Newmarket Era, 24 May 1912, p. 2

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V A I owing Machine for Sale A Singer la Ofeee order For sale at Nil Apply to- MACKENZIE St Newmarket wanted TV By July suitable rooms for Public Library and Reading Apply to NA Sec Library Hoard The political reaction in apparent La says Sept remain ing faithful to Sir Wilfrid pivo signs of a Conservative reaction furnishing Mr Harden partisan Instead of in- the preceding parlia ment Is It not therefore- extreme ly significant he counties to the Liberal fold Provincial contest how the Is E F MAY have return at the recent The change si blowing Sent of Vancouver- IsvitiVhls mother Mrs WbmWs ovular held at Mrs Wednesday the Wslrtetniccting the J will A on Iter Reuben will preach at Wesley on puiafay Sfiih Player was held at Mrs K last week and Mrs Robinsons St k Wanted to Apply to Turnip deed i ft US In Newmarket very and Hunter Canadian Ocm of this socalled uiadlan the Hatch and Hunter have a supply ail I sVbutehpr Shop Newmarket Hi Jiff 1 House ffruit c close to Lake Sim- coo four situated ConvenUui to Store School Vpply to Virglula Out A press despatch from dated Saturday last state that by a mine workers In day r it ill Into by their suucommittca with the coat and ordered that men and boys la mines return to tnWodncstay fteairmtn 09aicion to- retum to the icrles on Monday so to assist In the mines lor the rt-eump- Wark evn AR VALLBY House and Lot FOR SALE i The property of A Lang butcher Main street Newmarket is ottercd for sale by tender up to Saturday boon the of Juno The building is frame plate front with ar- around the whole building 3 years Cement collar lull with outside entrance rooms on second flat finished first Rao yard Hallos getting Premier of the A May that of not A gathering of rt6accrcdited of the passed a resolution with the louuittUxvfavortt4 its patr member and Chelating in all trades but ourV boast of certain business peo ple but thrift which exceeds the legal limit has recently been discov ered In the Dominion Postal Depart ment A despatch from Ottawa in a special the Globe says A drop letter is carried for on Cent while letter sealed and sent city requires a twocent stamp It has been discovered that some enterprising Arms ad- largely through the mails CO suitable or lot Great opportunity addressed stamped envelopes for butcher 1 ii i have been sending by express bundles at ni Address tenders to TOWN REAL ESTATE AGENCY for mailing at dropletter rates la cities where they desire to syimulato trade The postal say that while this is economy for the business Is gong Boarders Wanted authority of the law They have warned the firms and for more Boarders at masters in dropletter cities that the Cedars Cor Victoria and practice must stop Hereafter par- Park Mrs Scott ties continuing the practice will to I prosecuted Scrap Wanted I Ml I J Having located on Superior Street opposite tbo Grand sheds I am prepared to pay Top Price lor all kinds of scrap Iron brass copper rubber rags bottles etc delivered on the premises or it notified through the I will call and collect the same P A Bain Wagon kept on the road all the time- NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town Newmarket on day of April AD providing for the issuing of debentures to the amount of for purpose providing Increased accommodation and that such Law was registered In the Registry Office of the North Riding of County of York on the ninth day of May 1912 Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made throe months after the first publication of this notice cannot bo made thereafter Dated day of May J HUGHES 3w CleiV Teuders for Public School Sealed Tenders separate or bulk will be received the Architect up evening June for the erection of a SixRoomed Public School Building in Newmarket Thostructure will bo of stone and nrick with artificial stone trimmings flat roof plumbing warm air heating etc Plans A specifications may he seen at the Architects oflJco and niter May The lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted DR C H CLARK Chairman of TENCH Architect Newmarket tW farmers finished Hi I Wonder if it going to rain all Summer the ground will I nice to and soft Miss also Miss Mill Penrose Toronto spent Sunday with In What that black King doing new Sunday Mo had better