TAKE GIN TON BACK P Ample of Gin and after using them felt to much totter that I got a box at my and sow am taking the third box The pain serosa my back and kidneys baa entirely gone and I am better than I bare been lor I strongly all women who from Pain in the Back and Weak to Gin mis MM HARRIS K- it VI I- J ffi- ah fcvr j I J aVK L a OH J t a Gin Pills contain the well known me dicinal properties of Gin as well as other curative do not contain alcohol Gin Pilla are guaranteed by the largest wholesale drug boose In the British Empire to give complete faction or money refunded box for free if write National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Toronto If the bowels are constipated lake National I Liver Pills box 9 15 House For Solid brie rooms all modern conveniences on Timothy Apply to Mrs I Monday evening of Mr and Mrs Ulan their home to bid farewell to to their leaving An program was arranged which was contributed by Miss Alexin Mr J Dunlin anil Mr Harry vhs appreciated Mrs readings Mrs J Murray and the Stewart gave- piano heFnre serving refreshments Mr and Mrs presented with a silver initialed teaspoons The and by Rev Salter Amos Speeches were tirade by Walter Amos Mr tarry Legs Mr Hume of Toron to who has purchase Mr Wens home Alter ail Joining and parted greatly regretting to lose Lang they their old but- wishing Ary success iii their new home AURORA J For Sale X ThrcxvBrick Houses two new ft with modern Conveniences En quire of Hughes Agent New Houses For sale In good locality Heated paying good interest Posses- lion in one month Newmarket 3 New Brick Houses On Ave lor sale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modern caaTeniences Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Mi Al bert lino of the most widely and respected residents of this ac tion country the of J no passed away at Ms resi dence here comer of Avenue and Spruce St on Friday fast after an illness some- months duration IVivasjed was born in the town of of hi j England In and came to this county with the patents when young The family settled In York Township For some time part the caretaker of public and grounds has taken great in keeping a dower garden in front of building which is a credit to the place A few nights some van- tulips in the bed it is to bo regret ted any person would be guilty of such an act We might also refer to iMtilfi wanton act in with the school grounds The trus- had the grounds nicely graded and portions Some of the workmen going from the fac tories instead of walking the side walk cut across the corner of the ground and have worn a paih inor der to save a few steps There Is use in trying to beautify the town If will deliberately In- jute the appearance by suc4 acts as stated For Sale Park Ave- also For terms Brick Houses on all modern conveniences frame house on Elm St to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Aves- Farms for Sale Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And get Prices on a Large Number Uptodate Houses with til Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number of Choice Lots for Sale We Buy Town Houses at this Cl aud also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Co For Sale Second Hand Poors Sash and Frames Enquire ot J Newmarket- THAT debt and de- shall bear latere ft the rat flvo per centum per and shall bo payable in equal annual in- atalmenle covering both and interest according to the clause three on the day and therein set out at the office of the of the Town Newmarket THAT tor- the purpose of pro viding a fund the payment said principal arid interest due Teat to year as dobentUrea respectively mature due shall be raised and levied in each and by- cry year during the period of thirty years the cunency of said iKhcnturva so to be as afore said or any ot them on all rateable property of who sup porters of Public by special rate Iherefori the re spectively and out in the for the payment the several arid of principal and Interest accruing or to accrue duo bo pay able as and pursuant to the tine Intent pieanlng of this and the said anil years set opposite said atnqunts as hereinbefore iiVonUoiieil In said in addition raised ami THIS ByLaw shall take rfr foot on the day Of -there- Of tf T you noticed ha formal for the of I in one no welUauippfd for that I apt convinced if she were to shipwreck and on a canmqal Island old Of the lot would dream of eating lie until hail told her all his and little ami Si lifts anil that Warms you ititd She ways tllougti the joy holding her Own has been denleil Perhaps the boys Who her for advice ami Ret the Into ilurtiuns she has no of her She has a affection iitiiV free to it has too iiiUflh aval she Sickness ftr too to when tout bodily has been by the of bile breath and a to do are all of froj too that need help Jatt the right help U given and bodily Is Prevented By timely use of Airaona vegetable and alwa will clear your your bowels stimulate your liver tone your will bo so Improved your our will Do to improved your food will you and you will bo to DO and to reaUt will fl greater vigor and viUUty as well as buoyant you SoM by Aiw co the choir tb a dainty spread in the alter the patty dispersed alt deear- they had spent a most pleasant evening NO TO THE ISSUE OF DEBENTURES FOR THE SUM THOUS AND- PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS the Newmarket Public School Board has applied to the Municipal Council the Corporation of tho Town of Newmarket for the sum of Thousand for the purpose of increasing accommodation in the Public School Buildings by the acquisition of fur ther lands and the erection of buildings AND WHEREAS it is desirable ilium such application sitd sum of Twentyeight Thousands Dol lars should be raised by loan upon the debentures of the said Corpora tion extending over a period of thir ty years anil repayable by annual in stalments of interest and principal as provided for by the Consolidated Municipal Act ami by the Public the said of qua J to voto under the Oonsoll- Act oh By- Laws for the creation of debts and who are supporters of Public Schools It my when he Is in Briery and hot to lay his bright brad on my and show the tears in- ii i ti Would not let see for the very lor the Mh ti Ill- Mill MIH nature fc A Off her lKO to little lor to i7l TI NOTICE lhat City Toronto la she not she would not tho teltS of about the work and the play ay life- She has a of humour and lef readily to her lips dewy teat of sympathy to her eye A- woman likes to do the thing riie ifell aud 1 To Let of Baldwin spent Satur day with J Ben was in on with J Mitchell his two sons Burrs spent Sunday at Laws lb John Oliver who works for left on Thursday for Scotland foe a three months visit with his father brothers and sister Miss is Miss It Burn- ham and Wilfrid of the UK- bridge High School spent Sunday at their respective 0 Law has two automobiles which he delivers this He has sold several more but finds it very difficult to have his orders filled Mr Law has also disposed eight bug gies which promises well or a large seasons business We are sorry to report the death of another old and respected neighbor in the person of Mr Peter who died on- Sunday morning niter a lingering illness of several months Besides a sorrowing wile there arc left two sons and lour daughters RICHMOND HILL Mr W Rich mond Hill and Mr AE Reeve Sutton left Tuesday night The rooms in the Bank of Toronto business trip to Saskatchewan building overlooking the corner ot and streets and at present occupied by Department Railways and Canals vault in rooms heat ed and provided with caretaker Also a large hall to rent J WESLEY- V to Your will cartelai aoi fi at In r cost rtik M ana toy at on aaW Writ for oar til oar mi Futurity Prizes They expect to back for- the- June session the County Council which of June About Thursday marnlng the fire alarm was rung It was learned that Mr Olivers directly of village was an fire The engine on tle way but was too late to save the which burned to the ground shingles on the bum caught lite sev eral streams of water sav ed all the outbuildings Mr Oliver got nothing out except a little box of silverware and the Misses who had rooms in the south part the building saved a little their furniture The lire started in the kitcheai where a coal range was burn ing Mr Oliver was awakened by smell of smoke and when ho came downstairs the place was all The father and mother had just time to get their foot children dressed and hurried them away to Mr Geo where the alarm was given by phone Literal School Act WHEREAS for the payment of the said debt- interest- the re spective sums forth will be required to be raised annual ly by a special rate in each the years during the currency of the said debentures as hereinafter mentioned chargeable upon the property payers who are supporters of Public Schools AND WHEREAS the Council up on the request of the Public School Hoard deems It advisable that the question should be submitted to the of the Electors qualified to vote thereon as provided the Public School Act THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket enacts as follows I THAT the sum Twenty- eight Thousand Dollars so required by the said Public School raised by the Issue of Debentures as hereinafter mentioned and that the proceeds of the said Debentures be paid to the Treasurer of the New market Public School Board for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned THAT for the purpose of ef fecting such a loan as aforesaid It shall be lawful for the Mayor of the Town of Newmarket to Issue or causa to be Issued debentures for sums not less than One Hundred Dollars each and not exceeding in total amount the sura of Thousand Dollars the same to be sealed with the Corporation seal of tho Municipality of the Town Newmarket and to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer of the said Municipality which debentures shall be marked and known as the Public School Deben tures THAT the whole of the prin cipal of the said debt shall be repay able within a period Thirty years and that the total amount required to be raised by special rate for pay ing the said debt and Interest wilt be sum computed an nually as follows owing times and places that Is Say on Monday the day Match at the hour nine oclock in tin- foreoooa and continuing until five oclock in the afternoon of the THE places lor taking the votes and the Deputy Returning Officers of several polling subdi visions of the Municipality shall bo as follows For Polling subdivision No I J Deputy Returning Polling place the Reel House Avenue For Polling No Hughes Deputy Returning Polling Place Market Building For Polling Subdivision