Newmarket Era , May 24, 1912, p. 4

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WELL AGAIN From Bearing Dow line Backache nd Pain fey hams Compound you for advice as I completely run down had bearing down sensation the lower part of bow els backache and pain In the side also suffered terribly from gas I took E V tab pound and am now entirely free from pain fib back and bowels and J am stronger In evy y I recommend highly to all expectant Mrs Logan Aw Toronto Ontario Consider Well This No woman suffering from any form of cm ale troubles should lose hope until has given Veg etable Compound a fair trial This famous remedy the medicinal of which are derived from roots and herbs has for nearly forty proved to be a most valuable tonic of the female organism omen residing In almost every city jd town In the United SUtes bear infilling testimony to the wonderful Virtue of Lydia E Vegetable I Compound it You hay the slightest doubt Compound will help you write to Lydia Medicine Co confidential Moss for Your letter will read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence Next day alter the Provincial era election in week the Star asked the there mote byof elections or Mictions In which the cortapollcra Federal Government to In his examination- the investigation in Toronto last won W Travcrt completely exonerated Hon Mr and Ms entire Department from suspicion touching the paid to help along the the the Farmers but be would not tell who got the plunder Inst an On Saturday last an extra was placed on the sys tem between Toronto and and will be continued through out the season daily leaving the city at a in arriving Wharf at except Sundays making direct connection with strain ers or all on Muskoka It will prove a great accommodation to cottagers from Toronto located the district ii fc- Many Business Colleges close Vacation during the Sumjfter ELLIOTT not NOW is Time to Commence a or Catalogue for The halfyearly report of of Provincial Police for the period from Nov shows So were ha ml lev a of as With the same period of the pi year Of these resulted in convictions persons were stood awaiting trial No less than persons were under Actan of TafceWhaitPill Why a Dr Miles Anttalii Pill of course Good lor all kinds of pain Used to relieve Neuralgia Headache NciVousncss Rheu matism Sciatica Kidney Pains Lumbago Locomotor Ataxia Backache Stomachache Period ical Pains of women lor pain in any part the I hare used Dr Miles for Over I J yean and find them excellent keep Dr in the house all the time and would not think of a journey without no how short a am going I cannot praise them enough Miss Lou High 11 At S5 MILES MEDICAL CO TorontoCan ha Uwt at the monument to bis nwlher the late Queen Victoria in Queens and the floral decoratons for monument the hands of the public schools of A or and ftrpwri dealers named Sidney was Jolted from i with lumber on One of the wheels passei over the hranV An paper has this to say in regard to the cost of toe a dearer this iihaii reason Is wo u that this ice Is much cinder than brand Ice- sell Two horses were hunted to death when lire broke In a stable oii street last A many citizens of the Queen City are for to get aaay to their re sorts Owners cottage on the shore shd up are already leave I lor their homes they- got tired of the long winter lust passed l was found In the Police Court on liquor without a license WAS to w fine of go to jail for three months de cided Mr McMillan who was com- missioned to oyer the trial line of the pine to reports the dis trict does not possess Important but has in places and the rocks 3 for SI PHIS 35 3 for Ootids PHIS 35 SI Burdook B Bitters 76 SI Fruit Salts 86 Kendalls Spavin Cure 75 Buy It for at I BMGHTOH5 IK SI Peruna Chases Pills 250 Syrup of I Tarpentlne Thomas OII 26o Four Cough Syrup 26 76 RES SATURDAY SPECIALS A to Every UuylnR One Dollar Worth Soaps or WcdWnc We Will Give One Pair oilinch Carbonized Steel Shears Dull i IN ON MAY IS According to complaints received by Toronto of Police country towns and villages it seems certain that in parts ro- canvassers lor ralafed photos gulling the public The arc an Excellent Course Write ABOUT TEETH my way No two that chasers during the past year pos sibly and pergonal have its influence in securing but the the is a serious menace to puhlic safely found The authorities should put on caretul Ie way office seekers have humming around Premier dur ing Ms In Toronto caused a Store Dp Agents for Co and lot US toll you and Why If HOW ft thought and your to states the complaints received waitd run up into thousands all ol which goes to show that a Rood many Peo ple have been swindled Our readers are warned against the wiles ol these bogus canvassers Superintendent the Provin cial Police in his haltyearly report up to April states convictions ware secured under the Li cense Act and passing on de tail he says The seizures show an interesting collection viz 5331 lot- ties ot whiskey gallons whis key in various receptacles lot- ties beer bottles wine bottles brandy bottles oi gin and gallons wines it different receptacles