mm id a i EIGHT THE NEWMARKET ii ft t I Trtilofl Muviaii To Br Pain FRUITATIVES CURED Jan sufferer for years from Stomach ml Trouble but greatest was from violent headaches They were so dis tressing thai I almost had to give up business I vent to Toronto consulted and glasses but V MARCH Toronto better Sir Donald Mann to To- rontn Miss Thompson with to the strains of Ira ore on couples until 330 Saturday It was by a great many that was the beat held her in years J the arfnft OK fllAf It muter of Maids and Matrons tor Wch WW A due All ftro bo perfect rod the from I niciiwrialUo IIk ho settlers iroeipU ftoft lor cycle Last Vrar Hip Vt of or later slmw its than lj to r cry toward from Ip flud Utrtk0 and the gomlfrnotWnjr feeling nod But tor wbit bf y frw dnfl f CAIRO PILLS I known World till vegetable always efficient family remedy acerpictl as the lcst or correct I vouf disorders of the to I enable you to all 1 1 in IiKmhI thrill your looks In ymr Pay Big Dividends S i or only medicine made of fruit Head aches Indigestion all Stomach and Bowel Troubles a box for or trial sire all dealers or hum Limited Ottawa fjortlofiod whose he tit and was ft a Houses for Sale Two good houses apply to For Sale Acres on street Mt A formerly Whitchurch at present in Mas- I Scotland purchasing horses Wilt j import to sell altogether or in lots to suit pur- Oft Match it to Until the Missionary termed Womans Hair and of the bo squatted on the on strike last loot at the base of a sent to InUirvicw the Co column he goes every day lnev the women would be tit as case Aybe with oi- with- say that a Id not out notes The some- introduce is times to those who in- Senator in quire a Hat pertaining to address last week keiore the subject under discussion who was one various that is not usual or important Nor delegates to- the Kings Coronation fc NORTH PRObPT END GROCERY rf the On corner Millard Avenue and Toronto tome Joseph Avenue Mr has Mr Clark who to the time this choice in hand West Christmas and New It Its compounded not sold in 3o days it will be Year to look alter his son rented Terms reasonable lOtv who was j Killed in in on tne home on pare with He says much hardship is It accomplishes so much ling experienced there on account the ordinary tonics and does ROBERTSON made of the exceed- PARISIAN SAGE hair 5LJ SO air 0 the scalp and splitting hairs which they can eat sell or lis- has small rifles in town A L torn Two New Houses does he ever keep record of the forward to the time is when Scotland and is not necessary- for r r ft proper- vanoed scientific to do so They pay in in on market there are no marks or demerit and the an officials know only the student and from Do it so k coming minion The professors expect no fixed On Friday evening last James For Sale Tea and Coffee department if yo arc using Howards you are set ting best values lu Ontario Que bulk Teas or be Duplicated pute at and iGc fresh roasted and ground ate Try it today pure Scotch Marmalade in pound stone jars each cheaper than you can make them and the quality is supreme Jains all flavors package All guaranteed absolutely pursue the ft atone jar English Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow bottle CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Sugar cured Hams for this week only lb Oranges or 50 Porridge Sets pes for Olive or Pickle Trays for 10 Bread- and Butter Plates for Spoon Trays or 10 money pose 01 any way iney z t that while walking on one since its introduction is their only regular taenia mission with This bread is purchased the Great past has been superinnant ol the Professors who win friends for work with headquarters in Toronto Vthe J K president the MRS SCOTT The Cedars of streets last Saturday a ball new Brick Houses on Park Ave from- one these rides by women of all modern conveniences also head and struck a limb a tree PATHSTAR AG gives frame house on Elm St For terms by We Cannot understand why lustre to womens hair n rtni1 boys to use the beautiful dangerous air Us and Com- luxnrinntlv is the daintiest and fln afford o teach aed who was plaint is also revolver shoot- refreshing hair dressing that nothing her In ore pari of the town in fact science has proceed and has not Anybody can teach In the the practice has become so common particle of crease or stickiness it versity provided- he does not make that the women are becoming very i of PARISIAN SAGE himself offensive to the j costs hut tents at and shock sons and dealers every- where with the Aulmrn hair is on every package Cabbage good sound stock 3 for Table Carrots WE CLOSE AT OCLOCK EXCEPT SATURDAYS Phone CHOWARD f Cor Victoria and Park Aves Farm for Sale 9wUUU near Cedar- dale iO acres cultivated 1 acre or chard frame house bank bam and other outbuildings For further particulars write or call at our office A- Ont week died the same night from the masquerade and charityball the of the Daugh