ESS ffifs Sfe wa S3 at s A THE NEWMARKET i Giro set A i AY 1UN Top late foi wertl GOOD JUL NOV I hive been a sufferer sine lMjy- row terrible complaint lave been lutul by physical ami have taken every heard but the tightest I finally concluded that There no in the world that cure Constipation About this time bean about atiea and to try them The effect was marvellous The first box gave me great relief an J after I had used a few J that I was entirely well is the only medicine that ever did me any good and I want to say to all who suffer as 1 did Try this fruit medicine and will find as I did a perfect cure Miss A is the only medicine in the world made of fruit and the only one positively and completely cure yon of Constipation a box for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa the Willing of the Pino Orchard Church will hold a Garten Tarty on on hight the A good program will be ill see so a good supper and A expert College has been busy making drain- ago sunn this vicinity during Past If list eft you beat the ding boils ringing In Vine Orchard fin fact have been very busy here lately Wooers Ihelr a4 nuai business meeting at of Mrs Stanley oh fourth Juno cess hit year report a most sue- For Sale Three Houses two hew with latest modern conveniences of Hughes Agent Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented and paying good Interest Posses- Ion in one month J K ROBERTSON Newmarket 7000 will Buy A good farm in the concession Convenient to church and school Good build ings and good spring Apply to Forsyth Joy Marthani 3 New Brick Houses Ave for sale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modern Conveniences Apply to Isaac Newmarket or French Al bert Very sudden was the death Mrs Win George McKay June at her residence street was the daughter of the late John That morning deceased was in her usual health and white she was preparing breakfast took sud denly ill ami an hours time pass ed Deceased was a the Church ami highly by ftll wk knew her While waiting the arrival of the mail Monday a large crowd wituesstst a very peculiar accident when Mr Harry Reynolds of Bond attempted to board the Head The stage motion less iu front of the and Mr Reynolds taking the side rig fits slipped thru the spkes and at the his hand slipped mL allowing him to all back his whole weight coming to bear on his leg breaking it badly between the knee and the ankle He was at once conveyed on a stretcher to Campbells drug store ial aid attended him Witness ton UK Bom bo aa tenant with on tot that Hutchison be tenia with Con llutohlaoh be assessed owner With Lot Thai Ada widow and Jane widow aK- witli and -Inn- fi Lots and Israel be assessed as with tiii on That John Lemon a leiiantVith llvanUs Lot tf twi nd John re moved as MK It On U that the named ho to the ftli Lot scorn that the are more seriously In Of the province than in the district fruit rlthat though a large hare neon are more Rilont left for a crop if mi In the number of trcas la too small to the hut the Wlnteraml spring so far have boon and tho pro well have not Buffered from and 6fity may be pronounced normally bloom not too Well ihijug is thai may AURORA a For Sale y Mm SI urn a Brick Houses on Hark Ave all modem conveniences also one frame house on Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Farms for Sale at the Newmarket Town Estate Office get Prices on a Large Number of Houses with Coavcnleaces A Snap Houses a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number of Cheice Lots for Sale We Buy Town Houses at this and also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Co For Sale a J Brick House Stable Garden Trees Ac close to Lake Sim- coe four and onehalt acres situated In Virginia- Convenient to Churches Store Postoffice and School Apply to MRS McLARY Virginia To Let The rooms In Bank of Toronto building overlooking the corner of Main and streets and at present occupied by thd department of Railways and Canals Large Vault in coneotion also rooms heat ed and provided with caretaker Also a large hall to rent J H WESLEY Wis announced shortly that Wesley Sunday School will hold their excursion the Canadian Vorthent Railway from Vandort on Thursday June The train will leave Vandori at am and returning will leave Beav er ton at p Fare lor the round trip- adults ami for Wednesday afternoons during the months of August most business places of or the town will Mr Baldwin street is away to Montreal on a visit to his daughter Mrs A Smith The Banner say Last fall when the Metropolitan purchase a strip of ground down from the Methodist Church