Newmarket Era, 16 Aug 1912, p. 5

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-f- V Aa BY r W reiLAV 0V J J a- I J to lew cm and t Bolton Painter Decorator aid Street Newmarket a Clitic DENTIST Street Newmarket Dp ft- Wilkinson DENTIST Block Newmarket will be a Mother Mooting on August 1 at at the homo of Mr Jxaita commencing many mothers to come to the 1 J Dunn Qualified Maternity Nurse Newmarket JSiss Helen Small Organist Church Piano Organ and Theory Terras on application No 35 Niagara St Newmarket it Dp Chester COLLEGE ST TORONTO Hours Rooms IS a runups of Yonge street was- in town on day and says the crops- in north ern pari of tin- county arc the test in years and everything indicates big yields Oil the farm Immediately that of Mr where last year htrf difficulty in securing enough hay and straw to carry Ms ho this ear has acres which It is fully will tun the aero besides a big crop bar- Icy and about acres fto completely will iris born bo Ailed threshing operations must begin fore his barley be Mr Phillips says that oats Are an iniimnsv crop in short with the possible en silage very in parts of Whitchurch and and Concessions up ahead crops in the area indicated are not Very heavy- and the being and light Is partly for lS ready to use at first sign of double the beat corrective for disorder the The earlier seek relief the it will be to get the more certain i it will be that the will not lead to worse It is universally admitted that i are the safest preventive aswetK as the most reliable of stomach bowel Of liver They bring about regular natural healthful action AH through the body in every organ every n actions vigor and spirits- you will feel the benefit of Pills and quickly too You will save yourself suffering if you have this matchless aid to health J NEWMARKET Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College GALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Boyds Livery Phone Was left by can hotel- pro- On oU i- POTOED odor As Ron toa1 delict tolU i Cajiava in 1 THE CITY Havana For vabla hart called lha Wiekdeat city Port Bald and lo- axe their of sordid var iety Havana it wicked and gay Paris life y tauranta and are and lourinla In jay life la wktkadneaa la part of lift in Havana Is Vide And its the Is Gambling in Havana open to both ami woman All thai la ia a of bank rioUi faro and are at hand Eveji one chocolate In the morning the dally round its beginning A hall dozen peddlers tickets Interrupt the meat The lottery In la run by the Government- for enormous The drat la ticket are hawked about the and sold at every corner store But the thai the Government it- does not guarantee being on the At a recant drawing the fl rat prise was not award ed for the reason that that particular had not been sold didnt like it hut they kept on buying Mayor PerSOH or It la their to Dennis fchd MARKET HARDWARE STORE e 3B Council Council met i layman G Jackson Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Offloe Private gar Papers fssued at private ac if desired A S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal Collage of Physicians and the Royal College ol Surgeons England Former clinical axslitant la Eye Hospital and College Ear and Throat London Main and Timotfcy Ste Me market- Telephone No Consultation may be had at any taw or night by at or Probated An estate of Peter Joseph Plana of on November His will Was put through the Surrogate Court on Friday morning when auxiliary letters ot probate on his Ontario were applied tor Mr real estate amounted to a block of seven lots and hotel bite in alelort lota in Albert and his hotel at Newmarket In addition ho had in hotel furnishings book debts insurance cash on hand direct my to pay to of Prince Albert Catholic priest as soon as possible after my death that he ma say masses for the repose of my It my wish that the Hotel can be sold the same shall be under the supervision of my wife His widow receives a legacy a son 2000 and four other sons- all Living in each two daughters one in and the other in Prince Al bert get each The residue is divided among- his widow Peter Lambert J Wilfred ami Walter Flanagan Sons Farm Produce NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IK Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS I i i I R SOUS Next to SmiuVs Grocery Q T Time Card Good market last Saturday Fruits and vegetables coming in more freely prices as follows to Butter per lb to 26c per 135 or Applesi per tekt to Potatoes per bag Now Potatoes 10c peck to box Red Black Currants quart Cherries pail Red Currants quart Onions bunches for Beets 5c bunch Carrots 5c bunch Green peck peck or 3 for Live Spring Chickens lb Old Hens per lb- Live Turkeys per lb to Live Bucks per lb young lie old lb per pair per pair 25c to Ripe Tomatoes lb or 3 lbs for Peas to peck lb Calf Skins per lb to 12c Horsehides 150 and Tallow per lb 5c i GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 4 GOING SOUTH Leave am a 30 585 Newmarket Toronto at PHOTOGRAPHS W are Portraits that are right and our long exptrience la of every picture we make Too child the the grandparent all are aasured of a good artistic fin ish when we do the work Come In at any time or If more desirable an appoint ment Photo Artlat- Poet Overflow Personals Mr M spent Saturday In city Etta Wesley spent Sunday at Bradford Mr Hill was in Toronto tor holiday Mr West spent the holi day at Queensville Mr spent over the holiday in Toronto Mr Charles Bennett spent over the holiday at the city Mr Doyle Is on a six week trip to Mr Howard spent the holi day at Gravenhurst Mr Gibson spent the Sunday at his homo In Mr John of Toronto was homo over the