ters of the in the town hall on Wednesday evening was a The under A itlie the decided success over seventyfive The British inventor has a hard An announcement was made ocrictature that new type of wagon known as JR Bruce the HunDog produced ty he Egress tawhJjUtlw Its service- us is A THE POOR INV1SNTOB the ff constructed the ft Com couples beings present The cos Humes were good and the Ume One such has deised a window sash which in the most level Farm for Sale l4000- acres the firs to be constructed the v School the west and although ap- mna is i of the P unusual capacity of twelve tons and K in rp- level with door of the or- Minister of Just ce- of d doc the toast or at in despatch the graduating that of University last Albert acres under cultivation and Siiss The follow- There be money is a partial list of cos- in it but the possibility is that he 10 acres pasture and bush acre o lumes those appearing as will never make a farthing out of chard stream at back end of farm it A patent expert in Parliament windmill forces water through the Mrs as Sunflower cheers him the comment stables roomed brickclad house I Mis Osborne as Dawn Yes there is fortune in it bank barn and under- Mr as Spanish CaV- youll have to spend sixty thOUS- stabling and other outbuild- after and pounds in England to get that lags For further particulars write Mrs us Twilight fl Mr as Uncle Sam America it like- hot or call at our He does not possess the Mr A Lake as Uncle Josh A Farms for Sale sixty thousand pounds his burden Miss Osborne as Gipsy Queen I of years is a trifle too heavy to Miss Miss Teller Miss Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And get Prices on a Large Number of Houses with all Modern Conveniences also Cheap Houses at Bargain Get our Prices- on a Number Lots tor Sale We Buy Town Houses at this Cl aud also rent houses be transported across the Atlantic as Fortune Hero Is another man with a pat- lent It is the longsought Gipsy Maid coupling for railways In Osborne as Spanish Maid A Miss pa Queen the model it Is a marvel of Mrs Lowich as Court Lady I The carriages link us Court Lady selves together as naturally as Mr as Hindoo Mr as Indian us Queen Farm for Sale Miss P Sunn of Hearts Mr Millard Harem Lady Mr Millard us Summer Gent Mr as Summer Gent J Mrs J Smalley as Japanese lady t Miss V as Japanese Cod loO atreaTp Scott T miles- from Zephyr acres under cultivation 30 acres bush and pasture acre orchard frame house bank barn with underground house For further particulars write or call of Devonshire McDonald as Japanese Lady Miss Anderson as Gipsy Miss Anderson as Ancient Lady Mi Dr as Duchess a needle associates itself with a mag net A twist of a lever uncouples them nothing else villi The roughest roads and the sharpest curves could be safely negotiated and one of the great perils of the colliery tramway the accidental uncoupling would be abolished this ingenious young man might prove to have the very thing for which railways have been looking and find his the more acceptable from the fact that tho existing system of hooks and links could at a trilling cost he adapted to their use Lion the dav night dealt with Canada pres- Navy during an eight status in regard to her relations hours full power trial broke all t foreign countries and reviewed records of large ships by incidents preceding the formation ing over knots speed The ves- Department of Affairs has tons displacement and- three years carries a powerful armament of mischievous boys eight guns Could she It iSUm even of Could she Atlantic which we doubl she the would make the run in four Scientific American maintain this speed crossing the wima wither marks zero of I WORK HARD FOR MY LIVING AND NEED GIN PILLS Gordon r r i manv thefts cream which have been carried oft from doorsteps lobbies ic-4- Again the idea is revived of Toron to getting Us water supply of Heights A scheme in detail is row pro posed to be sibmitted to Board of Control for consideration examination lane vlns was reported not Ibsane is a womans duty as well as pleasure to appear well dressed and with illiittiug shoes this is not possible The ahove illustiution will appeal to you as a perfect shoe Empress Shoes are made Canada J NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER GHT ay itched f The regular meeting OfJJiei look the form of meeting Thursday Feb loth held ol the Presbyterian you kindly inform me- if your Gin Pill sold at our MILLER Farm for Sale 12000- acres near Browns Corners clay loam soil acres cultivated acre orchard frame house containing It roonis hank barn 10 and together with- other outtjuildings As this place Is In the much coveted farming district do not delay as this will undoubtedly soon placed For futther particulars write or call at our MILLER Farm For Sale Br acres under acre A 1 it l stream runs windmill stables A acres Lot 12 Con 1 Tp Scott school within rods acres