Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1912, p. 2

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For SMC la Town Found Sum of money last Saturday morn ing Owner can have by apply ing at Pattersons Drug for this Cow lor Sale At the Foster Homestead Dur ham dark red quiet and No blemishes whatever in May Apply to MM Foster street Newmarket old civil servant in the of Andrew Collector of or market and Aurora has been this grand by the Ottawa ftovciimicgl lo the and North In A despatch tbp Ally press on Friday made announce ment lhaV town or burg Is being overlooked by the nonunion In applying the The One to suffer Yule the easy Mr lief now that bay hand The line- in WW welcome to North to heft the he next election tho deSpateh from last Friday the head Young dr farrow Mr Yule Wanted Cows to turn away at lis on Will Card of Thanks lake j notice of his dismissal on Nor- Tuesday Ms room to which has been eon lined lor ft month lie has teW Position since the oilier was opened fourteen Mi and Mrs Henry sire the and last For New Stand at loomed holism good business diafe possession Apply to Out everyone him and family lie- rtr who had dealings with tVatlnjc wM crowded on Satordiv seal from the country A of cutlet Hi caw jot a friendly oft Friday and put alt brer our raen The of the Masonic Order had ft week the ocrsH4 of the of the district doixitv grand A supper Was served l farewell tendered Mr and Mrs 1 KfW- and lOib A feasant Social CENTURY mm time aiVd MfV and Mr were with a j vr Mr ft days his par ents At The maids A lield a hall on Friday la In for a days Mrs iipti or four days In city Miss of Toronto was Sues I Miss Amy over Mr fit his oivthutoh over Sunday Miss Kettteby wH the cuest OtMlsa week-end- Mr Kemp last will not Liberal ami at Mrs this ROY again this oft A attended the and this season- Mis A Mr West- was such of bail QV Weslej Osborne in both Aurora returned home from a two s i 3 New Brick Houses On for Two aw present occupied ami the other one be ready shortly All modern conveniences Apply to Isaac Row ffm Ml Al bert the uncalled lor of such an efficient and faff public servant Mr Yule we are given to understand the was revoked Nevertheless the I the lis- AIM been visiting Mrs J I hoy hive been j slee got call to o KtMlVVVn1 fe I abuVm Mm Ave west side nearly op posite public School Ihick House rooms and bath All modern It publisher venlcnces Apply to New- usual filled with much of tcrest lii his storm and Tenders Wanted j forecast rather disagree is predicted along alKut tth to W her mother Mrs bert Laws who is seriously ill- Mr Hunter of visited Mr ot At Mr over North and Deputy Rev Barbour has accepted a Keeve Kellev of to the Presbyterian- church at delegates attending the Good Roads Convention in Toronto this week 5 PAYS- Styles Are Ready The ftftjta Id for very tin have 1 I New Suit We understand that the Foundry has been sold for purposes casting the erection of a School Build- the of March followed cold log at Holland Landing- storms from the The specifications J whole month Indeed will be more Holland Landing or at i losscold and stormy Architect Tenders will be received up Detroit papers tell us of a In March addressed lo Kitch en Secretary Board Holland 3w ifrs Hunter got a telegram on Saturday that her mother who resides at Winnipeg was dangerously Huntley Sharon v She left the same night for the at her brother Mr Huntley for accompanied by her a week Frank sbm and little returned to a last alter spending the Mrs Free to Boys Splendid Magic Lantern with Steam Engine nearly one foot high with whistle fly Wheel and everything complete tor running Sol id Gold Signet Ring or Guaranteed Watch free to every boy Scud name and address and we vrlll send you sets of Beautiful cards to at cents a set six cards in each case When sold send lis the money and we will send you vMchevpr prize you choose For selling sets we will rive you a Simplex typewriter We prepay all charges Address HomerWarren Company Toronto that City who has applied for a di vorce She alleges that her hus band has only taken her to three ton- cent picture shows in a year naturally made her look like cents says a Vancouver paper the eyes of all her she has seen the picture of an other man she likes better thai her husband in heel caught- by the sleigh at the ligaments of the toot rf Mr and tt JVJJk him rcnts from business few Jays Mr of the relatives in- Metropolitan Bank was united in tended to take jtt the postnuptial re marriage to Miss Leila Todd of Mrs Dr daughter of Mr and Mrs J A Todd at ttev Mr on Monday on