Newmarket Era, 24 May 1912, p. 3

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fV V nit- niT A 1 J i Baseball CottfRO oclock yesterday afternoon I A Alt his raised the fool dC his resilience On Victoria Ave It Mill be W rushed Saturday Help Wanted iVx want Ten SaWsladics i Salesman IMti Oft salaries Intelligently to Move Library Hoard tuts given notice to vacate the present before lie 1st of Aufiust is Carnegie Library Time the Council was busy A Kicked a Tuesday Mr Willis kicked the face by be bad just recently purchased It was tor him to Come to town ami have a tew stitches put in but will Ogata lb a tew days Another Machine Explore A now machine ftir lo MArt US can patent installed Thompson Shop and is giving SlOXTHONTH TO knives MKIMT AND CHURCHILL FOR j Saturday Special Our Special next M nlll be Marine and Mel nd the Chamois l to Hudson turday May to the or Tort Nelson faVes the place the Churchill Hud- gains In on St TIw and go north are being tot the trip mi a Farmers Excursion of Mi York Institute to the Aftruultural will be Mk on Wednesday and expiipped nHh iiistnnmnts ftp will sail on is on a party headed by of A effort will made thorough stUdv the inagiKtio have the teachers of Norths the party This fit the popular excursions the sea son doubt be wall pat the special train a m and Pcits return about p are is Cheap only A SKVat car leaves Sutton at ti15 and with at- Huron amicat will provided the tlMdson Hay n Strait in the The sailing some id later down and examine he harbors id Ilmu-i- ill and Nelson will be in Anderson who will have With him Lieut- and wellknown New naviga tor ships In Hud son Day waters until itch out by Tapestry Carpet pleating out few Sp lUntonl Roche iiiilitii for Co Opportunity or Investors Mr Morton the Town Heal Agency is a public sale of Lots and also several houses on the first Saturday June Watch tor posters giving particulars 1 Changed Hands I The house Main Street next to Langs which was by Mr J after Ideath Mr Timothy was sold on Wednesday to Mr Win Smith formerly Jacksons Point through Town Heat Estate Agency Mr Pmith intends to occupy it as s possible lets The insurance Inspector was around two or three days this week and found little cause for complaint the York Rangers will go in to camp this year at Niagara on the 3rd of June and return June Gardners Foundry is rushed with orders tons castings for the new Davis Tannery were placed on this week Mr Bert Gardner is driving an au- to now ft provided for trip ami will bring back bight Au- as to the the at- King Crossing navigation season A rota and a special train Is provided tor the existence good harbor at the return trip the same All Fort has been prepared by are good to Marine Department It Pert June by any fleeted Ontario will tickets hart A return on iratu Agricultural Assistance Mr J Super in in charge of the Agricultural Depart ment of Newmarket High School lias his hands full just now being by farmers in this vicinity tor ad- a right way to under the arrangement made last summer j On Monday- last week there appeared the town hail a I laughter to the deepest The whole pray was intensely inter- and the- players deserve to he highly The total re ceipts amounted iooyeriX Keep the Dote Reserved The Ladies Aid Society oi Christian Church have secured Miss Oilman to give one of her popular entertainments in the church on tho evening of Tuesday May Miss Mamie Love oi To ronto Conservatory of Music will al so give vccil selections during the program will be a miscellane ous one This will be a trent as alt Miss Oilmans work is in front rank all her programs here attest adjoining the corporation for mental -purposes- The land staked off in plots There- is both and low ground and the same sreds and vegetables will be used with different fertilizers and different methods of cultivation as a matter of practical demonstration to the farmers of North York Accurate The young people will make an ef count will he of cost of labor tort to reorganize the tennis club- and value product and the same The death took place at Ms home plot will be use next year to show Ave Toronto of crops T Iday last of troth- Mr Sleekier is also interesting Mr- George and a in the growing resident of this place Deceased corn from Canadian wed and in the was years of age and is survived Township King with the School by his wife Lane Duke and Children in- prizes for prcduct of son Norman The remains were homegrown plots where ah the at- brought to and interred in and cultivation has the English Church cemetery experiments The meeting of the Womens theioope will has been postponed until greatly enlarged- next veari day May Tlie farmers are to jee the A plot of ground adjoining the Agricultural Branch in our High school has teen secured and the teach School is capable of being of great and pupils are carrying en Bridegrooms Fatal Illness Copied from Edmonton Bulletin ot Friday May 3rd