Newmarket Era, 12 Apr 1912, p. 3

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ye- a who present meeting on evening pan- get a supply to soil Miss Clark office In Mr store I i New Veterinary We direct attention to Walkers in this issue He is successor to Fortune and has practiced in his and Since coming t iro lie has proved his ability oh occasions and we have rfcaijo In him A P A The regular meeting loo A Was held in thy schoolroom on Tuesday Alter busl- Was Concluded there was enjoyable program- The Hector Her gave a short interesting ad dress with Easter or the subject Simpson a humorous read- Aunt Jan of Kentucky Aid the program was varied with selections on the by Miss Clark lion ls bar would not only wipe out once greater part of the liquor business but Would easier to rid the ThatVso BALDWIN FLOOD and thetee in on Thursday and fasting till Sunday brought disaster to Baldwin more particular to Frank bar rolHcr would require pages to it to say the major portion of the gave war before the enormous jrW sure and now all is complete Wreck Foster 1 ojJ A W I A Opening receding are quantities ot garbage In Aek yards all over town and it again suggests to us the possibility a small Tor some enterprising with a systematic and business who will Institute the regular In ftueh a step would bo a blessing to and possibly prevent an outbreak of spine contagious it would be worth while foe the Council to offer a bonus by getting such a systom of Col lection started i BHeflets The boys took great pleasure out h Methodist Gym- last Be sure and so tbo vkiV in the Town Hall tonight Trie Army methods of outdoor singing and speaking are enough to down the strongest constitu tion in two seasons of a winter The Provincial Board Health should stop it had over that were a week out of date in blooming for want of Prohibition for aoon be In sight Tite has declared for too ibd iho Opposi tion- has pronounced in of within few jr toe Mr Howell to abdlifib too Mr R East thai Mr Howells resolution was moat forward step way The heavy cement work rare brown paper Wore the- P bo flood It desolate fe CP his and that of be Moved by K- Stephenson see ti iltc to have necessary made FOR saved yet attempted in temperance reform Mo thought he members of tho House should have been favorable Ui He was lheOoVern- in abolishing the treating prac tice but he did the present license system Why not let this bill mss he asked you afraid We are here to and must bo guided by the opinion of the case of the Cochrane feist rate got an airing la til re on Tuesday charged that the police magis trate In question was intoxicate and Incapable of attending to his duties for several days after ftp summer and that the Department had been of his conduct Hon Mr admitted ho had reeelveil intimation that bolice to hail been disgraceful conduct hut no had been and hence had not ordered an investiga tion This is the way the ftovern- is running the business of the country Frank has hi of a largo circle and pairohs Let them or repair the damage Op to toe present steel bridge the It was by lwi feet water fthlch was about fourteen fret bed of the river Hie toads the village are badly eat up stream QUin ftwame It swept euV public and three private John roes J and LocMp on Sod On nmtion on j King Council The Council met at Hotel Sat urday March Members all present Minutes spe cial mcetlnga received anil A despatch from Ottawa dat ed April The trade aetetV between and the West Indies was formally this after noon by the representatives of all the negotiating parties in the present his Royal Highness the of in the in the We hope frank will not be utterly has an holiest willing hands and a little woman to eneourage ftaidwln could ill afford to lose him old residents say they never the equal of this flood The roads in this tor past two weeks have been almost saw them I for the poor horses It was terribly rough on the dumb brutes Merciful masters loft them in the stable Is indeed is A wonderful amount produce Mr is buyer to So v ioliPYinghillsorefl and ordbrcil paJdtV J months pay blacksmith bill V Hone per bating if gravel J show shoveling A MiCalluifi gravel grant gravel J cutting brush j J p bat on gravel Spring Goods Arriving Every Day New vt New Muslins New Cotton Voiles COOK J Window Shades Shades from Vary tp Carpets la Wool I In Tapestry t5o lusseis all- and Oil in ail wldlns One Yard to virdtfl Hoots and Shoes Now Spring In Qrefi Very Ileal Mibcte Shoes ICVery we- sell- While Celery Jar J Maple Syrup 35c Large Bottle of Olives lOoy Canned Cherries tin- French Mustard pot Herring for Lemon and Orange Butter Jar you would like us to- rail lor jour Grocery Older on Mondxy and Phone 1 W A Under PoolRoom Age Free Press telling of a father who was hunting Tor his boy of years age and found him coating out of a pool room after oclock at night quotes the statutes as follows The keeper of a billiard or- pool room admitting a thereto or allowing him to- remain without of his parent subject to a fine not i0 the first and not for each subsequent offence Arc any Newmarket bovsjinder years of age where not ft K Tuscan Lodge Tuscan Lodge No had a big time on Wednesday night Not only was there a attendance of mem bers but visitors were present including- 20 from Toronto from Aurora and the others from Bradford and Maple DDOM To ronto presided After refreshments several addressefi were delivered the speakers being Bro T Scully Toronto Thomas Saunders Toronto Toronto John A Kelly PM who gave a pleasing illustration of his powers