S Prof Ph p M A Kansas a gold decent speaker occupy pulpit for- the two Y- Excursion of ihtf Manufacturing Co- will run their annual excursion to Penctan on Airs For partlcu- i Foothill A fast game played Saturday Newmarket hill locked The clean throughout New market had the tali cm Hill the Skater part the time The score Stood three to nothing favor v I ft 1 L I His Hone out Newmarket Lists will He in the hands for attribution The drain Simpsons bakery RP again third About time it iKed to i the new the Market has a deliver vau larse quantities material tor the are Hem received the depot A V The annual of North York Institute took place on Thursday Aug- at Or- lUueh an invitation havm been previously to them to hold it there The weather proved seekers their pleasant he of the Institite very the and courtesy extended to them one ou- to look see that they were well pleased Mr flHiar Is dp a w Cedar ponjeooo up says that lotitf arc bow 35 house upot In Davis Tannery and School v A- Christian Church scaabn year which usu ally lessens to of lAt Sunday all dell Cod John Ml orac- friel thoughts tHobulUU and tliemo chosen 111 to was very and all preseiit dnKJ the Visual vieo sons iMK sang in mhvHul His and in ev- entns Mr P A gav dkt Oily Thompson Toronto York Is leather- Department fVfirHW Groceries in all widths aft and fcaVt Window Curtains ol ftlf- kinds Ari and r PrOBoeted St raw berries Jar Canned Worker Snuoe Pure toy Soap bar Be Meats lce suit m Solid Counter Heel None at an No j reject or Imperfect Sboea alio we to enter store Quality Stotind Qualify long alter Price Is Dear the Shoe are defer of Pa morning Oft the Chris tian Baptism the evening theme will roved a lool There will He excellent mu sic and singing at Hoth advices Through the a Church Is to Have a This is be- employed tor church the report the plan is to be made on Aug it Vessel int SCO ftlh County Totonto wwiiiVVHV Toronto JAmeKus iVi the Rogers Co Totono Estate- Toronto Hotel Toronto v lor the second lime of yaehj the Trophy went to tt day vShe crosscx tija finish uhoMclai tamo a Ttie A Johnston Co Wholesale Clothing it Howland Sons A Co Wholesale Toronto Wright Co- Walker House Toronto 5 canal have the first ever The ship wiU laHe us Lumbers A Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Matriculation Exams Following in York County who wrote at the MatricuUtiou Exams at Toronto University have passed A Gram Hamlin HHorsley A Irvine Malcolm I Marshall I MoVean A Mov er Morgan V Mount Port er Group A Pool er P It Way KW A lev A J AY Dixon Hill Irwin Johnston J Avby A A Person LB Pearson A Shaver A Starr A Staples SwiWr P Wade J Weir Group P Hill a Man- ton Moore Sand er J Scott A Stewart I Class A contains the complete Class partial matricu lants who must write oil and class those who have partial and more than three subjects yet to write The last Contains persons who have written any number pi papers hut are credited with partial ma triculation College Pharmacy ap plicants are Contained in- this group place In trade Spring ThCvn Vessel wlll be a Jevelpp- tHenhternal Combustion type out last year when the Toiler now operated by life inland Lines was built ft will with internal combustion oil en gines but these will connected to White Ltd Wholesale Provisions etc Toronto Davidson AT Hay Ltd Toronto t v ACo Wholesale Lumber etc Toronto Lumber Co Toronto A Co Toronto t 5 Harbor Lumber Co Toronto v 5 if About In prices Toronto live stock week isanftdvanoe on STANDARD PATTERNS LUNDY THE LADIES STORE hi Newmarket Markets Aug loth Fall Wheat per bush Oats 0 Barley per bush 80- Peas per Bran per ton 2Q Shorts per ton 28 Hay per new Eggs per 0 1 Butter per- lb 0 j Potatoes per big ft Chickens per lb per lei Turkeys per lb 20- -rf- Toronto Markets 4 idSummer Clearing Sale White La wn Blouses fancy hemmed and for- 79c 1 Coat fancy T Regular for Regular for Regular for And Many Other Bargains W C J Aug FallWheat per bush 05rrSi I Oats per bosh A Hardware Implement Agent Newmarket Blacksmith Newmarket A Allan Hardware Newmarket Robertson Court Clerk Newmarket v 5 i I Contraction week the Bra reproduced from Aurora Banner it had copied from the Markbam regarding the sale ot maps for future delivery which we have since learned is a great injustice to the young men who arc trying to earn something during holidays Instead idlelng their time away Banner of last says article appeared in the St Marys Argus some time ago charg ing fraud in connection with selling of maps by young men who were going about the towns and selling them for future The editor of the Argus had made a correction of state ment which appeared in his paper In which he says Let it be understood once and for have nothing and never have Had anything to say against the goods o the company or the value the maps What wo did say is certain farmers had their names to a map agent ot un derstanding what they doing as they bad dealt with matter only superficially and from the words of the map agent they bad inferred that it was a