I I jO in aw OCTI V ft ill J I m 1 aaisst A and for large a he re arm- land ion of on on Excursion The Farmers to Toronto Mrs Casey Of Miss Mr Mrs Stew- city Friends Church Wednesday July 3rd will bo a Harden Party on the Church under the auspices oi the- Will- Model Access oil wt auspices tickets sold at Aurora Hand will station Sj Looks Good for Taft Garden or Bulk SUGAR BEETS HALF MANGEL TURNIPS FIELD CARROTS FIELD AND GARDEN CORN CLOVER AISIKK LUCERNE sowing MILLET TARKS In fart we parry an of all kinds Ihrtii rcisoohWe prices for FIRST QUALITY Always a Bargain in More Autos This is a ftrcat or biles Mr Ken RoUr fUnc IS President cured orders for and takes first a right and parties have- pur- battle- afternoon the other makes because tlie J Nationot ho represiits could not Senator i Root Ms Season le Mr also Of Wis this who has the full tMikn of Boston Favorite Oxfords Vole Jtfc With try Sole all Witt And lts pair at Contract Let Was ah iitjHrtjt the forces For paBlcW dus darker of a recti Very and held their delegates In line A i THE BEGGARS LEGACY l 1 Tin tinier of Mr Mcintosh for 1 lew School the Primary ifj Mm ruu Roosevelt foms a England Annually Gifts aAnoany In id any market and of to poor from a left for be purpose or Dot Smith be was mora I led bavin earned toe sobriquet tba fact bat be was a dog bla bee I a about two and a half ago and wis one of be beat known figures In Snrrsj originally a In r tie city of London and Id acquired estates In it parts of England as ho old bo adopted bo Ufa of a beggar Bis wanderloga wars confined entirety to arid be la said to bare begged way every town and village In the county At bis death In 1681 he left alibis wealth to lbs market towns and parishes of and endowment enabled each town to spend and each about On purchase Of clothing for Its ho was excluded from his benefactions being that on one occasion the in habit ants of tuba in whipped him through the- village as a common v r A BABEL OF TO R A r direct staple AND FANCY CHINA new School grounds was accepted on evening at nearly lids docs not Co began to lay Mr Mcintosh is the gentleman who tot aclfor la new on ttie High onal Republican and a job is sUnA forerunner- raoro JACllmi expected in the not yet or ail ftdjoiftliij lots of the that body I In In withdrew iir the YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO TIIB- FOLLOWING SPE CIALTIES PICKLES Sweet Mixed in Bulk In bottles we Mired and bottle 10c and bottle Pickled Walnuts 30c bottle Pan bottle Pan Yen Sauce 20o bottle Ceylon Relish 20c bottle- Catsup and 25c j am s Imported Raspberry 20c per jar Imported Strawberry jar Imported Spring Lemon Butter Imported Spring Butter Imported Spring Pineapple Butter Also a Full Assortment Table in Quart and Pint Sizes WL BOSWORTH The Leading Reliable fipooer Delivery Phono CORNER OF aln Timothy Streets Brief lets effect west the on jcohtest which had scaled Huron St has been all filled in and from 92 were ordered looks well by Roosevelts campaign new root is going on old Era get Senator Dixon but corner Main and Ontario again bolted declaring were Stws- tor good the and the wedding the cause ot the bolt was the the north end was pretty active on the to give a lull Wednesday i bluing on all Alter The tennis players are the Roosevelt men had left the corn- use of the Court on the took up Cases but had Church lawn Dr Clarks court is far when a was also kept as early in the proposed and carried to until morning sometimes tomorrow The Pennsylvania Roosevelt League There Was an excellent attedance at meeting last Monday evening the program ol a patriotic na ture Two interesting papers were given Miss Truman and Miss Six iiew members were received in all lor the month June Next Monday night will be the meeting before closing tor the sum mer mouths A speaker is expected to give an address on the Boy Scout Movement Dont miss it a by a but vot es tonight to leave the Republican Convention It seems not unlikely the vention may be split in two and that will be nominat ed by his own faction the parties get together and a is selected would seem easy win for the- In the coming Half a Language pi In Philippine Of the Philippines are known to hare languages and some students of ethnology Of the lap da have express ed the belief bat they hare more loan double that number of For of they are gener ally put In two groups First The languages Of the Negri tos descendants of the ab original of Islands Who distributed flea tiered tribes In the Interior of the larger Island Second The languages of the vari ous Malay tribes make up bulk Of Cbrlstliiu and call not be siild that the languages possess any very consider able literary value The old native manuscripts inscribed on leaves or strips of cane have practically all been lost American stud en Li of the Islands have found the scanty native literature in religious writings Indifferent poetry and primitive newspapers The natives themselves are profoundly Ignorant for the most pert as to own liter tUreNew fork limes Values than elsewhere Have found Moat men Its here and br coming We want to show best on the market Our plan you how to save cash and still the- Mb a am Hunters for Stocking in Town Greenhouses St Stood s Narcissus Carnations Sweet Pe Tulips Ferns etc Funeral Designs of Every De scription Made on Shortest No tice v Bridal Specialty Lettuce Parsley Radish Pep per Grass