Newmarket Era, 17 May 1912, p. 1

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mm VJ S I as been- our Specialty ALL WORK GUAR AN JEWELRY STORE 6 ft The Er acknowledged to bo the Beat Lading County Pnper being the in Yo County a per annum if la Advance to States No of North unless WATSONS STORE Editor and JACKSON AMlaWmMciHto T I E To Builders and Contractors Newmarket On F May w XIUJ I tM Oar Toronto tetter MX No- Single Copies each m who awns a Intends JIB it WE HAVE PUT IN A STOCK OP it fe 1 I Its worth your ttiis Covering fids the carpenter another good opportunity build finish most of the ndoellihga too Hoard completely tokos the place and f as it gives opportunity to and the further great ages below Beaver is made selected woods reduced to fibrous term and pressed into uniform thickness with pobbicd surface admirably suited to tinting or hand painting The panels are nailed di rectly to the wall and ceiling beams or may bo put on over lalh and plaster of old walls The seams are covered with panelstrips Bering wide- variety of artistic design Heaver Hoard resists passage of cold and- sound it with stands shock strain vibration if is quickly and easily put up it nob crack or with ago costs less than lumber or lath and plaster At advamed years Mr James a the for rtyoar auv Us week was an old member the Aid service for the crown at Of Sir interests Hie in the the lines fct Toronto underground so report froni welt informed from now extends as it Plodders Success By I Tbfl lay thai Silas feannih Simpsons niitofv or der was not slow to Of n lad of sixteen did fnaa uoconxinonly iil splendid she Silas replied Aad seem t how spell and where to use your capites too boy in this spelled xay dee with an and J never knew him to put Price 2c per SquarefFt Win be pleased to give you any information THE PAINT STORE The annual will except once he wrote at riyeit on Day May foot order for three oclock at Hail l Ki guest Silas He better ColonialInstitute of London site all England is Alio having a similar pi the- clefts dinner and it that like ment dinners given in all the principal school- were smart at a In the of ls of W afternoon chat Willi Mrs dlMHiVUd time his dream Was his and the chitiirui Out Lb West raie day I will lako oil out to lth stUrdy tthee and then Mis son a vow that rf would Oar Western Letter ttinsooha to have big plant before the it learned ami Iron Works have ied an option Bert in smith west of It i site tor plant The property in lioiiiics of the now yard to iWa boys dream A to a orih ami is at tie growing lown of lines of the Cmadlan and lirand Trunk Mlui boy d scribe Pi liaiie royal to well in- Hratoii West and MWgerJ of iianljctm year will such a fite and iron Works Limited baa YEARS AGO Prom Kyle May A flmornnitnt Is at hi a majority of seven defeated the Adtnlnl Hi their Militia Hilt nil rtsljnwl Hon John Sndficld for by Ills Excellency the to the task of of Kettleby picnlp in the village on the of this Sharon Saturday fun is reeve of Whitchurch this year ihe Council met at last towns and cities the Kxfr j replied reg- pire oh that plug down place dor a moment she said a u vsa how The at still that could be Sometime when you continues to flow with all the force bring my stop a the first Sunday concert at Ions Point the season took last top a pie months ago the gas was used week later its fttst Up till a tell it BSiis PHONE NEWMARKET 1 1 1 A is del under the boilers of aWernocn Silas Chanced- to torworks ot It goods and just at six oclock trouble he stood at Mrs Simpsons mdval of brickwork- when a basket of Kow said cheery bright however the the flues were cleaned out and was discontinued Tin gas flows and when they turned it a days ago the flames shot up flf feet high wells are atiiuT fro be dug now Is lady I fantfe YEARS AGO Kyle a Industrials Home i fc The Banko Toronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very Cbnvenient The money can be by titter of tbe parties at any time without delay or by the survivor should one die Interest Is paid from the day the money Is deposited and continues to the day It is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER increase in buildings Jackson Who Will tTnc compares favorably vain KxWarden Porter has erected of the Hatty Tells What is totals For four fountain at months ending April 119- per- It will his memory had been for sepa- A White From Toronto Star rate buildings Fish Lake is announced to Its not such nice mo address the in the Methodist ng- th Siileigh en tie SiSto on a the Magistrate know I never was ltav observations cale than at the corresponding time Whitchurch the nth voriatens Ive H The principal feature in Amos his- year the North are cohcerred I live