have a Complete Stock of and Cement Also of Seed Barley for Sale A W H EVES Order faT phone or from carters Bowman Trent R Boyd hours of passengers it will be moving rapidly in right direc tion Word has been received at the humor ana wnen aicimnam 1 iTnd Buildings- that Provincial PoA rumour is current about the Par- amid especially the lJg lice at Cobalt have seized car of mJ Buildings at Ottawa to the laughter to congratulate him he is a Provincial highway leading Present is in Col beer and a quantity of that there can another on his heel and swung of down tjjl to count town key V election before another session of the rear corridor of the House lo Miss Tho big snow stonn last week cost Parliament It appears that the Lib- advent of Sir Wilfrid a nun Hung at Be Mk to go to fiatffij st Essex is arrived a moment or two after March is annoir Is permanent oclock was the scene ot other centre by direct I toy Thursday of last week was Clothes residence In Calgary in thusiasm He declined however hat what the the City upwards of to clean member tor South the streets taking up to Vat Bay at the street Mission even he will resign his seat in the interviewed on the outcome of applicants were on hand Commons Should true it happy a splendid victory to secure warm apparel The plat- already given out that Hon Mac- eeo form with all kinds ofenzio King will be in socks underwear suits ion as Mr- Clarkes successor Holland Landing Council overcoats caps and shoes but the of Hon Mr- Graham and lor them roJrti road- Thats what movement is at- a Avoid Harsh Drugs was greater than the superintendent expected Prank Manes supplied noxious drugs QM to a girl whom he was keeping com pany with for the purpose of pro- j curing and was ConuniU I amaaIa otsix Ontario Thompson an engineer employed Station a had fracture It Many Cathartics Tend to Cause A handsome black fox was recent jury to the Bowels ly seen across the fieios by man driving from Smiths Kails to If you to constipation Kin Perth you should avoid strong drugs and to have M the Liberal ranks school At present as the reaction is harmful Bulletin points out the nearest S r on the east and ion They way effect a cure and theft tendency is to already weak organs with A pear tree planted in by which they come in contact I Ore We honestly believe that we have and Wright The following bills were ordered to be Wright snow J Hodges schools are at ifklsnowv shovelling Durham on Moved by Stephenson seconded A pear tr byW Wright that the of O P Adams of Cottage Wright be struck oft ByLaw No It has attained a height of feet best constipation at the High Level dumping Hon Mr Hearst has presented a inspector that he name of J Adams declares it is the largest tree devised- Our faith in it is so strong street sustained bill to the Algonquin Nation- j Hodges be filled in as in of its kind in existence Thetree is that we sell it on the positive lure of the skull and otlier Park It simply adds one of Wight still taring fruit tee that it shall not cost user injuries Including broken wrist lit a clause to former act It em- Moved Stephenson seconded- Brcckville Liberals propose r on the cent if it does give entire con- with school as Chief Public School for Hon Mr has introduced this city Consolidated and revised Bill Toronto may lose the services of from the relating to Miss Rogers sunervisor Ditches and WaterCourses It is a the nurses In the Public Schools She lengthy measure covering pages has offered a position as suteri of of n hospital In a of Hon Mr Duff has presented to the to Oxbridge last week a the Western at more than House a Revised and Consolidated sheep of the Oxford the salary she draws Bill from the Commission to weighed lbs dressed who rescued a a Tax on Bogs and for the Pfo- nerson from last November or Sheep There are no new has been Presented with the Royal clauses but the original Act with all I washing hairbrushes dtp lLt evening of This preparation is called Rex- all Orderlies are prompt very early hour Monday morning powers the Minister appoint such the inspector completely remedy last his was caught number of rangers guar- snow cro sings li in the revolving handle of a huge mo- dians as he may deem necessary to without charge Carried I tor shaft protection to game flsh etc appointing a village A rumor that Dr Met- and the expense incident to such ser- and filled in tpap ingredient and colorless ellknown In by Wright that Clerk longestablished tor cokies of ByLaw pro- London Feb Three Italian bat- treatment of for the public morals the tleships it forms tablet which is Carried On motion council adjourned AlluatlVM- tunny I the harbor at Beirut Asiatic be yesterday and two Turkish tor- at time either day or shells did consider- with6ut thSr part of the town JJ clauses out re- Association medal for his subsequent amendments are now in this one Act At v- 4 NEWMARKET bristles In milk before Income stiff or get- Ktoti as tlio casc CASTOR A Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bought stops coughs and 45 j the a t iaj -H- j J pedo boats The able damage to that lines the cause riausea London prince Arthur They act without causing any slo of the of Con or of naubt Canada are ideal for children weak was today thrown his horse delicate persons and tsrrisV as- while fox hunting well as for the most hearty It was first- believed that in three he was seriously injured but the- tablets Iff v tablets who were called after a thorgo tablets cents examination that he them but had no serious hurt a he was Brought greatly shaVen Store wri 1 J Kft ARCHIVES 01 TORONTO

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