ra s i l ST- rtA I- a ALBERT U i i soft- IN pastor Will preach at service next Sunday THK HAND Mount Albert have Using steadily and arc now to furnish a program mu sic as any Hand In vicinity f Their Services have- been In demand already and they are hoi MlnfV with their music BALDWIN s PARTY The annual Garden wftVSPte be at residence Case about a quartet of a mile South Albert on Wednesday June Tea from fi to and an program will loprested In cluding plenty music by the Hand Mrs Moor spent a few da In the last wee Mrs l Davidson has rrturutil visit with In Toronto Mrs Slack of Winnipeg is spending the summer at the home of her Mr and Mrs Hubert Mrs A Last has to Columbia to spend the summer with her daughter Mrs J Someone of a stalk Inches high Mr Hayes brought in a stalk measuring in ches and has a whole held Next A new mail route is being opened for tree delivery the Centre and Scott Town Line J mail boxes will be up route will open on July 1st will be a great con venience to farmers A largely attended meeting- was held on Tuesday evening tor the pur pose of reorganizing the Albert The following officers Baseball Club were elected Herbert- Lennox Hon A Armstrong P President J Kightly Vice- President Terry Draper Captain Doug las Shields- Field Manner M Moore Mascot Percy A good field has been secured and any team wishing games will please the manager KESWICK On Friday afternoon the premises Mr Styles North bo most successful and Uptodate barn raising known In these parts Mr and are popular amongst all therefor people both in to assist Provident ill Passed Oft well though they must expected great calamity as there Were doctors present to ship the dead to another world and two si divines atyre also on hand to point the travellers riht Alt the nnbohs and were mi hand and graced the festive scene itself hand some modern structure right up times- Messrs and gentleman as captains the Hill liach- captain put up n ganu fight Captain Johnston who has a record as a hniuller I men on such similar events a hollow victory men de serted and over enemys camp Hobby Burns contemptuously says of such W ha would be fl slave Let him fill cowards grave etc Alter the elegant lunch was stored away dancing followed eh suite infantry i ty- inan Miller and Owen represent at Niagara Camp Grannie was bustling iiiuni with a look serious On Friday last always take this as a that a circus has come to town By and by the was abroad that J J hosier was ihePap of line little chap A wee wee gentleman had come to town accordiug to the juvenile the most wonderful and precious the tender of a halfdollar was treated with disdain nothing less than half a million would bring them to terms v A similar interesting event it a wftii her UH I Itdora at A- McNeill and I Irquhariy cm Sunday family were Con of called m week fronds here on Sunday gHdly mm Mr Coulson and wife of StootTTillejfd excursion to on visited aft and Mrs Colo on Sunday Mr- lady friend at Trov- Isi Sunday last Mr Colin WddtueKI and Mis Valley visited here On Sunday I was in on Monday attending late AnnUcrsary Service and held Sunday morning Was well ivwU spend couple of with Msa and have been appointed delegates the Kp wort to attend the summer at Whitby July to lh John ape several the of Iter irolr Mr Wcddel IU week Miss la ft site Marie guest aunt Mrs Hugh Mrs John Wftltt and MISS Lillian leave slmtUy on a trip to Will visit Mrs Jasiramv Mrs Miss lelt lOf CHAIN CABLES Xftoot are now occupied weather on- was like October than the June housed fcre filling up About a and ft half guests are now at and almost as many at are Improving Is VK Methodist pulpit on Sunday also Taft6VAsfc fowl in the evening Mr A Mar tin- made a stirring appeal in aid of shape taken at both fa I Airship Pile Hour Hon President jed the home of More eh During Mrs absence Miss Moggie Sinclair was companion for Miss Vera am a staunch admirer young ladies for no less a than that they are of two of mv most intimateIiatqviS friends I where may go you may getthee to ft nunnery but rant find the superior to Baldwins girls They are remark able for the good qualities which un derlie their Those automobile fiends are racing and down our high ways throwing dust in our eyre trying to arouse our jealousy We dont envy them in the least guess the infernal nuisances have come stay as I suppose ere long will be the case with the dying machines The League is making pre parations for a big Concert on 2thj music recitations etc miss it Already a number of ioMilK -ft- Ik seen daily plying on Cooks W Hay Mr Thompson Toronto fofmrly school teacher in Aurora accompan ied by Mrs Thompson are at Mr Manns and Mr Mrs and child of are with Mr Mrs 0 is a very large belt on the platform at the station at Hovers Corners it is intended for the church nearby to call cottagers ami others to divine service during- the outing season Perlin and Victoria made a con- tinuous 13hour trip of 350 to day She