to extend their switch to their station there was a very fine row of maple trees on the land pur chased Instead of cutting the trees down the railway company very moved the trees on the church property most of them being large trees It was feared the trees would not trow but they are coming out into leaf and have every appearance living Master son of Mr met an accident one day this week While up the sidewalk on Well ington Street near the Qucon Hotel he was knocked down by a team of horses coming out of the yards He was pretty badly shak en up- and has been confined to the house since Two of our Public School teach ers Miss Stewart and Miss Lan caster have their A baseball match was flayed ill the Park here on last be tween the juniors the Pickering College Newmarket aud Aur ora Juniors Our boys wore too many for the visitors winning by a score of to Tho Lawn Tennis Court on the Methodist Church lawn has been put In good ahapo and the club ex pect to have a good seasons en joyment The Aurora band is in great They have been by the Firemen for their celebra tion on July let by the Aurora for July 12th to go to and also for the great Conservative picnic at Jack sons Point on July nth The annual district meeting of the North York Womens Institute will be held In the Town Hall here on June at oclock for the purpose of electing district of ficers for the coming year Sold by ALLANS GO Council Council met at Vandorf June 3 Members all present in the chair Bills were presented by Lewis Tin- and others shovelling snow hours repairs to road between lots and Con 1 7S0 Harry was paid being value of two sheep killed by dogs The Treasurer was instructed to pay the presented The following were grant ed on the roads Lot Con Lot Con Lot Con Lot SO and SI Con- lot TO and Con culverts The SMALL at and Brown Lot lK Wirt Youll I- W MeliomildMK Con I Samuel AUred Dixon Lot W Hut the asaessmeht Dog against Charles Lot Con Crossed roll seconded That the as re vised by this Court adopted as flnatly the Court do now Sine Die Carried Fruit CtopReputt l v Ottawa Canada May 15 Weather fhe plants in hot beds and cold frames are In excellent condition ilvli- a time lhea wccVi favorable the a pair will number In Ibtce ThiafN all should commence WILSONS winlerud fairly on reported to a Into frost Piling liUlli in icing so total tall that they were ploughed up the ground devoted to crops Neither- nor raspberries a large orvlgof Ilia and fall hut such growth as there appeared to bo well matured nnd healthy Speaking struVbOrrldS atb now good con except they are libths robust growth as usual Owing t6 the good covet the ex- the winter did not affeftt The berry canca have Injured slightly to the extent that was anticipated rhe- acre age In Eastern Canada la less than usual Blackberries been Injured but not enough to seriously- affect the and gooseberries have wintered well TOMATOES In and thai cutoff a of the prop I nasi or ure White Lead 30PUlttVi Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot h p For Sale Second Hand Doors and Frames ot J KING CITY STUDY AT HOME Start a Course la Bookkeep- or Shorthand and your spare time until this Pall or Winter and then finish it college It you wish Many are following this plan saving ex pense and getting reedy for a good office position Write us for particulars The Shaw Cor respondence- School and The Centred Business College Head and Toronto H Shaw 1 to k it i Dr Vans Female Pills al9prtbtMfar ftiMK An old and wellknown resident the Township of King- in the person of William passed away suddenly on Saturday last at home ot a His demise will be learned with profound regret thru- out County ot York who in physique and good health had few peers was taken suddenly ill- from heart failure and expired almost immediately and before medical aid could be summon ed news tragic death came as- a terrible shock to his fam ily and friends late Walklngton had lor years been prominent in the agricul tural and sccial lite of King Town ship taking a keen interest in all that pertained to agriculture and It was largely due to his efforts that tho King Township Plowing Association was organized He also actively Interested In the work of the tural societies In political Jit he was an ardent Conservative and held offices In the King Town ship and North York associations A widow and family survive Mr was in Ws year SI funeral takes place tow family residence Cemetery 30 and Con 5 Culvert- Con IS and Con 5 and Con Culverts Con 7 Claying a Con Lot and 31 Lot and Con oltepairs Lot Con A ByLaw was passe instructing Reeve to sign agreement