Thursday of last week afterwards took train for prevented by the snow Toronto and other points adc A social meeting Morgan of Toronto Council was held on Tuesday even- writes Wo take great pleasure in to consider the advisability otj reading the Era every Week and are model for every figure Bee with some of creationa in tftilorilom Note the snug the lapels with ordinary clothcB r ready to fit- ready to action tailored-to-your- from hundred o the newest richest in all fie new color I Select vow Suit and Overcoat Today HUNTER CASH STORE I Overcoat L NEWMARKET For Sale One Dark Chestnut- Mare Newmarket Apply to For Sale Seed Barley and Manchuria at per bush- J Proctor street Newmarket At the opening of the Good Convention in Toronto this week Mayor welcomed the delegates to the Queen City but Major Kennedy of Dixie Peel County the Mayor and other city sjt up and take notice when the Major in his opening observations said Ontario onehalf of the total assess ment or is on alone which maintain their tew of road tlc other halt 500 is in the villages and town ships which have to maintain miles roadways Thus it may readily be seen that It Is only fair that the cities as veil as Che should help In lh- Roads and Lot for Sale For Sale in tiro Town of Newmar ket with modem conveniences Apply to Rider PO Box Newmarket r- The Oyster Supper held In the Methodist Church on Tuesday last was well attended Although the lec turer Was unable to attend on ac count of Illness the programme pro vided by Mr Barker Newmarket and Miss OBrien of Toronto local talent was appreciated by alt Mr of the Traders Bank staff here spent Sunday with bushels good clear OACbis patents in No Seed Barley Apply to John The Musical Carnival billed foe For Sale Hope Pine Orchard securing more land at the reservoir to protect water supply following resolutionas moved by Messrs and carried That we offer the Executor estate of the John through our solicitors Messrs and Button- per acre for acres where the springs arc or for acres being east half of the west half of tot Con Whitchurch for acres a VANDORF Miss Minnie Williamson Was given a most pleasant surprise last Friday evening when the choir and league of Wesley Church in both of which she has long been an worker with out premonition assembled at her home and presented her with the fal lowing address a port manteau Dear Minnie Knowing that are going to leave our neighborhood on a few of your many in vited themselves ilc with you Needless to say we are lose you from our midst but our loss very glad the town is progressing so rapidly The family are all and business has been exceptionally good Mr McMillan wife and child left on Wednesday for their home in after a delightful of Ave with relatives ami friends Whitchurch and Newmar ket It is years since Mr McMil lan went over to the States he has made good We notice by the London Adver tiser that Sberifl Cameron of Mid dlesex Co father of Mr Cameron Chief Engineer of the Newmarket Canal read a paper before the His torical Society last week that is very highly praised The Sheriff is an oM friend of Squire Jackson of Newmarket Bradford Witness Mr and Mrs Dave who intend moving to Newmarket in the near future were ho recipients of a beautiful idmonth clock on Tuesday evening At it Bradford was represented by one and several cutters and a very pleasant evening was spent by those present Rev Jos of Toronto was a welcome guest at Mapleton tub cradlb At Pine Orchard Feb 20 to Mr- and Mrs- W a son ADDISONOn Feb 1913 at Broadview Ave Toronto to Dr and Mrs W Addison a son John son Rev Peter Addison GOULD On street Feb ii to Mr and Gould a daughter THB ALTAR i We have just a consignment I of Oranges and Grape Fruit for Marma lade also some Fancy Orangesfor Table use They are from to per the Presby terian Manse by the 82P We a- choice variety of canned Miss Mabel Tibbell both Newmarket on Feb 29 by Rev R J Simpson Mc Parks ot Newmarket to Miss Annie Bacon of England will mean gain for others We sa Fire Wood purchaser is on the FOR SALE 5 Thursday 22nd haft been postponed till Wednesday Band is to supply the music Miss Carter of Brampton returned hat you are to be hi the very energetic and active have taken in all social and enterprises In Endeavour work have ably taken part and entertaining nil connected will bo missed In Sunday School although not always permit- Many old friends were to in any form to suit the Suqday after a weeks visit w be sold The and vicln- farm Apply to I J to attend M ARMSTRONG Bond junction Who sMd Bond Lake And than Carting Outfit for Sale hear Ms voice