Newmarket Era, 16 Aug 1912, p. 4

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fe tQJ tt For Health Compound I I I A Li A IV ffl Canadian women are continually faa as letters as the two following which are heartfelt expressions of grati tude for restored health GUnford Station bare ta ken Lydla Vegetable Com- pound and never found any medicine to compare with It I had ulcers and fall ing Of womb and doctors did me no good 1 suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine al so recommend it for nervousness and in digestion Mrs Henry Clark Station Cheaterville I beard your medicines highly praised and a year I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble My left the time and just before my periods which were Irregular and painful it would be worse To sit down caused mo pain and suffer ing and I would be nervous some times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak Little specks would float before my eyes and was always constipated I cannot say too much for Pinkhms Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills for there are no medicines like them have taken them and I recommend them to all women You may publish this testimonial Mrs Ste phen J Martin Chesterville Ontario Canada ABOUT YOUR TEETH A Bargain titer Policy to show upon tfcfl the overthrow o Whitney dynasty Under the The dargate Counter or New Ontario servmviv an tUcJo AiWW have a recti wdVP powwo at Point Thai not now befog available we direct the special attention of North Yorks propounded by the to that acre ranV to- it refers Mr Administration for the donation of hat clay belt and by bis declare thai North- en dorsed the appropriation Will of this it Ms J Time toll but meanwhile number are beginning ponder W 9S Vhithor Is Ontario drilling very wttltts talked to by the liberal parly Ho Mr tVchmncv Provincial to railway MttpiWlNU not exalted estiniatfon the people as an administrator or in the ovefnmei is the article to the People York Will Albert please enumerate the- are being in New Ontario as a result the grant of 4000000 acres of- them clay belt to date of that grunt LAST of tlh of a la under our manl often four and flvo at if at- by pain LGTHOMSON NEW YORK -vet- of A ferunt acres to building of a railway that to be financed on the a 35O0O000 guarantee secured from Use Dominion Gov ernment over yours have pasSd and what benefit has come to New from the alienation of acres to A Maun would ijpt have come to ew Ontario it land had remained thc property the province The foregoing extract we suggest ho road by the chairman ot the next Conservative Convention at the opening of the session tel a that salary of eVipfyrocn In America about says the member is tor family to lire on mixed oyer in toe United State re- mm Is Net Many a Baked loaves of hred aw parts of World Austria and and agrieulturiil districts mania the of ths very miles from Vienna Is never seen staple food the people Is a kind of mde from ground which Is at tt Most Over Anglo of the To put UNREAL a a Us it touches you r From that blessed day y with your Blarney State of City of Toledo Lucas County J as J make to that be Is senior partner the firm J Cheney St Co dedeg the City Toledo County speeUnsi the has a keen and wit nUo0 with admirable It advises and many parts the to Tali pray for Tyrol Roosevelt and oh In the North of many the peasants live on polenta a porridge The polenta to granulate solid fc The story of which Winston Churchill vagueness of It comity iAirt made of boiled maiae from go Old la allowed George AMiwith chair- Commission A say nan of the padding Itll eaten cold the of Trade anU it is eaten hot is lb every ami suocesfilul me- I ihellalUn peasants dally bread the past WK Roman colon lavs writer la shortly by the Weekly J other word a to the W Arinainset tha and the dish of is like the in that it made of boiled maiae but Aug unUke Canadians the King respect as the grains not despatch King lias W to settle into a solid mass but minted Sir Henry kept distinct after the fashion vol Governor Quebce- Major meal porridge shortly by toe V Bakers Weekly J In- ether Wo the working of the be of the Italians an Disputes Investigation Act enough a variation 1 In the called Is then dish of A press from Some Say It m of ONE era Merely Ability to IdUputo and doM too LARS for each and of remunerative to be disposed j Catarrh that cannot be cured by The general supposition that ate of Halls Catarrh Cure atone one tied hy irons to 16 SlM vagueness of tower to be the M detail of If comity ton or keep of the castle V oitgln and