with the of King respecting the maintenance street Council adjourned to meet at lantrae on the St of July for the transaction of general business court of revision Council in with advertisement met at on the 3rd of June and organized as a Court of Revision Deputy in the choir V J appealed against the high assessment ot the northwest acres Con Moved Clark seconded by Russell that the appeal ot J be not susained and that Herbert Graham be assessed- tenant with Thomas Lot 35 Con Ihat Thomas Hill be assessed with Fred Carter as owner part of Low i5 Con and removed from assecment Smith and others of Lot Con That rover Lloyd be assessed with Robert on Lot Con student to remobed from Lot Con That be assessed as joint owner with Walter Woods mi part Lots and Con- W That be assessed as part owner with John Carlisle for Lot G5xCon and George Patrick as tenant of same That Thomas as owner with Fletcher Thompson on Lot Con I Tint J Gould be assessed as owner with A J- Jackson on Lot Con IK Marsh be assessed as ten ant with Ice Co Lot Con That Gates be assessed as tenant Davies Lot Con That Albert be assessed as tenant with Lot Con and name removed from Lot Con a That Donald MoKenzle be assessed as tenant with James Hill Lot Con IE That Charles Morton bo assessed as tenant with Wm Thomas on Lot IT WAS STONE IN THE BLADDER PILLS PASSED IT Five years ago I was taken down with what the doctors called Inflam mation of the Bladder Intense palm In the back and loins and difficulty urinating and the attacks which became more frequent amounted to unbearable I became so weak that I could not walk across the floor My wife read in the papers about GIN PILLS and sent for a box From the very first I felt that GIN PILLS were doing me good pain was relieved at once and the attacks were less frequent In six weeks the Stone la the Bladder came away When I recall bow suffered and how now 1 am healthy and able to work I cannot express myself strongly enough when what have done for me Regular a box at all dealers Yon can try them free by writing for a free sample to National Drug Chemical Co sol Canada At this date the crop re port Is confined almost oxclusive- to the conditions- under the and plantations have through the winter determined partly by the summer and autumn conditions of and partly by winter and spring weather of the present year The dry wea- thor of the summer had a tendency to ripen the fruit some what early ana it was feared that there had not beeri a good bud development The early ripening was undoubtedly a good feature as bud- inn wood went into the whiter in a thoroughly dor mant and matured condition A sovere frost about the middle of November British Columbia was the only adverse feature to bo noted in the early part of the winter In nearly the whole of Canada there was a liberal snowcovering from December to the first March Nowhere was snow excessive nor in drifts that- worked any harm The months of January and February were parti cularly cold the first districts of Eastern Canada- the thermo meter frequently ranged from to degrees below zero for sev eral days at a time and not for one period alone but during sev eral successive cold waves These Columbia were re latively much milder and no harm whatever was done to the fruit crop there Spring is ten even two Weeks later than usual the early fruit districts In the late fruit districts it is probably not more than a week than usual The growth during the first two weeks of this month May has been particularly vigorous and weather has been warm but a cold wave is now passing from West to East and some damage anticipated AEPPLKS The report for apples is upon the whole excellent Little bud or twig killing has been reported and the prospects are for a fav orable showing of bloom District Counties North of Lake Erie Prospects good All varieties came through winter well District Counties on Lake Huron and inland to York County- Improved cultivation of orchards fact that there was light crop last year inspires confidence of a good crop this season District Lake Ontario Coun ties North to Lake Georgian Bay Winter conditions good In this district The Tent Caterpillar and the Oyster shell Louse are plenti ful Extra care is being taken of most of tho best orchards PEARS share In the good condi tions shown In the apple crop I the commercial orchards of the Niagara district all are favorablo The acreage though Is decreasing year by- year so that the aggregate ot the crop may not bo groat as the con ditions the individual trees would indicate There is a re ported Increase in planting In Dis trict