Av W i V St 2 to P AND COLLECTOR Bo l Hewitt practical Paperhanger and House Decorator Niagara aid SireeU Newmarket THE NE ER FRIDAY MAY bos a and Ontario Clank DENTIST Street Newmarket Dp Wilkinson DENTIST Mac Block Newmarket Pierre Contractor Carpenter and Cabinet Maker and PaperHanger MAIN STUEET BRADFORD Estimates tor Free 1 Dp Chester a COLLEGE ST TORONTO Lata ot Aurora Hours PhoneNorth Rooms AT J GREGORYS Cleaning and Pressing Pant Making Above TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE J S NEWMARKET Gradual Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Office Phono New Mr the cornet Ma Talent Sale The Willing Worked H the lnoiian Church made over tf by Talent and Tea last Fri day and evening Rig Mr Knowles has a new delivery wagon from the Works wagon la verjr attractive And adds greatly to iU liyman Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Newmarket Office Private tar Papers issued at private real- it desired New rectory The Hell Telephone Co circulated a new Directory among Tow ft last week l art ilid Town with and in- the country with whom subscsibcrs have the the Hues so tar time limit Is concerned The Is giving prompt n4 satisfopflt service Very lew towns size Of Newmarket have so many tel ephones in tact we more than towns our size RctV Aurora occupied here last Sunday On the Mr Amos pastor the Aurora in Church Rev Thomas was appointed moderator of that during thevacancy and preached pulpit vacant last Sunday EGYPTS GREEN SUN cula- Congratulation Chldley daughter ol the late Rev a pastor of the Christian Church here has passed her exam inations at obtained her degree She Was the only pupil in a class o 39 who obtained this degree We congratulate Mies on her success Farmers Institute The annual meeting the North York Farmers Institute will be held in the Town Hall Aurora on Satur day 1st Tor the purpose re ceiving and the Financial Report and the election of officers tor the ensuing year The meeting will commence at At Professor Crow of the Ontario Agricultural College will deliver an address on frut growing and the care As pro is perhaps the best pasted man on this subject in Ontario every person interested in fruitgrowing should mae it a point I to attend this meeting Departmental Examinations The number ot candidates ibis year lor the Departmental at tl different centres in North York is as follows Lower lift- Sutton- Albert kiMMnberxJ and- fecboi lions It or Upper ulty and ttlatlon Pickering tor School and tor Upper School Aurora for Middle and or Upper mil for The lAwer lisamihtion the work of the High School This examination is now required all tor or faculty Education Middle KxaminaUoTtt covers Form 111 course and is required tor to Normal or tor Junior Upper School the work of Form IV Course and is rtqulred lor trance to Faculty of or lor Honor Matriculation Hun Tln and s ft very clear the green tints of are pecolUrly A the descends nearer and nearer to and Is immensely enlarged Its rsja suddenly for a green Then socceasion rays the kiy well nigh to The asms phenomenon at sun- bat less conspicuously Some- times at sunset Just as the last portion of the disk Tsnlabea Its color changes from green to blue and so also after It disappeared lbs sky near the horizon Is green white the It Is hluft The coarse obeerred the ancient references thereto are found In their writ togs was the symbol of life and night that of death The setting sun twine Identified with Osiris that god became king or the dead The setting sonwss green therefore Osiris as nocturnal deity of dead paint ed The splendid coffins of be high frequently depict tho green a the funeral deities are all colored green This association of death green Undoubted tb the green of the bud Youths UANAL COFFEE WITH AN ARAB t Town Council it Protect tvin Cup His Dash Shared Describing the of an Ara bian borne the Last Journal of Dish op says Ahe great of Is the coffee- The host has a kind of shore broughi In which ho roasts the beans then be takes a initio and mor tar of the oak of and with hit own bands he pounds It to powder making bard ortk ring forth a song of welcome to guest Many of these and mortars looms ind are richly and Regular meeting last Monday even ing IMvsent Pearson Deputy Hunter Ond Councillors Cane Vale and Wesley Following bills passed use Such was the one in cartage drunk J Murphy cartage 845 honored guest cup Is filled three Registering ByLaw you are quite safe In bands beautifully and use black and polished by age A Dp S J Boyd Graduate In medicine Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College Physicians and of Royal College of Surgeons at Qigland Former clinical assistant la Eye Hospital and Unl- College Ear Nee