to feet the top nature of the yarn Itself This no doubt is the atone A Blarney Is a Village kissed Id order Seal Notary northwest pi with do ab it la to lie on Halla Catarrh Cure la taken It Is situs the your oyer aUy and acts on blood and has some that thle Is not d rau00llt m of the tyttcn the stone at all but that the right OVERLAND OVERLAND MODEL Gars and Tracks are unsurpassed for V and Above cut our FivePassenger Thirty HorsePower Car at deliver ed Toronto fully equipped Call without fail and see our Models SHAWOVERLAND SALES CO to Adelaide St West Toronto a I Trunks Bags Valises Re paired Shortest Notice All Kinds of Stable Sundries Kept in Stock HARNESS Your Horse needs a New Harness which Improve his and add to his Va lue which will give your Outfit that Smart Distinguishes all Our Goods We use only the Best Leather and Our Prices are Reasonable REPAIRING A SPECIALTY No ob too Large or Small Receive our Attention Write or Call Now dHAS A and Collar Maker Main Street Newmarket for Coll a which to secure a training or your lifes work Thorough count In Oratory High School College and Domestic Science Large environ- Resident nuree health of needs an ALMA training Handsome pro- sent on to Principal Mrs Julia Smith Victoria Harbor rendered nnconeclous by being thrown from a buggy by a train near horse was killed and the rig Mr Perry Smith caught a salmon trout while trolling last week which has all records broken The fish weighs 26 pounds is three feet long measurea InChea in circumference Mr Smith is of the catch end fish equity measured and photographed New Health Regulations The new health legislations promul gated by the Ontario Government being commended by some and others considered too stringent following synopsis we from the Toronto Star in order especial ly that our municipal authorities and medical men may sit up and tee no tice in all cases of tuberculosis within twelve hours of dJagnosis Doctor must weoltly reports up on each case ol tuberculosis to the Board of Each municipality must map on which shall be mark- each case of tuberculosis Province will provide pamphlets on treatment of tuberculosis to each Patient bo ordered to be re moved to a or hospital kept there until health officer considers removal safe Expense of treat to he borne by ntun- in cases of pa tients Turcular patient must nfctify health authoritiosVot change of residence All 1ave occu pied by tubercular patients must be disinfected after their removal at expense of the municipality Bodies of dying pi communica ble cannot ho moved by rail except when wound a disin fecting sheet and enclosed in seal ed coffins These coffins nay net be reopened and must bear the permit the health officer Bodies of those dying ol communica ble discuses cannot be disinterred except on the order ol Attor- Measles to be placarded The of quarantine for scarlet fever Is increased from five to six weeks Local medical health officers must keep maps of each municipality showing location of each case typhoid fever The Provincial Board of Health may appoint extra men to enforce the regulations governing smallpox Vessels coming from Infected ports may bo inspected Special may be to board all such boats and trains and order all passengers to be vaccinated before they Vaccination is made compulsoryl tlic Medical Health Officer thinks there is danger he can dcr anyone to be vaccinated Proclamation or a of such decision by the health authori ties is sufficient- to render anyone Who is not Vaccinated in liable to Any member of a municipal council who does not comply is subject to a fine of The space for each individual in camps In unorganiTed districts is Increased from to feet meat slaughtered In the munici pal abattoirs cam he without the stamp of the local Inspector Mr Arthur McEweti while work ing on a steel cut at the Lock Works at hand drawn ToronfOj and Madame tteiiiue th same order Mr was among number who made up the Liberal to New recently In an Interview with the Toronto Star he said north is rtully a revelation to those who have not travelled through it Aside from the mines which of course are interesting the possi bilities opened the eyes of many of us Wo drove over stretch of land back of aid and found it quite far as barns and wiuiinieiit to anything to he seen on the older farms in South Ontario The atmosphere Is like the West it mokes young men selfconfident and Enterprising Mr J Henderson has been ap pointed permanent assessor of at a salary of per annum In to the regular du ties of Mr Henderson is to prepare a large card map of each