Newmarket Era, 17 May 1912, p. 4

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to Expectant Mothers I i I I- experience of Motherhood ft cm to most women and marks an epoch In their Urea Not on la a hundred Is prepared or un derstands bow to properly care for course nearly every woman baa medical treatment at such times bat many approach the experience with an organism for the trial of and when Si Is over system has received a shock from which It to recover Fol lowing right tola cornea the strain of caring- for the child distinct change In the mother result nothing more than a happy and healthy mother chiHreo and Indeed right conditions need be no hazard to health or The unexplainable thing Is with tie evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an prepared condition and with ample time in which to prepare women will persist in going blindly to the trial Every woman at this time rely pound a most valuable tonic and i a orator of the female organism In many bora once childless them are now children tie- cause of the fact that ETSnks hams Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong If you want special write to Medicine Co conn Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and answered by a and held la strict confidence A Invited that can also lie aa walking the Ricrcury truth fully of the gets smoked about time snxf Is rough to make a moat reliable can- i Many Business Colleges Vacation during the Summer ELLIOTT lor An lrtertftOouncll has been pass ed the Dominion Government for months the into Canada of any hay straw fodder feed or Utter horses Europe Te shipment into Cana da of cuttle from Great her- and ttmnlicl Islands on horses from the Conti nent is also A press despatch Ottawa dat ed MayiOth states the Finance forwarding the several offices of the neeeixeNPcneral- at and Halifax a supply Of A he new ten and dollar Canadian gold coins now being minted at Ottawa Local will probably almost big Hank Merger is all circles the Bank of Mont- to absorb the Union Bank Hie is to with trio Tradera Hank the the recent decision of the of Montreal inereaV its capital to i3400OuiO is by many a indicating that go into the merger Tims the talk A pub- Does not NOW is Time to Commence a Course Write for Catalogue x J ABOUT YOUR TEETH Should out and consult hasty the Telegram refers to the pinch- Ins politics the fiordep In its dealings with Civil Servants in this suggestive form Summer is coming on apace but the close season tor postmasters docs seem to have arrived Any- the Borden Government has got another this time in Prince ton When the get in power the lamentations of will be heard from to t It is by Hon that five more towns in the northern the province will he served by the HydroElectric Power viz Collirigwood Cold- water and It is under stood preliminary estimates hive been submitted by the Commission to lie tor a supply of power tinder contract the Commission and the end Power Co developing at the Chute Falls on tho Severn River nothing DrLGTHOMSON TO NEW YORK DENTISTS ejfx- OVERLAND LI- The moving picture gents who treJ to beat the law and the Government have now to meet regulations and ex pense did To vvnt the practice ot film to another t proval stomps of moving picturo eli sors the regulations have so modified as to require that a for each Aim bo posted out side the thcotrc This end other reg ulations go into effect on- the 1st next rimnth have been changed Motor Cars and Trucks Models are unsurpassed for Efficiency cut re- our FivePassenger Thirty Horsepower Car at iaToronto fully equipped Call without fail and see our Models I SALES CO to Adelaide St West Toronto The Witness of the remarks young women arrived on the Cham- from Liverpool morning They were and had come on to join their future hus bands in tho West Although they had not known each other before the voyage started it was not long be fore became acquainted arid as were bound on the same mis sion soon became the best friends and it is hard to say whether they or their future enjoyed their last days of single vait w y Is the Time have all Your Harness Repaired or Ordered before we are Busy Better Workmanship at the same Price than when the rush comes Just a Few Pair Blankets and a few Strings of J ells at Greatly Reduced Prices Harness Made to Order REPAIRING A SPECIALTY CHA8 J DIX Harness and Collar Maker- Newmarket Uantnlacturers of all Kinds Harness Buff Orpingtons Winners at Winter Fair 1st Cockerel Colonial Silver Cup Spe cial tot Best Shape Best Male Best Bird and Best Throe also 2nd Utility Pen all classes compel- tog Total number of eggs laid by 89 females in Jan Feb Eggs from pons beaded by fcbov beet Three Cockerels and per setting of Fertility Mm Dealers in Potatoes nt Toronto are sending out word warning farmers who -send- produce to Toronto Maxkefc not to- use for seeding purposes that grade of Prince Edward Island pota toes known Mclntyrcs The commercial scribe ot the Globe re ferring to this warning says potatoes as their selling price indi cates are of decidedly inferior grade and their entry into the Ontario market