As a result the pro secutions instituted during the six months some has Veen collect ed in fines According to the report the Dominion analyst ground ginger and Canadian are to be commended for their growing honesty Last year only nine cases of adulteration in samples ground ginger were Three amusement to observers The bad condition the road on years ago he found samples cases in Store Phone trains handled with despatch scene in tin to mate three His Royal Highness His excellency Sir Williams naught vyas among the fisst Governor Newfoundland with Mr tho train i v to ISEV DENTISTS OVERLAND i Motor Cars and Trucks Mooels are for Value and Abovs cut re presents our FivePassenger Thirty HorsePower Car at deliver ed Toronto fully equipped Call orderincoupoil and see our Models SHAWOVERLAND SALES CO- to Adelaide St West a i V j Some two or more ago a gas well was struck at Road while men were sinking a well tor water in that vicinity I weeks North Toronto Times referring to this Tact says Little notice was taken this at first as it was thought to he marsh As how ever the still continued was used by tho waterworks department a fuel under the boilers A learned professor was consulted on the in ject and he examined the gas declaring that it is gas the same aature and value ai the Famous Lake Erie welts produce ne gas is still in good force and was found when turned on the other day to up fifteen feet When in Toronto last week Hon White Minister Finance at Ottawa was interviewed at the King Edward as to the rumored tariff changes but he has learned bo canny as Scotchmen say Ho Is reported as having made the fol lowing reply There is only one and place for announcement of changes and thats when the budget speech is delivered in Parlia ment The changes authorized by the ot duM upon material fur use in our Canadian Some orders have made every year but they will not decrease whatever now to our home industries The Provincial License Department so Mail states has receiveda message announcing that seventeen convictions for breaches of the Llruor License Act teen secured as a result of lire investigations of In spector Morrison in Ontario In- each of the seventeen cases e of was Imposed by the dealers in up in Cochrane are ex periencing the truthfulness the adage respecting transgressors Scientific American Calls attention the fact that Fifteen days alter Miss Davie made the pioneer flight for woman across the English Channel Miss Harriett Quin- ly crossed alone in a mono plane Her time In the air on the She flight was about one hour passed over Dover in leaving Eng land and over Boulogne on entering France She landed at near Boulogne where has an establishment Miss as an aviatress has the honor making the pioneer flight of her sex across the much- dreaded channel Is the Time have all Your Harness Repaired or Ordered before we are Busy Better Workmanship at the Price than when the rush comes Just a Few Pair of Blankets and a few Strlnga Bells at Greatly Reduced Prices Harness Made to- Order REPAIRING A SPECHLTi CHA8 J DIX and Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket all Kinds Harness Prize List ot the Canadian Na tional Toronto August to September 9th has been is sued It shows the usual liberal prizes in departments of live stock agriculture and home work- amounting to a total of A of the innovations that might be noticed provision for competi tion in breeding horses for strings of five horses a number sections ad ded to provide for the newer breeds of poultry on priires for onions tomatoes and celery in baskets The last Is a government sugges tion meant to encourage export of these commodities As the attrac tions will include a review of cadets all the overseas dominions of the Empire the Scots Guards Band and a brilliant historical spectacle the ot Delhi it is safe to Pre dict another record National It is stated that somewhere 26 of the older lettercarriers of To ronto are to receive an extra allow ance of each from the Govern ment as pay Also others located in various parts of the Dominion The Mail gives this explanation About three years ago when the new legislation regarding the employees was adopted the oldest men wire to receive 225 per day They claimed that they should have received the maximum grade of and as result of theft agitation last year they were increased cents a The PostmasterGeneral has decided that they should have re ceived the maximum when the Act came into force and has ordered that this be paid to them To celebrate the event a banquet will be given at which the PostmasterGeneral and members of Parliament will be in vited Of course the benefi ciaries who receive apiece can well afford to dole out the extra 10 for a bunfeed seeing they get the over the as a solatium Evidently the present Government at Ottawa are making themselves solid with the Dominion salaried officials all right enough for the Can- WELL WELL THIS La HOME DYE ANYONE can use l v Buff Orpingtons Winners at Winter Fair 1st Colonial Silver Cup Spe 1 for Best Shape Beat Male Best and Best Three Cockerels also Utility Pen all cotnpetr