PRICES REASONABLE Phone Scrap Wanted Having located on Superior Street opposite the Grand Trunk sheds I am prepared to pay Top Price for oil kinds of scrap iron brass copper rubber rags bottles etc delivered on the premises or if notified through postoffice I will call and collect same CLOUTH A Bain Wagon kept on tho road all the time 8ml4 ft MONTREAL THE STANDARD is the National a Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada Jt la national In It uses most expensive procuring the photographs from nil over world Us articles are carefully selected and Its editorial policy is thoroughly independent A subscription to The Standard costs per year to any address In Canada or Great Britain TRY IT FOR 1912 J Montreal Standard Publishing Co Limited Publishers SklnnerCane The prettiest wedding in New market tor a long time took place on Wednesday afternoon at BeHoie commodious residence of Mr and Mrs Charles Edwin Cane when their eldest daughter Miss Mabel Ethel became the bride of Mr Charles Ed ward Skinner a prosperous of Mitchell Rev J Simp son pastor of the Methodist Church being the officiating cler gyman At appointed hour nearly one hundred guests and as the strains of Mendelssohns Wedding March resounded from the touch of Mr John Skinner Mitchell broth er of the groom the contracting par ties took their places in the drawing- room Under a very artistic bower of A Will you with a hat thai will wdl as well as feeling The Fashionable shown here ought to please a i who wants be style to be comfortable 4jb TORONTO LETTER Talk about rain it came in floods on Ward bad more than its share when the drains below subway on Keele Street became all blocked The water from the rain storm rushing down the hill no outlet and flooded the street to a dcptVof two feet The road was in this conditioti for three or four- hours until- a gang of workmen final ly cleared the gutters For stealing a bicycle Henry Mor rison was sent to- the Central for months The number of Immigrants for On tario handled by the Dominion Im migration the Toronto Un ion Station so this season reach es very near the twenty thousand mark John Varley an employe at the Ir oquois Hotel news stand was com mitted for trial by a jury on a charge having attempted to Crown witness Walter Smith al leges that Varley offered him if ho would riot give evidence A Good Word For Caviar Caviar receives a clean bill In the London Lancet despite fact that Is regarded by many medical men as oily indigestible and unwholesome Numerous been this sturgeon roe delicacy which ac cording to the writer when appears to be as follows Water per protein per cent fat per cent and mineral salts per cent differs sharply the flesh of fish by containing a much larger quantity of fat Moreover this fat contstns the peculiar oily phosphor us compound known as lecithin which Is a stimulant to metabolism affecting favorably the processes of nutrition Caviar la In fact highly nutritive and Ha digestibility has been deter- mined the time taken for absorp tion being relatively abort If there anything to be said unfavorably of caviar It la that ltd constituents en slightly on the side of richness I v Will hold their color and their shape They are good stand cleaning insure them toeing a credit to you all 1 HATS enough in rv The Co Main white flowers smilojc the While in swimming in the leaning on arm of her fath er as they proceeded through the of white drajed with ferns and smitax Tho bride looked perfeccly charming attired in white Duchess satin with customary bridal veil and orange- blossoms carrying a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the volley Miss Julia Skinner of Mitchell sis ter of the groom was bridesmaid and wore silk over pink satin carrying pink roses and lilies of the valley Mr of London brother of the bride assisted the Mrs Cane brides mother wore navy blue foulard and Mrs Skinner of Mitchell grooms mother wore grey silk At the conclusion of the ceremony happy couple received the con gratulations of their many friends as evening Ray Jackson yearold youth was drowned In sight of a crowd companions 17- Between and Orange men are to meet at on July Five arrests for gambling were made in a Sunday morning raid at Buffalo fireman had his back broken arid fifteen others were over come by smoke at a 150 blaze In a lumberyard and packing Colllngwood ratepayers will vote on a bylaw on July 3rd to raise by twentyyear debentures to equip a Hydro power plant Council on behalf of the municipali ty agreed to tike p per annum at- per Robert Little was killed and two Fall Term from Sept 3rd Stands in a class by Itself for strictly firstclass work Open all Write today for as well longdistance others seriously injured owing to a messages scaffold breaking at County Jail During- signing the register musical selections were given on the St June Death piano after which the company re- came with startling suddenness tp paired to the large which Smith an elderly man re- was erected on the front lawn where sidin at street who choice wasscrvedi all the guests being seated at once For want of time customary toasts had to bo omitted The hap py couple- were escorted to the station by an automobile proces sion tho bridal carriage being deck ed In uptodate style and the occu pants well showered with confetti The brides gown was silk hat of Milan straw trimmed with Irish crochet They spending