A yaw- v KtOwUUmtJury ERA TUNE jVlitia for The moat valuable property In i decided to lhollh July iv J sweep sends ient through the roorrvhas which makes his delicious pro- 11 mam AfllVAhlA i Ktt all the enjoy be Appreciated 1 wn also at i I A- for Sale Claw a halt oms for the ding Room Board his week Mr J WPftnft discomforts presented set fans to the in They ore rt light met frames ornament ed a colorings and very dur ably Crowded Out The report School In spector Was received to lata or this On of issue lot of other and crowded till neat issue- rwntndcd the presence of two new- j yr married couples and in each Entcrprfsei raclcet responded the This Friday morning band will to New market on Sunday to nttnd stvKe there with that town On Monday wcoinjj Mr Half Head boarding tot tnR at vcti the horse a sudden and ho his hold a very bod fail and wa to drug store Was loom that his left was broken c mi PATTERNS a it Electric ftSv of the ladies wish to so current Jo the will on from and also oft erWoy nnvrnincs at the same hours- service will be if the will lt- road has tocn past ten days orders improvement The llatdi VJU open a Jowl and Simpson artistic H by for nd Tbso will inadQ with- dowWa will i 1 COOKS POWDER Soots and Shoes Department to be a Special ears at a for the the Convention There be i Ti mi lime to for Local Option There is only aird 6 Ittr a business at in yourself oft the afternoon and public mass grounds ot Centre of in and returning a at fiaOpftii at ftll In the at S A all of Boys Afitll of of the is J Oft in Church at S Superintendent is to be worth League was ft good atteminnee at lecture by ir Sop- Monday night The wis and The next Monday is chatge of the literary and So cial Department A pro- s is frxpeoted Kveryboly Excursion to North York farmers Institute will bold their annual excursion to Wednesday June Tram stops at all stations between Brad ford and Davenport The and A will run a spe cial train to the crossing The Metropolitan will run a special from Sutton to Newmarket Among the places interest are the Ontario Agricultural College and Institute Farm and Prison are being to entertain and instruct the teachers and pupils Wise the For sale at Hunters New market Same as ordinary skirts to Elementary Ag Education No East through the teacher Mr Win holder has given notice to the of intention to qual ify for grants under Act of Miss Esther Hunter of teacher id No 10 Hast- and Miss A Moore No- Whitchurch fivea notice that they are prepared to un dertake the work of School Agricul ture Miss Ada Nobleton No King is Agriculture and Horticul ture Anyone interested in this question or introducing Agriculture the schools and desiring fur titer about plans of procedure quali fied teachers special grants or ma terial supplied for the work should apply to the Director of work at Ontario Agricultural College Christian Church Strong instructive addresses were listened to be large congregation Sunday The topics presented by the pastor being Helping bis Neighbor and What Shall I Rend er unto the Lord both were beauti fully handled and many forceful les sons drawn out The Sunday School was more largely attended than usual and a fine feeling prevailed On account of the absence of the pastor at Conference- there will be no service next Sunday morning but the evening Rev ft will address the congregation in the in terests of Dominion Alliance it being Field Day for the County of York The following arc Con ference from the Church Mr Morton Miss Morton Mrs J Kelly and J Stephens and others will go later in the week Toronto Conference armuat session Toronto is on this week tot draft of too Stationing Committee A Was solemn lied itOunvllle on dav morning when Sllxvsier Mr was to Mr The was Conducted by was away her anil wore IfayelluiR suit of navy blue Mrs- at tic and left for the- Niagara ills- Hot ami spend Ilia summer Point In all widths tloor Oil Cloths widths tatpets Mayings in all Window Shades Curtain Boles of all Art Satevna ftftdi preserved Strawberries in Viart Jars jar Vanned Red thcrrlcs I To ir taslllo Soap Sailor Hoy Soap bars Quart Bottle Tomato If Meals Cold sliced to for Solid Heels and Tip None bettor at any No rejeotot or Imperfect Shoos allowed enter Quality First Trice Second For Quality remains lw after is forgotten Dear in mind ontftr attar or Trier wo j Mr John Pat linger has sawing lumber In Mr BeftCons seventh lineof- on Mot annual meeting of the Ontario the Municipal will take Bradford John 11 Place in Toronto on Tuesday and the Coulter bush seventh line sessions will over two days ScboajbeigC talker here The rural aeoUonlpt Holland la les will