G McDonald of Vauglmn Richardson Aurora Eli Brand PM Aurora T H Brun- PM and others Altogether a Tory enjoyablo social and intellectual evening was spent the visiting from Toronto and Aurora rotarn- via Metropolitan special about oclock her must let er go Friday last Wjd to be the closing the or the medal tor expert rifle shots Ve congratulate Mr Art on his luck in winning It for the third time thus becoming its absolute own er Score possible lie beat such marksmen as twice a winner J Kestcr Dr Noble and many others He compliment our J on his fine scoring for second place He made do his our sports were keen to win it as memorial of Mr whom ihy esteemed Sinclair is reported as ot so well His trouble is changeable Uncle John Taylor has occasional bad turns which leave him somewhat weaker A few visitors for Easter Mrs OBrien Toronto Christie home for holidays Miss May- hew Toronto with Mrs Geo Crit tenden A of sunshine crept in at Don- a press despatch Camerons What think might wratsfc addressed the Governmental after the exchange of signed copies the cm- them on the happy out come the conference and declar ing that it was another notable sign of the growing initv and solidarity of the Empire or course the agreement must he ratified by im perial authority and also by Governments ltore effective re gravel grant grant Hamilton bo paid re wife ten erected previous to Smith Vidua PrlmfcrViola rioters i y I I i Presbyteran Church pulpit platform was decorated with Easter flowers last Sunday and the choir rendered a splendid program of appropriate The Rev P Thomas was taken suddenly ill on Sunday morning but he was sufficiently re covered to the sermon in the morning The evening service was conducted by Rev A BoydJ A brother of Dr Boyd who Is studying at the Now York Union Seminary for a missionary to China under- the Canadian Presbyterian Church and expects to leave next fall The Easter music rendered by the choir was greatly among ho Mr Alex Eves render ed a tenor solo during the morning service while Mr Mcrritt a baritone solo in the evening with- pleas ing effect Mrs Rice deserves great credit for the manner In which she performs her duties as the leader of the choir and organist We understand the Easter musio will be continued next Sunday schoolroom which being renovated throughout was not com pleted on Monday so that the Egg Social which was announced to take place there was bold at the Manse Tho house was well filled j Games were provided and a very social ev ening was enloyed The officers and teachers ot the Presbyterian have arranged for a Musical Evening Gramophone selections la the scnoolrbom of the church on Tuesday April com mencing at 8 oclock- Silver of and Up wards In aid fund for renovating School room Come end spend a pleasant evening with Lauder According to Ottawa under date of April we learn that possibly the Government may place an embargo on fruit from Hawaiian Islandssneelalb Pine apple HonMrBurrellMinlster Agricultnrels considering tho pro hibition question just now as a means ot protection to Canada from the Mediterranean fly We are told this fly is of the most destructive pests In tlve world to fruit and attacks northern as well as tropical fruit and can live in northern or southern climes It has been do ing a great deal of damage in the Hawaiian Islands and it is that it will be brought over to Brit ish Columbia with pineapples which are the principal exports of the is lands to Canada and thttee spread to the whole of Dominion Mr has a bill before the legislature to allow municipali ties to adopt Preferential voting It provides that Any Municipal Council may provide by bylaw for j using In the election of any municipal officer such as mayor warden reeve councillor or alderman where in only one office is to be filled and wherein only candidate can be elected a preferential ballot that In the event of more than two candi dates running for such office will en able electors to designate their not only by marking their ballot for the candidate firstly desired and the electors first choice but In such a way as second and sub sequent choices in the alternative event of the first choice been unsuccessful and for such purpose may provide for the utilisation of votes oast for an unsuccessful candi date by a redistribution of them af ter dropping such candidate pro cess of counting otter the of system or such oth er system as may be deemed by said council most effectual tor the pur pose Community Silver 1 The New Sheratioa Rivals Sterling Stiver and Harmonize with the Richest Table Settings Prices per Spoons 500 Desert Spoons It Desert Forks Table Spoons Into Forks ViVlOOO P Ticket IS Issuer ol Marriage It be Oh La IVMe Clara came home Xtaybe the Thames floods drove her Thamesford but I guess homcsIcVDessvas the direct cause The major portion of the resident of Ave had to take refuge upstairs from the high water Bach elor Bob has no upstairs Some of our young gentlemen pride themselves on being gallant which no doubt they are but their gallantry is a very rude type At store they sit on the counter all a long row and smile on the lovely sweet Helen Miss Riddel was home from Toronto at Maple Villa for a few holidays enjoys city life How about the grub Id starve there A rumor reached us some time ago that John Fountain had fell and his leg and had been the Hospital The rumor has not been verified Who knows The old gentleman Is for in Juno and wellknown here Edward Cryderman is much pleased to be able to report that his bridge stood onslaught of the