Total number laid by females In Jan Feb and March Eggs from pens beaded by best Three Cockerels and per setting- iT IHy guaranteed Mrs E ft Graham provincial statistics tor Ontario show that durlnji the vast year over revolvers have been purchased in Province by persons bearing wrltr ten authority from some Chief Police or Magistrate Under ve criminal code Canada no one is permitted to carry a revolver with out such- authorization and in no one can purchase a re volver without a permit from Chief Police of the city or town in which the intending domiciled No reasonable person Can douU the wisdom of these provisions but certainly looks as if the intent and meaning of the statute is being violated when we the official records stating that over ImHvidual DYOLA OttDWKlKDS I dyed ALL these KINDS of Goods lih the SAME Dye I used Mil- simple ra Clue 5oJ for Color CuJ Book at in RICHARDSON CO Limited MUtlCMt STUDY AT HOME Start a Course in Bookkeep ing or Shorthand and use your time until this Fall or Winter and then finish It at college if you wish Many are following this plan saving ex- and getting ready for a good office position Write us for particulars The Shaw Cor respondence School The Central Business College Head Office and Toronto Queen St opposite the Wood bine caused a death Tuesday after noon when Alex adriver Co was oil a load I lumber he was driving and falling under toe wheels was instantly kill ed Thirtynine years ago last Tues day James Hughes began his work as Inspector of Toronto Public Schools No less than two hundred thousand tons ice have been stored in the city for this summers use Toronto Chinamen contributed to help famine sufferers in their- native country of the Turner Company was found guilty at the Assizes of counselling bribery of a police officer The annual spring Flower Show the- Toronto Horticultural Society took place last Friday night in the Foresters Hall late ness of the season the exhibition flowers was not so large as former years but the Variety was greater Mr J Richardson for many years manager of the Queens Hotel who leaves this week for Princeton BC to take charge the Hotel there was presented with an illuminated address from his friends and patrons of the Hotel on Friday evening last The address was ac companied by a purse of Here is painful tease considering the afee the parties interested De claring that rather the rest of his life in jhil than be compelled to live again with to whom be has been married only since Christmas Joseph sixtyseven years of age with blissful resignation- the verdict of guilty on a charge wounding with Intent to maim the General Sessions last Friday He was manded for sentence until the cod of the court Tom Longboat had a scare last week when returning from a mile At Weston three men sprang at him he says and ordered him to stop and throw up his hands Tom was awfully scared and ran two miles before stopping at a faster pace than he ever made in his life Guess it was a- bluff By persons who knew the racer was A young married couple registered at the Walker House on their honey moon trip from Chicago to Saxony on Thursday inight of lust At midnight the bride was missing as well as some of the grooms baggage and the aid of police invoked but no clue up to the beginning of this week The groom was formerly a conductor on the Lake Shore Line A stall of baggagemen had a busy time of it one forenoon last week unloading old country baggage Al together there were trunks In the presonco of a large gather ing of Judges lawyers and law stu dents the new wing of Hall was opened on Friday last The ceremony was held in the new Court of Appeul room just alter thoso who attended had dined together in the barristers lunch room Mr A Coote Secretary the National Vigilance Association of Great Britain who has succeeded in getting most civilized countries of the world to enter ino a treaty for the suppression white slave trade is in the city An old man named Stanley a pa tient in the Hospital lor the Insane at Toronto was recently sent to Pe- to do some work on a government building there Appar ently riot liking change Stanley slipped away and turned up at Stur geon palls thirteen days later hav ing walked distance of over two hundred miles A gang of toughs attacked Con stable Adamsbn last Friday night on Queen street east bruised him so badly had to seek his home A posse of police arrived on the Children FOR FLETCHERS is in town and with the Hon Borden and Mrs den had the honor ol dining wlth their Royal Highnesses the Duke and of Connaught last Fri day going to ball at the York Club exhibit train was visit ed by people on Saturday Ths new method of exhibiting the 3dade in Canada manufactures ap pealed to the imagination the the Woodbine graced with the pa tronage Duke and Duchess of and Princess Patricia op ened last Saturday and was the most noted event in the history the Woodbine metts people were in attendance The- Klnzs Plate race was won by one A horses carrying with if a purse of There were ten entries in this race The Methodist Church theDuke ol It of North Park- to