w TOT FRIDAY JUNE S SUTTON- i DEPT Ml- Dispensary io euro and milling up to date edition rime Now it is PRIZE A I it mangel HATE in faction DASH SANK I a distance and other out he Manager Manager- i and will preach cry special musical Maple Oat June l The an oil lamp at four caused a fir that homo Charles tern with all members o the family in their night attire had arisen to prepare a bottle over the lamp led Nothing was saved a large filled St A I bans Toronto- on Sunday Sunday the of Toronto ordained young men to the church this is the iher record ordained in the diocese There deacons and twelve clergy taking part in the Rev Canon anon the- Rev of Trln- Rov Dr Patterson- Montreal and the Rev aylor of Holland Land- the i he Rev of St Georges One of the ordinands Taylor as appoint- Bishop to St Stephens a Sutton you l Compare Prices some money as I thing Else r Sutton H At i Fieid and garden Ac J In fc or Hulk SUQAR TURNIPS FIELD AND TIMOTHY SOWING TARKS Ar fart uptodato stock of all hinds of seeds at prices for FIRST QUALITY a Bargain in i In w fc R A SMITH IMPORTER OF STAPLE FANCY CHINA UOGqI ttihuMi tt4ilSi5 fSArsPPa K J y on the sidewalks in and are rounding into grand j i YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FOLLOWING SPE CIALTIES PICKLES Sweet Mixed in Bulk In bottles we have Mixed Pickles and bottle ChowChow and Pickled Walnuts 30e bottle Pan Yan bottle Pan Yan Sauce bottle Ceylon Relish bottle Catsup JAMS Imported Raspberry per jar Imported Strawberry jar Imported Spring Lemon Butter Imported Spring Butter Imported Spring Pineapple Butter Also a Full Assortment of Jollies in Quart and Pint Sizes KRAi i Office Specialty Watch for the Baseball Pennant on the Office tagpole a game is to bo played if case the garixe has been postponed the will be down before six p but trowing youths on their Park Avenue Church a J Impunity to Hit very great llKlftf a fcwlijtthsih one Ami of home a slag din lawbreakers have been worried by but the remains unheeded It is thotities intervened I joyous ihcludluV assembled at the Shoes 2S0 Pals home and Rhine- Women s Tan Shoos in and Wednesday morning whi rta- theft Wore Land Required The property for lice at Midland cost secured or the in Newmarket cost WLB0SW0RTH The Leading Reliable UptoDate attendance also was- good At the special meeting of the Joint On Tuesday evening Pyramid Lodge Boa on Wednesday evening eight Kr5TTLEBY conferred the first degree upon sever- applications were received for the candidates from and was a large attendance the from Richmond Hill The was Miss of Bradford was OF service last Sunday large and the decree work Quite a number came over from a very satisfactory manner fit you with a hat that will looV well as well as Iwear shown here ought to please iensibly for table The Summer anyone who wants to be In style to A HATS hold- and ttieir shape They are good enough to stand cleaning which Insure a credit to you all through the season IF Go The Men Main St Newmarket from our midst During the wanyDyUy Brooks Elsie Geo be the Tie that the of the work Relay Race Next Sunday Prof Cotton of CORNKR Phone OF Main Timothy Streets Greenhouses Gorham St Cut Flowers Sweet Narcissus Tulips Carnations Kerns etc Funeral Designs of Every De scription Made on Shortest No- tice Bridal a Specialty Lettuce Parsley Radish Pep per Grass PRICKS REASONABLE Phone PERRIN your highly as a personal an energetic trilling worker church and school and also for your Christian character You will be missed In our choir officers and Bible Class of town Sunday School surprised Miss Starr at her home and presented her with a beautiful tablecloth and pair Binds after a dainty lunch of towels Speeches were made by The Late From Saskatoon news of the dem last month of racewere Soules The annual Decoration Day at Ket- Tito bo Scrap Wanted Having located on Superior Street opposite the Grand I am prepared to pay Top Price for all kinds scrap iron brass copper rubber rags bottles etc delivered on the premises or if notified through the postofflce I will call and collect the same F CL0UTH A Bain Wagon kept on the road all the time IN HIS MAJESTYS SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK the matter of the Estate of John Fountain Of the Township of in the County of York Farmer Deceased comes Johns Inch Jean Barker JgV Cemetery will be held on on the 25th of Wright Mr George Tegart en- Ayers M Briinnm are invited to He was the son of the late Anderson Lund v pt aiii Tegart of Tottenham and was Thhnks are due to Messrs School of the filth in Schomberg about 56 years ago and S C and Kettleby i Ho moved from Tottenham to Battle for taking the boys but in their and after som years residence there Juil leaving Kettleby Station moved to the West Deceased was n the morning return- twice married His remains were on the regular brought to Tottenham for interment nigh last week Dont the to Canes and Specialty met in a fast on Wednesday game at the Show Grounds Both Kettleby football team are invited uecoratton service iuns and play- to attend a gadeii party at Victoria All inducers of the Canadian Order aI1 he time In the Square and intend competing for of Foresters are requested to meet at first inning a very regrettable prizes Luck gowithtbemf the Lodge Room over Simpsons heat happened that will Canes Mr and family Bakery at- JO on Sunday afternoon one of their best players for the rest and Mr Alfred and At oclock a procession by of the season lack Cane was hold- attended the wedding their Band will proceed to the K down 3rd base and in getting a phew Mr Cecil Morris at Aurora Cemetery where graves of departed throw from the catcher crowded the on Wednesday brethren will be decorated On sack and was run into by Black of Mr ami Mrs Marshall- and