semiofficial personage who wanted their consent to a govern ment survey to producing a govern ment publication The Economist Our reason tor the item In the Economist and our was fraud was perpetrated on tHe public here some time ago by an agent and article led us to be lieve this was a similar fraud In view of explanation given by the St Argus and other papers and the fact that a map has been sent us by the firm for personal ex amination which Is as good presented we Hesitation in stating we regret the article was us Cairo Egypt Aug trial three youths who were arrested on July for being concerned in a plot to Viscount Kiiteh- British Agent and in Egypt took place resulted in all then being found guilty was sentenced to years Hard labor while the other two were sent to prison for 15 years without fatal labor Si Aug the stealer Ban Grey with his Royal Highness of and arrived from St Anns at oclock this afternoon They were received with a royal salutu from HMS is here with Sir Ralph Williams Governor of Newfoundland The Duke will land at trfe at oclock to morrow forenoon and will proceed through streets lined by military to the City Hall where ad dress will be presented He wilValso receive a number of other addresses Then His Highness will pro ceed to the NorthWest Arm where the memorial tower will be dedicat ed Pearson Dairy Newmarket i Wholesale Dry Goods Toronto 00 Ben Ross Newmarket mm J AStarr Queensville Warden County York A Importer Newmarket Newmarket Era till Christmas for James Cane Co Wholesale Lumber Toronto Wallace Ti i C Dennis Newmarket A Ed Gen Agt international Co Newmarket J Agt onal Harvester Co Newmarket J Proctor president of Fair 500 J A Sons Importer of Clydesdale Horses I S Rose Contractor Newmarket Denton County Judge Toronto Keith Fait Newmarket T Simpson Newmarket W Wiley Publisher Newmarket i It Clark Dentist Newmarket j Jackson Editor Era Newmarket AM 3 Eggs per 30 Butter per Potatoes new per bush Chickens per lb Turkeys per ft Ducks per lKiiv0 A firuntoU Merchant Newmarket- Hunter Merchant Newm 1 x ifuau 1 instead of to propeller Jobbing 5 per ton ami elect thus develop- w Tailor Newmarket a on- will he in lor screws and the captain handling tliem by K J Furniture Undertaking Newmarkot from the bridge like a Wood etc a5 The vessel has been contracted fori Geo Forester Miller asthe outcome of designs submitted by Messrs John and Co Montreal and Glasgow the contract with the Electric Marine Pro pulsion Company of Glasgow is being liuilt to their the and Wham-Rich- j It will He of the usual Canadian Canal form and dimensions with dead wight capacity tons on a fourteen foot draught bastf Tlio principle of populsion for this vessel is identical with that the Electric railway car of which an example was recently seen To ronto on the line of the Canadian Northern s MONTREAL Established Fall Term from Sept 3rd TORONTO Stands in a by itself for strictly firstclass work Open all year as CAPITAL ALU PAID W TOTAL ASSETS at all important aentrea In Canada and in London York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking traarfacte4 INTEREST ALLOWED ON Former customers taa Ontario Bank Branca wWUaoonoia4i a aaretofor NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS ear Write today for handsome 1 V Grocer Newmarket A Boyd Livery Newmarket J Talt Butcher Newmarket J Y Druggists Newmarket Watson jeweller Newmarket Choppin Newmarket Gorman Boulevard Hotel Toronto Royal Hotel Aurora I 4M ChrlatmM The Equity WATCH Made by the Watch Co The Beot Wotoh for the Money PRICES Jewel Nldkle 550 Jewel Filled 950 Jewel Gold Filled Plain Engraved Cases and All Fully Warranted to Satisfaction- Yours for Service Jawalem and P of if T W Stephens Aurora J Deputy Reeve Whitchurch Aurora Jas vVnimster Co Aurora urora Geo Aurora Richardson Aurora J Bassett Butcher Aurora Wm Thomson Rose J Knowles Reeve Aurora Jas Wellington Hotel Aurora Oil Traveller i n I on to im 4tt4 Tarlton Deputy Registrar South York Toronto A Reev King King City James Cameron Reeve Township Teston Goodwin Reeve Holland banding Chas Reeve North Keswick A E Pugsley Reeve Suttorc West T J Reeve York Reeve Sutton Frank Kelly DeputyReeve Newmarket tJohn Smith Reeve East Annls Reeve PugBley Reeve Richmond Hill J Nigh Reeve Markham W J Wells DeputyReeve King Frank Barber York Co Engineer Toronto A James Engineer York Co Good Roads Com Toronto 3Q0 County Constable Toronto A G Newell Court Stenographer Toronto J Wholesale Grain Ac Toronto Keith A Sons Wholesale Toronto Steele Seed Co Toronto w R Osborne Sons Newmarket v 2 Newmarket A on Newmarket Laundry H Police Magistrate York Newmarket Cody Grocer Newmarket H Mortimer Mgc Bell Telephone Newmarket E Hughes Town Clerk Newmarket A Thompson Machinist Newmarket Adams Barber Newmarket w- i 5 Newmarket ij J W Blacksmith Newmarket o Geo Knowles Grocer Newmarket Manniog BlaclamltH Newmarket a 2 Royal Hotel Holland nW i i a f I ENGLAND at 2500 I v 2800 3000 a JVo 3500 i V V V r TORONTO WJA 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