South End Lumber Yard CI 5fV j l tel I- Cor Church and CARTERSFRED BOWSER AN BISHOP DRESSED AND can be had here ac cording to needs It makes no difference what you In the lino it is here promptly delivered on or der It makea no difference cither what quantity WiUlt We will send you a small lot iust as cheerfully as if it a one Whit are P Pearson I Spring We have a Nice Display ot tbe Newest Designs In Tweeds and Worsteds Browns are the Leading Colors with Greys a second Any Man can Afford to a Suit from Stock Few can Afford to We request that you men at least LOOK YOUR TAILOR PHONE WILLIS newmarket main st Frank Ran a young Italian was Dobbin dees not mind if hi s nit up for having a stolen bicycle in his get his oats possession Frank bought the article Then sjttinff tfoh in Mm Simp from an Englishman in Queens Park kitchen her draw paying therefor The owner got Mm his story his bicycle back tor nothing Father was a was cautioned against getting bar- he lived a gains from strangers but he is coming in Of I bad the my chance at same Oh a vagranct charge Sam but I had to work harder than did not jump at tie to them ever did show where he been naked Mrs Simpson rate him a job at the Central for the aid Silas in his matter three say that ton the blond gentleman has several But Mrs friends who obliged him with money known lots ol stupd lads who from time to time To be set to a nrttron what hard work work on the Prison Farm will help at school meant his appetite Then must have stayed at Ihe Dot ween and SO drivers of coal bottom of the class Silas remarked wagons went en strike on Thursday And he added got so I could of last week for increase wage Up not stand it if I was not Number to the present the men have been re- or ceiving per week for onehorse Mrs Simpson IcokeA interested and wagons and week for double Silas went on teams They an increase to You see lather was always talk- and respectively The to me about being the oldest in principal firms Involved ore the family and you know there were Burns Co and Ccnnell Coal Co six of us and so often le said Donald Lawrie who was secretary anything should happen to me Silas to the John A and you would need to take my place later acted as Clerk for the a lad who has not a good York while a successor was being school grounding is hampered appointed has accepted a position anywhere in life So he kept on-urg- with the British Land Co me and when would say there a new realty flrnt lots of time yet he Burglars broke into the stationery me that never was an hour of school and news store J A wasted Look to your writing Queen St west and got a wav with your and and an overcoat- Tools work he would say You can tamed from a blacksmiths forge near never tell how soon you may i need it So I kind of got into the Having announced some weeks ago way of working hard and the other that he would contribute to- fellows got into tla way calling wards the erection of the hospital for me a regular plug They stuck children at the Weston books too closely and that I 1 Gage supplemented his gilt by care enough for lacrosse end iJO000 He will give to be baseball but I did care used for the erection of new wing said played firstrate lively game at the Consumptive Hospital I got at it However I guess where children will be tieated was well that I did hurry up with On Friday last the rumour of an W ather was killed of lour Canadian by falling- from a at the Banks- was given a wholesale denial hall nd of course to try prominent banking men take his place More stringent regulations of mo- ins picture show will be enforced on grocery store Silas asked Mrs with respect to supervision films width of and licenses Silas- hesitated and he said as The death edly to Edge man during Friday night young- would hot think twice W1 from Gary of htm if fife be has been lae lor no will of step W He was accompanied this mother she by A chief la town will help of the Winn peg concern The the other child oh their iet of i this was to pass to tte most of MbhhWs kuhI the and turned OneyeCT MW at he lie- and his were route Ice the upoti that in broad the wan and a tfdy home was Bndge and Iron Works are now at opened in that western laud- upon plans and it is expected- j that a ItfJ win that will In 15 of had been wise to- early learn time The fust building o of Toronto at and sturdy erected will he a plant feet by feet and also wild head A plodder he possibly was in added as cattle at per live as well as in scbool but when as president of tho on his birthday company stales that the plant town youths Mere cutting Silas Manning- Grocer appeared be operation January at Baileys Ice Cream Parlor ore main street the town many but a visit from a man tint Mere