if fc LJL w w JUNK FITS I J P J prink iOCTlONEER COLLECTOR Id tonics WW scalp and do not fiftt to Where the real pernicious dan- arid niultlplka AGE for all to Is pleasant fa that it can bo of family he little lot i today if I thai It is Just your Kick Sold by And I lie Bolton MOilM Painter and House Decorator Niagara aid SireoU DENTIST Mi Street Newk OK I Wilkinson DENTIST WiddlAeld Block Newmarket To Kilt Dandelions We have not tried ho virtue of following preparation for the destruction but ex change says ft Is vU made one oiirtfi pounds of copperas lot water Is said preparation will not the Back mover Pierre Builder Contractor Carpenter and Cabinet Make Pouter and MAIN STREET BRADFORD Estimates tor Building Free Chester a COLLEGE ST TORONTO of Aurora Hours PhoneNorth Rooms 17 fc AT J GREGORYS Cleaning and Pressing- Pant Making Above TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Phone- Walker NEWMARKET Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Niht OKce Boyds Livery Phone Womens The annual District Meeting of North York Womens Institute will be held In Aurora On at oclock for- the purpose of elect- District Officers for the corning year All District and Representatives is as others interested in the are re- quested to bo present A istrfsl Home new inmutp to the Industrial last alter- at t oclock it stance of miles lie was both on rece Wed In to Institution and at the some he pnSfifd away to the great beyond Coroner Wes ley InVestitntcil the of death ami reached ho Conclusion thai was due to exhaustion A hie tic Underwear Men cool Wearing Athletic Un derwear Short sleeves and short drawers each Hunters ftet ftore and at andaoothes and tissue refined herbal or from cuts or sores condition depends and your bo your vi IncreaseU when your bowels arc your liver stlnJuUtetl and your digest ion made by MM jwr Fine Cattle North York Is to be congratulat ed So having probably the herd of milk in the Ion Mr Gerard Pearson has been at great expense in this herd and is justly proud of them Mr has shown us ft- splendid photo of the herd show ing the cattle in the foreground with the bridge and stream mak ing an effective background C Turning Swords Into Plowshare Continued ffpnl In this fruitful era forward to support the iKWCo The years gave US Kants fcrfttt oik Perpetual In Uttered for iho first Idea or a of world In built Upon the repUuIlcntt moat part the work the eighteenth century was Still thtxrtitical and Ideal- Theje was at And in spite of the workers of the day and tiv growing current aspiration re presented by the iroiury with Napoleon and War still on tho throne The nutctccnth century saw a of the movement for peoea along many Hues not only much more extended tut it- also thoroughly organized and strongly practical it deepened and widened on its senUmcntal s as as on its side W J Bffi mi May Vint marks and John to mention Those marked absent for two were primarily pence idealists dfvoviervd that on it the of the world was threefold it r special mediation neu tral powers for Intemntiorta of inquiry in eases where dispute arid for the a In- Court of Arbitration the rosults of ConWretteo jteen and lasting still went much boyonft work of the In the perman ent of the peace I tht world It will always be Mrs first of the worl4- pass fourteen every one of cemented of the leas ipi and brought The- imnoriint ones Were the scope Of Of al preventing of the powers from uatn armed for the of debts the Of the bonibardment Unfortified town xml the- provision lot an Prize t lit perhaps the Ik of tit was that of ftp InJaVor hereafter this provision it has the -possible- which can be in the Interest the order And peace Of the world Arid l Ms Congress NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORt FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us i Reports of th that or more exams Jr Cain Gert rude Crawford Clara Brown 373 Karlyle Peterson Sr Graham Ber tha Bowser 365 I Jackson Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private tar Papers Issued at private resl- if desired OSSER Poultry tour mentis Feb lor winter season i r hatching a Reds which table fowl and Fifteen Aubrey Davis Op sJ Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons c England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear and Throat Hospital London England Main and Timothy Sta- market- Telephone No Consultation Hours Mi My may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the or phone NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO LUESBY The Canadian Order of Lambert Wa iters Of Newmarket has been son Brown lately esters making rapid strides lately Mr A C Wiley official organizer who recently spent a few weeks here succeeded in adding about fifteen to the membership Oh Sunday afternoon June at 3 oclock is the intention Order to decorate the graves of departed brethren and in the evenlngto at tend service at St Pauls Church It is expected that bre thren from Bradford and other places will be present Bradford band will also be in attendance Canada Homo i Furnace Work Plumbing piece heat treat- root springs crosa three point tit Hack pinion ch steering wheel internal expending hand lever Takes and other changed by hand loot pedal tbrottla and hand lever mm 8 inches pounds with stand- inches trade oil gas lamps wind- mohair top lull set repair outfit and- 3 of Our Specialties See the Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery The Weather Following is a forecast of the weather published by a weather phetv Take notice and see it it out as predicted On a belt of thunder storms will move northward over the country up warmer pans northward These showers will clear and thunder storms and pleasant On the a hot wave will form over- ton Mis souri Valley and move southeastward and 20th hot wave the 31st violent thunder storms will form over the upper Mississippi Val ley and move southeastward and 23rd thunder storms and 2Mb pleasant 26th and warm er On the a storm will form over Texas and movo eastward and cloudy with rain J Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a Toronto Newmarket 1025 340 1050 GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto 9 a p 755 MENT PO FACTORY Compare Cars any e convincing evidence specifications essential for perfect i tm A r Ontario PHOTOGRAPHS I We ar equipped to produce Portraits that are right and our long experience lo back every picture we make The child the parent the assured of a good likeness and artistic fin ish when we do the work Come in at any time or if more desirable make an appoint- Photo Artist Opposite Poet Office Newmarket Ladies Skrts 3 Ladies No Sag Skirts regular to on sale this week each at Hunt ers Newmarket Farm Produce There was the usual quantity farm orfercd on the mar ket last Saturday but Toronto buy ers were disposed to slight reduction in butter anil eggs the ruling were as fol lows Butter per lb 20c to Per 20c to Dressed Fowls Ho to Apples per basket 30c to per bunch to 10c Radish per bunch Potatoes per bag to Other articles about the same as quoted last week- Talking with farmers about poultry wo may say that the outlook is not to recent prices being the rule next fall The cold and wet weather have seriously damaged the young chicken broods and this fact with the high price of will the available of chickens and ducks especially rather scarce Street Street has again taken another start Mr Meek has celler dug- for a house We believe it- will be a brick with all the conveniences Mr- Laws is looking after the work Mr Julius Roger has his cellar dug and Mr Laws haa part of on the ground to erect the house which is to be some- thing of anew type Mr Laws has sold his shop to Mr Graves and Mr Graves has moved It back on bis lot which ho purchased from Mr Walker and Intends putting a cement stable under it Mr Barney Walker has put quite an addition to his house which he purchased from Mr John 248 Tay lor Case it Graham I ClassNo Definite Robinson Robinson John 111 Primer Primer V Taylor Robin son Edith I Primer Graham V Welsh Aggregate attendance Average attendance Gertrude Supplying Report of No Scott for the month of May Sr Oldham Willie Stokes Carrie Harrison A Brooks Sr Wain Oldham P Brooks P Brooks Stiver Sr Oldham Johnston A Beaver Johns ton V Tom Carruthers Jr III Kenneth Stiver Old ham Murray Stokes Donald Stiver Marion Stokes Swart Daisy Austin Comer Bain Julia Eric Mc- Jr Broad Kenneth Gladys Brooks Gladys Comer Norman Comer Minnie Paradlne Fred Sr Stokes Jr I Andrew P Stiver Tablet Norman Brooks Gordou Johnston Carrie Oldham Minnie Adeline Rob Number on roll Average for May Roy Teacher A Cyclone passed over a part of on Tuesday afternoon of last week Mr Ralph earn near was blown down and several were unroofed A couple of silos were upset and rail fences were scattered it was fol lowed by a heavy downpour Alfred Mason Mr Shelley Mr Spark- hall are among the sufferers P Lcnnon of Malvern had three cattle killed The Assistant ReceiverGeneral Toronto says that drilled marked or bent coins are worth only per cent their face value lKmt cept them of bills or making change If you get them do not put them on the clwrch collection Coins worn are worth full value Do minion one and two dollar bills if mutilated and still have threefifths remaining arc accepted at full value If two- fifths remains onehalf value will bo paid Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA PRIVATE OFFICE Cramming down food and rushing back to work leads straight to dys pepsia with all It means misery Proper of eating with a Dys pepsia Tablet after each meal restore good dlges- happiness A box of Dys pepsia Tablets costs but- at your Druggists National Drug and Chem ical Co of Canada Limited US I When the century opened peace spciaty existed teen years organization and developed to such on extend that there are today peace associations and unions to the number of more thun four hundred in no less than fifteen countries numbering many thousands of coming from all classes of society Between these numerous friends of peaco i different a close bond has been formed Peace congresses and dices are part of the settled ordec of the days The international Peace Bureau at Berne in existence now for more than a dozen years has made the union permanent About twenty years ago the Inter parliamentary Peace Union was Today it is the largest peace organization in existence- with more than two thousand members con sisting wholly of statesmen who meet annually or biennially Euro pean and American cities to promote the settlement of international dif ferences by arbitration At the beginning the nineteenth century there had been no cases of international arbitration of any great importance Since then the method has come into general use more than two hundred important cases having been settled by this ninetysix of which have tak en place in the first ten years of the twentieth century All the civilized nations have had recourse arbitra tion and difficulties of every sort have adjusted in this way- The these arbi tration treaties in existence is one made between Chile and Argen tina It covers all disputes For years there hod teen wars and pre paration for war between these two nations over a boundary line in the Andes- At last the British ministers residing in tie two capi tals saw the absurdity and crime of such a war and began to urge upon the two countries a peacefnl settle ment of the claims These minis ters greatly aided by the bishops and women finally the rul ers to submit the question to King Edward for arbitration Roth were so perfectly satisfied pleased with the decision that they immediately concluded treaty agreeing to sub mit all disputes to arbitration for five years Then in the highest point in the Andes on tho boundary line they erected a huge statue of Christ it and dedicated it to the peace ot whole world We have told this story because it is It shows tho new spirit that has come over- the world and that every treaty is a golden band uniting nations into At no previous time i history have the natural peace forces association trade commerce travel tho like operated so powerfully as within the last fifty years Modern meth ods of intercommunication have put all parts of complex modern world