was because of scarcity alone In years of average local sup ply there would be no sale for them at all Their chief is bine streak that runs through them which turns black when- they are cooked Then they have deep and nu merous eyes which involve loss In peeling It is cur rent report among dealers that large quantities of these potatoes have been distributed through and that farmers are planting them As they soil tor an inferior price farmers should take notice of warning Tho London Free Press Conserva tive to to remark For fltteeh years the Liberal Gov- of Canada gave no quarter to a Conservative Well what of Thoy did not turn man a because his brother was an unsuccessful candidate at a general election although said postmaster took no part whatever In the con test As the Mercury re marks the heat of elections such statements as the above might pass muster being part and parcel of the visual Conservative platform The London Free Press must know that the above is absolutely not true It must know moreover that every Conservative retained in office throughout the Liberal regime is standing denial to this statement and most know that there were hun dreds of office holders who were nev er touched or threatened At any rate it is poor policy to try and jus tify the patronage system the- old cry Youre another Children FOR FLETCHERS To that of Dr Miles AntiPain Pills Otherwise May gal beat of you Nothing disturbs the human system than pain whether it be in the form headache backache or the pains to women Miles Pills are a standard remedy for pain and are praised by a great army of men and women who have used them tor years A was down with and craied with her one Pill and another for her to take They helped away and she sirs her she will be them again Mas AiuUnburg a At all doiss can MILES MEDICAL CO i Checks May dFinger print checks hit the idectitlcotion and the protection rapidly adopted by New York banks The South Side Bank is the la teat institution to adopt the system re garding which Secretary Arthur said today It is not the us- by the police but was devised by an Englishman named P A who for fifteen years was employed by the British Government at Singa pore Instead of the thumb we the imprint three fingers the right hand the tins of the middle anil third fingers We provide blanks for our deposit ors ujkm which they writ their sig natures and leave their finger prints- these we keen on file have in Oise emergency as when for instance the genuineness of a signature may be questioned We have vet to come across a who objects to this In fact they seem to like the idea immensely The First Claim London May The first com pensation claim in connection with the Titanic disaster was made at Liv erpool a bedroom stewards widow on behalf of herself and five child ren The company admitted liability and intothe Court the maximum amount for which the company was li estimated that this admission of liability will cost the Whit Star Company in settlement of claims Viking Alta May In saving the life Ktrkpatrick a neigh who had fallen into a forty-two- foot well In which there was con siderable gas Frank Dayton young farmer who came here- from eastern Minnesota a year ago plunged to his death before the eVe of his young wife Dayton went to the bottom of the well to rescue Ktrkpatrick and Mrs Dayton pulled the latter up to safety Dayton then stepped the noose in the end ol tborope and was haul ed to within a ew feet of the top of the well when apparently overcome by gas he dropped back to the bot tom and was instantly Artificial warming of the world Is one of the greatest of modern prob lems and yet the earth is itself a vast furnace whose lames are some times aggressively active and Italians are planning to some of this heat A boiler is to be installed at some point where the internal fires of Vesuvius are acces sible and hot water is to be to the neighboring towns Vancouver May Three bank clerks one in Imperial and two in the Merchants linnk arc un der arrest for embezzlement They confessed attempting to steal Their ages and They say lost the money in a Chines gambling joint May Train wreck never comes singly around this sec tion The second smashup on the Grand Trunk inside of hours oc curred at about oclock this morn ing at diamond resulting in- the killing of two and tho maiming of others so badly that they had to slaughtered A freight train from tho south can into an train from the south ran into an east- bound cattle train at the diamond engine a cattle car right in the centre completely overturn ing it and leaving nothing butt the trucks There is a fortune of many mil lions for the man who can discover a substitute for leather The price of the article is steadily dealers say and the reason Is that In spite of the duty removed the growth of the worlds population Is faster than the increase in the num ber of cattle raised But darling murmured the love lorn youth every night tor two weeks I been on bended knees before you Have you I certainly have Horace spoke trie pretty flirt as she reached f her handbag Heres a shilling Go and have your trousers