holiday Mr and Mrs Chestnut spent week end in Toronto Mr Harry in week at the Jersey jEUvcr Mr and Mrs Schmidt spent tho week end a Mr Roland McKay spent Sun day Mondays in Orillla The Tench are visiting at Beach Stayner Mrs Howard is making a three weeks visit at Ottawa Mr Fred Davidson of Toronto was home over the holiday Mr- John Hodge moved his family to Toronto this week Mrs Kilgore and baby left on for a visit at Nia gara Mr J of Woodstock Ont visiting with friends in town Miss Irene of London la visiting with Mrs D with Miss at Orch ard Beach Mr Oscar Stephens Step hens aiid Master Barry Stephens spent the holiday at Lake the guests of Mr and Mrs Richardson Mrs of Toronto Was visiting with Mrs the holiday Mr P of Toronto spent over Sunday with his family at Mrs Miss Trent spent Monday at Orchard Beach with v Miss Mann Miss Mildred Stevenson return to Toronto on Wednesday after a couple of with her patents her Mr Clarence Lee of Toronto who summering at Orchard Beach- spent Tuesday in town Miss Gertrude Weir returned On Tuesday after spending two weeks vacation In Toronto Miss Clara has returned from a visit with frlendsln Oril and points Mr and Mrs Minar and family of Buffalo are spending a few days with Mr A West Mrs Flowers and daughter of Toronto were the guests of over the holiday Miss Martin of North Toronto and Mrs Martin of spent Tuesday wih Mr and Mrs Mr Bert Gardner and family motored to Belleville an Saturday and are spending a few days Mrs and daughter and Miss Abnie 0Neil of Toronto are visiting with Mr Ay Mrs and Miss of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs tiughson over the holiday- Miss and Master Gar field Newton spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wiley at Orchard Beach Sadie Watson of Cleveland and Gertie Rogers of Tor onto were visitors at Mrs Trlvetts over the holiday Mr and Mrs L Atkinson Mr Cyril Atkinson Rhea Atkin son and Miss Beryl Bogart the holiday at Point Mr and Mrs A left on Wednesday for a motor They will be away for the remainder of the week Mrs and family are spending a few weeks at Bala Park Mr also spent over the holiday there and returned on Tuesday Mr Kirwin Acting Inspector of Registry Offices visited Newmar ket on Tuesday fotftid every thing in good condition at the Office Mrs J and three accompanied by her sister Mrs Doyle and Mr Fred loft for her home Den- holm on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Basket Mr and Mrs Harold and Wal lace Mr and Mrs Howard and Love the week end with Mr and Mrs Geo Basket Mrs Mrs W Love and ylll remain during the week if LIGHT FIXTURES i You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Robertson Co supplies td4i oft oil A Sona Co fttOhtlck patrol A rep oil tart I Eves- cement scales Forester v A K Boyd di00 Boyd cat age 19015 York Radial gravel liy water services to for water granted to Tecumech St Toole St lor light grafted to Moore Prospect Ave Eves- Prospect Ave Sullivan and appeared before the Council re cement walks on the Bonne property Messrs- and A appeared the Council re better fire protection lor the High School property The Council authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement to build cement sidewalks on the Beime pro perty on the IronUiO tax builders agreeing to take Town in payment Council adjourned v Oar Toronto to CfEt I Iron Pall Fairs Carrie Bradford London Weston Fait Oct and ScPt23 Oct 2d Oct Sept A is in to the death of Mr Basket this week owing his father Mr Davidson spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Newmarket Sopt Toronto il Sept Oct Zephyr i Sept East at Oct and Methodist Church Two sermons by the Rev last Sunday and large con gregation in the evening mu sic by who gave two splen did anthems The choir is making rapid progress under Mr Newtons leadership I Next Sunday will be Mr Browns last Sunday Morning The noblest legacy the departed saint Evening The great sin of unbelief WilliamsWalker i A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr Irwin Niaga ra street on Aug when Mr Norman Williams Newmarket was united in naming Miss Annie Elizabeth Walker who arrived in To- onto from Yorkshire England on Sunday Rev Brown officiating vm Alter partaking jot dinner provided Mrs the happy couple left on their trip for Toronto and other places West On their re turn they will reside In Newmarket This is another young man from the who making good and The City Council- has decided provide a Civic Abatoir at a sooooq A Bleeping caught fire in the Union Station night last week and two dozen sleeping passengers had a hasty exit In their A been received by Dr Col Lowiher Military Secretary to His Royal Highness the of Connlaugbfc gating that Kings Cup the principal prize for Imperial Cadet Competition at the Exhibition had reached Ottawa The keeper of a restaurant on street named Charles was fined for allowing liquor to be consumed on his premises Fashion is a fickle jade and the very latest trip- of fashion mongers is that women shall wear more false hair Well thats needless so good many people think and remind one of tho man who wished figures would lie The Ontario branch of the ion Alliance has decided a temperance canVpaign next month Hero is the record Toronto for one day Must 120 persons well but not too wisely lined up in the Toronto police court docks on charges of drunkenness end disorderly conduct Sixty others had been released hy the sergeants n the stations Harold Knudson a young German was arrested on Friday on a charge of horsestealing from a farmer near named Alex Watson He comes up on Friday for trial A former member of the Toronto Rowing Club Mr Daniel Kennedy- was accidentally