and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Sta Newmarket Telephone No Consultation My services mar be had at any the day or night by calling at the Ace or phone NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing 3 of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to Smith Grocery Q T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a Toronto Newmarket gr 1025 840 fl05 GOING SOUTH i gUlandale Toronto tat vet as sea a p ra I Kv if PHOTOGRAPHS We are equipped to produce Portraits that are and oar long experience la back ot every we make Tito child the parent are assured likeness and arttstlofln- Jien we do the work in at any or it more an Photo Artlet Poet Newmarket J A Backyard Hint A ramble through the Unfrequented streets of a town reveals more about the inhabitants than many people Imagine Some back yards are as neat and tidy as industrial hands and willing fiearts can mae them while others would put to shame the prem ises surrounding the old log house primitive settlers No doubt yards are a Pretty correct index the habits and character the oc cupiers- Havent you noticed that sometimes the front yard will pre sent a neat lawn beautiful lowers while the backyard contains slop barrels old tins scrap iron broken bricks etc An backyard is not only ah eyesore but is a menace to public health Lot everybody tidy up and be happy Brief lets Richmond Hill Spring Fair today Thanks for complimentary budge A class of girls in the Friends with their teacher vlsiteil the woods last Saturday to gather wild lowers There were nearly a score fawn mowers at Thompsons hospital one day last week The coal strike is settled Miners resumed work on Wednesday at- in crease in wages The rain Monday brought out the plum trees in full bloom King Council meets at Kettleby Saturday wholesalers advanced the price of ten cent last week We look for an early drop in the that such a thing is impossible high cost of living All of the ex perts are at last thoroughly apreed Homo of the fields of fall wheat with winterkilled patches are look- vastly hotter than they did a fort night ago Surrogate Court John Maxwell of who died on April left an estate valued Real es tate in King Township and his house and lot In are Valued at The balance la made up ot cash household ef fects and book debts The bene- are nlccea and nephews Martha Maxwell gets Maxwell Adeline- Max well 1650 Charlotte Maxwell J Maxwell 1650 and Charloa J All the with the exception of the last named live at Belgrade Mr Wilson Is in Manitoba Under the will of John Lyons Lyon of King township deceased on March an estate of disposed of Of it is in the bank and composed of a small lot in Con King and acres in New Ontario valued at and respectively Frances Adelaide Lynn niece lot and John Arthur Joseph and Ernest Lynn nephews of Toronto each A lot at Holland Landing valued at 500 was owned by Howard of that village who died oh March left a will bequeathing the property to team for thawing pipes Can Sewer Pipe Co pipe Express on castings v 40 Pittsburg Coal Co car coal York freight Duty on Wilson unloading J Robertson Mfg Co piper do do freight York Co freight Pay Sheet No water service 970C Pay Sheet Applications for water service from J Muir Church St and Andrews granted and ret to AL Com John Young water for building purposes at the Tannery granted Mrs Geo iLdrne and J Woodcock West Prospect granted Applications for electriccurrent from Mrs Geo West Lome and Mrs Prospect Ave granted Communication from field- asking damages for Mrs on account of injuries through- tire sidewalk Referred to Finance to con sult with Town Mr called attention to a cou ple of sticks ol timber belonging to the corporation lying on the grounds r Mr Hunter on behalf ol the Com reported on the necessity of a steam roller to make good roads Dr advocated the purchase a steam roller and broken stone sufficient for half a mile so that soma show could be made The cost of a roller would be about and stone ton Newmar ket The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for a 10ton Steam Road Roller with terms of payment The ByLaw to amend the Water works ByLaw was read a time and passed Council adjourned cf most murderous So far do curry this superstition that a man who bad murdered another fled to the dead mans father and bo- fore be koewbat had happened drank coffee Presently friends came and as they the news to the bereaved father recognized crouching beside fire The demanded vengeance No said the father It cannot be He drunk coffee and has bus become to me as my son be not drunk coffee the father would never have rested until he fisd dyed bis bands In his blood mure modem pretentious Q the kind the Canal may now ap pear to be of but few can