Building permits at Winnipeg pass Nonstable Cain made an astonishing was a splendid example of what push million dollar mark for surmise to both parents and boys and everlasting could third of April Aft Apology and better conduct ear more about establishing an new led to allowing fie case to drop the- fust four months of any The Town Band- were out in the history of nights last week to delight of am replied Silas this fake OtsetatiOh figures are 55030 W as citizens last ad 1 old few that Have ycutime iron tonight Sties total of There is talk of annexing the north- in lor the same period last year The suburbs of the town to the Cor- if not a a me in rne I people micht said Mr W Western wholesale merchants next Wednesday evening Jackson to Star this morn- doing a very heavy volume of trade I Ing referring to the proposed trip of in the aggregate The wife I want of trips a sjmmerV in footwear is an advance of Mr has teen the far to per cent in some brands North before reachirig latitude H on rubbers The ice hardware the trip to Greenland with supplies is still very active and ship Arctic in Seeing has the objects been under most favorable conditions dry goods trade is very Valley farmers strong for textiles through string and are preparing and the wheat acreage- throughout the- will exceed last years record By he the prospects for business of my said he j- fcrigUt The compass to the magnetic north not the true north composition of the earth also affects it due to unequal any Variations to Birthday Ab Wilson of Sharon had the mis fortune to lose a valuable cow this weekthe host in the herd Charley Graham the Sutton den list was visiting in and Work on the public Winnipeg it is expected will start at arv early date The provincial po lice court at the corner of Brbtdway and Kennedy toe drill hall and the The Children of Peace turned out last week and the House its annual cleaning Mr 0 at Sharon recently was visiting too These variations themselves chaugo all old landmarks are scon during years and there is daily to disappear Plans for the new variation besides due to the worlds court on the site of the first diirnal spin- are practically ready but these for accurate obsenations to cor the Parliament buildings across the rect the compass have teen made in street will not be ready for Bay for a number ol yeats time as the five chosen competitors said Mr Jackson The Atlantic en- have yet to prepare their full plans trance the Hudson Straits shows The contract tor the construction of a variation ol degrees west of the largest public school in the city north This variation disapfears on outside ot the technical high schools the course westward across the bay was awarded to the firm Thomas compass points true north Kelly A Sons for The new- Then at Fort Churchill the variation school will be in ward three bound- turns to the other side of the com- by iluetf Bath and pass8 or degrees east true streets It will contain These observations are now rooms exclusive of a large auducri- too old however bo reliable We and the manual training dont know what changes have taken ment place in the magnetic field They Largest Coal Fields in the World may be very great Here In Toron to for example in variation was decree minutes in 1913 it N -a- One is Enough hesitated ami then he said as coast bay taking summons came tlje details of a fight stcHar obse to Toronto wnttr tthen Uifi north and KH records accordingly on the train from Cobalt and was found dead by one ot the car crew when ho went to rouse passengers at the Union Station Saturday morn ing A search showed that he bad there seemed twenty men tor every Job Mr Word advertised for a boy and I went down with just twenty- seven other boys to apply course I never supposed when I crowd that I would get UP1BER V i J AND OUTSIDE TRIM BOORS SASH AND FRAMES PLASTER ARIS OEMRNT FLOUR FEED RED CLOVER ALSIKE TIMOTHY AND OTHER SEEDS FOR SALE 3Ml r H EVES 1 In his pockets a gold watch for I knew there were plenty sharper some bank cheques the Bank lads than I in line But somehow and a letter addressed to himself from when Mr Ward read my high school his daughter recommendation ami when I had Increasing pressure upon the space written and figured a bit foe In Wesley has necessitated just turned away the rest and I got the decision on the part of the can- the place section of the Book How much do you earn a week of the Methodist Church which met Mrs Simpson Interrupted and Silas last week to reconstruct the present replied with just a touch of pride buildings immediately so that when The last boy only got six a week completed they will be practically but I get eight new throughout The central portion How is that Mrs- Simpson will