hold a stiaratb on to be day afternoon wc understand District are but delegation will lv entertained the L Partridge Corporation of Toronto and To- John ft Harbor Commission will have opportunity of is to build them low of the ones tiding the tyre to carry IbJ Hi roller An Idea baa A has got abroad thut the good roads will that the onus fails on the law does not so stipulate of declares it was distinctiy understood the Good would build STANDARD PATTERNS the brides and it was for this reaS- I ton the work now on by the flootl Roads Commission in the County of York Hunters Sell Queen Quality Shoes same price as all stores in the world Industrial Home Act now in force- the management of Houses of Industry will be under the and two other persons who may bo members of the Council but necessarily This to suggest that the pre sent system of management by a committee of the Council is detective inasmuch as does not provide for Council meets at continuity Another change allows law on Tuesday people not fit subjects A new house on Andrew Street- tor for the be coin- Miss Pry is about to erected To our mind latter cellar is excavated change is a mistake increasing the Severe frost last Saturday morn- cost of In most conn ing Strawberry and tomato plauts ly institutions it will mean the ad- suffered of nt least one more sala- the way the are for euro of feeble- making grass these it is quite minded inmates that should be cared safe to predict that there will be no for in a Provincial institution hay in this section next winter The Ladles Aid of the iMi Church cleared J15 at their Talent Sale last Friday afternoon The ladies propose making it a monthly affair lr Wesley got a couple of good views Hon Frank Cochrane at Newmarket Canal last Friday The Council Chamber flag was fly ing on Friday as mark ot respect on of the funeral of late Moses bide with her sister Mrs Ion was appointed Sutton- certainly will resist the bur- 1 Mr and Vftdlfld of Pin Orchard spent Saturday and with Mr and Mrs A Weaver stork recently lite home of Mr Harvey Leonard Hill and each of homes W THE LADIES STORE blessed with a wee girl The Schomterg Telephone Co its change of is in the premises This change was affected without inconvenience- to J A was hurt on evening- while returning from a visit to her daughter Mrs John For some reason her horse became unmanageable and It It was decided to have Council out to view recent at Ragle near ton on June The Council took in the Wardens Excursion to today and to get down to work sow Children Cry FLETCHERS CASTOR LADIES I- i Night Robes made pi fine Nainsook elaborately trimmed with Val Iace Insertion arid Ribbon lung or short sleeves Pric es 50c SI and HAS Totonto Markets Fall Wheat per hush 1 horse ana Fall Wheat per bush 1 kicketl her in the chest also injuring Wheat per bush I CO her Mr Pearson taught her to Oats per bush 5Sr Dr where her The funeral of the W ftart on Friday afternoon last was VEr largely tended representa gophering of the of the oldest families residing in the town and neighborhood A brief service was at on Prospect Avenue Rev C Cur Richmond Hill the offi ciating clergyman A friend and neighbor Rev the Mr Roche has very concluding praver whilst the Rev permitted the use of his lawn Whitnov amongst friends by the Peoples- society of the Presbyterian Church for the sen- six were nephews son as a tennis court cousins of the Barnraising yesterday on the ICvcs where her juries were to- Mr Harry Cable was unfortunate on receiving a broken col larbone He attempted to gather in the lines which were trailing on the ground while a of Browns flHtf colts were running ran the tongue to waggon balance and waggon out on 0 ell to the ground him Barley per bush Peas pr bush Rye per bush Hay per ton 18 -0t- Eggs per lb Potatoes per has CO ISO Chickens per lb lost per lb 0 per lb Ducks per lb 0 0 UNDERSKIRTS Ladies fine Nainsook three rows of and Inser tion fine tucks SI CO for SI 25 Ladies White Skirts fine Col tan Lace trimmed Ladies fine Nainsook Drawers trimmed with wide shadow Lace and fine tucks Reg Special price W C LUNDY Queen i Death Accidental Thomas Holt a venerable man of years died Tuesday In St Michaels Hospital to which he had been hastily conveyed last Friday night Tie never fully re gained consciousness and his re covery was as hopeless the first It appears that unnoticed Holt wandered a short Pittance from his home New market on to the Metropolitan and was struck a ao thrown ft short distance by the fender of an roaching car receiving se vere injuries to head face The verdict of the Coroners Jury In the case of Thomas Holt the old man who was