block in the town showing definitely size of each lot with information thereon or through card system of each transfer at what price or of prices asked or offered for tie differ ent properties He is to be supplied with space in town hall have all tile there and to give tU greater part of each week at this work tho main -aT6ry- place Ja there no record ol the J CHENEY A Toledo The la little more than a cot having drawn to the Sold by all Druggists 70 tower feet high With danger of promiscuous Take Family Pllla for ami It SB Blarney invites a cisxt- ailpaMoa of the Me- Send the Era to absent car thy s The famous atone Is of triangular twenty feet liravs rUttta with a Cigar In The old mother has a vi b iineaUhy appetite TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Hon but given by wheelers At holds the field only ing like an Israelites of Yet to Paul a French sciential bread can be any veatelable Substance a describeii some of bread that are In a measure familiar to most people but some rather novelties in the culinary line Bread made of pure da with the addition at of its weiaht lo wheal has the appearance of good breadbut Blarney concluded It got singular reputation is hot Known bat it is fixed la of the rebrt tOihe every year for TO Excursions WINNIPEG VIA CHICAGO Plus halfcent mile from Winnipeg to destination but not beyond it of ha says ft Is gray in color and odor and taste are not agreeable He also tells of bread made of flour and potatoes combined of rye beans the roots of iris mandragora and hellebore and the leaves of aconite All these however Canada runsthst Toronto to Tunnel mac McCarthy the lord of Castle and all lions south thereof in J an AUGUST all stations North but not Including Main Toronto to via Stratford all stations condition of surrendering I the tor- Toronto and and East of Toronto to Kinfealoa to the but and i lautfhlhs stock West in Ontario with lew exceptions afford The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest routed perfect nourishment and are realty or wiiorVWmTAn inTair tlie term a Fast Service between Winnipeg and He- not made from wheat or corn that to a a ot which constitutes chief food of the mounlaineerathat said that Queen bread made from chestnuts without the first to use the v the admixture of any other It Is all blarney and has the combined advantage The reference authorities Farmers never can realize how well they live of what such living would cost them until they leave the farm tor the town to buy every morsel of food and water that paaos their lips Then they look and Wonder why they didnt bet ter appreciate the abundance of all the good thing they daily had before them would really a income or the interest of a snug bank to furnish the food found on tfce farmers tables If It were all bought at the prevailing high prices the city markets Farmers work hard for a living but they have the satisfaction of working for a one and- never apparently reckon the cost COLLEGE BERLIN ONT CANADA for boys or Aria tauip- Swimminr Pool on la I of being healthful palatable easi ly digested and it will keep pure and fresh for fifteen daya Some historians give the Chinese credit for having first baked bread but nothing definite about their methods in preparing it haa been discovered as yet Suffice it to say that when the Chinese made their bread of wheat years before the Christian era they merely- soaked the broken wheat in water heated 11 over a fire The art of was trans- milted from Into Greece and Ihere are no leas than different varieties of bread known among the ancient- Greeks They employed in Die making of bread a great many kinds grata besides wheat and barley such as rye millet rice and a soft sort of grain from called a Egyptian grain Strange say neither German nor will sufficiently raise our Hans Christian A otitic writes of Hans Christian Anderson His vsnity wss his most salient character He photographed scores times in every position snd costume and he never wearied of new presentments of strong but unhandsome fea tures Hit ware legion He had a morbid horror being buried alive and always set a alio paper by bedside bearing the words 8eg akindod I am in a trance hosts often found him an exact I guest but his little failinga were easily pardoned for the sake and childlike nature A Barbarism In ancient times it was the cus tom of the victors in a battle to deoo rste their doorposts with the of the vanquished With th advance of civilisation of course we no long er continue this bit of barbarity but the custom has not been allowed to drop altogether