circumstances attended the death of Samuel Adams of Sixth strcejt which took place on Thurs day night was a civil en gineer and wellknown prospector throughout the northern country and was to have teen married on April 21th but owing to his sudden Ill ness the wedding was postponed and a few days later he died ol Deceased was tho young est son of the late Adams- of and bis remains- will taken thero for- interment The bride to was Em Archer of Edmonton and formerly of Holland Landing of Mrs Isaac Brock and Mrs A Thompson both of this town- commercial benefit to them and we have no doubt but that the ural than doub- next winter Mrs I to ft- Telephone Directory Owing to inaccuracies in the latest- Directory the following is list of additions and corrections which the Central Exchange would be much obliged if the wouttt kind ly cut out and paste in their Direct ories Additions Milligan St Joii Smith- St It Dyke St Geo Forrester Miller Huron St Tait Holland Landing ft A Howard livery Main a Hill Dutchers Main Albert Collins Queen St r3 loscjh Sheridan ville Marshall A ProctorMain St J HallChristian Wiley Co Express- Herald Win Moulds Park Ave Mrs P Hunt Joseph- Ave 1st Mrs Sarah Lome Ave Geo St Score out Following J F Stallard J A Robertson H Herman Meek J Johnston Gilford Mann H V Co 153 J York A Mckenzie A STYLISH WEDDING RINGS There is Style to Wed ding Bands as in all things Dame Fashion Demands and we fulfil Our latest Shapes are certainly the Best ever shown for the Wedding Sea son Different prices from to but only one Quality Plump 18 K Gold- Solid flight Through L CO and opticlone P Ticket Issuer Marriage Licenses dening operations according to the recent the- Educational Department is the first school has been secured and the work- in Rome May The Turkisk troops who surrendered to the Italians in the Island Rhodes number in cluding IS pincers According to the newspaper tehee the Italian troops seized rifles and four batteries of artillery Prussia May Prince George William the eldest sen of the puke of and his chamber lain Von were instantly kill ed in an automobile accident on the highway near here this evening They left Berlin early in the in tending to ta Copenhagen by way ot Hamburg to attend the fune ral of the princes uncle the late King Frederick May IS Following a heavy rdinfall which ended only this morning with sunshine the rise in the Jacques and Montmorency Rivers mountain lakes has been extremely high flooding the hanks and inundating the farms lo cated- on the low levels Snow fel yesterday all along the ranges to such on extent that tho mountains were last evening envelop ed in a white mantle The spring season of tides is responsible or these unfavorable weather conditions How About the New Suit FOR 24tl fl Just in time now if you order at onco Suits made to Your Special Measure and Delivered in Days i Very Latest Styles and Patterns shown here in the Brand of Clothing SemiReady The Clothes with a Guarantee Call and be Convinced See Our Line of Mens Furnish ings Boots and Shoes They are the latest DUNCAN The Cents Outfitter Philanthropic of hi now talkie follow ink In wake of the an Continuation wherein girls caking furnishing and the purchase of including fell want Iho can bo perfnmiM Iho of pm rt unless tho am Such as the Ifaoting par iHnaity or A gentle- Of this whs Very near pinched week a vlola- of this statute A lire which Parted Unknown cause in the basement Of the Co ftt Niagara street on last did the of JinUirday Was opening day at Park The feature the Occasion was speedy high who took leap a of more than loo into three four of Another was the Regimental Hand of New York with the of Roy alty and the races Toronto have been taxed to almost the this week Hon White Minister ft- at Ottawa and leader of the Opposition in the Ontario honor at a dinner given on- Friday- evening National Club tie course of his speech Hon Mr White said believe no in the world wnnoares with Canada day as a mid business or the discriminating investment of Three Toronto were arrest ed in Rochester Monday and will be taken to bring them back- to this city on charges theft It Is reported the Ontario- Govern ment will bring into force the new Public Health Act dividing Pro vince into Health districts before Do minion Day The lfcikfr c re turning to Ottawa will review the troops en the historic common at The date for this visit has not yet been definitely but it will to week in June lie also will pf anew set of colors to the Rangers Word has been received tbc bitnd pigs of the Porcupine dis trict have recently swelled the Gov ernment about New Ontario is a wealthy section The West premises were purchased by the Royal Tem- of Temperance this week In poUe on Monday a powerfully jam man named John Graham of St was arrailjn- on a charge of inflicting serious wounds upon- his wifes head the week before viciously attacking her with a claw hammer He pleaded guilty