be oh the lookout Mr Will Party Sound is home- again for a tew days Mr Jesse has his mill going the rubber tire wants to come an- day than Sunday next time Poor fellow he has our deepest sym- Mr Percy Van has also ar rived again It is too hard to write any more LEMON V1LLE The Rev Clements a very effective sermon on Sunday evening list text was not have this man to reign over The choir sang two selections which were well rendered There has been a Home iVpartufent organized With our Sun day School and the Visitors will be calling on the who do not attend Sunday School We hope much good may be derived from it The lUllantrae appointment the circuit has their Ladies Aid tor the summer and the first meeting will to- held on the first Thursday in June at the of Mrs Baker Mr and Mrs CUB of Ring- wood were friends here on Sunday The many friends Mrs be sorry to her illness We hope for her speedy re covery KETTLEBY Mondays World makes the an nouncement that Hon J Hanna Ontarios Provincial Secretary un less Sir James Whitney and his colleagues can persuade him remain and unless he decides himself that tho work he now has in hand is of too great importance to leave will accept the position of the Do minion Railway Commission in suc cession to- the late Judge J P May- bee which has been offered him by the Dominion Government We are told that if Mr accepts the position he will be succeededin tho Provincial Government by Hon Lucas The Toronto however also another junior of the Federal Government states that His Honor Judge Drysdale a prominent Nova is likely to think the News is more likely to be in the secrets of the Federal Gov ernment- the World However we will wait and sec whether either really have the the or not Already evidence is readily of a- turn in the politico tide A Montreal despatch to the Toronto Globe last week alter Provincial elections in Quebec had taken place seems to Indicato that the National ists have turned their backs oh the Borden Administration Here is an extract The Nationalists state that most of their votes this time went against the Conservatives which ac counts for the winning of a ridings where the Liberals hold feared defeat And further they declare that the coalition with the Conserva tives either Provincial or Federal Is with and that the Government appeals to th country again they will found working for Lauder with a hope that a similar revulsion ot feeling will make Itself felt throughout the coun try and end tho Conservative Admin istration With feeling running as It is now it is a that should there bo an appeal to country Liberals In this Pro vince would win as sweeping a ma jority tor Ottawa as Ad ministration has just won number from Court Sea bright I O P the funeral of the late Mr Webster last Sunday Womens Institute will hold a public meeting at the home Mrs Bert on Thursday May 30th Dr SiniUe of Toronto will fc speaker and other enter tainment will be provided cordially invited Every bring a basket Come and have a good time Watsons store is being renovated with new coat of paint Rev Ji attended Dis trict meeting at Cookstown on Tues day Mr and Mrs Mel Stephens spent the weekend with their daughter Miss Barbara Blackburn of Peter borough is homo on her vacation Mrs Oscar a days and Toronto Miss Gladys Hut In town over the Vera Wt on to at Chatham of Is spent a of with more Capi Morris of New was a gocet Id a few last week Mis of Stratum was 1 the weckxjud Mr Lang tho butcher talks of British lit tiie future A big crowd Newmarket ex pects to take Fair at today A number people to spend at ikftch it weather is favorable Mr and to speiiu Victoria hoi days at Mrs and spent Saturday in town- with Mrs Miss Widdificld and Miss Greta Wednesday to visit Mrs Of Pembroke Miss Is suppslylng on public School start during the- Miss this Mrs Belfry and Master Harold am the relatives at Barrio and Cooks- town Rev Amos of Aurora left Monday tor New York City will his -daughter- for a weeks Mr J and at tended the unveiling the Memorial in honor of his father in Toronto oil Saturday Miss Eva ho has been under ihe Ws during the past two weejis was slightly Improved jcsterday Mr E Lundy has gone to the West again for the summer When he lei here he purposed going direct to Edmonton His Worship Mayor Cane ana wife were At Home Thursday even ing of last week