under cultivation acres bush orchard acres pasture through back of farm water through the roomed brick house In repair two drive piggery with room for hogs outbuildings- in the best re pair Price fourteen thousand terms arranged Call at our write for further particulars Uxbrldge Ont AV- Greenwood as Dr of Philoso phy Mr South as Lady Mrs Ed Grant as Milkmaid 1- Miss Millard as Highland Las sie Miss V Bam as Rosebud Miss as Pink Ladv Miss M as Indian Lady Mr P Burrows as Jack of Hearts Miss V as Queen of Hearts Miss M Storehouse as Good Luck Miss as Witch Miss P Nottingham as Black Eyed Susan Mr P Nottingham as Guard Mr P Sailor Lad Miss as Little Miss M- McLaughlin as t P McLaughlin as nil Old Miss Ethel McDonald as Gipsy Mr Cross as Midshipman Miss I as Mlsif as Flower Miss Fern Taylor Summer Girl Mr as Highlander Miss as Summer Miss Ernes jus Queen Hearts A La Castor oil rubbed- well Into tools or shoes will to andJengtlien the life of tho boots but oil is If you want tlie contents of a saucepan to cook quickly never leave a spoon In it The spoon a great deal of heat and delays the boiling SHE WAS SURPRISED tore the l las gj said he watched blouses an Church Our County President Mrs from the Eat- Starr pave an interests tore not addresses by Revs Brown be fetiraa Jury I whUoln the act ol croons the ra St and Mc0onald and a solo by Miss an Kester a liberal collection was Riven for the cause Our next close to married women pro vides or women being elected to tlie City Council This latter provision the Council Is not unit any means members calf it pet ticoat government Robbers entered thcdwclliiiR Mr Road one Any oil Whan Dr Indian Root Pills Cured her plaint Mrs Smith of Winnipeg Man tells an interesting story of relief almost intolerable sufferings I can hardly tell you bow great my sufferings have been Chronic liver com plaint by biliousness were a- dally source of trial to me Every day I experienced the sickening effects of these ailments I longed for some medi cine that should permanently drive them away Hearing of Dr Morses Indian Root Pills I thought they were worthy of a trial My surprise was indeed great pronl the very first I experienced relief Continuing with them I found my troub les were slowly but- surety leaving me and before long I once more knew what It was to free from the harassing of the ailments that hid weakened me So great my faith in Dr Morse Indian Puis that I shall never on any account bo without them Morses Indian Root Pills cure as well as Liver troub les and keep you healthy- a box at your dealer ml spent the summer there She got some of your Gin Pills and sent them to me and I tried thorn and found them to be the best medicine that ever used for Kidney and Bladder Trouble Oh I they did me so much good and I am so belter I hope you cm fix it to I can get Gin Tills in New York CHARLES COLLINS Sold everywhere In Canada at a box for Sample free if you write National Drug ana Chemical Co of Canada Limited A Toronto If you need a gentle laxative or some thing to stir up the liver take National Lazy Liver Pills a box NADRUCO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delight with fragrance of roses Makes chapped hands smooth and soft and Preserves most delicate complexion against exposure to severest Try It youll certainly appreciate It In opal Jars- it your druggists an excellent solution for cleaning grease spots from carpet Before boiling milk always rinse out the saucepan with cold water This will prevent the milk train her tracks g over roof of a shed the flnallv located a 16 Wets in the back shed a Chinese restar in Queen street She Is now in the Salvation Shelter Geary announced on davthat the city wilt up the employing a torn tort traffic experts to advise apolicv in connection with the ar lines and also the whole in this cltv Th Commission It is understood is to bo vested With to deal with the wires dlnlcuUvand t dcrmV And light wires In conduits ot this oor than over the deci sion about WELL WELL THIS is a HOME ANYONE can use I dyed ALL those KINDS of Goods lih the SAME I used DYOLA Color Can an J UK TV JOHNSON- CO Is the Tinie have alt Your Harness Repaired or Ordered before we are Busy Better at the same Price than when the rush comes Just a Few Pair of Blankets and a few Strings of Jells at Greatly Reduced Prices J Harness Made to Order I REPAIRING A SPECIVLTTr CHAS J Harnessand Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket- all Kinds of HigbrGiade Harness I ELLIOTT Place in Canada for MONTREAL THE STANDARD is the National- Weekly Newspaper the IVmlnlon of Canada national Us 1 the the from all over the world lis articles are carefully selected ami Us editorial policy is thoroughly J- Independent 10- Standard coats par yaar to any address In Great Britain 1 High in last The Ota W Mi the marriage now Open all Jr Walojw 1 TRY It FOR 1 Montreal Standard Publishing Co v PubHshars