pressed After so much bending they must be A the Friday the Grand Jury the case Abe the who was fatally shot while Standing on the doorstep of a bouse March last Harry up before Magis oh Friday He was quad in a car steal ing a on the imms found brok en but nohing was missing was three months in jail with hard labor The movement on thti part pro- ilnent to the housing has shape of the first huu- houses ha born This is On and In Ward One A young man named Geo SUmVior whoso parents live in drowneil In Long last Is the drown ing accident this Spring wai City Traveller left Co aged years His Honor and Lady with their family and are Occupying Street aft their Official old House having sold to a railway com- A new is Friday week kins slipped and tell in the shops while worklfig on wa the heavy fell crushing his head and died at the Hospital a few v A honor consisting of men from each the city Infantry and represent at tho cavalry Will His Excellency the Duke when ho lays the cornerstone the new addition to the Military Insti tute on University Avenue on In the Police Court on- Friday- Harold Webb was found guilty insulting Uncage on- street and tlo Court Imposed a fine JSOor days in jail Harold will not be quite so with his alter this James just remarked Dickie Bird to a young- girl in the street and the ova- a fine 11 Dickey Birds come high Only legal sites of revolvers have made in Toronto this year The formality and red tane thrown about the sale of firearms and dangerous weapons is such that the trade therein has greatly reduced The Board Victoria College has granted its Chancellor Dr Burwash a years holiday He is to to practically responsibility Un til the opening in Now pass the collectionplate for education The- Police Department oINorth To ronto has had a new dog kennel greet ed which will hold a dozen do is and a local paper says Heres that it will get every dog in town Mrs Elliott a roomer at avenue was found unconscious on Saturday morning in her- room from the of gas escaping She was rushed to- the hospital and is re covering Sunday was Mothers Day and was duly in tc various churches The- following was the toast of city social circles K boys just a moment youve all had your say lb While enjoying yourselves in so pleas- ant a way Weve toasted our our friends and our wives Weve toasted each other wishing all merry lives But now I propose the toast that is test one in a million and outshines the rest Dont when I tell you this toast beats all others But drink one more toast boys a toast to our mothers The City Councils record in re gard to water supply is not much commended Another water famine is predicted as the water mains are not of sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the city There will be a shakeup next January among Cor poration Aldermen it people meant what they now say about them The fire Lumber Yard a Week ao last Saturday did damage to the extent of Tho Official Gazette announces formation of 000000- Company n Toronto uader the title of the Cana dian Scans Limited This simply means a merger of soap companies in United States and Canada An other merger Canadian Auto mobile Association Limited To ronto About oclock on Friday night Mr Kilmartin was awakened by smoke in his bedroom On going down to the kitchen he found place in fiames After arousing his wife and- four children be rang a call for the firemen but by the time they arrived the premises were almost en tirely destroyed Some days ago Ice cream factory on Gladstone avenue between and College streets where about forty people were employed collapsed caused it is thought by an explosion Two people were killed and about a dozen injured It took over an hour to dig out the in- who were partially burled in the ruins It is confidently affirmed in society circles that June weddings this year will bo a record maker Embryo brides and people times Bridesmaids flower- girls etc are in the throes of anx iety regarding apparel and other de tails Grooms are also worrying Of course Issuers marriage licenses and clergymen are ruling their hands in what numerous wed dings mean to them Be Prior Pink Pills for 500 Gin for 3 for Burdock Bitters 76 Enos Fruit Salts 86 Si Kendqlls Core 76 t si 3 35 Re Price 1 Clastic Balsam SI 26c Chases Pills Syrup of LiDStcd Thomas Oil 25c Four Cough Syrup 26 I SPECIALS to One Worth of Retail Soaps or Medicines We fill Jive One Pair it 7inch Carbonized Steel Shears fel5 WINDOW OPTICA ONIV MAY The Store HP press Co Store Phone to Sod from trains handled with despatch i away last week was burled at are a in Hastings avenue who was struck by Cemetery on charge of arrangements for yie Parliament car at w- Deceased was years old- of to rard and avenue A trio of Holland men the bundled years day of last at General of peace between Great and Hospital at three oclock next mors- the United States Two wee lads and years monster sturgeon caught in the i Geo West and John Bell appeared before County Magistrate last Friday morning on a charge stealing a suitcase trav- samples valued at They remanded lot a and will be taen to tor trial Hon