started from vtib passengers crossed Holland skirted the Netherlands and the coast of and went up the Elbe I she saluted the Kaiser who was ak Post Mrihgwt the regatta at for the summer wJ stopped at Hamburg This is a German record for speed and distance in a dirigible Ill the Talisch6 com menting on the We sugsi that the next trip shall to London We shall await with breathless inter- summer on Tuesday the Postmaster Morton had no little trouble in et- the service in running order for some reason SUTTON A number from this vicinity attend ed Mrs Stiles barnraising near Sutton last Friday Mr Stewart Moulds of Toronto was buying produce on our market here last Tuesday The friends of Miss May Anderson who was married this week to Mr Stanley gave her a kitchen shower at the home ot Mrs John Hamilton one evening last week Foster and fcabj of To ronto were visiting at Mr Glovers last week Mr and Mrs Moulds of were calling on old friends a fewdays last week Mr Ernie Glover was in Toronto on Friday last Mrs das Smalley of is y a eon pie of in of J- and Mrs Smalloy The Mr the officers tie Lodge the ensuing teim A James meets in llnmilton in August Walter hind man had at the Thursday night lav resulted more serious ly The hordes and he est Was ttprtV to Grand Lodge which Lion Broke Loose v June 18 Considerable ex citement- was created at this it was learned a real lion was loose in an ex press car and that the animal threat ened to- Thread from this bondage and and male trouble around the The lion being shipped from Ren frew toSangers was to Which fiuh- Dal a One weak link a cable may mean iho a a mil- Hon or mora so before being every one of great chain used the navy or merchant tested The a moat one- The cable laid a IpnjK end fastened to an anormous which drum the other attached ram la worked from in no on being In cable fthed While testing In if a chain does 10 which adhjeeted It every thing near it and may bring the whole The operator In next room before htm an ordinary looking pair Bcalea but the small weight which be place upon It many tone as weigh pound- While the weights go the scales a loud creak lug and gtoanlus is heard through the thick partition as the eeveatyilght foot length of Is the amount tested at one time atfetchea under- the preSaOre A dew cable about two Inches good deal mure The ordinary cable of steel two and one eighth In Is sub jected to a pull of over eighty Loudon Answers MARK TWAINS TRAMP And Quaint lhUddU6ll6n Enterprise Office it was the afternoon of a hot duaiy August day la gays Albert low in Harpers when a worn pilgrim drifted luto the of the Territorial Enter prise then in Its new on street end loosening heavy roil of blankets from bis shoulders dropped wearily into a chair He wore a rusty slouch coat a faded blue flannel shirt and a navy revolver- trousers were on bis boot tons A of reddish brown hair fell on his shoulders and a mass of tawny beard dingy withal- kail J dropped halfway to Aurora lay tulles from Virginia Cityhard hilly miles He bad walked that distance carrying his heavy load wa9 at the mo ment but the other proprietor Dennis McCarthy slgntaed that the caller might state his errand The wanderer regarded l with a faraway look f Nature Mr V and said absently and with leisurely exhibiting in Pemtanguisfcne today v and to it Vie Mr returned from Toronto on Saturday last af ter a lonfc spell in the hospital Some the pupils ol the high School are through with the years and are awaiting the result of the examinations Its to Stanley no longer hes tree when the band plays the wedding march it will be goodbye to May Mr Ilughfe had the tune to lose Ids horse which became frightened and broke its Mrs John and Miss Flora A Newmarket spent the at Win Kings The Ladies Aid of Methodist Church will be held at the home of Mrs Tims on day June Mr gave an dress at Bethel last Sunday He speaks for the Alliance and Is a- Very able speaker J i An operation has restored sanity to Mts Grace Warren Lynn Id ass who had in when she- was shot in- the head by a revolver and the bullet in- stead of penetrating Iter brain against her skull causing com- press km of the brain the eyes seems to take well with the fair sex one wont another will That must do for this time Work at the mill improvements is going huminlnoly The cement penstock or wheel pit thirty long twelve feet wide and twelve feet depth is complete Many dif ficulties were overcome and now so chopping will he resumed There ife much to do to reerect the dam meat by the carload is required Fall will probably ho at hand by the time everything in shipshape Then I hope Frank will coin money Watch our corner tor more news It was generally understood that the firm of Street Walker had busted and made an assignment But l their travellers drummers and are still on the road Work Is very plentiful good wages The earth Is flecked with lowers many tinted fair and gay So runs on the old Scotch song Yes and