flood and stands as monumentiol good honest workmanship where does King Ed wards rails disappear to Do the Breezes blow them or do they go up in smoke Theres a mystery about It His fences ragged in tho spring Sailing dry land Is the go days Three week In this neighborhood J and K are the skippers They are a slick A handsome the wild goose fell a victim to Roy Tomlin- sons unerring with the rifle last Sunday It made a grand feast The seen here for many a day was captured by sporty Charlie a few days since The work of destruction still goes on about the mill Thousands cubic yards of earth haw been washed down stream The site of John Thompsons a farm owner has washed away Where will the end be Tho approaches to the County bridge are In a shape- liable to wash out at any moment ice ft count of bar risters for services In con nection with overhead bridyeon Con be paid J fid wards be paid re burying in i be paid re horse through alleged defect road way said amount to claim in full the Audit or the Treasurers ac counts be and is hereby accepted by this Council as correct and sat isfactory and that the Reeve and SSo the Glass and paid each for services as auditors be granted to gravel between lots Con west end Thompson S Davis corns Davis be appointed in Ilea of Hall removed J and Mount be road machine operators for current year south and north divisions respectively be paid to Win injure to hie while working on the road providing East pays the same Lemon- the trus tees of Church be al lowed to erect ashed on the side road between lot Con If at any time and same shall become a nuisance or to the public the same shall be removed forthwith and the shall be held responsible for any damages sustained there by this Coun cil submit a referendum to the ratepayers next Municipal Elec tion at to they shall con tinue the present Statute Labor system or commute for same as is now proposed On motion Council adjourned to meet at Jlotel on Satur day April Owing to of on Sutday last- at the Methodist- waunot I very large the pulpit- text was taken from Cars The choir midered two Easier very many of- will be sorry to learn he is hot much Improved in health We w him- a recovery Messrs and- Elgin Has tings of- Toronto were home over the holidays ot Toronto spent their Easter vacation with her father Mr Sturdy of Toronto was a guest- at the parsonage over Sunday Mr of the I Toronto police force and Miss Moon the Eaton Company were guests Mr 1 on Good Friday a LUNDY Live Stock STANDARD PATTERNS LADIES STORE If Ah INCITED OPENING -OK- Dress Plain and Silks Cotton Tissue and a Endless Vatfefe Wash Goods and Lines Blouses Our 2nd of Silk Fancy ft in a Assortment A5t Fancy Kits and Colored Matrass Ail for Curtains Shapings change in cattle or tins weeV Spring lambs have Hogs have advanced to Newmarket Markets ApriLltaiJ Fall wheat per bush 0 Oats per bush 0 per bush i 0 Peas per bush I 00 ft Bran per ton at-0u- j ton -VS906- Hay per ton v Eggs per doz Butter per lb- 5 Potatoes per bag per IV Geese per Turkeys per lb SO Toronto Markets April 1913 i BANK MONTREAL Established 1817 capital all paid up rest undivided profits TOtAL ASSETS lS I- Branches at ft Canada and la London YoiV Chicago SDokan and of a ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former of Dank Branch will be aecosiwoiaBsl a NEWMARKET BRANCH p ROSS The worst Is now Is now falling over The- flood J Holland Landing Council Regular meeting of the Counoil on April Present this Reeve and Alt the mem bers Minutes of hist meeting read and confirmed Tote following bills were presented Cooper yds gravel J shovelling snow hours shovellihg snow on road You Risk No Money Our Reputation ini Money arc Back of this Offer We pay all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa tion We tako all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way what ever if you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for you Is there any reason why you should hesitate to put our claims to a prac tical test A most confmonseose Is Orderlies which are eaten like candy Tbej6re very pronounced gentle and pleasant in and particularly agreeable in every way They do not cause diar rhoea nausea griping or other Inconvenience Recall Orderlies are particularly good for children aged and delicate persons We urge try Orderlies at our- risk TnrcO and Remember you can get the Remedies in this community only at our store The Store J R Broughton Drug Store School Reports Report of No I and K for March Sr McCiure Delia Mc- Mary McClurc Oliver Blizzard Cameron Cody Jr Alfred Roberts Ruth Bliz zard Albert Wilton Jr HI Norman Goodwin Mamie George Cross Beatrice Proctor Alfred Lewis West Ernest William Sr Wilder West Jr Ethel tain Williams Elva Cbappel Roy Blizzard- I Book Vera Fountain Herbert Dawson Tablet Ruth Ross Fountain I TablqbEddie Lulu Cleland Teacher Wheat per bush- Wheat per bush Oats per bush 0 0 Barley per bush 0 SO Peas per bush 1 Rye per bush Hay per ton 17 00ai Eggs per Butter per lb 35- Ptatoes per bag 1 Chickens per lb 0 18- Turkeys per rO Geese per lb in per lb Town Hall Newmarket Thursday Eveg April UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Anglican Young Peoples Association A YEARS Mark AC tit cU- feKEsdtea SYLVIA Musical Comedy in Acts Chorus Voices Tickets and Cents PLAN ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT ISSUE PROM J A No March Sr Alice Tansley Jr I A i WW York On Monday we will show a few pices of ROCHE a CO f i rl fc s J 1- 4 v O

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