Hon It Dan durand Sir tl A A Sir William Sir William It Meredith Sir William Sir arid Sir Ed- ning in a car on Parliament River Columbia Is Street on ot last week re- feet long and weighing lbs was severe One of the secured by Fred Burgess for the sustained a compound fracture Columbia Packers Association of the right arm a fracture of it was stuffed and sent down to skull His recovery is doubtful The Toronto to the President Mr was about the race and larvis It is now placd among arms his many trophies Caviare to Pouryearold Walter Jeffs 487 value of over was taken it ENGMSH PAINT SAID THE MAN sir I to ur limited KuUV Piliit You put to money new then would wasteful wouldnt I sad painting for BH Paint Kobe but the for fair to the BENNETT Newmarket c The Runabout A tailors sign in a little town was an apple simply an pie The people amazed at it came in crowds to ithe as whatever- was the meaning The tailor with a complacent smile replied hadnt been tor an ap ple where would clothing business he today rr This THE BETTER CAR Every Part of this Car made In Canada They cannot be made better anywhere Patronize Home Industry and get the full- worth of your money PI CATIONS MOTOR cylinder vertical cyl inders cast in pairs J inch bore 3J Inch stroke nickel steel valves inches in diameter bearings of lest white fan fly wheel- in front IGNITION Bosch high tension mag net to no spark coil or connecting wires COOLING water pipes of very large diameter elimin ating the pump and overheating troubles system fed by automatic oiler controlled by accelerator running in sliding gear two speeds forward and ro- vcrscv DRIVE Shaft drive through univer sal Joint shaft being mounted on annular ballbearings thrust from drivepinion on grooved race ball thrust bearing REAR AXLEBevelleJ gear dittc- and axle mounted on import ed A S ballbearings FRAME Pressed steel channel sec tion with four cross members FRONT AXLE One piece 1beom steel axle dropforged heat treat ed SPRINGS Two front springs rear cross spring giving a three point suspen sion- STEERING GEAR- Rack and pinion type with 16inch steering wheel BRAKES Four internal expending on rear wheels hand lever operat ing emergency brakes and foot ped al operating the other changed by band lever clutch by foot pedal throttle by foot accelerator and hand lever on steering inches Scinch WEIGHT 1300 pounds with stand ard equipment ROAD CLEARANCE JO inches grade black leather tufted STANDARD EQUlPMENTSide oil lamps tail lamp gas lamps gener ator latest improved zigzag wind shield special mohair top full set of tools tire repair outfit and horn WITH COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FACTORY We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY A CO To ledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney tor the last years and believe him perteetly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the fcBUm Testimonials seat free Prices per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation EXECUTORS Notice toJSreditors Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the of John S of gentleman deceased who died at Newmarket on the day of March are requested to file with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors of the last will of the said John Millard deceased their said claims properly proven on or before the day of May immediately thereafter the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate those parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims thee fil ed Dated 2nd of May 3 wis Sol for Executors i Profitable Poultry Actual yield for our months from 63 layers Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for winter lay ing through a severe season wfcrofc- is hard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain of Rhode Reds which ere without a peer as table fowl and wonderful egg producers Fifteen for i Aubrey Davis Newmarket Oat I NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Price 800 The above specifications are truthful and do not mislead Compare them with any and you will find more Quality in Harding Cars than any of Its size and kind on the market Anyone about to buy an automobile needs no more convincing evidence that his choice should be a Harding Runabout as specifications clear ly prove quality and many other features essential for perfect construction ASK FOR FROM B CANE Pf and 0 per setting her handbag Heres a what numerous wed- A Fertility I uvr lo J Mrs E Graham FOR Fit TCH After so much bending they must be Patterson of passed Mm CASTOR A D ot Agent Newmarket Ontario NOTICE hereby rivrn that Louise Marguirette Ruth the City of Toronto in the County York Province of Ontario Married Woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session lor a Bill of Divorce from her hus band Cecil Stafford Ridge the City of Seattle in the State Wast the ground nonsup port and adultery Dated at Toronto in tbe Province Ontario the day April GODFREY IT AND HENDERSON Adelaide St West for Louise MarguireWs Ridge I I n I I s r o 3 WS ARCHIVES OF QNTARK TORONTO

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