Duncan Deputy Returning Officer Polling Place the Fire Hall THE following shall bo Poll Clerks At Polling Subdivision No Huston at Polling Subdi vision No Wesley at Subdivision No Alex Wilkinson 10 the day March A the Mayor of the said Town of Newmarkeb shall at the Council Chamber In the said Town Newmarket at twelve oclock noon in writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the sum ming up of the votes by the Clerk and person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons inter ested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this bylaw and desir ous of opposing the passing this though this tone sometimes oyer the time her so wise In their own so much to learn and air away from mi absorb and sighs over the bother they ore to a busy person she likes it and would not enjoy life half so well If she were not interesting herself their sayings and doings She talking the other day a t- a- she said They are a great worry by if THE Clerk of the Council the said Town of Newmarket shall attend in his office at the Council Chamber in the salt Town of New market on the day of March A D at the hour of twelve clock noon to sum up the number of v8tes given for and tfgalnst the said bylaw Finally HUGHES CANE Clerk Mayor NOTICE J tj v I BEST SPRING COLTS DRAUGHT close June Entrance Fee Members Members 1st Prize 2nd Priro 3rd Prize Prize 200 tfV- GREEN Secy Bradford Fair it BELLE Organ for Sale A secondband organ for sale cheap Apply to Stark mi Ka Hay for Sale Apply at Lot Third Concession During the storm on Tuesday night lightning struck the telephone in A store putting it out- of business and partially stunning tec who was standing near On Monday evening the Methodist choir made their way to Ivan Groses in the form of a surprise party In course of tho evening Rev Can as chairman called for speech es The leader at Mr I Morton replied in a low words re ferring to interest Ivan had al ways taken in the welfare the and church and now at time marriage wished Mm to accept a hymn book with the beet wishes of the choir The book which la Morocco bound with both music and- words was presented by Miss Ardill organist of the church Sawyer spoke a few words Mr Grose replied saying It had only been a pleasure to do any thing Toe lady members 3 4 5 8 f9 27 a ill sis 111 3 a year from years 183144 years 48T86 4 years years years years years years years years 182144 years 106460 years years years years years years years year years years years years Years years 183144 years years 17347a years Ml 14 4 The above is a true copy of a ByLaw passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Newmarket on the fifteenth day of April A all persons are hereby required to take notice that any one desirous of applying to have such ByLaw or any part there of quashed must make his applica tion for that purpose to High Court of Justice within three month next after the publication of this no tice once a week for three successive weeks In the newspaper called The Newmarket Era or he will be too late to be heard In that behalf J HUGHES S CANE Clerk i ana WONDERFUL BALANCING rock Above this is a huge mass of rock in the world Is that known as the Balancing hock stands on the bank ot the River a short distance above the city of Portland Oro Rising from a small Is a small column roughly round shape- above this is a huge mass of rock bearing a tree on the summit total height of rook and column being about hundred feet Although a great deal larger and heavier than tho pillar on which it stands big rock irvery accurate ly balanced 1 The entire rock Is of a na ture and the most singular thing about it is the fact that the knob and pillar ore entirely disjointed- from one another Mr Larisom who was injured In toe Hotel Mossup on Tuesday last week by falling down a freight elevator saaft passed away two days later in Hospital from a ma ture of the skull He was doing re pair work for the Otis Ele vator Co Sick Headache are not caused by anything wrong in the head but by constipation and Headache powders or tablet may deaden but cannot cure them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills do cure tick ache In the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills are purely vege table free from any harmful drug safe and When you fed the coming take MoraeV Indian Root would up else for the- position of guide counsel lor and friend I really do But she did not By tone ol her- voice you could tell that she was proud of the your own fault we told encourage But what cart do she pro tested They will insist en pouring their confidences into my ear my sympathies are enlisted in season- it a piece of good fortune conies to one my boys he cannot until he has passed the on to me isnt it Not a we assure her Your have a mcjr curl to them It is not you to forget your own worries long enough to he glad with them You let them see that you are interested you de- site be left in peace assume the virtue of if have it not Youre too good to them She shook her head and smiled Vheo things go wrong they like to toll me about it It smoothes mat ters out Boys need more comforting than most people have any idea The world Is a little hard on them j wise fogies are forever repress- their natural forwardness- plans are getting upset aspirations blight ed Theres nothingcan get into such depths