as is seen by the atone balls which are often eel on gateposts a relic of a barbarous Ides of long ago In certain parla of Africa the skulls are still used aa de corations Whole villages may seen with the doorposts of the houses surmounted in this gruesome fash ion describe the virtue that kiting of the Sf a mi- Dr Brewers of TQRUW I and does Fare lot Round Trip this shall be able to persuade to Good Going August to September Wheelers Familiar inclusive Return limit Sept The power of the to anyone kbses it a fluent per- Rates on Certain Dates and not over honest ton- fc Ask any Grand Trunk Agent lor full Parmer and Henleys Die Particulars soft AUG 20 3 A Via or Chicago WINNIPEG AND RETURN IHOS EDMONTON AND RETURN Tickets good for No change of cars i 1 1 i l I UPPER LAKE SAILINGS Sailings from for Smalt Marie and- Port Arthur pm Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays wuiiuwimieui soft i Berth from any Grand Trunk Dixons Dictionary of Phrases To be full flattery and persuasive Depot kill person ing at a hotel a ten NOTICE is hereby given that Fran ces Lagora Anderson the of Toronto in the County of York in tho Province of Ontario- married woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next sessions there of for a BUI of Divorce from hear husband Daniel Anderson now resid ing at the City of Toronto in the County of York In the Province of Ontario on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto in- the Province Ontario the day of April A GODFREY PHEL- AN HENDERSON Adelaide street West Toronto Ontario Solicitors for Frances Lagora Andor- YEAR KXPBRIBNCB i Beginning of Trouble Yea- said who happen ed to be in a dur ing my younger daya wind but later Well what happened Isterf ques tioned Mrs I married you continued the al leged of the matrimonial com bine Way to Get a Job One of the Unemployed wish had- money enough I shouldnt have to work tor a living Another of Them So do I In that you know it would be so easy to get a job Smoky London London suffers an loss of S3 per cent of bright sunahins through the presence of smoke A Little Rhino A baby newly arrived in from India is priced at la an infant rhinoceros it a a Trench Johnson to p baseball would lie find Lloyds Diction ary Smooth flat- hereby that teriug Irish- speech to hie Edna of the City of To- put person or sidience County of York in the dressed In good and thus province of will apply to further any ulterior object Parliament of Canada at the next in arovesot Blarney which contains- this verse of the said city of To- added by Father Relics reolo on the abound of ctueltv famo Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario this day of June MINNIE by Richardson Continental Life Bay street Toronto fiolicitots for the applicant ATEIMTS There is a stone there That whoever kisses he never misses To eloquent Dont hope to hinder him Or to bewilder him Sure hes a pilgrim From the Blarney Stone Samuel has also written stout the Blarney Stone The best known verse is say would you find this same Niamey Theres a castle not far from Kill On the top of its wall But take care you dont nil Theres i stone that contains all this Blarney In all Countries Ask lot out Inventors Adviser stat ion University Street cornea St Catharine Stmt Montreal and Washington EDUCATION PAYS Look about you and see trained brains win better than trained muscles train young and women to their brains in business They succeed Why not Will you write for a copy of our new catalogue It will interest you if you want to set ahead Fall term from August Addrees Shaws Schools Toronto Shaw President Yonge and Streets Profitable Poultry Actual yield for lour months Ire layers Dec Jan Feb Max a record for winter lay ing through a severe season which is hard to Buy your for hatching a swain of Rhode Island Reds which US without a peer as table fowl and wotrderful egg producers eggs for J Aubrey Davs Newmarket On v- I i Washington Aug President La- conte was killed at o clock this morning as a result of the explosion of magazine whloh de stroyed the Presidential palace Minister cabled trrs fact of the death oT President La- to the State tills afternoon and urged that a warship sent Port Au Priced imme diately In response to his request the gunboat Nashville which has held at Cuba in Toronto Exhidition V J August to September Groatet Display HighClass Pianos and Play fers that Gerhard fraa ever made The Beet Time to a Choice direct from the at a Reasonable Price Gerhard Limited 1 J IMP sstt SSF TORONTO

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