conceive which had to be In the course its and only those familiar with the- that In the pari last can realise the onv Regarded step li secure Canada from lis most the canal via primarily military purposes but iridic it the where Was It did Opened Up a rich of country and furnished route that was at one time of InesUmabte is still appreciable Value As feat engineering the Was on as unique at the time as one of most extraordin ary existing genulty l set a standard for thai even modern hold in high spent and it had the distinction of haying flrKtrtverbed for the purpose But it Is hot alone upon ttavttj as the whodesJgved and that to lends lustre to and ought to secure for in Canadian is that he was the founder wnlch today occupies the proud position of capital Do- minion The ruler of merely dedicated what John By had created He selected the site- plan ned its streets and spaces visedthOoftyly stages tloiv he first had the vision of its great and with and foresight directed his to- the fulfilment pi that destiny- Well may Ottawa purpose honouring his memory It was In 1803 that John By then a young In the Royal En gineers first came to Canada Corn In England in Ma had passed successfully through the Royal Academy at Woolwich and had his in the Royal Artillery being shortly to the engineering branch of the service- At Quebec where he remained for he appears to have devoted a good deal of study to tn1ortincatifs made famous- by Wolfes successful campaign one suit ot which is preserved in the Dominion Archived in the I Sound May On Satur day morning at oclock fire broke out in the big sawmill plant of the Carney lumber Company and in two hours what was probably the best equipped and largest sawmill on- the Georgian had been completely wiped out The loss will run up to about 150WO which is understood to bo partially covered by insurance IMPOSSIBLE TO HELP MY KIDNEYS Until I Used Frultaffves Worlds Greatest Kidney Cure Practically everybody in Toronto knows Professor For years the elite of that city has taken lessons from Prof Davis in the art of and Deportment His constant activity gradually weak his which calamity threatened to make htm invalid read Prof Davis letter Church St Toronto I want to say that is only medicine and has been for the Kit fite years Previous to that I had troubled with and Kidney Disease and had taken many remedies without satisfactory the advertisements of atWes I adopted this treatment altogether and as everyone knows I am since taking Fnut- enjoying the best of health IFDAVIS If Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble is making you miserable take gel well 50c box 6 for trial Drug Signs Every one baa noticed the beautiful colors la the large glass jars that stand In the drug store windows every one does not know why drug stores that sign In the old days apothecaries end alcbemUts were only druggists and up their own nostrums the composition of which was supposed to be ftreat secret They to leave their retorts and Jars and stills and bottles in tbe window to impress upon the the mystery and Importance of their business The modern drug store has no use for re torts stills all the processes being by the big chemical factories but tbs large jars full of bright colored liquids still left In the window just is they were hundreds of yearasgo New York Papulation by The population of the world by race Is white Mongolian yellow and brown Semitic white Negro black Malay American Indian This latter dgure In cludes every variety of the la nil parts of the earth actual num ber of Indians In North America being much less a million white race Is Increasing much faster than others owing probably to Its perlor Intelligent and scientific knowl edge of medicine and sanitation New York American oundsd All Right Patience Well told the truth anyway Patrice How so Patience he was buying solitaire be told Jeweler it was for a sister Patrice- Well Im sure that wasnt true Patience Why yea when bo of fered It to the girl she promised to be a sister to Statesman to Plsst I want you to see if yon cant Bod out that I descended from a king said the mun who bad become sudden ly rich Very well sir the genealo gist We have iarto stock of kings to select from Bare you prefer ence Chicago Record Herald A Popular Girl she has promised to be mine some day But whenr cant exactly say as yet Seems she will first to break off four or five other engagements Washington Herald His Status at Home Tour father seems to be an Impor tant member of the community Guess youve only seen him outside of home Ma doesnt think bos such a Detroit Press Because they so gently no purging or griping yet so thoroughly a fine model the fortress and its surroundings including the battlefield