again and shake hands with him Although ho is on his 12ml year in the ministry there is no abatement In his zeal and ener gy either the 0 Out it Fruits put up by ourselves in quart jars at 35 and per jar Have you tried the new Corn Flakes as goods as the best and sell for tor DAVIS In Toronto on Feb i i Davis grandson of Dried Fruits are high this year but Hannah Davis formerly of New- market aed can give you a nice line of Prunes at Interred at Newmarket Cemetery i on Monday HAMILTON At Roachs Point on Feb 1912 Priscilla Steven- j son wife of David Hamilton years mos 1 Mrs A the residence of Albert per lb S Our Phone No 35 was i a summer resort I more than any other place will be missed in the Church hoir where you have been so useful could feel your along without the old home pa in the work I We see by it that a great many changes have taken place In the last seven years We are having a most delightful winter It was quite cold never rains but it pours Consisting of 1 Dark Chestnut Mare ghats what the p m thought when j singing has no doubt whileon the of Jan it Sleighs plow etc Owner wl began to pour in after heart giving below but since then It Gotham street Newmar ket on Feb Joseph Albert Willis aged years mo Jays Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on afternoon West YEARS EXPERIENCE Marks CopYniGHrao sketch MCrivwiV 4WCUT oar tej MIHj tU IF mail three days drought Notwithstanding the bad roads the Anniversary of the dist Church drew a goodly number from here on Sunday j Miss who is teaching at in waV Crawfords school the lino we ask to spent Sunday with the Misses Some of our citizens took con stitutional one day last week street and report the walk ing not crowded v Miss returned to Toronto on Monday morning alter spending a week with her parents them fresh inspiration to press has been Tine Wishing to bo ward in the good way to old friends And aside from Church work Wei will miss you as a neighbor and- a j Cameron Currey a friend and to show our appreciation market boy and son of Mr than I Surrey has been winning honors at New- John suit case and In the future be reminder of the many you have near the old home way ttiinp in following is from ma The Maple Leaf nV friends I Society of the A an oratorical contest in Hall on Saturday only the on MQt icioCT tor ml 9 Scientific eolation of nay few days ago a young son of kindness INI Mr August- who lives near the asylum was tripped by another boy and had his leg The lad who met with accident is about sixteen years ot ace ami this is the fourth time the same leg has Miss Williamson is our neighboiho6d about to and her leave many friends took this method of showing In a slight measure not only their appreciation- of the splendid service those present she has both choir and The power right The other contestants P II Ferguson and M Pi Smith The speaking was of high Calibre and given an attentive hearing HENRY In Toronto on Feb 21st John Henry of Newmarket in his year In Holland Landing on Feb Gertrude daugh- ter of Mr Win E aged yrs ami 10 In Newmarket on Feb Ellen daughter of late David in her The funeral took place on Saturday j from residence of her 1 law Mr Albert Storks Queen St to Newmarket Cemetery for inter ment Always hire Selected of the Best Quality Druggists Sundries Agents for Ensign and Very Best Line of Photograph ers Supplies Be sure and see the Wonderful Little Vest Pocket Camera The Ensignette City Dairy Ice Cream Bricks and Fresh j Drug Store MAIN STREET NEWMARKET AGENT TELEGRAPH House Phone No Store Phone- No lieen broken The danger is that the I League but of expressing high Ifoy may bo permanently disabled dn which she is and has through the last accident and the ways been held by all who know her Pity of it Is that the boy is Tho ladies prepared a dainty victim of mean eon and the evening passed most for An im- flKildvfiYI prompt was rendered only two hind V PI was The body tho animal is praotiQally- T ri f Pennington Bros ot Haw trey have curiosity In the shape a calf The calf in had two heads two four J Furnitures WAIN ST Order receive 1 ttA THE LEADING Undertaking Boarders wanted You can bay your Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING Vacancies for more Hoarders The Cedars Victoria Park Mrs Scott at and A SPECIALTY For Sale i Four year old team ftp4 outfit Bug- FT Millard Match Mill Mill and Barrel Apply to Boarders Wanted v 5 Minutes- walk to any factory Apply to Mrs Dunn Wellington South of Queen St Bridge Boyds Livery It addition to Horses- V grms TORONTO

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