of misery as a boy can no thing- Sometimes its only a failure In an examination sometituesit is the heaviest loss which can- a young heart the loss a near and dear one A boardinghouse is a lone some place at any time bub it is a great deal worse when the heavy- hearted boy finds himseat it only his sorrow for company you suppose could be too busy or too tired to see him when he comes heavily the stairs to tell me all about HI No I cry him The programme seldom varies cry to gether and by ami by he goes away comforted You would be surprised how much good It him to know that a foolish old woman cares Just here the young matron Mho la the proud possessor of a boy of months and whose responsibilities al ready weigh on her asks with some it the art of being every thing to a boy can be acquired or must he bom with a talent for it Tell us how you win them so sure ly she ends up and the other merrily There Is that in her laughs merrily There Is that in her never make an old woman of her It Isnt an art she answered to be acquired It is something in herent in nature If I were lay ing down rules for winning a boy as you put it I would say first of all he sincere with him There is no use pretending- with him his eyes are too sharp his instincts too keen And once he ceases to believe in you utterly your power Is at on end But somewhat Jealously we have not your power to allot us I cant Imagine any course making me a own ol course making mc a re- know that I would want to be moth erconfessor to outsiders In I would feet little interest The elder woman has beautiful dark blue eyes She flashed them on- the pretty matron When you grow your heart will grow bigger my dejir4t it doesnt I see trouble ahead A woman who has no sympa thy to spare for any but her own very often sees own seeking it from some broader person I love to have young people about mo They are rash in judgment tierce in- their claims but far nearer and dearer to me than the older and wiser yet you have no children Voice- very simple When he Is i ni glad not ending to be but glad with film is foolish ridi cule Mm is shame til in when lie Is cross i am him when he is in am strong for it all does him good I sometimes the friend ship of a woman as old and in the way of the world as I is one of the best safeguards a toy can have The pretty matron bent over awl kissed the speaker The woman to whom a hoy old or young likes to open his heart is good and true and has winning- ways with her She is wise enough to know his varying moods to say the right word the right time She is loyal and stead fast and would no more bet ray a confidence or tell a secret than she would commit a crime She has a broad mind a tender heart and faith and trust are hers by right And best of all her name is legion If this eld world is not rolling every day it is not she fails to do her part toward lift ing- it- JEAN of In the County of York vince of Ontario Chef will apply to the Parliament Canada the next Season thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his w Lerettha residing at Col borne In County of Northumberland in Province of Ontario on the ground Of adultery at Toronto In the Province ot Ontario the of February AD AND IS Toronto St Toronto Solicitors for Alexnnder He Ida City of is Miss ROOFING longer and more Complete protection per dollar of cost than metal roofing shingles or any other ready roof ing over Imitations still the best Made In 3 permanent colors Red Brown Green and natural Slate Look Into It before you decide on that new roof so I WStSlaMI Eves Suinmerleldt Mount Albert SullonVVesh PROMPTLY SECURED the business of and others Ibesdviaabft business transacts Preliminary advice Our Invent New York ftfcl laX- Is hereby lvet that Al fred Milton Human of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario Accountant Hi will apply to the Parliament Can- at the next session thereof tor a bill of divorce from his wife Ida Alberta of the said Toronto formerly known as Kenton of the City o Hamil ton Ontario on the ground of adul tery Dated in Toronto in the Province of Ontario this day- f February 1913 ALFHED MILTON By Richardson Coats- Continental Life 157 Hay streets Toronto Solicitors for the applicant Dr de Varis Pills A French reftulator never pills in refuUtioir the- generative portion of the female svstem all cheap Imitations 1 A it Mailed to any address Out is 1 box or three for Mailed to any address in YEARS s T cur Marks AC our opinion if probably p4tejttihi HAn0f0u WOW r or Mruraiiifp4ltu Scientific of my Tercu tor in Electric Restorer for Men restores In the body to its proper tension restores and vitality Premature decay and all weakness averted at once make yon a new Price box or two for Mailed to soy address Co St Ont JUST TRY mm INSIST ON Diamond Brand if a FINE ON BUCKWHEAT CAKES MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFACTORY Guarantee Purity on every tin by Sugars Cannen Limited Montreal FOR SALE AT THE BEST FRED NEWMARKET B CODY NEWMARKET J BUILDING MATERIAL I Hare your own the that be to hue- Us tWs- way The boy wakes the mother instinct In me I warm to and bo this I long help him through his difficulties and this he them to me readily Children Cry Ffl FLETCHERS GAS TORI A White Norway Sprue Hemlock to Order Inside aca KM ajU Ram l i Silcilas Turk HE SINS CI a ARCHIVES OF TORONTO