be made- ten stories in height Inquired I think after and the other parts willbe ratted all you must be smart Silas out to a less height- Prof M A Mackenzie of the I i 3 JJgpKS tea with a mandarins wives To Correct the Records Chinese ladies examinee her The- vessel will around the clothing hair teeth and so on but coast of the bay taking lunar and amazed them the Why cried one you pan walk and the -com- run as well as a man to te sure said the missionary Can meats used arc more refined than you a horse and swim too those found on ship board Yes Then you must be as strong in few sea W equipped to as a man am make these observations The wouldnt let a man beat be taken chiefly on land en II he was the no you Indeed I the mis Montreal May 6 That the two largest coal fields in the woiM have been discovered en Canadian soil Is the belief Captain Janes a mem ber of the Canadian exploration par ty Captain Benders Arctic He was In Montreal on Saturday The fleldi Captain Janes are located in Baffins Land and two are 100 miles apart In spite of their high altitude he declares they will be workable all the year round The coal is so easily secured that it be dug from the surface with a shovel Twentyiivo feet tinder the he discovered an immense forest In a slate ol perfect preservation The trees pointing due and west are laid as flat as a blown down by a The timber he declares Is In perfect shape Even the cones from tree tops are as fresh as the day they fell- At tbe present day there Is not a tree growing for miles around III buried forest maam the boy never in the world was smart of Toronto has been George Pender chap that Ail 1 t aI a A I i a AAA Chairman of a commltlee of Toronto Board of Trade which investigate th ejuestlonof the high cost of living Over are at work on the went me When we were lit tle fellows at school together he could get up a lesson while I was thinking about It but he would not work and I he never got Into tohave Mg immovable base for the in- looked JfiJi We have Ice up in the north of the bay in July said Mr Jackson Its pretty cold up there all summer Sixty degrees was the warmest I ex perienced on my last trip up that way Well probably start In the Then the oldest said softly Now I understand why the foreign devil never has more- than one wife HeMs afraid a What is an heirloom demand ed little Willie An heirloom Why middle July And come south about Its somethir handed down from the first October when ice father to son my boy something as a rule highly prued to make again it farm on north the high school His father WAS kill- the Kingston Koad constractlng a just a couple months before dam across the Highland Creek Ru mour has it that this is for and when George had to get a place everybody complained that pose of generating power to run the he could nob or cipher decently eastern radial line and assist In the Mr Ward said I was worth an extra electrification of the t the two dollars a week and I was glad Owen Sound May p Hon A MPP recent leader ot the Liberal party in toe Ontario has evidently gone west to stay I left for Edmonton ego and while he didnt say re ports are now to theeOcct that he has been admitted to the Alberta- has opened up law offices ronto and Is already engaged as- the counsel In a ver Important case now before the courts Speaking At a banquet In Olds Alta Mr MacKay Is saying that he intended to make bis borne in the west His III mean a In some time this year Abl retorted Willie Well Id prize mine a- bit more they wasnt so long in the leg Spanish Copper Coins from Arntada Ship A London cable says As a relief from the output cannon halls and metal plates from the seabed where the supposed Span- Armada treasure ship lies Tobermory there have now Jeen re- thirtytwo copper Twentyfour of thorn came up in a cluster Two are dated and it and are clearly marked These are the first Spanish copper coins of that which there is any record It had been believed that Spain then by far the richest In tht world handled money im perially anil not deal in small copper coins These coins came up shining like burnished gold and the staff of the salvage ship were sure that the long- expected gold bad been- reached at last and greeted the coins with cheers but all not that flitters and the coins turned green under acM test Gentle and Sure You also should give ap proval to this efficient family remedy your bowels will be regulated so and safely your liver stimulated your improved by BEECHAAfS PILLS v Pat to small boy Could ye me where Mister j Uvea Small ha lives at the held toon Pat And how be me test way to Wm Small boy preparing to should a 1 rPE mm g ife xi fesfl OF TORONTO m mm

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