Ontario PUUMS No peculiarity markst he condi tion ot plums this spring They have come through winter well Spring frosts have yet to be reck oned with aOd of course many other contingencies before crop has fairly sot but there are no adverse features to report PEACHES The extremely Iqw temperature of January and February has seri ously injured the peach bloom and In certain orchards the trees have oven been Injured This Is parti cularly true in parts of Essex and Kent and on the higher- ground the Niagara district It would has been considerable son shine during April and so that the growth has been steady not particularly rank re ports indicate that the contracting for large areas INSECTS tent caterpillar is report ed from Eastern Ontario New Brunswick and parts of Quebec It Is likely there will be rather a serious invasion of the tent cat erpillar this spring It was fairly prevalent last year and the spring conditions this year were very Early efforts should be made to combat this pest The Oyster shell bark louse al though decreasing- is still preva lent and la doing serious harm District The San Jose longer dreaded by the commercial is destroying many of the older farm orchards In southwestern Ontario The Brown Tail moth Is spread ing and though the injuries in in fested districts have not been seri ous yet it seems likely to become a permanent and very serious pest outbreaks are reported from sev eral points New Brunswick FUNGOUS DISEASES Canker Is reported as serious In many orchard knot is now a disease confined to the more backward fruit districts Last year a very marked in creased interest was reported in the care of orchards with special reference to spraying This year there Is an even greater advance ment which promises well for the fruit crop Lime sulphur is rapidly taking the plaee of the mixture as adoinant spray will in all probability supersede it to some extent as a spray for the green foliage Arsenate of lead is faking the place of Paris Green partly on account of it being more conveni ent to handle and partly owing to its greater efficiency Covers Canada From Coast To Coast Limited English is Pure White Lead Pure White mixed ready for use with Pure Linseed Oil Pure Turpentine and and nothing else There is a English Paint for every color you wish to paint Ask for a sample card F- ROOFING Is soft hand some shades of Red and Green as well natural slate color These colors are an Integral part of the exposed surface net Cannonade- out or wash off Let us you samples Eves Newmarket Mount Albert Sutloafoest EXPERIENCES Canadian Pacific Railway Steamers leave Port Mondays Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Saturdays at pm tor MARIE ARTHUR AND FORT WIL LIAM The Steamer Manitoba sail ing from Port Wednes days will call at Owen Sound leaving that point pm Steamship Express Leaves Toronto pm on sailing days making direct con- with McNicoll I Homeseekers June 11 and and ev ery Second Tuesday until Sept inclusive WINNIPEG arid return EDMONTON and return Proportionate rates to other polats Return limit days THROUGH TOURIST SLEEP ING CARS Pamphlet Ask nearest Agent for Tickets and Full from ATKINSON Agent Newmarket THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS Dr M Indian Root Pills cure many common ailment which are very different but which all ariao from toe caqae system cloned with Impurities The Pills cause the bowels to move strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the sink These organs Immediately throw off the accumulated Impurities and BIU- Kidney Trouble Headaches Rheum- and similar ailments vanish Dr Morse Indian Root Doctor Bills DIAMOND BRAND JUST TRY A TIN FROM YOUR GROCER Your money returned if not entirely satisfactory Every tin absolutely guaranteed by Sugars Canners Limited Montreal POM SALE NOW BY FRED W CODY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET Copyrights Ac ir out opinion h if notice KM v flimrlcaii 1 t Bold fe BUILDING MATERIAL I Have oa Raid a taii I J The Barrie Examiner ot last week remarks Serious loss has been caused to the farmers by the heavy and continued rains In many places of fall wheat have been through water lying on the Adds Many farmers have been delayed with seeding and hove scarce ly any spring crops Little more than fodder crops can be sown at this late date Hay promise be a record crop And pasture has- made Utter is of lew than liaual owiogtb upon Pine Norway ypmco Hemlock ate spdal nasjassiSB aw aat sat I I 1 1 l Moulding All to a I Sttetoi Sl THE CANE SIMS CO I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO I s H