struck bv a Metropoli tan car Aurora on the of May and who passed away in St Michaels Hospital on Tuesday last was reached on Saturday evening last The Jury were unanimous- in their verdict of accidental death BIG BEN NATIONAL KlNfhOlTY Ntwmtirkvt Alarm Clock THE BEST Hes Absolutely the Finest Made 300 On Sale at CO Jewelers and P R Ticket Issuer of Marriage Licenses the large circle of relatives residing in the vicinity there were present Mr Edgar North Mis Mr and Mrs Pogart Mr and Mrs A Mrs L Mrs It avxl Mr father of Toronto Mr Samuel PCaldwell of Mrs Scott Vic toria Mr and Miss Wilson and Mrs McCotiaehie of Au rora The sad occasion likewise brought to town many old time friends and residents including Miss McCracken Mrs Dr Freeman Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Lewis Lukes Messrs J Fred and Gain of Toronto and Messrs lames Whimsies J M Walton and J Willis Aurora Included in thirty odd floral tributes with which loving friends Iliad Surrounded the casket was an wreath from the of tlie Newmarket Cemetery Co the late Mr having been jits Indefatigable secretary for thirty- one years A floral anchor from the Newmar ket lodge handsome tributes from the Hoard of High School teaching staff and Kris Basket Hall Team of the Institution in the son of the deceased has taken for some years past so deep an interest Time for that Summer Suit Now Lawn Waists 98c each Lawn regular on sate each at Hunters New Call and Inspect Our Line of Sum mer Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds in the Moat Popular Shades and Patterns also Light Weight Series Cheviots and in sev eral Shades of Blue Black SemiReadyTailoring Has No Peer Suits wade to Your Special Meas ure and Delivered in days See our Lino of Gents Furnishings Boots Shoes for Summer wear They are the Latest and Most UptoDate DUNCAN Jtv The Cents Outfitter Deep felt sympathy was expressed at funeral of the late C Cutis dearly wife of Archie whjch plate her fathers residence Isaac on We4neslay- to King Cemetery J She was years of at her death and was a highly respected resident of the village all her life being on active member of the Meth odist Church The husband and three chil dren Vera May Grace and Maurice remain mourning loss The service largely attended and CKem Methodist Pastor attendance from a distance were Mr ami Mrs- McTavish of St Mr and Mrs Frank Curls Toronto Mr dohn I Chicago Mr Joseph Detroit Mich Mr and Mrs P C McCallum New market Mrs Rati and Mr Wm Newmarket Mr John and Mr Peter McCallum West IClgin Mr Brown Toronto Mr Delane and Air Hamilton New market pallbearers were three broth ersinlaw two brothers ami one cou sin Milton Winter King John I McCallum Chicago Peter C McCallum Newmarket Frank Curts Toronto Joseph purls Detroit Pert Drown Toronto County Council Toronto June June session of York County Council opened on Monday with War den Guardhouse in the chair A number of communications were road but only one that from Judge Morgan giving his opinion that the Jersey bridge was a County bridge and also an opinion concerning the establishment of new school sec tion attracted tjon Councillor introduced a motion to ask Judge Morgan for a more complete report which passed unanimously Councillor that they need not expect reply this sssion as it had the Judge two years to present report Mr the present report approved Warden flardhousc however was the opinion that this could not be- done without rescinding the previous motion which the Council refused to do- On Mr pressing the point the Warden reversed his former ruling and allowed the mo tion to be put without rescinding the previous one It promptly lost anal Council stands on record as not approving of Morgans report A bylaw was passed appointing Mr A James Highways engineer- The Township MarVhami through which the good mails passes and re passes has more bridges on the route outlined than other twice Fall Wheat per Oats per bush June bush 1 Oft 0 bush Peas per bush MP Oft Bran per ton 0 Shorts per ton Hay per ton 15 Eggs per doz Butter per 20- Potatoes per bag k a Chickens per lb if 0 Turkeys per lb MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS k mm 1II1T I a 1 at all important eatre fa Canada in London Eagr- York Chicago Spokane and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodau heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Century Brand Vl Lawn Waists 98c each rMMAkl The Township through J r ftSSfeW DUNCAN We will clear out the balance of our stock bought at a rate on the as follows f 10 Suits for 750 2 Suit s for 1 Suits for 1150 18Suits for 1350 Suits for 1500 Suits for 1650 1 v iK ARCHIVES OF TORONTO