with a number of people j Miss Truman ode of our Public School teachers called home last week owing to the death her grandmother Mrs and i- Montreal have been her sisters Park for the two weeks V Miss Maude Gillian guest of Mrs John Mil lard Aye during her stay in market next week i For ma ton jean wo have to this atoro stand for QUALITY Wo know and you know that in order for a to stand and retain its must bcII This wo have dona you at this and it does not you Baiisfnotiqn for money paid we Bay by all tiring it and w will prioe BUSINESS WITH YOU r WE WANT TO AND Witt fliVBTHB WORTH YOUR OF ANY IN NORTH YORK 10U THIS ITEM A MONEY SAVER J WEAR QUEEN QUALITY SHOES I MENS HUSH GRADE SUITS only Mens High Grade Spring Suits this Seasons Latest Styles of Trimmings and in Tweed a Worsteds Our regular Values On Side STANS WELT BOOTS Pairs aieiis High Years Stylo Solid Leather nil sizes Regular up to -pftfe- On Srde Saturday Pair a piece Talis Only Boys Piece Suits Made of Strong well made and reg ular lip to On SalcMSatunlay i NEW BLOUSES EACH Six Styles to choose from Beautifully Made and Trimmed All Sizes Each SKIRTS EACH Made of All Wool Panama Cloths in Blue and Brown Made in this Seasons Latest Styles Worth W00 On Sale 300 Each Wall Papers to Clear at Bargain Brices AIL bar sold to 19c per roll All Our Paper that sold at 16c Per Roll Seduced loiajc per roll All Our Papers that sold ill Per Roll Reduced to 10c per roll All Our Papers that sold at Per Roll to per BORDERS BY THE ROLL DOUBLE THE PRICE OF SIDE WALL A V Is rumoured that Mrs Dr and Master Dick remove from the i to also Miss Irene Ave Toronto spent over Sun- Columbia day at Mr Geo Hughes Mr Jack McDonald represented Newmarket Orange- Lodge at the un veiling the Alex Muir Memorial in Toronto last Saturday Miss one of our Pub lic School teachers called home last week account ol the illness ot her mother who died on Saturday Mrs Aihert confined to her oMyphus A in Miss Olive Watson spent a Quebec City days in Miss at Mr Geo Aiming of and a pneumonia but Is doing nicely trained nurse from the city is charge Mr Fred Collins was in yesterday calling on old friends It is between and years since he kit Newmarket- He has been living s j Inspector Houston paid An official Edna a few visit to the High School last week K remarks he dropped lady friend fathers spent at his Merritt expects a very Marie Shaw of minster visited Miss- Wesley over Sunday Mr Mrs of Carlton St Toronto will be abroad this summer They sailcl onf the steamship George from Halifax on May 1st and will visit Great Britain Holland Austria and France and expect tobe back in time to a few weeks at their summe able report in a few days Among those who lure for the West recently are Mr and Mrs Dunning and Mr for l and Mrs Crittenden for Imperial Sask A party of two dozen emigrants direct from Liverpool arrived In- the town on the Cobalt express on Mon day night another party of right- direct from Bristol last week Miss Mamie Love of Toronto Conservatory of Music is staying with Mrs Proctor while in town She will sing at the lew wccks at their summer home Cedars Lake on Tuesday evening the Autumn They are accompanied The marriage of Miss Margery by their daughter Mrs j Boyd eldest daughter THE LEADING Undertaking You can buy For A EMBALMING A Night callft fttieaded to at John H Millard and IS THE CRADLE SMITH At Sharon on May to Mr and Mrs John Smith a som In Newmarket on May to Mr and Mrs Karlby a In on May to Mr and Mrs Thomas a son King to Mr and Mrs a son May Neil Dyke Dr Mann v I I Canadian Pacific Railway SESSb Upper Lakes Navigation Steamers leave Port Mondays Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Saturdays at pm lot ARTHUR AND Steamer Manitoba sail- from Port Wednes- days will call at Owen Sound leaving that point pm Steamship Express Leaves Toronto pm on sailing days making direct con- with Port Single FARE Victoria Day Between all stations In Can ada Port Arthur and East GOOD GOING MAY RE TURN LIMIT MAY Rate of Excursions May June ill and ev ery Second Tuesday until Sept inclusive WINNIPEG and return EDMONTON and return Proportionate rates to other points Return limit days- THROUGH TOURIST SLEEP- CARS Pamphlet Ask nearest Agent for Th Farm Journal rises to remark that J Morgan i the noted finan cier of New York can on his check any