friend return lunch will lib at Simp- tbe Specialty with result that a of Newmarket are at Murray eons Restaurant in Cones ankle was broken Rev J spent lost week In the evening the Lodge with vis- was carried oil the field and his at brethren from Toronto Brad- days for this season are end- 1 Ira Mrs Hall Misses ford and other places will attend di- cast a gloom over Jarvis and Firth were nt the parson- vine service St Pauls Church the fans and nothing exciting hap- age until the last inning With I Mr and Mrs of score 3 to tor the Specialty at J Burling Church had a very Moore of log in the day after attended was the ladies Mr Wesley Williams Superintendent The League of Wesley Church also Mr A Starr Bible Class Teacb- ir presented Miss Starr with a silver and Rev Hawtln Refresh- you have been so helpful in Pudding Dish were served and a pleasant so- praise Also In Monday evening the teachers evening was enjoyed by all our Sunday School we feel it will be m hard to fill your place as by your untiring and you have endeared self to school and particularly to those young hearts you- have endeavouring to win for the Muster j But while you are leaving the work- here we are assured that our loss is gain to others and our wish is that Gods richest blessing may and your life may be a happy and prosperous one We ask you to accept this fruit dish as a reminder of your choir friends and a basket from Wesley and with it our best wishes for your future welfare Signed on behalf of Wesley Choir- J AHawtln Mrs Will Powell J Brooks Signed on behalf the S Class WORKING MEN ct h are at her father s After regular business and roll- track It was good for a homer was can to about mem i Fat Mrs Stokes W4 a program J Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute I George V Chap Sec 55 that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Fountain who died on or about the sixth nay of September ace required to Bend by post prepaid or to deliver to undersigned ad ministrators of tho estate or to Messrs Anderson McMoster Its solicitors oh or before tho day of June their names addresses descrljrtions and full statement ot particulars their claims and tbe nature of the security if any held by them duly certified and that alter th said day will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which- they then shall have notice Dated tWs day of Ma I National Trust Co Llm King Street Toronto Administrators Anderson A McMaster Keele Street Toronto for administrators It Worry no more about the cost of high living in this town I will give you two good meals for a Cent No fad simply Good Clean Wheat Our Goal is Arriving For Sale Cocker Spaniel mos old Geo Vale Newmarket H Lackawanna as as the test 6RDER EARLY DELIVERY i Maid Wanted To go to Orchard Beach for the summer Apply to Mrs Jack- Phone son FULL LINE OP FLOUR AND FEED Cement Tile and Milton Pressed Brick FORESTER SUCCESSOR TO V DENNE CO NEWMARKET the Newmarket Auxiliary A Thompson Thompson A Lifemembership pin was p res- Mitchell Vincent Cane to Mrs Hughes by Mrs took Jack Canes place J Simpson who in a lew Specialty Livingstone wellchosen words expressed lite Black of Mrs Hughes Doyle appreciation long and faithful service Refreshments followed and hour wns enjoyed by all Bowl In p Harvey Williams umpire a so- Tuesday night Town and Specialty played and gave a good exhibition of amateur ball Town got away and tho first five men up scored Tito Greens are now in splendid con- In the second Specialty heir and games tie work when the dust evening Messrs A A and F Field vfsltctt Bradford 0 they had three runs Both teams scored two more runs before the end of seventh which ended for Wednesday and at a meeting there a jTuwn Some features of the came League was formed The Clubs re- wore the work of Peary and Weeks presented are Allandale Bradford the Town battery the baserunning Aurora and Newmarket A schedule fielding of Pollock and a fluke was drawn up and the games will be home run by a wild throw played during the months of July to first a wilder throw to second August and the wildest to thirl The memberships the local club suit one home run and another home shows a largo increase this run by Peary anyone to become a teams wero as follows should do so before Saturday as the Town Pollock Weeks committee will meet on Monday to f skips and draw up schedule McEtroy of Rink games Two rinks from were Livingston Wednesday of spectators witnessed Williams umpire on number of spec good game Newmarket rinks were A and mpire Davis and Canes are scheduled to post graduate Congratulations Mr and Mrs M Stephens and Mis Mary spent Sunday Mr Fox attended the Synod meeting in Toronto this week Mr and Mrs Walt Shropshire spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs AUiston town council has voted towards cleaning out the mill pond which is full of stumps logs and debris after the flood PLEASANTV1LLE A quiet wedding took place at Farm the home of Mr and Mrs Storr when their daugh ter Esther was united in marriage to Rev ft A of Alberta Conference The ceremony was performed by- Rev W of Aurora Mr and Mrs left for home at Saber Alberta on the Friday evening of last week Miss Starr was given a surprise at train fe Wesley Church Vondorf when the choir and her SS Class met at the close of choir practice the Its Supreinacy ift the Realm of Music is fav- Illustrious Musicians and Tone Critics of the present TL is the Cheapest By direct from Manufacturer the Gerhard Piano is not a Price Prohibitive Instrument even a to those of Limited Means Used Pianos taken in constantly on hand at Barvjaine Write for Prices Gerhard ZmSS for administrators Rushbrook and adjudged win- play tonight Friday and ft Mod It with feelings inat mm eln nets bx ope shot wected ii IV