drowned at High land Creek on Saturday about fifty yards from shore Thirty teachers from London Eng land arrived in this city Satur day A formal reception was accost ed them at the City Hall on Monday Young on Saturday night opened an into the death of William Andrews who was electro cuted earlier in the day The Jury viewed the body and then adjourned rill Friday Tho now mission church St Nicholas was opened on Friday even ing last by the Lord Bishop To ronto Jammed between a freight hoist and the edge of a landing a the Robert sonCandy Works in Richmond street east Stacoy aged was terribly crushed and is in a serious condition at St Michaels Hospital The right leg is broken in two places and his left leg and arm aro J Edmonton Aug With the Win ters catch of fur from the wayan country Colin has ar rived here accompanied by fifteen res idents the northlandwho civ ilization only once each year The fur catch for Ms an improvement over lost year and to be tween arid- It many valuable skins of black and silver foxes Constantinople Aug her today that the great earthquake which was felt through a great part of Turkey Was accompan ied by much loss of life than at first stated The newspapers to day- estimate the number of victims at a thousand killed while the in jured are said to number from five six thousand Era till Christmas a It one site around a Cafe any length of tiroe a largo part every day la in Una way one la cer tain to be invited to a fight Cockfighting Is one commonest apbrta and while It law la inter fered with Large sums change those bloody The cafes are crowded there a constant stream of autoniobilee and carriage up arid down the boule vards are fined with liurrying to They a nearly all dressed In the height of fashion Havana Is one of the richest cities in the world come from Paris The only things arc and At oclock In a theatres in the pic tures arid variety theatres one finds real wickedness the hear bunny hug are modest compar ed with the dances shown oh the of ihe variety theatres the public ft admitted or and little plays are beyond description and the aoteeSei wear very scanty attire At midnight Central which In the heart of the city is crowd and filled with life as Strand and Piccadilly before the theatre swallow up the crowds The cafes are filled with people who cat ice cream and sip- soft drinks very little drinking pi alcoholic If In Havana Of course all Havana does not go to the theatre Many the fashion able set seek the clubs some gambling and others attend balls which are given The gayest affairs are given on at the Theatre al They begin about midnight and last until and oclock on Monday morning The Miramar is the Mecca of it one is well dressed and locks prosperous he is asked he wishes to play Electric Light Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY M A R K E T I K OUR STORE Wednesday Afternoons DURING July and August You Can Save Money by Your Shopping Toronto Jobbing House w A Ray The thing in nature or art is a ray of light when through a medium 61 uniform dens ity Hence the eye is enabled to test the of an edge or tube by holding It as neatly as possible incident a of light such parts as depart hem then intercepting a ray and causing a shade to be cast upon other pari It Is net known at what early period in the history of mankind the dis covery was made that could be thus determined It is cer tain that thousands of mechanics use the method without being able to give a rational explanation lor it Tha Motlva It was an evening party A young man with a tall collar and pale hair waft reciting a poem He had ground out slansas and the end Whats going whispered the guest who had coma in Rhymer is letting out his latest poem answered the Whats the subjectthe motived queried the late comer I have forgotten the subject re plied the P P hut I suspect the motive must be revenge At least I cant see any other reason lor it London- TitBits A I understand that your friend Hunter said Joakley Is working on a big money making scheme to remove weeds The ideal exclaimed I didnt know he- took any interest in gardening He doesnt He is merely laying his plans to capture old pretty widow a Fall and Winter Styles of SemiReady Clothing Samples Show S ome of the FINEST WEAVES AND PATTERNS Ever Shown in Newmarket STYLES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Prices from 1 to 35 i SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE AND I and Effect Mr Bridget told mo she saw Mr going to this morning wonder matter Mr Mr Hob- son had another attack of heart trouble or Mrs a new hat T Initials Enrolling OfHcer What Is your name Espy Casey Enrolling Offloer with evident tation Shoot a few those initials 1 S P KcO what Whole Thing everything at your house Shes all right thank i Aug Tho barn Jones property on St- where he recently erected rtsi- waa burned about It is not known- to fire originated but it issuspcct to have been started by a tramp The Hay a- cutter and implements were burned also The loss is partly covered by Er till Christmas tor Children FOR Delivered in Seven Days Satisfaction Guarantee or Money Refunded Also Headquarters or HighClass Gents Furnishings GIVE us X Boots Shoes A CALL DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter i a TREADEASY The TRfeADEASY Cushion Sole 1 i i 9 V if HZ Empress of who dl I WR I t end with Mr and another young man OV1 Country who Is making to six thousand FOR MUs spent Sunday Era till Christmas tot35o TO R I A v v I J 4hbhhVAhhhb Wf am a aaaa a awMtB FbWbWbbb aWAai a al aPVaaBaBaa aT a awr aaaataBaa akl aarar a ar a aaat a ai a r L K J TORONTO

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