into touch with each other Men are thereby brought into fuller knowledge of one am IDs selfrestraint are made more patient and forbearing and are led to see and feel their interdepend ence their power of mutual ser vice Thus It Worked out prac tical way the feeling of universal kin ship and brotherhood largest practical expressions of this long historical development of the peace Idea were two Hague Conferences held in W99 and respectively The Conference was called primarily to consider how relief might be secured from the bur dens of great armamrtits Tho com mittee on the laws of war drafted and the Conference adopted a conven tion a copy Improved rules for the conduct civilized war Ore land and one for he extension of Red Cross to naval warfare The great constructive work thoiConfereoO was the course the the Settlement of International Controversies In six tyone articles In this measure there was profound and nearly univer sal interest for tho Conference soon ire to thai day of which Tennyson dreamed WW the wardrum longer ad the were In the Parliament of hunt the of world So we hail the advent of the plough It is the sign of triumphant democracy The toilers lave always had to pay toe price war Theirs was chiefly the toll in blood and tears upon them the re coil InevUaolo of trutlity But the But at j ioirlii plough have come to was he fallacies wherewith they have hitherto been misled There is no clash between the interests of the toilers in one country and those in another Nations are historic organ isms to heighten the efficiency of humanitys diversified duties and If the courts are competent to main tain social equilibrium between different contestants and litigants in country shall we despair of in- efficiency tn making for among the If all nations were united would one single nation dare reject the decree Reasoning purely from the made we may easily in Imagination construct oh the founda tions now well laid in ternational peace whch another hun dred years will see largely complet ed All the forces which have hither to been working are mightier today than ever before What made Hague Conference will make others like them What brought the Per manent Court of Arbitration will cause the ultimate refer ence to it of all versies has made the remark able movement In South led by Chili and the Argentine Republic will work on until it has mastered the continent What created the pre sent crude but none the less real world society will nlargeu pel feet it until not a foot of earths surface and not a man of inhabi tants remains and unfe- deratcd with the rest The interna tional Competitive system which has grown largely out of am bition and greed Is its end The great springing there- from which are crushing the with ami threat- to wreck civilization grown so intolerable that they can not lone survive industry labor education- so- cjal culture and common weal in their recent development are all against war However discouraging present appearances mav seem Its days are numbered It will die hard but die It must History has already written its deathwarrant on the wall and whatever Sod has writ ten In history is written So with the eye of faith we see unrolled on canvas of the i future a glorious picture in which thai be seen every laborer dwelling his own vino and figtree receiving ever a living wogo for his toll merchant and manufacturer pursuing his business and his wthoit a thought of interruption by the ravages of war and men of science and wealth combining j the achieve ment of more and re sults adding not merely to lv ne cessities but also to the comforts and luxuries of taking possession of land and water and air and all the forces to bo found In them and mak ing them minister to human life In the foreground will bo seeft that- tpo of manhood lesus and at His feet prophet Isaiah whoso bosom will be these- words They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall learn war anymore while un derneath will shine letters of fadelesslight The AngloSaxon race has fulfilled its mission Then awake awake nations Sound the news in every State message of the Gospel speak It out eer its too late Men ot courage men of honor for ward all and meet fop War and carnage human slaughter all are destined soon to go Put your sword into the scabbard chain at onco the dogs of war Beat your swords to pruning hooks look at Bethlehems Star Christ the Prince of Peace heav ens earth be spanned He died to make all nations friends brotherhood of man I I Oils Glass Etc J Paints A W ALLAN MARK J f J J OUR STORK Wednesday Afternoons DURING July You Can Save Money by Your Shopping Toronto House a TREADEASY The TREADEASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe 500 who Comort4be Shoe i NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHQE DEALER MEN YOU NEED NERVE ft Hi a mm i EARLY INDISCRETIONS EXCE68E8 HAVE UNDER MINED YOUR The oil of the to thing ihem wtU weaken all of the system Early Iodiicrtioiu of young they tod proper conditio a They remain mentally and sexually How Are and weak despondent gloomy specks before eyes with dark circles under them weak Hack of the heart bashful debilitating dreams sediment In urine pimples on the face eyes sunken cheeks ex- poor memory distrustful lack energy nights at premature decay bene pains hair loose etc the Treatment la GUARANTEED TO CURE have treated Diseases of Men for almost a v dg not have to experiment FREE OF CHARGE ui and wo tell you whether you are cases of i NERVOUS VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD j AND SKIN DISEASES GLEET BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet Diseases of Man If unable to call for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT DnsKENNEDYKENNEDY I Cop Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich rtTSIP Canada must be addressed to our Depart ment in Windsor Ont If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for- Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters follows KENNEDY A KENNEDY Windsor Oat V j l v I Write fcr oar a the to absent friends i ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO w c mm