in- dale Church He has to the stationing Committee Fire did damage on Saturday at the Crown Art and Stain ed Glass and Colonial Varnish Co premises Cause supposed to spontaneous combustion Walter Jos Sabine by striking him with a Hard poolroom Jens of Toronto in ft degree has extended an invitation for El THE ook for In I JSgf it at Spffi time money me I use hentv I luve of to Jo I find price pKdjeaiJeruifcaeh So thai It IU color looter don too that It color tourer m ENGLISH li the all lint I can Jo my quicker it Aula all therefore N F BENNETT poolroom on Yonge was sentenced last to seen years In Kingston Herbert Gross recently liberate Central Prison was arrest ed last Sunday night charged with carrying ofi a sewing machine and a clock from a house on street He got another term The Duke and Duchess of and Princess Patricia attended di vine service St James Cathedra on Sunday morning After service the Royal party the Bible pre sented to the cathedral on Septem ber i860 by- the late King then Prince Wales during bis first visit to Toronto The Bi ble is signed- Albert Edward It also bears the signatures of King George V and Queen Mary who visited- the on October then the Duke and Duchess of York and Dr Randall Archbishop Canterbury April Their Royal High nesses yesterday signed as follows Arthur Louise Margaret and Patricia Alderman George Madison avenue is laid up at his- home with burns which he sustained at his summer home on Lake He was trying to extinguish a fire in some bushes when the of his high rubber toots caught fire Three thousand dollars per foot is the price which the Real Estates Cor poration Limited is paying for at the northeast corner of and street On v I I The 20 Runabout Sows This THE BETTER CAR Every Part of in Canada They cannot be made better any where Patronize Home Industry and get the lull worth of your money J in specification si I I j cylinder vertical FRONT AXLEOne piece Ibeam cast in pairs inch bore steel axle dropforged teat 3t Inch strode steel valves inches in diameter bearings best white bronze fan fly wheel In front IGNITION Bosch high tension mag- no spark coll or connecting wires COOLING water pipes of very large diameter elimin ating the pump and overheating troubles- system by automatic oiler controlled by accelerator running in oil TRANSMISSIONSelcctive sliding gear two speeds forward and re verse drive through sal joint shaft being mounted on annular thrust from drivepinion taken on grooved race ball thrust bearing REAR AXLEBevelled gear differ ential and axle mounted on Import ed ballbeatings FRAME Pressed steel channel sec tion with four cross members P tfQAA WITH COMPLETE EQUIPMENT factory The above specifications are truthful and do not mislead them with any and you more Quality in Harding Cars than any of ltd size and kind on the market Anyone about to buy an needs no more convincing evidence that his choice should be a Harding Runabout as the specifications clear ly prove the superior quality and many other features essential tor perfect ASK FOR FROM CANE SPRINGSIvo front springs one rear senleliptic cross spring giving a three point suspen sion STEERING pinion type 16inch steering wheel internal expending rear wheels hand lever operat ing emergency brakes and foot operating the other CONTROL changed by hand lever clutch by foot pedal throttle by foot accelerator and band lever on steering column type Inches T1RES30 x WEIGHT pounds with stand ard equipment ROAD CLEARANCE10 inches UPHOLSTERINGFirst grade leather tutted STANDARD oil lamps tall lamp gas lamps gener ator latest Improved wind shield special mohair top full set of tools tire repair outfit and born We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward tor any case Catarrh that cannot be cured by Cure J CHENEY CO To ledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all transaction and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Welding Klnnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the Testimonials sent free Prices per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills tor con stipation Profitable Poultry Actual yield for four months Iron layers Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for- Winter lay ing through a severe season which is bard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain Island Reds which without a peef aa table fowl and wonderful egg producers Fifteen eggs for Aubrey Davis Si Newmarket Oat I NOTICE OF APPLICATION PARLIAMENT NOTICE is hereby Louise Ruth Ridge of the City of Toronto in the County York Province Ontario Married Woman will apply to the Parliatcent Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her bus- 00 and per meaning statute is being I ffl j Villi AM when we Jnd the I Presi- I FOR Graham over re- I A VUd Ont volvers to individual pur- District Agent Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario the day of April GODFREY AND HENDERSON Adelaide St West AS Newmarket Ontario i i a ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO K3JJ V- siiiaigM S3SS mm mm

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