hut said he was drunk Two years all but cne day in the Central was the decision the court Sir- has given out to the- city tress that there is no truth in the story the World that Provincial Secretary has been- of fered the airmanship of the Hail- way Commission in succession to the late Judge Ed Coulter was sent to the Cen tral Prison for three months for as saulting a constable who had a war rant for his arrest on a charge stealing a horse While Mrs do of Church street was lighting a gas stove Saturday morning her cloth ing fire and she was burped on the hands and arms necessitating her removal to St Michaels Hospi tal Rev Hamilton Conference is allowed to be trans ferred to Toronto Conference and will Come to Toronto as pastor of the Howard Park Methodist Church Tha Womens Canadian Club of To ronto sent Mayor a cheque for or the Titanic fund On Saturday last Conductor court of the line was slight ly injured when the freight train had charge of went into the ditch just past Weston Eight were derailed In the Garrison church parade on there were 3123 officers and men The Army and Navy Veterans of and 70 and South Africa were inspected by the GovernorGeneral and his party in front of St James Cathedral Sunday morning A telegram from Cohdlt on Monday conveyed the news of drowning a Toronto man named Geo Lawrence in the River on Satur day He was upset from a canoe- The Canadian Association the Prevention of Tuberculosis held its annual convention- in the Mar garet Eaton Hall during this week TA attendance was large The long and continuous rain this week has caused the Don to rise higher than at any time since It reached a flood on Tuesday Premier Whitney announced this that the Ontario Government will be represented counsel at the hearing of the marriage law case in the Supreme Court at Ottawa on Monday next Co Westropp was in the city last week on his way home from India where- ho served twelve cam paigns The bands of the city held a concert at the Armories Sat urday evening in aid of the Titanic memorial fund and raised people attended Now that the planting season is nearly over it Is found that farmers have more potatoes in store than The annual Bible and Missionary Conference of the Missionary Taber nacle St opened Sunday morning Mr USE New Spring Goods Arriving Every Now Prints Vesting New Muslins New VollleS Window Shades We a ViV Shades from Very to the Very Beat t In Union Cornets dn All Wool In Tapestry Carpets 780 Carpet Squares In Onion and all sires ami OH Clothes In all Widths yard to tour Yards Wide A Boots and Shoes New Spring in flrrat Variety We Very Best Makers Shoes Pair Sell V White Beans fi Celery Relish Jar Maple Syrup q4 Bottle of 10o v fV Canned Cherries French Mustard pit Canned Fresh and flutter Jar- you would like call Monday phone A BRUNXON V e for the glory hiss days in Yang ecu flU China Mr i Cars Cony trtive has been offered and will accept the office of Inspector Polities paid allright two women are in St each with a rib as a result of a between nor ear and n carriage at the corner ami Creseeht on Saturday Live Stock Market change in prices cattle in Toronto to per about the same but lambs have advanced to each Hogs have dropped to per A STANDARD WPt THE LADIES STORE t j May Fall Wheat per bush 0 0 Barley per bush Peas per GO- 0 per tin at00f- Shorts per ton SO V- Hay per ion Kggs 0 j 2 0 16 16 LADIES Night Robes made of fine elaborately trimmed with Lace Insertion long sleeves fine tucks for Ladies White Skirts fine Col tan Lace for If Ladies fine Drawers with wide shadow Lace and fine tucks Reg Special price LUNDY Ill Jp thfcVens per Geese per lb Turkeys per lb BANK MONTREAL Toronto Markets May j Fall Wheat per hush 1 Goose per bush df- CO Oats per bush ft flarley hush Peas bush Rye per bush Hay per ton per Rutter per ft CAPITAL ALL PAID UP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 4tiwh I 1 0850 18 2S 0 30 Potatoes per bag Chickens O Turkeys per lb vi at all important in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banting- transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate at heretofore Geese per lb Ducks per ft CLOTHING IS- J- ft NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS STOCK BOUGHT AT A RATE OK SHOE STOCK BOUGHT AT A RATE ON THE PRICES DANFORO ROCHE CO have purchased a Clothing Stock amounting to at a rate on the dbllarin order to be able to sell their Customers Clothing at Manufacturers Prices and undersell the Stock SHOE STOCK Now remarked and on Young Men who wear sizes Sale A Great Bargain for in Patent Leather Tan Oxford or Summer Shoes Spec- ial in good quantity Foot Ball Boots and Dancing Pumps MENS From New York also English Felts J 7r Buyers of Stocks of Merchandise at a Bargain in order to give a bargain v A i A to 5 BBS i auk m mm mm SSJs mm em is g ss m SB ARCHIVES OF ONTORI TORONTO Kin sum x a SfflEiati ra

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