earth is fl coked with cow slips and buttercups very gay too and it is confounded aggravating to lu it sae If folks wad keep the at these remarks would be frivolous and unnecessary lo Your Duty Our Presbyterian ladies are expecting and to entertain you in a right royal manner on next Monday evening Theyre ton cooks and forget It A late seeding means a late har vest Many of our farmers are away Door Era I imagine WOre a imineiliatey started alter the team They stopped by Kaiser up by silvers On Tuesday evening about as Hugh was driving past the Mansion his horse at an automobile and in jumping sideways stepped on a rolling stono with result that the right hind log was broken Just above hawk The poor animal was an old stand by but valuable Just the Mime and will bo a severe loss to Mr Dr gave it a dose Which relieved its tiufferlngs tent to the happy hunting grounds Mercury period to be mercurial The weather seems Are wot For Sale halt I mile from Mt Al bert frame dwelling frame stable hard and soft water plenty ol small fruit on easy terms i CWDAVIDSON 1 Mount We Represent Royal Fire Insurance Co lb Mechant Fire Co Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals g anoe Co Canada of CottTOyanolng Decoration Day Queensville Cemetery Saturday June At oclock puhllo will please hake notice and and accordingly- A President WRIGHT Socretay QUBENSV1LLK Mr Win has an other line young driving horse from Mr H Rogers lie is a likely one Mr Arnold recently purchas ed Mr It A Putnams farm and in tends to deal in horses and cattle to to yuite an extent Mr A is a man with lots of enterprise and well- known in this vicinity We wish him success Mr and Mrs A Putnam also Mr and Mrs have gone away on an extended trip vis iting friends at Niagara Falls Grims by and Hamilton Mr A Knight has purchased the farm of acres on 1th concession East and expects to remove there next spring The Party of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Mrs lawn on Friday even- Juno Jilt Albert Band Sandersons OrcbcstrawiU be In nee J The Womens Institute are giving Shredded Wheat Banquet to bo heed in the Hall 10th of July Program after the banquet Reserve the date We promise you a good time Bills and Pail particulars will he out next week The Newmarket Womens Institute are paying ladles of Queensville a visit and have kindly consented to give program All members are requested to be present A cordial invitation Is extended to all Meet ing held June 26th Mr jPSI presiding ov er ranee Examinations la school this week Twentytwo stu dents are writing on the entrance and three on the Public School Leaving Examination Mr A Is in Sutton acting as presiding examiner over the entrance there McLean of Toronto Is visiting Mrs this week A now verandah on Mr Clarks from its wooden cae Tho two express messengers teat a hasty re treat the car floor be hind them When the car arrived at Allandale It was and left there to the arrival trainer from As soon as lie arriied he entered the car door and those assembled on depot platform a real exhibition of lien training He had never seen the ani mal before but in a fewjnouients he had it completely subdued arid hack in the Before Penetan- was reached Hon had again broken loose and it was al lowed to continue journey In hill possession of the car Many of the express parcels were torn to pieces The moving picture men missed a rare opportunity My starboard leg seems to be un shipped Id like about a hundred yards of line I think 1 am falling to pieces Then be added want to see Mr or Mr My nam is Clemens and Ive come to write or paper Judgment Rendered in the Lancaster Marriage Act Ottawa Jure So far as tin highest court in Canada can it the decree has been depriv ed of its sting aud members of Par liament need not face the dilemma of offending either Catholics or Pro testants oft Voting tor or against the Lancaster marriage bill The Supreme Court gave judg ment to that effect at nooa today upon the reference to It by the Do minion Government of theFuleral Parliaments right to pass f uniform marriage law for Canada Involving also the legal effect of the decree in regard to the annulment of mixed marriages or of those formM contrary to the decrees of the Papal See In regard to the Lancaster mar- age bill the Ave heard the case are practically declaring that the Federal Parliament- has no- constitutional right to pass such a bill result will of Course he ap pealed to the Privy Council by the Government so as to secure a final decision and remove all doubts Meanwhile it Is victory for Sir Allen Ayleswhrth Premier Bor den and Hon J who each practically staled from their places In Parliament that the Do minion had no power to legislate The law of the Province Quebec docs nullify a mixed marriage or a marriage between two Rboian otherwise legally when per- other than a Roman Catholic priest Toe Lata Daniel Webster used to tell a story about an old woman who was very HI and