minute but the man who is raising a large fam ily on a week Is a greater fi nancier than Morgan Seattle Wash May 18 A spe cial cable to the Seattle Post Intel ligencer from Dawson- Yukon Yukon Valley is Mr and Mrs George Boyd Que- to Mr A Walk er formerly of Newmarket will take place early June Pocket Miss John- ston Superintendent of the General Hospital left on Tuesday for a trip to the She will spend a day at Winnipeg and from there will go to where she in tends to recuperate after her recent illness On return trip she in tends to visit Edmonton Saskatoon St Paul Minneapolis and the ALTAR on May Mr Carl E D Gordon of Ravenshoe to Miss Edna Micks eldest daughter ol Geo Micks of Newmarket for merly of At Home alter May at Hearts Rest near Out We have just received a consignment of Oranges and Grape Fruit for Marma lade also some Fancy Navel Oranges for Table use They are from to per We have a choice variety of canned Fruits put up by ourselves in quart jara at and per jar Have you tried the new Corn Flakes as goods as the best and sell for Dried Fruits are high this year but we can give you a nice line of Pruned at 10c per lb MGGAULEY Our Phone No ifl 35 r a roaring furnace for miles between Big Mayo Hospital at Rochester Salmon and Stuart City Every- j Miss Johnston expects to away for where fores fires are raging bat two months She was formerly a they are no near any city pil lions of feet of timber have been ruined May Elmer aged one year and nine months son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Ferguson was scalded to death at today by falling Into a pan of hot water that Iliad been for a few niinutes upon floor The accident at noon and tho little lived until oclock London May After a prolong ed- trial in the Old Bailey Mrs the leader of the militant SunYoettes and Mr and Mrs Lawrence the editors ot Votes for Women were convicted today on a conspiracy charge and sentenced to nine months imprison ment but without hard labor The sentence Is regarded as ridicujously light one The defendants were also condemned to pay the costs of the trial- school teacher in Newmarket Mr writing from Calgary Alto says This is tho most uptodate cleanly and pro gressive city I have yet seen the on ly place Toronto has in comparison is in size But that city wili have to lookto her laurels as Calgary has a population of nearly sixty thousand and Is only twentyfive years existence We have a municipal own ed street car system uptodate with payasyouvnter cars An abundant supply of good water streets are mostly granolithic pavement with some block and brick pavement in the business section streets are cleaned by flushing every night I find that in comparing the amount of done in North York Registry Office with that done the South- Alberta Lands Titles Office here is about on the same par as to compare a pack peddler T Eatons Department al Store THE TOMB Newmarket on May Charles Robinson Cemetery on Tuesday- 4 WEBSTER In King on May Ebenczer Webster aged 57 years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday Industrial Home on May 1913 Abel Smith aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday In Newmarket on May Margaret infant of Earlby Trivett STOCKSAt his late residence King May Abram Stocks in his 57th year DRUGS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson Phm MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies I Fresh Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Hou No Stow No St a VAIN ST Hi- All Mm Kingston May 19 The Mon trealowned steamer coal laden took fire shortly before midnight in Lake Ontario yesterday and was burned to the waters edge- subse quently sinking The captain and a crew of twelve men took to a life boat and were driven before a violent gale finally landing this morning at Henderson Harbor N The vessel was north of Oswego when fire was discovered near the boiler- room and after ineffectual attempts to subdue it the men left the vessel They were thoroughly exhausted on 1 A I Wanted General Servant Apply to Mrs Field Park Ave The Harness Shop Over Library may have- to move out J Jones is selling vM cheap Call and we i Boarders Wanted Near Factories Apply at the com- Ontario and Superior streets CHRISTIAN WB L Lll W tt I i ess ARCHIVES OF TORONTO irf s

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