on the Plains or Abraham This and an other model in the possession the Royal Engineers at f a bridge on the truss- principles- are interesting as early the Ingenuity which was to be turned to such practical account in later years AGRICULTURE IN THE NORTH To assist settlerB who- will peek a home on the fertile lands of the clay belt of Northern On tario It is proposed to establish In connection with the Government Experimental Farm at herds of cattle to demonstrate dairy work to secure as far as adoption of standards of potatoes in growing which the Northland farms will assuredly excel and to conduct Investiga tions that will be ot particular value to the newcomers in adjust themselves to strange condi tions That cooperation of an extensive sort from tho agricul tural officials will help very large ly in securing the immediate set tlement of the clay belt ureas and hasten success farming operations there can be no doubt Markets for a huge production will be found close at home in the mining and lumbering camps so that tho settler once his forest Is Is arriving dally OUR VALUES Are the Best Toronto Jobbing Has i w- J J J cleared his first reaping an early reward should no delay The population of the towns and campa in the district from North Bay to Cochrane la about and Us purchasing power la high As this grows with the ox tension mining tho establishment of industries advancement of trade the Northland farmer will have a market at prices likely to considerably higher than are obtained in older Ontario His clay belt land will produce vege tables roots grains and fodder of a better quality and in larger quantity than older Ontario land Two acres potatoes for in stance located close to a lumber ing camp yielded or bushels to the acre The Ontario yield for years had averaged bushels and in the aver age was about bushels When the soil will permit ot such pro duction case cited indicates It is of first importance that standards of quality shall- bo In troduced by proper seed and maintained The day may come when Northern Ontario potatoes will take the place now occupied by New Brunswick as the choicest on the market There are many avenues of labor open to the Department of Agriculture in cooperating to help the set tler In stockraising and dairy ing most valuable to a country the Northland has mag nificent and Em pire TREADEASY The TREADEASY Cushion Sole Em Shoe one of who Shoe j t NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER WRIGHT I SECRETS OF HOME LIFE SUteoeaU auJe by patents liking New Method Tier bow it Cues No or ttd cement BLOOD DISEASE V NADRUCO LAXATIVES are best tor the children as well the pownups a box i It will bo economy to finish your with same width hem at each end By doing they can used either side up and gain Mrs Mary was awarded damages In the County against P Wright tor injuries received the auto struck her as she was boarding a Queenstreet car The Jury found that Wright was neg ligent In passing the street car at of than lout miles No 16171 The spots ar all cone my Us and and now am very grateful lo you and never forget th favor your have done tor me You can use ny name In recommend In It to any I going to get mar ried you once more eve TWO MONTHS CCBED Pfttlenl Ago Indulged In year lr In urine and drain at night Veins on both aldei la back weak Ho received your letter recent date In reply I am to that after taking two month treatment I completely cured at I have teen no of them coming back year Till SEEMS No- 1 not had a regular know when and am feeling line world aeema altogether different to mo and I thank God for directing me to you You been ad honest doctor with at VARICOaS VEINS Symptoms when he Ago single in In Immoral habits several yean Varlcoio Veins on both pi m plea on face etc After two months treatment ha writes follows iur welcome letter to hand and am to say that I think cured My Varicose Velnabav completely appeared for Quito a and It sterns a cure I work harder and feelIs tired I have no desire for that habit whatever and stay like this I have every reason to believe I will you for your kind attention etc GAINED 14 IN ONE MONTH Patient No patient had a chronic case of and Sexual Weakness and was run down In vigor vitality After one months treatment ho reports as fol- am very welt I have pounds In one month so thai I will hare to Congratulate ou Later report I to feel more like a man my condition is totting better every week His re- Dear Doctor A I feet this is the last months treatment that I will have to get I thought at one time a would never be cured but I fldenca have a in you from the start and cored OR MO MY DEBILITY BOOK aU la call DrsKENNEDYKENNEDY Cor Mkhlgw and S Detroit MktJ v i OF Ol TORONTO ff2m