went Into a trance They all thought she was dead and when shs opened her eyes her husband said In fl surprised tone Why thought ye dead Tba poor old woman looked at ber hu9bsnd a mo ment and then she burst into tears And ye never- bawled a bit shs sobbed Ye thought dead and eyes dry Couldnt ye have bawled a little bit Jabezr The old man was deeply moved and be did ac tually bawl then But bis wife said sadly Its- too late now Dry eyes If Id really been dead bawled twould have done me some good But Its too late now I June oreration for acute appendicitis was performed today In the open air at Niagara Camp on Private Leonard Matthews of the Regiment It is expected that be will Chatham Ont June A Greene Reeve the Township of was sentenced today by County Judge to one month in charge was one of adds flatly to its of funds and it Is under- Insulting Could you sing a ragtime asked Mr Why sir spluttered musician who takes himself seriously c-c-con- found ypur bbbon headed lmpu- Thats a good start was the com- rejoinder You have a tat Idea of the words Now sea If you can put a melody to them Washington Star Unreasonable Emma baa such a sweet disposi tion Has shot There Isnt a shoe cleric In town that doesnt hate her Whyt She thinks they are flU In a con spiracy to prevent from wearing a No shoe on a No foot Cleveland Plain Dealer Convtreattonal I observe that you never contradict any theory that Mr ad vances Yes replied Miss Cayenne hes likely to get through talking much sooner if you dont break In and sug gest new Star Drawback I suppose every woman would like to be a Venus In Not at all How can yon that Venus couldnt wear present styles Washington Her aid Chance Husband You look badly today my love Is It that you are U17 WifeNo John Its this last hat Im wear Baser Men like cattle follow Frank years Weal Montreal was killed at oclock Monday night when be accidentally a metal spool pole used toe lowering the globe when tfml Dr In wasted hodlas weak cod and Is On recoinUloo of the troth that Golden Medio with materials la and form this help Nature to stomach to food build body and thereby threw off Tbo DwooTery the and nutritive organa in sound health purifies and blood and the nerves to short aonnd health dealer ofera It probably better FOB para you thinking at cure not profit mo good tor you Say Dr Common Sense Medical Adrlier In Plain or Med icine Simplified iOUU over Illustrations newly uptodate clothbound Sept for 50 stampa to cover of wrapping and Dr Buffalo Quality Quality Last Quality All time Now it is Hosiery the Severely Plain e have them all Our Value at Pair Kmhroidertd to the Tan Italian is I Lallies Underwear v We hare a very Nice Line at 15e to per garment Mens Underwear at from to per suit Something in at from 00 to each GOLD Best T wine Manufactured We meet all cbinretation In Quality and pat in PRICE QUEENSVILLE GASH GASH j THE DOMINION BANK am a VtCIfttlUMNT A BOGERT General Capital paid Rsisrva Fund Total AmU i 70oooooo Open A Savings Account Each of of The a special department to savings Such accounts receive careful attention and Interest deposits of and upwards Is a account Mount Albert Branch S TERRY Manager 160000 Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE Northern IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA The Government has thrown open for entry Free Home steads acres each along the lines of the Canadian Northern Railway in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta At least 35000 of these within a radius of miles of operated lines of the Com while the balance will be served by Branches now under con struction or projected Alberta the Province already noteworthy for its fertile lands and salubrious Climate takes first place In the total of homesteads of fering But the wonderful Wheat Lands ot Saskatchewan are well represented in the- Farms which have been thrown open for entry Manitoba the oldest settled the three holds out a large number MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Western Canada is so that practically every farming condition is met with- in the combined total There Is open prairie thebluft country which needs some clearing and also the rolling land where loam and climate are admirably adapted to the needs of mixed farm ing The atmosphereClear Dry and this land the best land to live in The best Homesteads am tfPidly being taken up and will be well advised to make their selection without delay Write for a free booklet giving the location and a description of the land being A copy will be mailed to anyone making applw cation to Asst General Passenger Agent an Northern Building Toronto t Burrows the Grocer Sutton rft- Now that Seedlag and Gardening is we would ask you all to step In and look over our Seeds and Compare price with others and tee If we cannot save you some money as hare them Marked Very Close and Everything Else the Grocer Sutton at I I Js 4 K g IMS mm ARCHIVES OF TORONTO 99