Hie Honeymoon a trip down St Lawrence as far as the historic city of Quolice On their return they will reside in a new brick house in Mitchell The groom evidently has an eye for beautiful The floral decorations were lovely The where the numerous and costly fits to the bride were displayed Was in rod an the tobies in pink and white Weal- so- chose for his one of the most charming flowers of Newmarket and we safe In saying that the whole wishes her much happiness and prosperity in her new homo The other outoftown guests were Mr and Mrs Johnston Mrs Mc- Miss Baldwin Miss likes Mr Mrs Marrow Mr and while at the supper table last evening Ho suddenly choked was dead before friends could attempt to render any assistance June Tonight a number of the older citizens of met at- home of Michael to present him with an atV- d revs and a couch on the one hun dred and third anniversary of his birth Mr has all his facul ties is as clear headed as a man of fifty and is physically active Al though retired for many years he shod a horse just to show that he could still do it bridge is proud of its centenarian and hopes to have him In the flesh for many years to come An unfortunate accident occurred at the public school one day last week A part of the- picket fence along the front of the yard has been torn down for some time leaving a hoard along the bottom and while stepping over this Miss Qucenic Stoke tripped and fell head foremost oh tho cement sidewalk was nicked up in an unconscious condi tion and medical summon ed once and on examination It wasfound that her collar bone and a small bone in her The Jewish rabbis had a legend which carries corporal punishment back to be days of our first parents which Is Quaintly reflected In that modern schoolboys play upon names Adam Ere Cain Abel Of course there Is too warning of Solomon He that spareth rod bis eon- or the old Egyptian proverb back of a lad Is made that he may hearken to him that ft but If we must go on history alouo earliest records belong to the no- mans who practiced flogging In sev eral degrees of severity There were the ferula a flat strip of leather a comparatively mild persuad er the a harsher Instrument of twisted parchment and the flagel- lum a cruel scourge of leather thongs a I j- l Books In Middle Ages fc In the middle ages books were ex changed for a horse or half a dozen sheep When anybody needed stock or property Be often pawned the books that be owned and- In die town of Oxford were at one time twenty chests rilled with valuable books loit er the book fairs helped to relieve the situation No doubt there Is a golden mean somewhere between tbe scarcity of tbe middle ages and overproduc tion today Argonaut CHARACTER structure which every graduate from our school is young and oldj rich and poor each one tot himself is Called charac ter and every act of our lives with pure upright deedsj at the end you will stand a fair temple honored hy God and man- But as one leak will sink a ship one flaw break a chain so We mean act or word will forever leave its impress and wprk its influence on your character Then let the several deeds unite to form a day nd one one the days crow into noble years and the vears as they slowly pass will raise- at- last a edifice enduring forever to your praise and you will cherish with the tenderness the me mories of your school Hie The old school house the walks about the piece the desk upon which you wrote your name all stor ed away in memory never to for gotten HE WAS CAUTIOUS An old farmer in tho guest of a fine lady coun ty When the afternoon tea was served the hostess observed that the old man gulped down his before they could servo the other guests Again and again the farmer passed his cup to be refilled At the ninth cup the lady becoming uneasy as to the sup ply on hand ventured to ask How atony cups tea do you take JohnV How many do you asked John warily Sly it- aver Mi WORKING MEN HERE Worry no more about the cost of high living in this town I will give you two good meals for a Cent No fad simply Good Clean Wheat Our Coal is Arriving ft 1 A Lackawanna as good as the test EARLY PROMPT DELIVERY FULL LINE OP FLOUR AND Also Cement Tile and Milton Brick GEORGE FORESTER SUCCESSOR TO V Cd Phono 42 NEWMARKET The Dlscraat Why do elaborate circumlocution when you tell a man that you doubt his veracity 1 It better to use longest words possible If cab compel a man to consult dictionary to ascertain just what mean both our tempers get a chance to cool Washington Star Scolding Not Successful Many women have attempted to scold affection Into of men but we have never beard of one who suc ceeded Chicago The heart of the wise man should resemble a mirror which reflects object without being Bullied by any Confucius Rupert aged was drowned at Kingston while swlm- Rev i Dr Sparling Principal of Wesley College Winnipeg died on Sunday after a short illness The of Inspected the Cadets at the Royal Military Col lege and presented diplomas ard prizes The two men who robbed Joseph Bryant man WlunPresidtnt Toft and Col Roosevelt are through milk mud slinging they clean up in Shoe Polish s the very best for their boots as nil good Canadians and Americans realize Best by test Will not soil the daintiest gar ments s 1 K wj aTJ iV IP I tolay Mrs Mr too in hrt wrist wore have been southed to years I AT ALL -ftaWfRU- Miss oil Sentinel i urn mm I iiffiiSE TORONTO